ees Watausa Democrat Published Every Thursday, A Joke 01 Sydney 8mitha. Ou the omjHion of a dinner Sydney Smith was the guest, and when the evening was o yer the host thanked t l. e wit heartily for the entertain ment he budafiorded. Ihall not forjret you, Mr. Smith lie added, "Thank you. Take -ire Ton don't target your self tomoi'row (it was Satur day) in church" rejoined Mr. Hmith, whereat the host, Kernhaw ly name, rather bridled up. ,"l hope sir I know how to Itehave myselt in church." "Well." said Smith good temperedly, "if I catch you smiling I will call you by name." i'Yoti may," rejoined the visitor. "The thing in ab surd, I will give you a dona tion to the York huspital if it happeus." On the. ensuing morning Smith read the prayers rever i ntly, as he always did, then ascended the pulpit, Jooked Hfpund the church and rest ed his eye on the visitor, whose name is Kershaw, That 'gentleman said after ward that he did not kno what possessed hihi, hut so it was, he gave a broad smile. Thereupon the minis ter was seized with a violent inclination to sneeze, and, applying his handkerchief in suitable action, he sounded "ker-ker k-ker snaw turee times over. Sel. v Bird' Host oat, Car. Philadelphia Record. Passenger vouch No. 4219 of the Philadelphia, Wiltniog ton and Haltimore Railroad has a regular riderevery day in a robbin that is so deeply engrossed in material affairs that she doesn't in the- least mind the roar and rattle of the train. Underneath thecar on a broad beam that sup ports a portion of the air brake, she has built a nest, and all her energies are bent upon batching some bine eggs. The car remains at West Chester every night, comes to Philadelphia in the morn ing, makes a trip to Morris town, returns to Broad St; station and makes fts I a s t run of the day to West Ches ter. The bird must have ac complished the work of buil ding her nest during the brief stops made by the tram at the towrs to which it runs, hut why it should have selec ted in the beginning is t h e most surprising thing. The nest was discovered several da vh ago by a rail road man at West Chester. Be saw the robbin fly from brneath the car and made an investigation, the result of which lather astonished m a ura. J. he members of tee train crews that run the car are awaiting developments with almost paternal anxie ty, News and Observer: Atlan ta is strutting around like a little bov in red shoes be ciuse a negro who,once lived in that city struck Czolgosz just as he shot the Presi lent; Baltimore is equally as proud that it has in it a man who once knew Czolgosz in t h West and considered nun an inoffensive kind oftellow.Nor folk comes third with a man who onf met Dr. Warsdin, one of President MeKitiley's doctors. Raleigh might boast that one or two of.her citi sens were at the Exposition some days before the shoot ing took place and some have gone there since, but it is too modest to do so. , - It Oru Kbpjm-bi That conditions make men ciuelwhen only kindness is meant. That women seeking the ideal overlook the practical, and finally accept the com mon place. " . . ' That journeys projected for pleasure arc turned into ener vating toil. That erroneous conclusions are created through the has ty reading of a letter. The first impressions become ridiculous in the 1 i g h t of close acquaintance. That a man with a fad e- ventually produces some thing which makes him fa mous. That men accept notoriety for fame and thus become bores. That a women will say 'no' when she plainly shows 'yes' is meant. The men underestimate the capacity of a woman for do ing her own thinking. . Polities w Blllilllt Atlanta Constitution. Zke Thompson was about to run for governor, but on second thought he decided to enter the race for superinteu dent of the poor house, We never sold a vote in our life; but whenever we found a mysterious ten dollar bill on our door step, we said noth ing, but knew bow to vote. There has not been a lynch ing in our midst for G weeks. Fact is, the voters are after bigger game now. There are sixteen yacant stumps in the old corn field, and we stand ready to 1 e t them to candidates at , ten cents an hour, or three hours for a quarter. We have been tendered the nomination for the legisla ture, but unfortunately, we quit drinkin'the first of the year. It's a hard thing to keep from running for office when it's hereditary in the family, When yon want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thej are easy to take and pleasant in ef fect. Price 25 cents. Sampleb free at Blackburn s. 