j'6 it 10) (r A' 4'. . 4; I - . i- :: I ' . . I r niV-IT ra tin1 tntitiuniinl ill I II j. -'. . , I a R-J A fc-J Mil A. a ' A i smaller. It keeps spread-l ing, until. vour friends $ay. " How bald he is gcnir.g. i-Not easy to cure an old .baldness, but easy to stop, the first thinning, easy to cheek the first falling Out; (Used in time, bald ness is ni a d e i b i I e wiih ,It. stops falling. .1 takes, out ail dandruff. It always ; restores color to faded or gray hair, all the-dark, rich color of early life. You . may .depend 'upon it every time. .It brings health to the hair. . ' )1.06aboMI.- AIIDrugftot. 1 har nwd yonr Hair Vigor and am greatly leauud wl b It I hav oi y nsed on bottle of tt,nd jret bit hir hn Btopi rd falling ontand bit itartad to crow suln toy." . juliii Witt, KarckSg,t. Cwwt, 9. Dk. - Mlm thm Oocfotv If you do ; ot obtain ;i Venflt ' yon exiwettil from th mt of tlta Vkol, wr"t the Portor nhont It. 9 t y,v -'v : v .t ,w .Ti i-- ,A V A A ' PROFESSIONAL. J. C: FLETCHER Attorney At Law, UOONE.N.C Ciireful Httention given Jo collections. -j,.. i i-ATTORNTLAW- ' Bjiipf rtr.o.tfention si veri to Hlljiusinfe entrueti'd to hirt carp;"38 :; ,; - 4 . 'rt-23, 1900. J. W. TODD.i GEO. P. PELL. ArYoiiMiArLAw;' JEFFERSON, S. C. Will practice rpgularly "in the i 1 1 at last ii courts oT 'Watauga. Headquar ; ters at Cbflfv'B Hotel d u r i q g court."' t-S; h :'. .!..- 54-9D.- E: S. COFFEY JOf Aij?'b.X2sr.4 ha w i;:; L COOKE, N.C. I Prompt 'attention given, to :j nil matters or n legal tinture. f 93' Abstracting titles, and , v collection' of maims' special dr. ar. m:- hogshead; Caacsr Specialist, i BANKER'S : ELK. N. C vV ftoKniifr-Noi'Dmpirig Oat. ' Hlgheat vefereiicbs and endors ;? ments of jirdriiinen t personH euc ' v.'cesHfully treated ; in ; Va Tenn. O and N. C Remember that, there j i no time too soon to. get rid oi . a Micerooa jrrowth no matter how sraall. Exananation tree iiiDRtion y iree.i . letters anewere-i Jromptij, ano r- ... . J(PhP, ATXUUA COUNTY. X., A v d irrt (r ti tre " bfotfi i r 1 be mjnjitra.i itiK fnse bt the brumler"- ip'g jtbe f prent tariff ; war ;niuwcu wi'Itija not,Tof four8, at.fenowledped to !) n caHO of Munder. On the con VC'Vbllt hn bef nlpifif ijijli nn nounrpd toot Mr'McKiniey and all the 'Cabinet endorse Secretary Gage; Tut; that it in really rccofshixed iif.'aiduh der, in phown from the; fact hi so Viffioia lly a nn annced, tha t Secretary Hay has, under in- Htructjona. explained the mat ter to the RuHsian Govern ment, with the hope of lieing aide to bring about a flat is fartory rendjufttment of the matter If Secretary ..Gaj;e was right, why should the di plomacv of the State Depart rueiit be called in to straight en out what has followed Hirhtful nets? This adrainis tralicnTPrvfrequentlrmnkeH ihe mistake ' of nnderratinp; the intelligence of the public. Mr rMeKinhrs delayfin na mihpr a new. Commissioner of Pensions has put the repub lican opponen ta. of Commis sioner Evanif in a very ugly humor and they ..are Jetting out campaign secrets. "Cor- porl" Tanner, who has haen prominent;, in the fight a- gainst Evans, said: "I do not k now Nether it. i? a fact tho t ji4 known to tne puoiic ornor but it is true, iieverthPfl, hat .the'. National Repnbli can Committee, prior o, the ast election, promised faith ullv that Mr. Evans woult be retired from the office o Pension Commissioner. rpm the beeinnine of Presiden McKinley's .second adminis tration. in case of his reelec tion. rWe have that promise in black and white. It is in the form of a letter written bV'thn? National Committee to Gen! Sicklfr and he still has that communication." The VCorporai' 'intimated that it was onlv bv juaking' tha nfom ise i b a.; t he co m m i t tee succeeded in keeping tne so diervotein line lar'McKin- ev, and that if the - promise was not' soon redeemed there wonld be trouble,5 and k)ts of it, m the ranks of the g. o. p; Evans says he will r not re sign, and Mr." MeKinlf geemp disinclined, to push him out. There the mat ter is still stan ding. . : ' Senator Deboa . is engaged in a job that should berepug nant to a : gentleman . and doubt less is to him, although he lacked the backbone to re fuse to undertake it, when or dered to do so by the Repub lican Central. Committee of Henry county. Ky, The job is to prevent the; reappoint ment of Mrs. ertrud nun. ders, a widow who has served two terms as postmaster at Newcastle, Ky., and made an official Tccord without 0 flaw and to get Dr. Gray, a repub lican politician, . appointed. To the credit of Fourth As sistnnk Postmaster General Bristow, under whose juris- ,.