t ; Wataa Democrat. Published Every Thursday. y .'i:r:!. , Rum's Hm BUsU. ' ,.. ';, . Th lovH.nf thn lawleidsto 'iiilrt v ii it. , ; , ; ClfHrtH lif,K III VHIH fclWt '"Morittl hH Meiiient. i iLovHHmlt word Joffeii riaUVHlh MtllllilliHttf whoey. - jVlf jn t he KhortPtitiriil' t h 4lerjet definit ion of Bin. 8y:Wmih.Y anrifliiiwrity nre 4he W8trke.v8 to nil hearts. : U8 prenence oil our days alone van keep us in His v WU.V8. The advice that is dear us r,u jjift -will , be dangerouH a a guide. ';No n.an will ever be vie who m onvulliiiK to beesteeu'i 1 a fool. ..Your reputation will not xbeimptoved by hanging, on ,h KHtiealoKical tree. Don't make the roan with the crooked eye the com pans ,inan of. your church. You cannot moke yon heart a cess pool withoutgiv Mm your life mull odor. Sorne people cannot even a ' aTl . i . tnisr uou witn tneir cans without keeping n memoraii. dutn of them. The people who are alwavs irinrpiriir, on their own trouO- les will never bo troubled with harpn. When life will not be a - grain dig in it for gold. Teiupeiature of teu depends on temperament. It is always easier to praise . virtue than to pursue it. The glory ol Christ is the . onl.y glory of the church nrry great weight of mean ingv . . : The -.health of the liquor tUHinvf .may depend on your ffependina on i the', liquor for your health. Carc-rfreedoin will give you freedom of prayer. . A; traitor is, not he who fa iU but ha w bo flees. A;broad platforni may be but a good place to scatter on. Except life be deepened its widening will be- its ' weakening.- In Hyde county, says an tchange three hundred hor ses or more have died rapid ly from a disease like "blind staggers." Some unavoida- - Me delay in looking after it was caused hp the absence of the State Veterinarian in an other part of the State. A Hubstitute was -sent, ami now the Slate Veterinarian is on hand. Largejnternal doses of quinine and laxatives with external applications of kero bene oil and creolin are rec- ommended, withappliYations of cold waW and ice to the head and spine. The disease in said to be carried from one '.horse to another by mosquitoes. The.Knlpiah Post U confi dent that oil .can be found in neveral North Carolina conn ties Chatham, Cumberland, , Hrfrnett. Moore and others. It thmks the tiial should be made to test this. Explorers migh find a bonanza. Ex. CASTOR I A .Tor Infants and Children. l"Tkj Ihi Yea Hars Alwajs Bosgir Bean th - ' " JKgMtar of I ar!u'", a! Uo"!? , . We triH.v be q'ti tenure' I h:it, our will is likely to te ciot-a- j n.j liming mr: u.iv pu in usiuiMuy (mm . eii Tiie RTOunn prepare for It. --.Every person in the house haVan evil nature, as well b ourselves, and therefore : we are not to exvt too iuh. 4 When inrliued to. give an i(nVy jjmuwer, let ,'us lift up he hpart.in rayer. , If from sickness, pain, or in flruiity we feel irrituble, let us keep a very strict watch over ourselves. Unserve when others n r e suffering and drop a word of kindness. Wprch for little opportuni ties of pleasing, and , put lit tie annoyances t out , of the way. Tukfl a cheerful view of ev ery thing. and encouraue lnpe. I have to work very hard,' sighed Mrs. Hicks. '"You know I have to do everything myself," "Doesn't youi husband ev er help you?" asked Mrs. Wicks. "Well," sighed Mrs. Hicks, "he did once for a few days. but I had to work harder than usual that week.-Soin erville Journal. Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stom ach aft r eating? If so, you will be benefitted hp usine ''hamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. They also cure trtdchingand sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. I'nee 25 cents. Sold ay Black burn. ' An Irish lawyer addresd the court as "gentlemen" in stead of VYour Honors." Af ter he had concluded a broth erof the bar reminded him of his error, He immediately aro&etoapoogizethu8: 'May it please the Court in fh e beat of debate. I called your Honors gentlemen. It was a. mistake, your honors.'