'Tis only when they spring to heaven that angels reyeal themselves to you. R. Brow ning. a Troubles of a Mitlster. TolKMieSt others Rev. J T "W. Vernon, of Hartland, Ga writes: For a long time I had ruuuiue sore on my leg. I tried many remedies without benefit until I used a bottle of Electric Bitters and a box of Bucklen's Arnica salve, wnicu cared me sound and well, bores, erup tions, boils, eczema, tetter, salt rheum show impure blood. Thousands have louiid in Elec tric Bittern a grand blood puri fier that absolutely cures these troubles. Satisfaction is guar anteed or money relnnded by Blackburn. Large bottles onlv 50c. Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stom acn alter eating? it so, you will be benefitted hr using rhamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and sour stomach They regnlate the bowels too. Price 2o cents. Sold ay Black burn. AGaffuey, 8. C, dispatch of the 10th says that the di rectors of Limestone college, located at Gaffney, decided at a recent meeting to begin at once the construction of the Winnie Davis Hall of His try, Thisenterprisehasueen in contemplation for some time and has been endorsed by the legislature of South Carolina and of Maryland, by governors and prominent Southern statesmen, and bv the great reunion at Louis ville two years ago. "Too. never can teU what a -woman will do est." Icaa." "Well, what?" "TalK." "That It A woman will talk and tell her friend of th wonderful cure made br John ston's Banaparllla, and the proprietor have to thank thousand! of Rood noble women in thia country for baring made Johnaton'a SARSAPAr KIIAA (quart bottle) lamona." & Poor Millionaire Lately starved in London be cause he could not digest ms food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. The? strengthen the stom ach, aid digestion, promote as similation, improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not sat isfied. Sold bylackburn, drug gist The. re are more thorns than roses in the path that leads to a woman's heart. Hope is the saucer of t h e cup of joy. Some dogs can be taught to stand on two legs and beg just like a man. m ietableFreMta(ioaIbrAs slffiSatlng teToodandBetfuia ttog teStanorts andBoweu of Promotes DigcslionJCheerftd ness and Rest.Contalns neither Opkim,Morplune nor Mineral. NO NARCOTIC. f iyiMi fW Mx,Smm fidith fiaV WSMrJTW' r awVfJVc A perfect Remedy f or Constipa tion, :our 9ioniacn,uiarrnoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fax Sim) Signature of NEW YOHK. 1ft IJ12! !5Mu MU1 For Infants tnd CMldrcn. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. AW n Jt In UT Use For Over Thirty Years KM THf atNTMIK OOMMKT, MW tOOB T. 3 Vacant hearts like vacant houses need a tenant. P. T. Thoma8Sumpterville, Al abama., "I was suffering from dyspepsia when 1 began to take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the onlv preparation con tainingaM the natural digestive fluids. It pi vps weak fctntnachs en tire rest, restoring their natural condition. Moretz and Farthing, zob Buchanan. NERVOUSNESS, li Icerlcn DiseSw. Di&Wm Mrrcwu. Is au thority for thi statement that aery oasacss is the characteristic mat ady ol the American nation, and ttatlstica show that nerve deaths number cue-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main ly among young peopia. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUAaTT BOTTLB. is the gnnd specific for this peat American disease, because tt goes atraiirht to tha aoarce of the weak nets, building no health and strength by supplying rich,abnd ant food and pure blood to the wocayoat tissues, nosing, the liver to activity and regulating all the ot we Doay. UlUHUlttw BUUDtwbIU, sfe. Heticeto Wheelmen There's positively no need to endure discomfort by reason of chafing, sunburn, insect stings, sore and perspiring feet or acci dental bruises. You torpet these troubles in using Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Infallible tor pirn pies, blotches, skin eruptions and piles, Sold by lackluin. 25 cents. James White. Brvanvil1e, Ind. says DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve healed running sores on both his legs, He had suffered six jenrs. Doctors failed to help him. Get the best. Accept no imitation, Moretz & Farthing. ZebBuchan-an. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds, sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of counterfeits; be sure you get the original. Moretz & Farthing. Zeb Buchanan. Some one who has evident ly been there says: "After a .young man has bad a quar rel with his best girl, and made up, his heart is as ten der as a boiled tnrnip." Mrs, S. H. Allport, Johustowu, Pa., e ays: "Onr little gjrl almost strangled to death with croup The dootors said she could not live but she was mstantl v reliev ed by One Minute Cough Cure. Moretz & Farthing. Zeb Buchanan. Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat Itaxtlficlally digests thefood andalds Nature la strengthening aud recon- at.mrr.lntr f.h exbntisted dllI68U VS Of- Q sans. It Istbe latest discovereddlgest ; ani tnnin No t.hpt TjreDaratlon J. W. nodges, Rutheiwood, N. lCan approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves ana penutiueuiaj vum DvarjeoBla. IndiKeatlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 1U Tbe believer casts all his care upon th Lord. He re dines his head on the soft bo .som ol Providence, and falls to sleep. Fay. a Girls, if you don't want husband who will giowlat your cooking, select a man who can afford to hire cook. v Love may be blind but It frequently manages to find its way around to her house seven nights in the'week. . In l his lite then1 is ont one happiness to live for others iniHTOi. vSardw ... yji IM t" ton Mtwyi BogK Power, unless managed with gentleness and discre tion, does but make a man the more hated. No intervals of good humor, no starts of bounty, will attone fortyran ny and oppression. Jwemy Collier. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Couch Cure. Then rest easv and have no tear. The child will be all rizht in alittle while. It never fails. Pleas ant to take, always safe.sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Moretz & Farthing. Zeb Buchan an. "Johnston' SamparUla avrer falls; baa Stood the teat for 30 yan; Quart Bottk." A National bink will be ee tablithed Ht Newton. CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldrcn. Tki Klsi Yea Han Aliajj E:kl Bean the t91gutnre of NOTICE. Dy virtue of an execution directed to rn from the Supe rior Court of e atauga coun ty, N, 0., in which yatt Hayes is plainrm and J. L. Tugman and 11. A.Davis are defendants, for the sum of $17,4:6, together with inter est and cost, I will on Mon day, Out. 7, 1901, at t he court bouse door in Boone in said county, between the hours of 11, a. m., and 3. p. m., proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the rev ersionery in terest of J. L. Tugman, of in and to a certain tract of land ou Kiddle's Fork in said rounty now comprising .the dower o! Caroline Tngroan, widow of B. K Tugman, d ceased, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning on a beach, Kagan's corner, running IN. 80 west 4 poles to a white oak on the banks of Kiddle's Fork of Meat Camp creek; thence South 5 sast 74 poles to a stake; thence, north 77 poles to a magnolia and hornbeam at the road: thence north 85 west 22 poles to a small white oak stump thence south 80 west 20 poles to a white oak; tbeuse south 60 west 32 poles to a chestnut; thence south 40 poles to the beginning. This Aug. 29, 1901. W. B. Baird, Sheriff. Rick Headache. Gastralffla Cramps am til other results ot Imperfect digestion Price 50c. and tt Large site contains H ttroea mallla.Bookall about dypepimiieiUri Prepared by E C OeWlTT CO, Cbtcaa mm mm. Young Women The entry into womanbood is a critical time (or a rtrL Little into strati disorders starto3 at that time soon grow into fatal cornpllcaUoos. That female troubles arc tilling graveyards prom this. Tine of Cardid esUb Ibhcs a painlm and natural menstrual flow, when once this important fane tloa is started right, a healthy life will tsually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine ot Cardui. There is nothing like it to rive women freedom from pain and to tit yotrag women for every duty of lib. $1.00 