: ' it. r. ' f mwmm 6Tj "n VOL XIV- BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, MAY 20, NC. 15. rVV A I I I Bronchitis have kept Ayer'a Cberry Pec tori I lo my. house for a great many yean. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and cold." , J.C Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the ,throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tim sites i 25c, Me.. $1. AllfoffMi. flMmK vtmr doctor. If hm m&va tm.Ym It. 1 to Wke It, tha don't Uke It. Be knows. th At. ha v . If Kai ,..)!. wmi ant L Uti It with him. We Mrs vllllnc. A man never realize how sick he has been until he re 'ceives the doctor's hill, o aStoxixa . BmtiU The Kind You Ha Always Bought PROFESSIONAL. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. Cf. Careful a tten Hon given to .collections. EFLOVILL, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, sr-r BOONE, N. C- ;8"Special attention given ;to all business entrusted to ih!s care."8 6-23. 1900. I. W. TODD. QUO. P. PELL. TODD & PEIL, A VI Oil NETS A 7 LA W, JEFFERSON, N. C. -Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar iteis at Coftcy's Hotel during couit. 54-99. E. S. CtJFFEY F -AT10META7 LAWt- , lOONE,N.C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. S&'Abstractwg titles and collection of claims a specialty- 23 1900. Dr.. J. L HO0SHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C, Ao Kniie; No Burning Out. Highest references and endors merits of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Tenn. and N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free, letters answered promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County, 'before tho Clerk. Henry H, Farthing Adulnlirtrator of Benjamin Uartly deceased, against Leason Hartey and wife Kmlly Hartley,- Elliabeth ' Moody, D. C. Hartley,. Benjamin Hartley, William Marcus, 8erug Marcus, Elli:ilth Greene and Joseph Green, the heirs of 1, H. Hartley, names unknown, tha heirs of James Hartly, names unknown, the heirs of War ren Bolrd and Louisa Spears. The defendats above named, as well as all oth ers ol the heirs of Benjamin Hartley deceased. late of the said county and stat, will take notice - that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of said county to obtain an order to tell lands for assets to pay the debts of the sold Beujamin Hartley deceased, and the said defendants, as well as all others In terested In said estate' are notified to a pear at the court house In Boone on the 23rd day of June, 1002, before the Clrerk of the 8unerlor Court of Watauga county, to anwswer or demur . to the petition died by the plaintiff in raid ac . tlna or the plaintiff will apply to the court for . the relief demanded In said complaint. This May 8. 191)2. J0HN H. BINGHAM, C. 8. C. WASHINGTON LETTER. Fron our Regular, CMrrrpondeslt. There isevry eyjrlenPt? that the Hon. Mark Hnnna will carry the sobriquet "Subsi dy Banna" 'during; the rest of his political career, Only twice during the Fitty-Sev-enth Congress has the junior Senator from Ohio made n speech in the Senate, once w hpn h vigorously admen ted the ship subsidy bill nnd once this wek when he rowe up to support n bill which granted a subRi.Jy estimated nt $7,000,000 to the Pnnn sylvania Railroad Company. This bill, which provides for a uuion railway .si a Hon in Washington, grantH to the co'npanj named funds and ctjncessions which the nttor neyso'the rompan.r them selves admit to be w orth $4 , 700,000.' The whole history of Congressional legislation in which the company mimed has been interested is of the most unsavory character but this bill is t he most infamous of all the measures so far passed and the circumstanc es which attended the pas sage are. to say the least, fie cnliar. On Wednesday even ing there was manifest a very general determination to re turn the bill to the commit tee -which framed it and a vote at that time would have undoubtedly so resulted but the friends of the bill secured the postponement of the vote until Thursday. What bap pened in the interim I can not ascertain but on Thurs day morning, nt an hour when ordinarily but few Sen ators are present, practically all were in their sf-nts nnd by an almost straight party rote the bill was passed. Sen ator Hanshrough, who had warmly urged tne adoption of a substitute which provi ded for municipal ownership of the depot, voted against the measure. After the vote was taken it was everywhere remarked that Senator Han na was,regaining his former leadership, d'hile the Depart ment of Jnstico is proceeding in the courts nguinst the northwestern railwaj "Mar- ger ami against tne lieet Trust, the republicans in Con gressare practically ratify ing a merger of the Pennsyl via, Baltimore & Ohio lines and granting a subsidy of $7,000,000 to tha railway trust. Here is a magnificent opportunity far the Presi dent to exrcise his power of veto to the great embarnss ment of his political rival, Hannn, and at thesatnetime prove his sincerity in bis op position to trusts. It should be remembered tluit, of .the Like a Drowning1 Had. "Five years ago adittease thedor tors called dyspepsia took tuieh hold of me that 1 could senrcsly go." writes Geo. S. Marsh, well known attorney of Nacona, Tex as. I tnck qnantites of pepsin and other medicines bnt nothing helped me. ar a drowning man grabs at a straw F grabbrd at Kodol. 