- .i.. u:a nn t'liif inn i k uimiri ia. iu a ftf w , . , - fc & dovt , not. Ukcl.v,' y syc('eed,( Heiold Senator, I)'bo that it wasn't he. polirfy.ol thedepaitment to remove postmasters with but And when DeboJneQ to pcet jtf r.'McKinley to nctv he was told .that he never in terierea in the niibointVient! of fourth class postmasters. t J ne piace only i pays; sixty idolldra ;a month, hut the widow wants t.h'nd ought to have it. Ever body . who, has - seen a copy of the gorgeous little book issued; by the pink tea roaster, nar excellence,' whose official title is Adjutant Gn era "of the Army, containing the itinerary tol this penieoai heroe'siunket to the Philip pines, has enjoyed a good augh of Corbin's exhibition of the big! head. It wasa stretch of cood taste when Secretary ! 'ourtel y cu isued a printed pa mphet, contain ng,the itinerary of the Pres identj.il trip to the Pacific Joast, but the official rank of that party aud natura curiosity to know all about its goings and comings, ex fused that, but no such ex cuse can be made for'. the vn iai ostentation of .Adjutant General Uorbin,, in copyihg that idea and issuing. a pam phlet with the following title page, lettered in gold: "Tour of the Adjutant General of the Army to the Philippine Islands, from June 2.0th to Sept. 23, 1901." In addition to civmg fill th9 stops of the trainbearing thy self const! tuted hero across the coati nentthere are blank pages beaded "date" "lattitude", etc , for the thrilling adven hires that must perforce' at tend his trip across the Pacif ic, and more blank pages for what will happen in the; Phil ippines. If some 'Filpino mountain jbrjg&ndsf'shouhl take the notion to kidnap Cortiin and keep hi an the peo nle of this country wouldn't make? a flood ' with their tears-1 Representative Burlesun of Texas, said: "This talk of r. publicans of tariff reform and nnti-trustiecislation. is all for effect, in'1 my opinion, When yorf speak of the trusts you instinctively! think' 'of the republican party. They are synonymous terms. The trusts own the republican par ty and that being .true it is absurd to say that the repub Means will enact legislation that may 'prove inimicable to the trusts. I don't rrean tn hp understood as saving that the republicans will not discuss the tarin at tne next session of (ongress, for I be lipve thev wdl make a pre- tense in that direction, bntit . - 7 - . will only be a pretense. " ine republicans will ha ve all they want to nttena to in legisla ting for the Philippines and Porto luco. - ' ref ord fl t lib t ; wns ;,nq it wairl.a . Rood i caus. THE HAGUE ftlCCORKLDRY GOODS COMPANY, -- IM PORTRES AND WHOLESALERS ' . : -GREENSBORO, N. C . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND IlATS We solicit trade ol merchants only, and sellnothingat re tail. We cordially invite all merchants to call on ns when In Greensboro, or to see our travelling salesmen before plac ing orders eisewnere.-v A ' Cm". mURSDAY. JULY,' 4, 100?. ,1 "Dixie' Pjinr. ' - Cjp1umla State." " "Dixie," sa.Vs the New Or leans- nmes'-Demoerat. '"is not rWiVed now as "Dixie" 'iy yia. aTi d " j rfrl gi nj? f r 6'iii (Urrcuii iiiuii .fi I IWIIO lino UIJ themi of Hhfe1 Lost' Cause is passing f rom nmong the pop ular airft of the dy. One cah scarcely belle V6 that "Dixie'' is passing. But the fact re mains that this air, popular ns ic may oe, is nor received with that enthusiasm which marked it in the days gone by. 'and,1 1h facrV' the tune seems to be something other t Iran it was. Even the old Confederates' do not shriek over VDixie' like they did in days gone br. Why? The fu ture muni tell. Mayne voices have gro w n h n s kr. Maybe the old men are tired and. do not want I o yell. Maybe Un cle Sam's new policy of throw ing his gig into any old is land that suits his fancy, has something to do with this change. "Dixie" dying! One can scarcely believe that 'Dix ie' dying! One can. scarelj' believe that "Dixie" is pass ing, in spite of the changes which have taken place in A rrerican politics" This may be true in Louisiana but it. is hot in South Carolina, noi indeed in this section of the South. -Every time the tune is played by band or orches trv the audience yells just as vociferously and enthusias tically, as ever. What is more "Dixie" now - brings hearty applause in liashington and New JOlK -wnere mere are many Southern people and is even cheered throughout the north, it; is not strictly an ' anthem of the Lost Cause,' but a song which because, oi its sentiment and its lively, inspiring time as well ' as its association with the south's great struggle for independ ence will never cease 'to be popular in this sect iiin 1 ; Saved Two From Death. Our little dnairhter had an. a most fatal .attack, ol whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. K. Havland, ol Anno.nk N. Y.. but when nil (.(her reme dies failetl; we saved her life Witl Dr. Kintr's New -Discovery. 0m niwe who hud consumption innn advanced stage also used this wonderlul remedy nrfl today Riie is ncftctlv well.' Desperate throat and Ituig disat.03 ,ichl to Dr. King's Njw Discovery us to no otlirr medicine on earth. Infalli- tlo for rnnuliH mill tuilds. fU I'ts and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Blackburn, Trial notties tree. r Get to.your work early, and stay at, and you will succeed, Phillip Armour. "I had piles so bad 1 could get no rest nor find a cure, until I tri er. DeWitfB Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once, I forgot I ev er had anything like piles." KX. Boyce, Bomers Point, N.Y. Jxmk out for imitations. Moretz and Farthing, Johnson and Buchan an. ' . ; , S.L..lKSKINS.,Jr.,SuleKmann t:ifi-' Modern Eplfrrtms, A,, woman's esteem isi al most, priceless, but , it may cost .rou her love. j. Vrx who ha rdly k no wa enough' a- uommusic to even uutu iwiuuh - "" ,,; " in tinie. . - ,; ..... -m, ,f Onlv truth commands truth; he who lies will always be de ceived. ", ; .'',. 0 ' ' Manv well meaning" peace makers make.it their mission in life just to pour.oil.on the troubled flames. , , An hour of passion is worth a year, of experience, but it may prove even more expen sive. , ' ,- LoDkers-on seetnostpf the game, but they have to culti vate, a wicked imagination sometimes. - It is not the false teeth t hat are most objectionable; it is he fale tongue behind them. Instead of waiting for his ship to come in a man "sho'd charter a tug and go out to meet it. - An Irish orator speaking of nis native land said: "Ire land's cup of miserr has been overflowing for years and is not yet full." No woman s waist can com pare with the waste of time Marriage is like any other disease: while there is life there is hone. It is a great pity that some animals can't talk, aad a areat pity that some people con. The man who blows his own horn is merely a self-enter tainer. Selected. " Hotel Life In the Klondike. Lenoir Topic, Lew Harper, chief clerk of the Southern Hotel, is in re ceintol a letter from Law ronce A. . Davis, former key clerk of the Southern, dated Dawson, Yukon Territory. There is nothing remarkable about the letter, except the letter head of the hotel pa per upon which it is written. The letter head reads: Sour Doiigh Hotel No. 1, 333 Hcle First Class in Ev erv Particular. .Every known fluid, water. excepted, sold at the bar Private entrance for ladies bv ladder at the rear. Rates': One ounce (10) per diiy. Special rates to minis ters of the gambling "pro fesh." 1 Italians and niggers charg ed double. On each side of the letter head are the rules as follows: Guests wiil be provided with breakfast and dinner, bu innst. hnstle for their own lunch. Smked hoots must be re moved at night. Even the men who die may feel that they have much to live for. Serci Yenra la Bed. , 'will wonders ever cease I in quire the friends ol Mrs. 8, Pease ol Low ranee, Kan.v Jiiey Knew ttiov liml I x'pii iniiihle to leave her bed' in seven years 011 account ol kidnev and liver troubles, nerv ous pirostrntion and general .Je bilitv.bnt. "Three bottles of I lef.ti-if Hitters enabled me t o walk." he writes Vaud in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from headache, back ache, nervousness, melan choly, fainting and dizzy spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try ic. Satit-lact ion guaranteed. Onlv 50i t alttckburn's. NO. 22. Are prepared from "t tnro'o trtilrt ilivat:?we'. 'nrVrl tri : t wVtiiA -wtitle, are jfeliablft lit.'. .A i 'T" ...... ana 4 cnicien. ; , ijneyj v Cure Sick Headache, Bil- , ' iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. ' Sold everywhere,: 25c. per box. '" -; : 7-.. ' v . ' a aome uiii. '.T wews ana UDserver. , .The 'ten thousand dollar; gift of Mr. Peabody to the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro, in his second gift to that institu tion. It is money that is wise y invested. 'Nearly all the. moner-given to educational" institutions in the South has been given to to the educat ion of men. We are glad to see that Mr. Peabodj recog nizes the sorest need of , the South today is the opportu nity for an education by thou sands of ambitious women, he work done at Greensboro is 01 such a cuaracr.er as to invite gifts like Mr. Pea- body's and we hope that this is but an earnest of what is in the minds and hearts of generous men to do lor toe education of young women in the south. Mr. Peabody wisely devotes one half of his donation . to direct asssistaDCe to young women. The need in our North Carolina colleges is more for money that can help the youths through col lege rather than for larger en dowments and bigger build ings. There are 5,000 , boys and girls in North Carolina who would be in college next year if-they could borrowpart of the money necessary to pay their expenses. ft. Ft Bicycle Klder ...... : , Will often rrceive nainfuKcu'ts. , sprains or bruises from accident. ..... Bucklen s Arnica Sajve, .win Kia the paih'and hoal tlie Injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cnresehaang,; chapped hands, sore lips, burns, ulcers and piles Cure guaranteed Uulv 25c. Try it. Sold by Black-' barn. ' ' It is somewhat unkind to insinuate that Admiral Samp son is a Christian Scientist, t because he destroyed the Spanish fleet, if at all, by ab sent treatment. DO YOU GET UP ' ; ' WJTH A LAME BACK ? . , ' t Kidney Trouble Makes' Yon Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know' of the wonderful cures maae oy ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis- -covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der medalist, ftnd la - , wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root ta not rec ommended for everything but If you havekid- ' ncy, liver or bladder trouble It will be found -Just the remedy you need. It has been tested -In so many ways. In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor pur- -i chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement hat, been made by which all readers of this paper , who have not already tried It, may have a ; sample bottle sent free by mall, also a took .. . " telling more about Swamp-Root and how to " .. firtrf nut if vmihave kidnev or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this Daoer and fCFT W31IU TUUI "UUIWB Wl Dr. Kilmer &Co..Blnr- hamton. N. Y. - The regular fifty cent and Boa sti-r.;i, dollar sizes are sold by all good drui. 4 r v m. 1 j JtSlloTilvllvJlJ gUMIOIUWU,' , , , -