bottles at druggists. MIm Dcfls M. Straytr, Tully, Kaoi "I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pc rlods lor a long time, was nervous, had ao appetite, and lost Interest in everything;, In tact wu miserable. I have taken lour bottles ot Wine of Cardui, with ThedfoftTi Black-Draught, when needed, and today I am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks I feel lor what yoa Km done tor me." For adriM la oaaaa Kqalrinf spaetal Alrae ttoo, addre, (ItIdi trinptoms. tb Ladle' Adrlaory ltoiartmnt,TbChattaDoofalad (etna Compuif, CbaUanooga, Tana. BKAB1 It is given out that the val y uationof pioperty in Char lotte increased by nearly one million dollars in the new as sessment. : If the action of yoar bowels is not easy and regular seriouscom plications must be the result. De Witt's Little Early Risers will re move this danger. Sale, pleasant and effective. Moreta & Farthing, z. b. Fuchannan. lhe Morning Post UALEIGH.N.C. The only popular-priced morn ng newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen " erul news service. Special correspondents in all parts of the State civing a com plete synopsis 01 orate news. subscription peice: One month f .40, Two months 75, Three mouths 1.00, One year 4.00. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. "Both nir wife and mraelf bfa ainff flASCARETS and they medietas wo baro ever bad In the home. are tbe beat i home. Last week my wife was frantlo with headache for two days, she tried Home of vourCASCARETS, sad they relieved the pain In bar head almost VIHA. Olll'iirunii, Flttaborg Sate DoyosU Co., Pittsburg, Pa. rY CANDY 1 1 ir CATHART,C -a " " - Ami, ni. Oood, Marar Slston, Waakra. or Grip. Wo, sfelOe. CURE liussiiraiiwHi ... ', eww, imiihi, itw tit, ht MT A B I f Bold and enaranteed by all drn( 1 UDA V 1M to CV JLB Tooaaeo Bablk Boot & Shoe Shop. BLOWING ROCK, N. C- Fine Nursery Fruit. I have on hand a fine lot of fruit trees, such as apples, peach es, nears. prunes ete. etc. I nlno have a fine nssoruieut of grape vines that are best suited to our climate. If yon con template buy ing any trees or vines, I can sell them to you at about one hal the price yon would Lave to pay at other nurseries and then you have the satisfaction of knowing what you get. All trees delivered at my nur series. Trees trom three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address, V. L. Coffey, Moretz, N. C. No paper continued beyond the time paid for. Smd in your subscription. Address THE MORNING POST, Raleigh, N. 0. v " S CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, f COPYRICHT8 AND DESIGNS. I f nd your btuinaM direct to WaahlnrtoB, j mim tune, coma ea, oauav awrrioa. O. H. DUNCAN, Propietor. Best grade of laced bootn, shoes, and leggins-alw; hand. ' Prompt and careful attention given to repairs at all times. i .nXKiaS fia'nthiW hnr hewt material WmJl-mnfvi need, And satisfaction gnaran teed. Give me a call. Very Truly. G H. DUNCAN. 4 10, '01 1 !Vlrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr A nrn l L KXf UIE U1. Mack "RswtotkMta Mtaau.1 ta..Mat frM. rual annnil tknmjk S. Slft wA ' tit, vllkM ahwn, la Ik a aiaaaaa LritdC.lMMlCa V R X KrHS w f St,, N. w,, 80 YEARS CXPKR1INCC. w nassrarnisrMa TRADE MARKt DiaiONS, OOPVfclCKTS Ao. Anyone aendlne tketob and dixorlptloo may QaiokljMoerUln, free, whalbar n luventlon la protmtily ptntabl& CnminnnlrMnn Mrlotly eonSdsntlai. Oldest tftnef fiirtdourliia patents Id America. We hare a Wuliinrtno oiflce. Patonu taken tbrouicb Muuu A Co. raotlr peoua aoUoe la tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beiatlfullr tniutrated, Knrett elrenUtion of Dt totentlne lnurnl, weckly.termiSS-Ul yenrt SI. 30 six month, fpedmen eovie aaHlkXO Book oh ?atbhts wt rro. Addrj MUNN tt CO., ?U Jiraadway. Kew Y .'k. HEHS Careata, and Trade-Marka obtaiacd aa all Pat- ntbMioewcoadactd (or Modcimtc rut. i Ova Orrtec la orroarrc II, a. f aTenromec aua w canaccure jmicm m a una) tuaj) UUK rrmntm from Waihlnrtoo. Send model, drawiof or photfe, with dcr!)- tloa. W aoriaa, U aatenubl or not, frn of J cbarf. Our lee sot due till patent I tecared. , a Mirr. " How to Obtala Pateatt." witr coat ol aaoa to tfc U. S. and ioraifa coaatria; eat me. jaaareaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. WASHINOTCN, D. C