1 felt an fmprovetuent at once and after a law. bottles am sound and well." Kodol is the only preparation which ex actly reproduces the natural di gestive juices and consequently is the only one that digests any good food and cures nnv form of stomach troubles. T. J. (Joffrx &Uio. amount stated, n large por tion will be paid directly out of the United States Treasu ry, nnd the tnx-pnyers will have "Subsidy Hnnna" to thank. The Philippine debate is not yet oont-lnded but "Sena tor Dubois has agreed that, beginning now, the democrat ic Senators will be. prepared to speak continuously until tho discussion is closed. Sena tor Spoonrr will spenk for the republicans nnd Senator Lodge will probably sum up. Senator Dubois told rae yes terday that he thought the vote would be cast the last of this week. It is with no little enjoy, ment that the democrats view r be present discomfeit nre of their opponents. The republicans are facing a seri ous division of opinion in their own ranks and which faction will win no one can definitely predict. The oppo nents of Cuban reciprocity are determined that the Isth mian canal bill shall take precedence over the former measure when the Philippine bill is disposed of. Senator Piatt, manager of the. Cuban bill, is not yet sufficiently sure of ihe support which a straight reciprocity billwonld secure in the Senate to urge its immediate consideration and he appreciates that if he reports the bill ns passed by the House, .wbiie it. will re ceive the nnaimouB support of the democrats, the friend ship of the Sugar Trust would be forfeited. The only way out of the dilemma would be adjournment as soon as the Philippine hill and and the two remaining appropria tion bill are passed but the obstacle to that c o u r s e , which is being considered, is the publicly announced inten tion of the President to call an extra session in case Con gress adjourned without act ing & the Cuban bill. View ed from any standpoint it is a serious dilemma and the re publicans are facing it with a bad era pp. If the President will yield almost immediate adjournment will follow. If a sufficieut number of "hept sugar Senator" can be whip ped into line, the Cuban bill will be passed and there will benoennnl legislation, but the tear is that the canal bill will hav to be taken up and. that would mean the post ponenien t of adjourn ment for many weeks. Tomorrow or the next night the republicans of the Hjnse expect to "all a can ens to consider the advisnbil ity of passing the Fowler cur rency and banking bill. There is no hope that Ihe bill will be passed or even considered at this session bv the Senate Many wonder why it is that pin worms nnd stomach worms get into little children, or how a tape worm 300 feet long can get in and exist and graw inside of a man, aR it sometimes happens, They m ly well wonder, for it, in a great mystery, However, ma ny know now by experience that Mother's Worm Syrup wil rid one of intestinal worms and greatly improve the health alter Ihe worm ore ex pilled and destroy ed. It in absolutely a harmle'sH remedy to take, nnd ns it. only crs ts 5 cents, all should try it who suspect worms to be the cuube of their ill health. nnd there is little likelihood that that the Sennte will pass it at the next session, but it is the belief of the lea ders of the House that it will draw" the democrats in the fall campaign and it is with the intention of stirring up the advocates of free, silver that the lenders wish to pass the measure. The bill pro vides for the retirement ol the greenbacks Land the conveyance to the national banks of almost un limited powers and respoi bilities. Th Western republi cans are seriously opposed to its passage ns they believe it would be another instance of he sacrifi'-e ol their interests to the general good of t h e part r nnd they consider thfjt they have already been seri ously injured by I he absolute rejection of tariff revision. Whether the leaders will bp able to whip the insurgents into line in the caucus re mains to be sepn. The House spent all last week considering the Naval appropriation bill which pass ed on Saturday. The debate at times was most spirited and amusing. Representative Williams, of Mississippi, read the House some dogerel con cerningthe appointment of Crowenshield to the Europe an station which concluded with the lines: ''Great Crowenshield's the greatest tar That ever stayed ashore." The verges Aere received with shouts of hiughter. At times Ihe debates swerved to in elude the Philippine question nnd some decidedly acrimo nious passages ensued. Aproposos the Hannn Frye ship subsidy bill the last is sue of Lloyd's Register states that that the Steel Trust is the largest owner of vessels in the United States and the fifth largest owner in the world. It is not surprising the bill was passed by the Senate, Eou't Start Wrong-. Don't start the summer with a lingering cough or cold. We nil know what a 'summer cold" is. It's the hard eft kind of a cold to cure. Often it 'hangs on' through the entire season. Tak ) it in hand right now. A fewdof.es of doses of Ono Minute Cough huro will set you right. Sure cure for coujrhs, colds, croup, grip, broncaitis. nnd all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely Kafo. Acts at once. Children like it "One Minnte Cough Cure is the best medicine I ever used," says J. II. Howies, Groveton, N. H. I never found anthing else that acted so safely aud quickly.' T. J. Coffey & Bro. TheErwin cotton mill com pany proposes to erect a new mill nt Durham which will have 35,000 spindles nnd a bout 1,000 looms and will cost about $600,000. All Eyes on Texas. Great is Texas. Her vast cot ton cropn and marvellous oil Jis coveries amaze the world. Now follows the btartling statement of the wonderful work at Cisco. Texas, of Pr. Kin's New Piscov ery lor CDDHUuipf ion. "My wile contracted a sevfrelung