- -Coll icr's Weekly. ' & Poor Millionaire Lately starved in London ' be. cause he could not digert h'H food. Early use of Dr. Kind's New Life Pill would have saved bun. They strengthen the stom ach, aid digestion, promote a- ftmilation. improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not sat isnea. bold by lackburn, di ue gist Yon are disappointed. Do remember, if you lose heart a bout your worn that none ofitis lost; that the good of every good deed remains, and breeds, and vxorkson for ever; and all that fails and is lost is the outside shell of the thing, which perhaps might have .been better done, but better or worse has nothing to do with the spiritual good which "yon have done to men's hearts. -Kingsley.j James White. Brvanville, Ind. says DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve henled running sores on both his legs, He had snffered six jenrs. Doctors failed to help him. Get the best. Accept no imitation, Moretz & Farthing. Zeb Buchan. an. Crops and business- The flow of money now retnrnsto ward the farmer; he has for months been buyer; now h will be seller. Crops appear to be no shorter in North Car olina than elsewhere, in fact threi prospect of a gen erally Bhni terop. This means better prires. Both cotton and corn crops are short. The yield jif whmt however, was large. The business out- Bjlook is Hynidfivd (ijst clhgs. j BililicHl R. crdri ; -f . ' jSeiNitoiM'djatiririjOf H. '.,! ' . Friendly Advice, mill hi just or his support (rfl.He hh a i?rout .boiv.; hi t h iiania Fryo Sleamshipf was talking to a crowd mat in the operation of the law the exportation of South ern cot ten would be greatly promoted, There does not weiri to be much in this a rgu ineht, in fact that enough ships iire now afloat to car ry away nil the surplus cot ton of the South as well as th wheat of the North. Why then, should the American people impose ou themselves an enormous burden of snbsi dy for what has already been accomplished? But the steam ship bill of the late session which Senator McLaurin ad vocated, was so obnoxious in many respects that its pas sage through the Republican House was extremely doubt ful. For this reason the bill is now undergoing extensive re pairs with the hope of render ing it acceptable to the next Congress. Columbia State. Mrs, S H. Allport, Johnstowu, Pa., fays: "Onr little girl almost stranoled to death with croup The doctors said she could not live but she was instantly reliev ed by One Minute Cough Cure, Moretz & t anning. Zeb Buchan an. a There is no music ina 're6t' that I know of, but there is the making of music in it. And people are always miss ing that part of the life inelo dy, always talking of perse verance and courage and fortitude; but patience is the finest and worthiest part of fortitude, and the rarest too. Huskin. UH .1 A Pale Face U prominent lymptonf or vltuttfl blood - If covered witb pimple, the vidtnc li complt. h i nmura't wjfofwrnlnjrouofyourcoD(llUoo. Johnston Garoaparilla 'Wti to neat tf fttorfm pt undlnf or rMtotortflD. lutkinf Trt rcord tnrotflu ffl. sold tverirwber. Prlt 11.00 am fell quart boll). Prepared only by MicaioAK Kce ooxpAinr, BMr: Utah. Moretz & Farthing, Boone. N. 0. J. W. Hodges, Ruthciwood, N. .. . NOTICE. M . , . . ! My Virtue of an exerntmn directed to me from theSune -m m. ' nor Court of atauga-coun ty, N, 0., in which yntt Hayert ih plaintiff and J. L. Tugmnn and H. A.Davis are defndnntt, for the sum of ?17,46, together with inter est and cost, I will on Mon day, Oi-t. 7, 1901, at t he court hohne door in Roone in said county, between the hours of 11, a. m., and 13. p. m., proceed to sell' to the highest bidder for rash in hand all the reversionery in terest of J, L. Tugman, of in and to a certain tract of land ou Riddle's Fork in said eounty new comprising the dower of Caroline T'ltrman, widow of B. F. Tugman, de ceased, and hounded as lol lows: Betrinning on a beach, Hagan's corner, running N. 80 west 4 poles to a white oak on thp tianks of Kiddle's Fork of Meat Camp creek; thence South 5 ?ast 74 poles to a stake; thence north 77 poles to a magnolia and hornbeam, nt the road; thiiee north 85 west 22 poles to a small white oak stump; thenee south 80 west 20 poles to a white oak; theuse south 60 west 82 poles to n chestnut; thpnee south 40 poles to the beginning.' Thin Aug. 29 1901". W. B. Ba.ru, Sheriff. i I'oub me coniinir local 'IH'. tiun. He said: - "Gibbs is a' good man; I is capable, honst, feaths and conscientious. He wi! muke the yery kind of repn sentative we need. He onc saved my life from drowning. "Do you really want to see Gibs elected? " said the sol emn faced old man, . "I do, indeed. ld give anv thing to see' him elected," a swerecf the bore. "Then never : let any one know be saved your life, coun seled the solemn-faced "old man. Tid Bits. . Don't be satisfied with tempo rary relief from indigestion. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure pernmuently and completely removes this Com Elaint. It relieves permanently ecause it allows the tired stom ach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest Ihestomach. Nature receives supplies from the food we eat The sensible way to help the f-tomach is to use Kodol Dyspep sia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do jou good. Moretz and Farthing, zeb Buchanan, Hope is a rrighty big decei yer, but de woi 1' is folk win' after hira like a race hoss on a plank road. Alanta Con stitation. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest eas and have no fear. The child will be all right in alittlo whilf. It never fails. Pleas ant to take, always safe. sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Moretz & Farthing. Zeb Buchan. an. Notice to Wheelmen There's positively nd need to endure discomfort by reason of chafing, sunburn, insect stings, sore and perspiring feet or acci dental bruises. " You torget thes r troubles in using, Bucklen's Am nica Salve. Infallible for pirn pies, blotches, skin eruption and piles, Sold; by laikluir 25 cent. "Toa aevcr caa tell what a woman will do "lean." Well, what?" Talk." "That's It-A woman will talk and tell her inenni of me wonderful cures mntle by John Eton's Sarsaparilla. and the proprietors nave to . thank thousands of good noble" women in this , country for harinfr made Johnston's SARSAPA- - auaa uuuich; i&iouui. Dyspepsia Cure I Digests what you eat. Itartiflciolly digests thetood andaida Nature la Buengtbeulng and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest dlscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation caa BDDroach it In eulciency. It in- Stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgia (Jrampsand auotner results oiimperiectaigestton DatMAKAA M TikVA alava iwrtf nfmai ! 4lwM Price 50c. and fl. LarKealceeontatniSKtlmei mall alia. UookallaboutdyspepaiamaUedtKa Prtpartd by E C. CWITT A CO., Crjlcoa Hoiii my wlfo and myair havo ben ualnz CASCAHET3 and they are tbe best medlcina we have crcr bad In tbe house. Last weoli my wlfo waa faintlo with heudnche for two days, sho tried souioof yourCASCAKETS, and they relieved tlta ialn In her bead almost unmcQiaioiy. we otu recommc nti uaacareta. Ouas. BTaneroHU, Pittsburg Sate & Uopoalt Ca, Pituburg, Ft. MMnt, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Morer Hlokeo, Weakeoor Gripe, lOo, tec. Wo. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... SUrtUf Umti Cmtr, UlM MwtrMl, Sra r. tit Boot & Shoe Shop. -BLOWING ROCK, N. C- i O.H. DUNCAN, PnopiETon. fffil CANOV if vA CATHARTIC yt Beit grade of laced h o o t h flhoos, and. leggins always on hand. Prompt and careful attention given to rejinirn at all times. JSPXothuig hut bet material UHfd,.ntid ati8faction guaran teed. Give me a call., - VeuyTbuly, t . G.H. DUNCAN. 4 1001 . ! l(lilii;vNiii.,jlil:)llnl;.:iilitUtlo)TIIurimmfftTi ;t ( AVteetaUe Freparalionfor As ting (heStDoacbs aMBowels of Promotes DigcsHon.Cheerful ness andRestContalns neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral KOT'NARCOTIC. Ay tfOUOSAHVIlPfTQHXR AiiSmum Am Aperfecl Remedy forCoxisllpa Uon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. rac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. mm sr.. exact copy or wrapper. c Statistics show only one conversion from the age of twenty-five until death, to e leven conversions between the ages of eleven and twentj. five. Younj Women Th atry Into wormnhooj h critical Vmt tot a ftrl, Uttk mn. tftttl dbecden itarled at thai time soon fro into tatai complication). . That troubles art fillliur mwnnk provct this, Vine ol Cartiul cstab- lishet a palnleai and natural menstrual