1-X Uatauga Democrat; Published Every Thursday : : .v'yv"'; tUiU tnm Hers. Tha rider uhIip pulpit does Hot lighten the oihl. . ,v Hofin kh HurpMPHw inonrli ; 1,V tlH JoTUI pHHHPM Itl VY. . ; He who deeern tea his body dithn i -Irit Crea 1 01 . . .tGri-ttt men are those who apply ihe mensnrpH ol heav en to the mattprs nf parth. The herein hunter tries to makMb nWpr ofnrth by blowing the dirt from their , root. .,. ': " The man who has paten too hpartily to enjoy the r - iiiou is ginning in exaetly the mi me way aa t he drunkard lying; to the alley. 'The kmgdWn of henren ..Will not couih till tupn romp jnafcp .Hin laws supreme and JHih will g renter than the i :world of tm.jorities. Tourou! cannot eat by v : Seflfwekers do not find tun I ;. vat ion. , The fear (rf 'God cures the iearor man. Yuu may always suspect V the HiiiipieiouH :nun. He is poor indeed who can- not live .without rit-hes, 7 .V(f hen the devil prpaches, - Ipiivp yoar pnrhP at hoiup, The poffp'r the snow when it falls thp deeper wil it sink. - The roots are refreshed ihv vthe rain i pleased 1 by the leaves. , When earthly g;ods be ;conie oar highest good thpy 4)eromebhi,greatP8tPvil. :. The ideal determines the re llnrhteosness Is.the beet rit nal. Call at M. B. ' Blarithnrn's and tret, a free Ram pie of Cham bpr'aln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physi?.r Thpy also improve thifappetitp. strenKthpn the digestion and regulate thp divprand bowels.' They are easv to take and. pleasant in -i -fleet. An old iiPgrii in a neighbor : hooditown arose and said; ; 'Brediprin and sisteiin, 1 :h.ie been a m'mhty mean nig Ker in my time. I had a heap er ups and downs !Dc-ially idowiiK-sim-p. Ijjined de chuch. It.le rhirkeiiH and water (tuillins. 1 riisspd. I gotdrnnk J .shot ithdh. 1 slashed udder -i-oons wid 1113 razor, an 1 done er sight pr things, but 'thank the good L-iwd, bred derin- and Histerin; I neyer lost aiy ljgion." Ex. A tyi-alaed Aikle Oalckiy Cm red. "At on time mifferpd from a 8epr sprain of the ankle'' , says Geo. E Cary. editor of thp Gnidp, tiinnington. ra. !After using several well rer otnmended medicines without suitpss, I ti ied Chninberhiin' " Pain Baliri. and am pleased to Bay that relief ramp as soon as 1 began its use and a complete cure speedily follow '.cd. For sale by Blackburn. The colonial question is set tied at last. Porto Rico and the Philippines are now as rrmucb a part of the United -States as Aiizona and Okla- homa. but theie is nothing to prevent any or all ol these being barmi out bytnriff laws, differing from those in force in the States. So says the Supreme court. " "I had piles so bad i could get -no ret nor find a core uotil I tri .eC. Ue Witt's V tch Haiel Salve. After using It one, I forgot I ev er had anything like piles." E. C. ' Bfe,ycv, Somers. Point. N.Y. Jook ut'for iniittioiR. : MoreU. and 5rrHr! .tohijyorj nucl Buchon- - A1 n t , t J i i r' r y ( t M i f ' v re aliiiiiou ielirn winli have been in the National Muse um for years was , recently turned over to Miss Mary Curtis Lep; of Virginia, rppre 8ehting her brother, George William Curtis Lep. the heir to the relics. The relics eon sist of blankets, sets of chi na, including one given to Mrs. Wellington by (jpner n Lufaypte and othpr Wash ington relics now in the muse um. v: 'l have heen troubled with In digestion tor ten .vears, hav tri h) many tliirurs and sient murh money to no purpoee until I tri ed Kodo D,vnie)HiaXJure. I have taken , two dottles and gotten morH relief tro n them than all other medicines taken. I I e e I more like a hoy than I have felt lor twenty years." - Anderson Rifr8. of Sonny Ijane, Tex Thon snnds have testiifed as did Mr. RijrgH. Moreti & Farthing, John son & Kucha nun. " When j on kepp yoiir prea clif f worrying over hin Kro eery bills you can hardly ex peet them to feed you on thp bi-ead of lifp. f . , - - CASTOR I A fr Infimti ud Children. Tl3 Cfcd Yea Ri7i Ahp E::jkt WgMtartof Idleness is the devil's Indus try . i Put Blcjf le Klder Will often rrceive painlul ents sprains or brniwB from accident Hucklen's Arn'w a Salve, will kil he pain and heal the Injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cnmichaflnc. chapped hands,, sore lips, burns, ulcers and piles Cure guaranteed unh 2oc Try it. Bold by Black burn. Conxressman Boutell, of Bangor. Maine, died some days ago at the McLean As b luni, Wpavprville, Mass. He had tippti at the institution for many months for treat ment for brain troubles. " A rolorpd-citizenguvt n jus tic of the peace a big, fat 'possum as a wedding fee. Mieting the justice a -year after 1 he marriage the .form er said: "Well, Jim, how do yon liku married life? "Well.snh," wasthereplv, "al I ran Bay is I wish J'd eat dat possum." "Johnnip, your hair is wpt. You've been swimming a Kain." "I Ml in, ma!" "Nons(nsp: your clothes a re perfei tly dry." ' Yes'm. I knowpd you did n't want me to wet Vm, so I look phi oft More 1 fell in." rf . NOTICE. North Cnrolliu, Superior Court, ' Wutaujftt Couiuyrj 8prlii( Term, 1901. W. B. CoundUetU .Ti. Iraac Dougherty tad A. M. Dougherty. . Under and br virtue of Indmnent oh. tulnedintbeabore entitled am at the Spring Term, 1901 of the Superior Court of Watauga County and by virtue of an order lanlnc Iran mid tma In the labore cats I will on Monday Juiy l, woi, between 10 o'clock A. H. and 4 p. m.. Kil for tsash at tmMia nntw ml Dm court noun door la Boone, H. C, the following aeacntiwl tract or punxl of land. ris. x hun dred and eishtv acre of land Mnr uul holn In Watauga county on the head watert of Meat Camp anawvei.-rceuintiM deep gap of the, Rich Mountain through which rani a mainnuhlli rood, atid land lying on both aide of. eaU road and on both tddw of aald deepgap adjoining the i.. . i . . muiujm w buwiiiou urogon ana Laaanne genon the north and John Morvta. JohWlDebargerand Auntln MUk-ron the aoutb, Klkana Muagrareon theetttt and f. P. Mast and others 00 the weal. One tract of 317 acre conveyed to A. M. Dough erty by J. C. Miller and wife, one other tract con veyrd to him by Levy and Auatln Miller and their wire containing one hundred and forty acres one tract conveyed to him by Uban Wine b uwr and wife containing 60 acret, one tract ctwreyed t him by Naham Wlnehargcr and wltu containing 107 acre, and one other tract purcb aiiud from E. B. Miller containing 100, all of Wld true ly!nj contiguous to each other and cr,ntiiii)i j ia t!i neprvxHte arj-mt 640 nrrvt more or ks. kk dHl lilt be male to j;U rchasct aj iwumlj!i'fnofm rnak... ThtMaT28, 1P.'1, ' ' K- 3 COPfCI. Coinmiionsf. Spirituality i fjor, s;--.-) UlOlilC I flirt now located at Mabl with a neat stock of itoods 9nd take this method of let ting you know that J am pre pared to save you money on every purchase as it is a fact that I am seilinjr goods more closely than any merchant In this part of the county. : ; 10COSVISLEYOV, I will quote you a few prices. 9 lbs. good coffee for fl.OO. Best prints. 