i, ,'i .' ' ' ". ,' ' . .''.'; .!,;.,. : -y.'. "? '. -;V . ;V. ' '.' ;"V '"' " '". S'-'' '' ' -, V ' ' ' '';''- '.:?". ;'"'' -V V' r "- ' ' V; vf".-t .'."V.;. ' J ' "J W' ' .- ' . 'I. VO'fXIII. HOONK WAXAUA COUNTY, N. C, TRUItSP A Y , JA"N UARY; ' 30. 1902. ; , m 50. B-.i":.UiA;?.: Cough 1 bive made most thorough trial of Ayer' Cherry Pectoral and am prepaied to say that for all dis eases of the lungs it never dlssp polats." , J. Early Finley, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wont cure rheumatism; It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed It. But it will cure coughs and colds of all Kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Tknxtlus: Uc, Mc., II. Auarantab Consult yonr doctor. If fa Uk It, than do u lia ri. If h tell too not to take It, then don't Ink It. Ho know. LMH It with him. We ro wllllnc. J. O. ATKR OO.. Lowall. Hut. WASHINGTON LETTKH. Prom oar . Eejular Correspondent Tli i f iij miiiionaitv who n is n ti'lnii 6n in Inw Iuih. eom tiling to. look up to timl put up for. . " k BmiUw yliia Kind You Ha3AIW8jtBoiM Of . y 'If n wnTiian hns'i'r nn.v.otli r olrj. rt ia life nhe r.i'n aft as l mtupitnior) 'to H pUi iojjf. f'ln'H imv thv wniiirt thnt in kf jtn anHl of just pl tin. or.liiuu.v. girl.' It (iirdles tho Globe. The frti' ot Hucklen's Arnica Salve, an the Ix-st in the world. rx teudn rouud the eai tli. It's e one perlect- healer of cuts brui . .. ciuh,. ourus, tinnseB, koivh, Hfuld8, ImUm, uhet-8, felons, nchPH a:i; painR ;ini nil skin erupf ions Ji'i l .v iitfrillilile Dile ure. 25 centh n lox nt' H'lU'kUurn'H. I'lUWtiSSQXAL. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, - BOONE,-N. C Careful attention jrivpn to collections. ' E F LOVILlu ATTORNEY AT LAW, nooyn. A'. KSTSpoHal tittention iven to all business entrusted to h!neart."8 8 23, 1900. J. W. TODD. GBO. P. PELL. TODD & PELL. A T'JORXEYS A 7 LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practic regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar ters at ConVjTB Hotel during court. 6-4-99. E. S. COFFEY, ATWllbEY A1 LAW,- flOONE, N. C (Prnrapt attention given to all matters of n legal nature. 1 ear Abstracting titles and ,coltection of claims a, special ty. . . -23-1900. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Gaiicer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. Ao Kniie; No Burning Out. Highest references and endors nients of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Term. k and N. C. Remember that there Aim no time Too soon to get,nd ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. 1 Examination free, Mters answered promptly, and atisiaciioa jL,UHranteoa. i Tli most nftroitlnnilfiship in lioth tli Senate and the iHoijhm has alone prpvfntei the detHopment of snoui ta'.'tional distuiban'CM in re pnl'liran ranks during th week just pulsed and it is on I.v a quKtion of time wh-n thev will break ont in n vio lent form on" l hp floors of those Itodies. It is difficult for one not actually On th Mene to nppipHatp to w hat an pxti nt.llie House of 'Rep r fentativpshat" fenned to he a deliherative l(dy. For a time thp rppubliniii mptnherH felt themselves repaid for their loss of power hy thp ex ample of perfect discipline which tlip.v set to thp coun try hut, now thattiipynrp in so great a tnujoily(us to helievc themselves relit? vedOf (he danger of democratic ng Kressions, thf.v are lnging lor. 1 he birthright which they bartered. Smarting with a sniRe pi their Iohm of influpnep thp rep resntatives arehumiliatpd hy the arrogance of certain Sen ators who to day openly t-ay that the attitude of the House towards any of thp important questions which Congress must answer is of no importance as 1 he Senate an and will rectify the errors of the "impulsive and iria sponsible" lower body. Sen ator Uullum U to day p'"P paring a speech in favor of his contention that thp Honsphas no right to be heard injtlie matter of recip rocal treaties which nrp, the Senator allegps. a matter for thp S nate and thp President alone to considerIn view of th vpry important subject of reciprocity with Cuba which must soon be deter mined the position of the sen lor Squalor from Illinois and a large number of his col leagues is particularly exas perating. There is no mistaking the intent of the Dingley bill that says that such treaties must be approved "by Congress," but Senators Callom, Lodge. Spooner, Frye, Hanna and others hold to the opinion that, according to the eonsti tution, the President and the Senate "alone oonst'tute the treaty making power," Sena tor Lodge modifies his opin ion somewhat, however, by saying that he believes that it would be courtesy to con sult the House because any reciprocal treaty effects the question of raising revenue. The Philippine tariff bill will be reported to the Sen ate today or tomorrow and it is predicted that thede bite on its provisions will last for a month. Senator Lodge . profpsses . to believe that it will beeventuall.v pass ed as reported but there are members of his own party who greatly differ from him mil who say that it will have to be referred ' back to the committee. ; Prominent . am ong these is Senator Mitchell of Oregon. After the bill gets through the Senate it will have to pass the House and if the Senate persists in itsde termination to exclude that bod v from voice in the Cii ban reciprocity affairthere is every"- possibility that Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, a ti his colleacues