trouble, writes Ivlitor J. J. Eager, which caused a most obstinate cough and finally resulted in profuBe hemorrhages, but she has been compleHy cured by Dr. King's New Discovery." It's positively' guaranteed '.for coughs, colds and ull throat and lung troubles 50c and $1. Trial bottles free ut lWuckbui-u't).. " Old Glory Hauled Sown. News and Observer, v ' Of all the silly appeals ton sickly sentimentality about the flag, the sorriest has been the Bophoincric 'declarations that "where the 'American flag is once raised it shall nev er come down..' - And yet, in the presence ol patriotic A mericans, by direction of President Uoosvelt and the unanimous voice of C ongress the Amcrfcan flag was pulled down in Cuba "the gem of the Antilles." It was done with the approval of the A- meriean people and their good wishes for 'the Di ospsri tyand glory of the Cuban Upnblh. The flag is doing its divinely appointed work where it is helping to make Republics. A few days ago when the conference report on the Cuban Diplomatic bill was pending in the Senate, this debate" took place us re ported in the Washington Post: "Mr. Hoar, of. Massachu setts, enquired what title was given to the Cuban govern ment in the bill. "The republic of Cuba," re plipd Mr. Cullom. "And is the American flag to be tnken down from the island?' enquired Mr. Honr. "I suppose so, of course," responded Mr. Cullom. "I thought we had been told," facetiously remarked the Senator, "that wh'en the American flag had once been rnised overterritoryit would always stay there." ' Who will sny that. Mr. Roosevelt nnd the members of Congress, who authorized the hauling down of Old Glo ry' in Cuba are traitors to their country and enemies of the flag? They were never truer friends of the creed of the flag than when it came down from Moro Castle to make wav for the flag of the Cunan Republic. And the men who advocate pursuing the same course in the Philip pines that has marked our course in Cuba are just as true to Old Glory snd to A- merican ideals and to Amen can traditions. It is the men who deny liberty to the Fili pinos who are untrue to tb teachings of the flag. SCIATIC RAEUMATISM CURED. "I have ben afflicted vitli sciatic rheumatism for four teen years," says Josh Edgar of Germantown, Cal. "I was able to be around but con stantly sufLfi td. I tried every t hing I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamber Iain's Pain Halm, which I did and was Immediately reliev ed and in a short time erred, and I am happy to say that it has nevpp returned." U'hy not use this liniment and cet well? It is for sale by M. B. Blackburn. Yadkinville Ripple: Mr. J. P. Ring, who lives near Otis, this conntv, it 47 years old, having lived 20 years in Sur ry and was never at Dobson, and 27 yea is in Yadkin nnd was never in Yadkinville un til Inst Thursday when he camealtpr marriage license for his son. Where boastingends, there dignity begins. Youiig. ! Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat iv;or.!m&naif-7i I A really healthy woman bu lit- gue paui or discomfort $t tbe menstrual period. No woman I needs to have any. Wine of iCardul will quickly rolievo those smarting nienstruiil paias nd the " dragging head, back and sldo aohes caused by falling 0f the womb and irregular menses. l7iS3E"C&RDUI has brought permanent relief to 11,000,000 women who suffered Jjevory month. It makes the men strual organs strong and healthy. jit is the provision mada by Na- Ituro to irive wonmn mil,. w' I tho tcrriblo aches and pains whlcn 1 bht bo many honing. uunK.iwoon, n., yet, Ik, 1900. 1 . . . IyM takoa with sovero pain la my i fore I had taken all of it I was rellered . .vui i, my umy to say that yon haro wonderful modlolne. MM. M. A. Yooht. I T 01 4Tloe andllterotnre, address, uMiur sTmo I ton.. "Tim UdlM Aimwy iSpartmemfrS 1 ClWtanuog UffUcioe Co ChMtaaoogs,a "A woman can make a fool of most any mnn; but in ma ny cases nnture has gotten the start of her." Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. The hardest thing to estaV lish and the hardest thing to break down after it is es tablished is a newspaper. It can live longer after it is hroke, can subsist for a grea ter period on the fat of its in testines and by sucking its paw than a bear or any hu man institution. And when a paper becomes great and bpgins to pay it beats the world as a money maker. Witness the case of the Phil adelphia Record which was recently sold for f 3,140,000. It is safe to say that it pays quite 0 percent, net upon this sum or it would not have brought it. It isfurther safe to say not more than $1, 000,000 of rbis amount can be found in its real estate, equipment and other phrsi cai belongins, and that more than two-thirds of its ascer tained value is represented by its franchises, .name nnd good will. Charlotte Obser ver. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable, Almost everybody who reads the news, papers ts sure to know of the wonderful i rv . cures made by Dr. the rrcat kidney, liver li and bladder remedy. it is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curlns; lame back, kidney, bladder, uric aold trou bles and Bright' a Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways. In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has uccu mauc vy wiuuii ui icsucraei una paper who have not already tried it, may have ft sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous) offer In this paper and send vour address " to 4rT9 Dr. Kilmer St Co.,Blng- rKiWi, hamton, N. Y. The1 regular fifty cent and Bossaeftw doUar sks ure r-oid by ail good druggists 8 rr .V rvx;' .. . A . I II.".