5 to 6 rts. (3ood dompstictit!. jeryard. bVstsucar 16 !bs. for 1.C0. And all othpr poods are go ing at rorrpspoiidingly 1 o w flu u res. Come and see me. CIUX1RY PRODUCE. Bring it along. I want it, and will pay you the highest market price for it. lean and will savp you money if you will givp me your trade. WI am occupying the buil dingof O. U. Lowrance. A call from you will be appreci ated. Youns Respectfully. A. . MOBETZ. Mabel, 4 3. Executor's Vttine. v Having jauuliried as executor of the last will and testament ot Jj cob i. Fry. deceased, all persons naving claims against stud estate are herby notified to present the same to the nndereiirne 1 dulv an thenticated withiu, twelve nios. from the date hereof or- this no tine will lie pled in har of t h e I r recovery. May 2, 1 001. William Elrod, J. A very Fhy, Kxtutors. AtUiUUrSoti. Having qualified asadu.inistra tor ot the estate of ReDjnmin Hartley deceased, allueisoiwhav ing claims against his estate are notinea to present them duly au thenticated within 12 months from the date hereof or this no t ice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This April 9, 1601. H. H. Farthing, Administrator. Boot & Shoe Shop -BLOWING ROCK,N.C- . 0. H. DUNt'AN,-PR0PiET0R. Best grade of laced h n o t h. shoes, and leggins always on hand," Prompt and careful attentiou given to repairs at all .times. lOXothintr but best material used, and satisfaction gnarun teed, (live me a call. 'Very Truly, ft. h. nriNHAK. 410. '01 NOTICE. North Carolina Watauga Co. in theSupPiior Court, be fore thpt'lerk. , Warrpn A. Hnlten, Alice Bolick. John Foard. Ellen Cook, ('has. Dumgarnpr, Ma ry Ann Oaks, Sarah Foard, Mody and upo. npague, Jtho da Greer. Nelia Uolvard. Mn. tilda McLean, Chas. Moody, Julia Fletcher and Monroe Hamlet, heirs at law of Chs. W. Hatten, deceased nirainst Ma rit in Moodv. Janp Rimer. Thos. Porffltt and wife. Dor cas Proffitt, E. C. Moody, E iizanpth, Louisa and Elvira Hatten, Pat Clark and wife. Elvira Clarkp. Win. Davis mid wile, Elizabeth Davis. George Ha.res ami wife. Nancy Ha vps. Frank. John. Walter and Nellie Bnmgarner, fas.F. Hatten, Wm. Guyn, Charlps, Wm. F., Mnnlp and Dorras Hatten, Alvis Teogup,' Win. Reed and Grant Moodv. heirs at law of Charles W, Hatten. decpaspd. - . The defendants above named will take notice that a uroceed ing entitled as above has been . a commencea in tne Superior Uourt of Watanga county to sell lands for partion between the heirs at law of Charles Haten. deceased. And the defendants will further take notic that they are rcqnirtd to appear before the Clerk of t he Superior Court of Watanga conu tv in Boone, NC, on Mondav. tha 10th day of June. 1901, aiid answer or demur to the com plaint in said proceedios; or the plaintiff willapply to the conrt tor the relief demanded in ftflid complaint. April 23, 1901. John II. Bingham, c. b.c. L D. Lowe, Attorney. . 5'('h Vt'i kt lij,-- !itrui;;!if m lor 50,00(1 damn;:' aaln a Njw York eoiset compan.v for publiMhing an advrtis"7 ment '"ctnisisting of a thi-e. four I hs tize pit nre of herwif in a partial stale of undress'' wearing a rtirset and very! few ot her things She Is a Vir gininnand saysbtie has suf fend great mental anguish and ebe was greatlr humilii ted by scoffs aud jeers of per sons who recognized her face in the aforementioned pic ture. ;-: I I Good Csiifk ledlfjiss. It speaks well for Chamber lam's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any othpr. '! have sold Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and enstomers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Ecten, New York. "I bavp always used it in my own family both for or dinary roughs und colds and colds and for the conub fol lowing la grippe, und tint1 it very efficacious."' For a I p by Blackburn. Jt is estimated that there were thirteen, trillion square yards of earth removed in making the canal across the Isthmus of Corinth. . You can not enjoy perfect health rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes, if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged, KWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Mor etz and Part hi ag. Johnson and Buchanan. A baker may be out of work ' and still knead .noth ing. ' . - Those tanious little pills, De Witt's Little Earl v Risers will re move all impurities from your system, cleanse, cleanseyour bow els. make them regular. Moretz & Farthing. Buchanan & John son. God gives riches to our hands when our hearts are not set on them. You will waste time il you try 'o cure indigestion or dysieiHi'u by starving yourself. That only makes it worse when tou do eat bearlily. You always need plent of good food projierly digeetetl Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the rf suit of years of scientific research for something that would digest not only the elements ol food hut every kind. And it is (be one rem edy that will do it. Moretz and Farthing Johnuon.and Buchan au. True life is righteousness, loye.joy, p rare .It is out ol doorsand is intellectual ami spiritual sunshine. It is ue cr among the dissonances of nature nor the jnr of affairs. -Eli Fay. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially dleesta the food and aid Katurtla sireDgtheDlng and tecoo Btractios the exhausted dtRMttve or- g&an. Il ls the latest dlseovereddigeat- ant sna ionic, no onier prepanuoa can arjDnnch It la efflciencv. It In stantly rellevesand MrinanentlT cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. 8our Stomach. Nausea. Siok Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand auoinerresuiisoiimpexieciaigesuoD. rrlessoaandlt .LwteaiieitaliMSMtines small alia Book ail about flyapapsiaiaaUaafm Praawad by fc & DsWITT CO, CtjUOflS. Sins: CASCARETS and iter ara tha haa mediolna we have orr bad in he hoaaa. Last waek my wife wm fraatk) with badab lor twodara. tba tried soma of Tnurrf;ARF.Ti and tbar rtllavad lh pain fa bar bead almost anmcwanir. we DotnreeommandCaaeareta." vnaa. BTnaroROb PlUabarf gaft Depositee., riwabnrf, Pa. Boo. Mater Slokea. Weafcra. or Srlpe, IDs, , (vs. M. CURC CONSTIPATION. ... lmae sr imm, . Mi,fWa. ti CANDY . . ' Uj CATMAPmC . E3 -TO-EAS tvTYli'Sf- 6 n jill 'hmi- -J iilininimi.iiiin.riti'TFTriTihinM , ..TL;,7;jir,7nr.Tn.r t...uii'niminii'nB! jCvetaUe Preparationfbr As slrtl CxFoodandfietfuta uCxSEada anil Dowels of Promotes DigesttonCheerful ncssandRest.Conlainsaeliher Opkimforphine norneraL MOTNAaCOTIO. iW- . Wl nsNWa Apertecl Remedy for CansUps lion, Sour StmnDUrrhoea and Loss OP SLEEP. facsimile Signature of ; NEW YORK. - 1 n EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. V "And now, my children," said the teacher, who had been talking about, militaiy fortifications, "can yon cell me what a buttress is?" Please, ma'am," cried lit tie Willie, snapping his fin were, "it'a a nanny jjoat." "Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune and Harsh." SfcakeepMsa'a ' description -flta Jhon. and ot woman. They .are ,eroaa, tUs pondent, aickljr, ,iiervoa-a burden to themselves nd their .famlllea. Their aweet dispositions are gxnc, and they, like ioe mo, acem aaaiy out ot tana, nut than m remedy. They can mas McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It brings health to the womanly organism, and health there meant well poised nerve, calmness strength. It restores womanly vigor and power. It tones up the nerves which suffer ing and disease hare shattered. It is tiie most penect remedy ever devised to restore weak . .women to perfect health, .and to make them attractive and happy. i.oo at all druggists. For advice in cases requiring spec ial directions, address, giving symp toms, "The Ladies' Advisory De partment," The Chattanooga Medi cine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. MET. J. W. SMITH, Oamdea, . C, ays -"Hj wile and Win of Cardui at hone (cr 'falling el the womb and It entirely cared Fine Nursery Fruit. I have on hand a fine lot of fruit tree, such as apples, (teach es, pears, prunen etc. etc. 1 alno have a fine assormeut ot grape vines that are best suited to our climate. If you con template buv ing any trees or vines, I can seil them to you at about one bal the price you would have to pay at other nurseries and then you have the satisfaction of knowing what you get. All tree? delivered at my nur series. Trees trom three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on cr address, W. L. Coffey, Moretz, N. 0. 7r CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS, end year boataeM direct to Waahlnstosu saves time, eoeta leas, better aervleeu srfeaMMmwiV.arMattSflM. misnmahv imam mat. Alty', mm mat tm nUl mmUmi jy ko a j. arrurrios ama-is fTTx AOtoaxmiuUHOS. wk "In to .Vtala runt. Unit" rNw r.tUt ,(,,, vitkM (tern. mTmZ I N V E TJTI V E AC E P A Aianrna LilirtCHInim a.Lafw. r KMrihrHN .fN., C. VIHNSlll YIWASMinOTDrl. D. C cr nant fcnd Children. Tt3 IQ:d Yc-j-llavo Always DoL'sht Bears the . Signature Jrt j In Use For Ovor Thirty Years! Mil vms atimHia hmmnti nvm vaaa em. , Love is like arsenic; if jon take a little, it is deadly poi bod, bat if you take a lot y ou will t?et over it and it will on ly cleanse yonr system. Ex. Spring coogbs are specially dan geroua, and unless cured at once, Herions results often follow. One Vf inute cough cure acts like mag ic. It is nut a common mixture hut hi a high grade reined). Mor etz c Farthing. JohnBjn and Buchanan. Yon can' helplooking down on a man when he's in a hole. - i ' ii 'Last winter I was confined to my lied with a very had cold on the lungs Nothing gave me re lief. Finally my wile bought a hot tie of one Minute Cough Cure tha t effected a speedy cure. 1 cannot sneak too highly of that 'excel lent reniedy'-jJr.T.K. House man, Manatawney, Pa. 1 Ilb Morning Post lAliBiGH,X.C The only popular-priced morn ng newHpaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen era! news service. Special correspondents in a 1 1 parts of the State giving a com plete synopsis of State news.- STJBoCRIPTlOH FB1CE: . One month,.,.......'.. .40, To months ;.. . .75, ' Three months.....;. 1.00, One year.....; 4.00. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time paid for. Si nd in your subscription. ' BnaanBBBSnBBnna annREss ' THE MORNING POST, Baleigh. N. Cm nf XAatffy m w - aanaiBni TS1AOS MARKS, V i OOPYRIOHTS A. r I meisendlnffjetiikanddMertietoaBisy V , SSSLf.Tln,.t f""?nllB atrletlv CIEMTIFIO AMERICAN, . flooa on ?TnrTs Motfraa, AOtirmm ' MUNN 4 CO., !'"'! llrvadway. Raw f- rli. Onu and Trada-Marfca mttmtm mmA .n v.. ;etbiiDMcndortlfoc weoiRATt rrra. ! iOuMOmecmOPwearrci,a. ravsnvomet jua wcnMure Muatni teas tua tkaa 1n--tT icmot Irorn Washington, Icaari. tloa. Wi adriM. M paMnubla er not. (rca af Our (ee aot due till patent Is sNarcd. r & m .11 - av comt o( samaia the U. B. and loreica aoaatriM A P 'mMPMirr. How to Obtain rmtanlm.u miir Add, C. A. G rj OVJCl CO LtP. PATtNf OrnrtC. WASHINOTOfl. o. C. w in O .!'""(-, ?;.4-.v- O 0 'I.- 0 . 0 o J i 1