will treat thp measure'' with little consider ation, as they believe that Senator Lodge, in his capac ity of champion of the admin titration will thns he brought to terms and will he forced to oppose the Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee in order to relieve Secretary Root from his present embarrass ing position. The Isthmian Canal, while hv no means a partisan qupy tion.is eapuh'e of causing trouble that may develop a mong partisan lines. Sena tor Morgan, who is as flrml.r committed to the Nicaragua rontensever, called at the Write House. reepntl ami cams away seriously dissatis Red with the result of his in terriew witn thb President. He is also much disturbed nt Senator-Hunna's apparent disaffection in. favor of the Darien route. This route would require the construe tion of a tunnel,; five m i I e e long, through a solid granite fKountHiq and the Senator trom Alabama considers it lacking in feasibility and its agitation merely an attempt to delay canal legislation. Tin .Senate Committee on Commerce has authorized a favorable report.on the Han no-Fry e ship subsidy bill bj a srricr party vote, ever democrat on the committee voting againRt it. Senator Frye makes the most extrav agant claims for theiull and in the main his colleagues ore obliged to take his word in the matter as there is proba bly no other man in the Sen ate who can tell jut how the bill will work when put into practice. It now seems proba tile that the bill will pass the Senate undr pressure of the party lash, but it is very doubtful if it can get through the House Every democrat in the House willjvote against it and there are said to be a n u m her o f re p u hi i ca n s who regard the ote forthe bill as political suicide. "The anarchy bills are go ing to make trouble in the House," said a democratic member from New York when 1 asked him why Congress was doing nothinginthemat ter on which all the members seemed to be much of one mind. "There is a little differ ence in the minds of the mem hers fas to the necessity of passing a bill to prevent an archists coming into the country, but there is great jealousy in the committee in regarl to the matter. Gener al Shattuc. Chairman of the Committee ''on Imigration, does not consider that the Judiciary Committee has the right to pass on any mean urewhich deals with imigra tion. The members of the J.u diMur.v committee themselves are jealous oft'hairmnn Ray because they think he desires) lo -arrog'te to himself too large a share of the-fglor.v, that will pertain to tlhe au thorship of the bill that final l passes. -Ae to the demo crats, they are not involved except in so far as they may be called upon to protest n gainst any measure that vio latps state rights." The CVitiimittee on resohi tionsof thedemocratij Housp caucus he'd a meeting on Fri day after noon nnd.rwhi'e no definite policy was detei min ed upon, the members arriv ed at a very close estimate of the policy which they would recommend at the next meet ing of the caucus. It was deem ed inadvisable tocommit thw partyj at this 'forly date to a definite policy-an the ma jority of the questions with whiclCongress will have to deal; Therein no necessity for so doing and by, merely preserving a solid front nod opposing oil that is perni cious in the legislation the majority attempts to enact Mr. Richardson and his col leagues believe they will be in a better position to announce their policy to the country. 1 Profllablc ldTPstmant. 'I was troubled tor about seven ears with my stomach and rn bed half my time," says D. Lem ick. Sonierville, Ind, "1 spent 1 bout 91.000 and never could get nnvthing to help me until I tried Codol Dvspnia On re, 1 have ta ken a few bottles and nm entire ly well." You don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate.' If your stomach doesn't dgijnt your food you are really starving. Kodol Dysjiep &ia (Jure doesthestomnch's work by digesting the food You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepia cure cures all stomach troubles. T. J. Coffey & Bro. 'Many a man who travels on the right road is headed the wrong way.' . A Bees Mystery. It is a deep mystery why wo men endure backache, headache, nervousness, sleeplesness, melan eholj, fainting and dizzy spells when thousands have proved that Electric Hitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney troubles, writes Mrs. Pheb" Charley, ol Pe terson, la , '"and a In me back pained me so I could not dress myself, but Electric uitters whol ly cured me, arid, although 73 jears old, 1 now am able to do all my housework." Itovercomes constipation, improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at Blackburn's 'Fortunate are those who learn wisdom from the follj' of others.' Thla aIgnato.ro is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tablet. the remedy that earee a ooM tm om day Land, Timber and Mineral Wanted. Xanj' CTseft of Peauuts. " Philadelptii jt T08t. There a ro reforts of a won derful kind of peanut called the Japanese White Mam moth, grown in Mantagorda county, Texni. It is of giant aizp, unci it a id to yield eigh ty seVen l rrel to the acre. One reasoo fr being inter eBtel in old time peanut growing religion of the South has-been ci i minishing alarm ingly of li tre .vears, large are as that frmerly producer! from Hft.v ; to one hundred iuhl nn nere now yielding ntt more? tlinn twenty bush pis. The ci use of thetroulde in rnreltsR Forming neglect ing; to ,frt iliz- the soil and lackof rot ution of crops. Vir jrinia, however, still has on arintuil output of something like three m i 1 1 ion bushels; Ten nessee mici North Carolina come tnx. t . Afri'Min pennuts that are Hirtoll and iienrly round, and contain i nrlo kernel, used to b itn portd largely into this con n t t.v, nut they were i!rivenbut ly our superior viirieti m. However, the Afii n initr -ocntoin a greater pereentnjart ' oil, for 1 he sake of which ittitnense quantities of ttiem, ri oh tl.y raised in Sen iipunbia and along the east coast, ni-e whipped to Mar seilles for conversion into pure oli - oil' The poorer peanuts are employed for soap; the residue, after press ing;, is Known as "cake," and brintss $30 a ton as cattle fo!ir, niio the shells are uti liz-"f rr iri i terial for paper, K-.-iir ex periraents hy die-rei-r i- ex perrs have shown rhat one r.onnd of peanui meal con t i inw narlyasmuch nutriinent os three poundsof lean lef. The meal,vhkh is obained l. grinding the "cake," t'osts four cents a cent a pound in bulk and the Germans hi ve prepared from it fieveri I oreibN articles of diet, Hticli Tht "peanut grits," and je txu t floor," this lat ter beinr ground and bolted like ordinary flour. Palata tlf rrnckers have also been made from this crude by pro tiuct of the oil mill. All persons desiring to sell or buy Lends, Water Pow er, Timber nnd Mineral interests are respectfully invited to call and see LINNEY & HAYES, ot Boone, N. C. 8"lf we don't buy, we will find you a buyer. BS"lf von won't sell, we will sell yon LliNhY & HA YFb, Real Estate Agents, Boonp, N. C. Per F. A. LINNEY, Attorney. . - 5,y. S lie Wants It Published- .Gooch's AX exican Syrup has giv en perlect so t it-tfaction in my tara ily, and 1 want to recommend it to"everyor as the best remedy for coughs, colds, and all lung troubles. A. .young lady In myf m ploy who had been lorcert to quit work, and who had been given up to dlt? fc.v her triends with con sumption, has by the use of Goo cheB Mexican Syrup been restor ed to heal t Li, and is now at work earning: her living: and enjoying gold healt Li. She wants n.e to publish this, ns it may be t h e moans of Maying the life of some other consumptive. Rf M. Flem iiifr, Piqua, 111; GooclieV "Mexican Syrup cures a simple cough asifby magic, and ih the test remedafor whoop ingcouKb. I rice 25 cents. Hook My rich uncle is dead." Nye 'The one who who put on so many airs?" Hook ".Exactly. And now it seeniH that he has cut off eome heirs, including me.'' To Core j Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bio mo Quinine Tablets.--All drngrgists refund the! money if it 1 oiIh to cure. E.;W. Grove's signat ure is on each box. 25c. Your.Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad. your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tonguecufe your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. Mc ATI draff hit. Want y oar moiuUcba or bar4 a aatlfal brawn or rich blaek t Than BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtt&U er. MnwtMT. a r. hi.l a ea.,wow. Herat on Rleht Side. A man with his heart on the right side instead of the left has just been discovered by the medical, board of Bloomington, III. Themon is George W. Hurst, of . Lex ington, a veteran of the civil war, who recently applied for a pension. In the course of the physi cal examination the physi cians made the remarkable discovery tha 1 1 he a pplicants heart was on the right side instead of the left, Hurst says that he never experienced any discomfort or inconvenience as a result of this unusual location of his heart. The pulsations are as even as those of an ordinary man of bis age, and there appears to be ntohing unnsu&l about the heart except its location. It is normal in every other way. The physicittnssay that the case is extremely rare, and only a few are known to the medical fraternity. Ex. oQ ISTfspocsIa Cure pinots-ats vCaat you rat. The cabbage snakeVtnade its personal appearance here last veek. Mrs. Bulo Kenne dy found one in prepariugeab huge for dinner Monday. The thing is about thhs sizn ot a pin was 22 inches long. It was very much alive when discovered and twisted and tied itselfin abundleof kuots. It is on exhibition at this of fline. -Wilkeshoro Chronicle. Doi'tiLtre'Tegetlier.! Constipation and health "never KtogHther. L)e Witt's Little Ear Yy Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress, "I have been troubled with cos tiveness for nine years," says J. n. Greene, Pepauw.Ind, "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." The average monthly eala ries of men teachers in Illi nois is $01.69: nnd of women 153 51. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to nerlected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as hough they had heart trouble, because the heart la over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary , troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin nlng In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmea Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy la soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing case and is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty- cent and one-dollar tU- f es. You may have a aamote bottle bv mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to linjj out if you nave money or oiaaaer voucic. Mention this paper when wrttln; Dr. Kilmer , tt Co., Bingham too, N. Y. . ' '- Bat ( mri. HJ Iom Root. Jiiana.. , Addsi I iiahh P i Jh