flow. wbeo once this important func- tion is started right, a healthy life will usually loliow. Many women, youn? and old,, owe their lives to Wine of Cardul. There is nothing like it to five women freedom from pain and to fit young women for every duty of life, $1j00 boitka at druggbti. Mb Delia M. Strayer, TuDy, Kaiu "I have suffertd untold pain at menstrual pe. rhxlt for a lon time, was aervout, had no appetite, and lost In terest In tvcrythaif, hi fact was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui.wlth ThedfonTs Black-Draught, when neecHand.tcday I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thinks I feel for what yon have dona for me." - roradrloa In oases reqolrtef sneelal dlree UotM, addreaa. Hiring symptoms, tbe Lnitlef' ArtTlsorv Departmsnt, The Cbattanoofa Med. lelo. Company, CbaUaoooga, 1'enn. Fins Nursery Fruit. I have on hand a fine lot ol Iruit trees. Piieh as apples, peach es, pears, prunes etc. etc. I also have a fine assonnent ot grape vines that sre beet fuited to our climate. If you con template tiny in? any tret's or vines, 1 can sell them to you at about one hal the price you would lave to pay at other nurseries and then you have the satisfaction of knowing what you pet. All trees delivered at my nur series. Trees from three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address, W. L. Coffey, Moretz, N. C. copyr'ichts and desicns. Send your bnatneea dlret to WashlnstoB. saves time, costs less, better service. Kytflneto. toU. aittatOfiot. TOI mHnla ry tnmuutlmi wmM. Attr'i fc. ast w mill uunt UMCuroi rKM0nAI,ArrEMTI00IVIH-lTIAM AceuiLXTrtknnnt i,, ...4...i. n iMt ltl att, wltkait turn, bi Ik INVENTIVE ACE W.. Mat bM. riUnti aranraS tknuk I. a Sluvi fllaslnwS awath'r-Elmatk Tw-imM, $1. nu. 3 aT 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears the Sigoatnre THE eSNTUa COMPANY. NSW VOMa IT. a Four things come not back the spoken word, the arrow the neglected opportunity. Hazilitt. If the action of your bowels is not easy and rep ular serious com plications must be the result. De Witt's Little Earlv Risers will re move this danger. Sale, pleasant ; and effective. Moretz & Farthing, z. b. l'.uchannan. "Little grains of ponder, Little Uropn of paint. Makes the ladies' heckle Look as tho' they ain't," "Jotmatod'a Sarsaparilla, Quart Bottlesi as a blood cleanser; fleah builder and health restorer H has no eqaal." 0. 0. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. .Since then I have been entirely cured of my old com plaint. 1 recommend them. - Mor etz au 1 Farthing. 2. b. Buchanan. 1 tie Morning Post 15ALIGH,K,C. The only popular-priced morn ng newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen erl new service. . Special correspondents in all parts of the State giving a com plete synopsis ot State news. SfBbCRlPTION PRICE: One month $ .40, Tvo months 75, Three months '. 1.00, One year 4.06. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time paid for. Si nd in your subscription. Address THE MORNING POST, Raleigh, N. C. 0E8I0NS, OOPYRIOMTB An. Jlnymi mtirtlne a .-fccf.-li ntid dsiiTitlnn any e.uik!t HwiTWin, frcc,i'.ilni- an lurentlon la probably pHtdiitible. rdinmunliattiniu atrtctly eonMdentll. Oldrxt arency fomecnrliif imtpnl in America. We bare a WnliliiKton offic. Putntj taken through Uuuu A Co. rMlT speauj notloe in tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, oesuH'nlly I'Jnsrrated, larcnt circulation of SPt,"0:6"'""1 Ji'ormil, woekiy, terms S8.UI yeart aiJHlMlz motif h;. Hpochren copl and llAMO KobK UN .i'atutii Miit use. AOdrus MUKN A CO., llrradw, New V A. Caveats, and Taide-Marks obtained an all Pat ent buuncat conducted (or MODCRATC IS. Qua Omec la OrrosiT 1 1, s. ptint Ornet remota tram Wathlnf too. ana we can secure paicni ia .cis tuaa Send model, drawinr or photo- with dtscrls-i tic a. We adviu. ii patentable or not. Ires of1 uiarpa. (Inr fee not due till patent is aecand. ! A raaiPMtT, " Ho Obtaia Patents," wilr coat oi tame in the U. B. aud fureia-a -' Ktit tiee. . A'ldresa, ft Jf" ' I" (W Use Jf For Over Thirty Years fcw:4st 0 VEAH8 EXPSRiENOC t.l!?-Ir nine UIDM IjCA. SNOW&CO. o lMU VIMUa.llVtWASMIN4TON, 0. C. V rrrVrVWrrrrVVaayyVV '. ' 7, ;.;,(: