o VOL -XIV. ' BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY; N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 241902. . NO. 10. 001 Fe two Mars 1 suffered, ter. r!Mv from dyspepsia, with peat OCpmilOD, MUWMHWlfl reeling poorly. I tbei tried Ayer'e Sana parilla. aad in u week I waa a new man." Jobs McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. ... Don't forget that It's w Ayer'a" Sarsaptrilla that will mate you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayers Sarsapa- Afc ymt tetor what ke tblnto Ayer Juibunily MktM. follow bferloaa4 It id hard to And a truth without an error in its shad ow. H Kept his Leg. Twelve years ago J, W. Buiii van, of Hartford, Coon., scratch ed his leg with a rusty wire. In flamation and blood poisoning net in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, but he writes 'I used one bottle of Electric Bit ters and 1 1.2 boxes of Buck ten's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever. 1ism AMtnfiAna ahlf kIiaii sv m.mt ma, tetter, sores And all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no eoual on earth. Try them. M. b. d lack burn will guarantee satis faction or refund money. Only SO centii. True friendship says little ond does much. CXcdcl Dyspepsia Guro dgeats what yoa Mtt PROFESSIONAL. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. - Careful attention given to collections. E F. OVILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -BOONE, N. C 'Special attention Riven to all business entrusted to h! care." 8-23, 1900. J. w: TODD. GK P. PELL. TODD & PELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar teis at Coney's Hotel during court. 5-4-99. E. S. COFFEY, ATWRbEYAl LA IV, BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. tST Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special ty. ' , . 23-1900. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C, Ao Knife; No Burning Out. Highest references and endors- laents of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Twin, and N. C. Remember that there js ao time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free. letters answered promptly, and WASHINGTON LETTER. Proai onr let ular Carmpoadeott. j While the past week in (Congress has been productive of no important legislation it has been replete with' evi denee of the discord in the re publican party and, in theii efforts to secure the passage of the Cuban teciprocity bill in the House, the republican leaders havecoininitted them selves to propositions hich will be carefully noted by their constituents and which thj will find deeidely em bar u swing during the next cam paign. After adopting the most drastic measures to prevent the revision of the tariff along the lines propos ed by Representative Bah cock, earlier in. the session, and effectually resisting a re duction which would have curtailed the profits of tue Steele trust aud other great corporations, they have com pletely reversed their argu ments, receded from their position that the . Dingley schedules are 'sacred.' have cited Blaine and' McKinley in favor of the reduction of the tariff schedules, . but-in both instances schedules which benefited only the farm era, sugar and tobacco- and have scouted the idea of ma king even a similar reduction on refined sugar, the differen tiul on which benefits onlv the suga r trust at the expense of the consumer. During his opening speech on the Cohan bill, Chairman Pay no was forced to admit that the con sumer paid theduty on sugar and the frankness of the ad mission startled those youug tr republican members who have been trained to believe that all duties ate paid by the foreigners. The argu ments of Messrs. Payne, and Long il, all make excellent literature for the democrats, who favor a general revision of the tariff. While the House has been5 quarreling over the Cuban bil the Senate ba6 demon atrated u serious lack of bar mony on the question of Chi nese exclusion and the result which wiil be made known by the vote next Wednesday, is now a matter of doubt. A number of Eastern republi cans whose constitute s have nothing to fear from Chinese competition, haveop posed the bill and the confi dence with which Senator Penrose called up bis meas ure is now sadly wanting; To exciude the Chinese from our foreign possessions will be in juring those friends of the administration who hope to to expltit the Pbillipines for their own benefit and th magnificent profits to be gained from the use of all Paging, Boariaa Flood Washed down a telegraph Itae wbicb Charles (J. bills, of Lisbon, la. had to repair, "Standing waist deep in icy water" he writes, "gave me a terrible cold nnrl nnnirh It trrnvr urnrsa Ha'iltr Finally the best doctors in Oak land, Neb: Sioux City and Oma ha said I had consumption and could not live. Then I began us ing Pr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bot ties." Poiitively guaranteed for coughs, colds and: all throat and lung troubles by M 0 lack buni Price 50c. and fp 0, . most free land' and the cheap est class of labor in the world and the influence of those 'friends' is making itself felt in'the Senate. ' : Recent disclosures in : the Phillipine Committee of the Senate have become grave sources of apprehension to the administration. Reports of tyrani'al and brutal tneth ods of dealing with the na tives are multiplying and, as a logical eequence to republi can imperialism, there conies by cable the news of the ar rest of two Manila editors forlese mnjeste. According to the report of Mujor Gar diner, civil governor of Ta byas. those Phillipinoa who were once friendl.v to this country have grown to hate it because of the despotic treatment afforded them by the American soldiers and, iu the view of the governor, continued military occupa tion will result in leaviug thiseoutry without a friend in the islands, with the ex ception of those who have been appointed to govern ment offices at munificent salaries. . . . The determination of the republican eteeringcomtnitte of the Senate to ignore the wishes of the President and and take the Phillipine civil bill before the Cuban reci procity measure is Another evidence oi the disruption which is taking place in the party and theoietion of tbe committee is heartily resent ed by the President. The an nouncement, under oath, by General Schofleld,! that the President and the Srcretary of War were not on speuking term 8 with the Geiisral com manding the Army, Miles, is typical of the methods adop ted bv Mr. Roosevelt and tns members of his Cabinet in their dealings with their su bordinates in hxeoutive De pattments. The bill offered by Repre sentative Adama providing for the reorganization of the consular service has been fa vorably reported hrtheCom nuttee on Foreign Relations. Speaking to me ol the bill re cent I j, Mr. Adamssaid; My bill provides for a commiss ion to reorganize tb consu lar service, at present admin istered under a most haphaz ard system. For the first 100 years of its existence our country had to pay so much attention to its internal needs that the development of foreigu relations was let t largely to itsfli and grew up without tbe supervision it should havejind. Even at its inception Washington railed attention to its needs, but half a century passed be lore thre wasany further in terest in the service by Cong ress or the country at large The pay depended u great deal upon the fees attached The Brat Time, The best time to cure a cough or cold is when Tou are first af fected. A pleasant and sure rem" dy tor sore throat, weak lungs, bronchial soreness, cougbing etc is Oooch'e McxicaH Syrup for colds and consumption. Be wise iu time and keep a bottle in .your medicine chest, always handy for immediate use, remembering the old adage, "a stitch in time saves nine. It is a true lung ton ic aud sells for only 2 cents. to theofflces but the shipping bill of 1888 did away with the whole schedule of fees for American vessels, and not h ing has spice been given to compensate for that reduc tion. The entire fee system should be abolished and nd equate salaries provided, and not only should they bo ade qnate but equitable In many instances at the present time the consul at a point of little important draws a larger salary than one where the work is onerous and the du ties require a high grade of intelligence. And further, the whole system should be or gnnized on a merit basis, in atead of on the basis of polit ical preferment as at present and there should be provis ion made for promotion and general recognation of good work done Almost every other government in the world has a regular system of consular training as apart of the cpvil service of the country and the honors and emoluments offered are suffi cient to attract the bpst young men of th country to enter on a life long career with tbe assurance of a high position as the reward of dil ligeiice aiid 'aptitude. In A merica, on the contrary, no amount of valuable service will ensure a tenure longer than 4yr's especially if there is a change of administration just at the time a man is get tidg acquainted with the con ditions he is apt to be remov ed "to return to his home, where he has been left behind by the tide of affairs, thus losing place ever where though his tenure of offl?e. which has probably been so poorly paid that he has been impoverished by the venture. Moreover, the legislation pro posed will not only benefit the consuls, but the whole service. By insisting on hav ing men trained for the po sitions and required to speak the language of the country to which they are sent, the in formation that they can give to the home government will be doubled in value. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rme dy when my son was suffer ing with were cramps and was given up as beyond hope by my physician, whostands h'mh in t.is profession. After administering three doses of it, my son regained conscious ness and lecovered entirely within 24 hours.,", sas Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt. Crawford Vn This remedy is for sale by M. B. Blackburn. When men give God their manhood as well as their names the church will not lack for means. Many wonder wh it is that pin worms and stomach worms get into little children, or how a tape worm 800 leet long can get in and exist and graw inside of a man, as it sometimes happens, They m ly well wonder, for it is a great mysterj, However, ma ny know now by exerience that Mother's Worm Svrup wil rid one ot intestinal worms and greatly improve the- health after (he worms are ex pf lied and destroy ed, ft. is absolutely a harmless remedy to take, and as it only coKts 25 cents, all should try it who suspect worms to be the cause of their ill health. Kick kin ac Poor aa LsfiaUtorf A dispatch the other day called attention to the sur prisingly' larae number of men in Congrss who do not need the $5,000 salary they draw. Some of the well to do Congressmen are bankers, ranchmen, manufacturers, druggists, etc It is donbt less better for the country that there is a large spiink, ing of this class ;of men in our legislative balls, Too many men run for the House merely for the paltry $5,000 there is in it, caring all toj little about the interests and welfare of the people. It is tbe fact that members of (he British Parlfment draw no salaries, that keeps the edu cated and statesman like'ele ment in control of that body and makeR'itJthe wisest and safest Icgislativejassetr.hly in the world." There is mnch'truth in J the suggestions. On the other hand it is a fact worthy of some attention that the very wealthy man sometimes takes a seat in Congress not in the hope of enacting bet ter laws but'kfor the purpose of aiding some plundering scheme. A very wealthy ship builder, for instance, might find it greatly to his advan tage to accept ajseat in Con gress to fight for ship subsi dies. We have no simpa thjwiih those Swho would have the poor Jdistrust the rich and the rich distrust the poor, but the other side of the Observers problem is worth considering. As the Honorable Peter Stirling has aptly said, while the poor legislator is sometimes bribed by another mans money, the rich legislator is just as often brihed by his owil. Char lotte Observer. PHOT IN HIS LEG. I'iOr all kinds of sores, burns, brumes or other wounds DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cjre, Skin diseases yield to it at once, Never fails in cases of piles; cool ing and healmg. None genuine but DeWitt's beware of counter feits. I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound in my left Ifg, says A. t. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal und gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of rem edies to no purpose until I used DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." T. J. Coffey & Uro. When Christ is the alpha bet life becomes God's liter ature. Reflect Bean Danger. Don't neglect billiousness and constipation. Your health will suffer permanently if yon io De Witt's Little Early Riperscure all 6ucb cases. M. H. Smith, but temut. Mif-b... says: '-De Witt's Little Earl v Risers are the most satisfactory pills 1 ever took." Never gripe nor cause nausea T. J. Cofley & Bro There are 312 recoroed sdc cies of birds in North Caroli na.and only eight ofthemafi under protection of law. All but tbe English sparrow should be protected from th ruthless ravages of the rar mint called mab. Recorder The word needs kindness of i heart more than keennes&of head. Edaeata Tour Bowela With Curiarata. Candy Cmthartle, ear eonaiipattoa forever Ipc. SSo. II p, O. O. nllf dniggtsu refund njonej Tin republican strcrl.'.; eommittee of the S mate htz decided to reecomentl that . the bill providing a form c! government for the phi"! pine archipelago should made the unfinished engineer which is the place of ' prefer en"p on the Senate calendar, after the disposal of the Chi nese exclnsion bill and that the Nicaraguan Cannl bill should de next assigned to that position. This decision sets at rest the minds of those who hove insisted that the Canal bill passed by the House would not come ; np for consideration in (the Sen ate this session. A long fight is expected when it comes np however. The Panama Canal project has strong support - ers and they will bitterly op pose the Hepburn bill which. as passed bj the House, pro vides for a N ica ragan canal. The second report of the Walker commission, favoring the Panama route, will, it is . thought influence many who hesitate, and even if tbe bill finally.passes, it will proba-? bly be so loaded with amend ment s that tbe House wilt practically have to go over it again. Ex. Saved Many a Times. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often reeoit senouniy at ttata sea son, just because people are care less. A done of 'one minute cough cure' will remove all danger. Ab solutely safe. Sure cure. Acts at once. Lures coughs, colds.sroup bronchitis, and ot'jer throat and lung troubles. "I have used one minute cough cureseveral years' says Postmaster c. ). Dawson, . Carr, III. It is the best cough medicine on tbe market. It has saved me man) a severe spe'l of sickness and I warmly reecomend t." The chidrens favorite. T. J. Cagev & Bro. An ostrich farm is to be es tablished at Asheyille, work will be commenced on tbe en closure in a few days. The farm will be owned by A. Y. Pearson and the birds will be shipped from his farm near Frelix, Ariz. it'hen you lack energy and do not relish vour lood. leel and stupid after eating, and yon need is a dose of Cham berain's Stomach and Llveri Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you on appetite like a bear. For sale by Blackburn. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads tha news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures , made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Itw mil ItMiutv cat triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the tmU nent kidney and blad der specialist; and la wonderfully successful tn promptly curing lame dsck, Kianey, Di&aaer, uric acia trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, tn hospital work,Jn private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful la every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading Ibis generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Btng- hamton. N. Y. The rerular fifty cent and Bean i doliar sizes are sold by all good druggtet . V

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