V;. jt'ir.?;t.,:vrr... ...V..' V.l I .-J . ..or ilSltl: t f.i.v. . .'-.. . '.i - ' , i' .' -'. , ; '...'..-':.. si. L ongr V "About yeir ago nihtir vti comlnt out veif fast, to I bought a bottfo of Ayet't Hair Vigor. . It topped the falling and made ray hair jtrov very rapidly, until now it fa 45 Inchea fn Hrttth."-Mra. A. Boydatoo, Atchlaon, Kaaav . ; - There's aflothef hunger than that of the Slomtch. Hair hufjgfef , for instance. .Hungry half needs food, needs hair yfiror Ayer '$. rcr '..Uvfcli3Nlrh-we sav that a. s. Ayer s Hair Vigor always restored tolor, and makes the hair grow long and njeavy. m a mu. aji It Tour dnurriet xnnnt laobl Van. M4 us on aollsr md w will ktri yon bottle. B sar kBdjrtt the rum of jroar BMren ezpiTM omoa, Adrirau, Qne animHtPd Rtatut is letter than d doen dead Ihwh. ,tL im una wa nai mjt gaap PROFESSIONAL. J. C. FtEf CliEI, Attornty At LAW, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to Collections. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C - fc3i$pecial attention given to all business entrusted to h'.H care.1e 8-23. 1900. t. W. TODD. bffio. I. PULL. TODD & PEll. ATWRNETS AT LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in ttie Courts of Watauga. Headquar ter at Coft'e Hbtel during court. 5-4-99. E. S. COFFEY, -ATlORttEt Al LA IK, COONfc, N. Prompt ftttehtion given to nil matters of a legal nature. t Abstracting titles . and collection of claims & special ty, . M3-1&00. Dr. J. M. HOTHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNERS ELK. N. C, No Knite; No Binning Out. Highest references and etiddra fiie'h'ta of prornintfiifc pelsotis eiic ieasfully tferited fji Va., Term, and N. C. RetfieuiWef that there is no time too soo'v to get rid ol a cancerous growth-o matter how small. Eia'mina'fioTi free, letters easwnml pfdmptly, and si tiHfiiction fcuarantera. NOTICE, ir.Irf. rAff nr.. ..... nn ..... . 'bonre the Clerk, B . P. Robinson, R. A, Kolriuaon, Ad- niltiiHtrati)ra of John W. VTuIten deceased Buraatan V 4 ; v. ,-" Ooo. XVafers. Isahella Flenerxartha if,ter8,' Ma ry 1'hillipn, Uura VhilftpiL : Sirah f ripleft',' Will loui Waters, M!ndy Wlnfers; . Wcretia Waten, 3ar:ih Watoin, Greenwood Watera; Ntelvln Wa' ttiw, Ethel Wutort, Meliibfra Water,, last U nit' nor cliiidrvn of ohn Waters deceased, and wie,' Cynthia Water. . . .The dcfqpdcnts abore named, Geo. Waters and William Watenv will take notice that an acUoa as above entitled has been commenced !)if the 8u pertor Colrt ot Watauga county to aell land be longlng to tli'ff estate of John tf. Waters, Deed:, for assets, mii tend situated In thecottnty of Wilkes, and the said defendant will further fake notice that they are required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior court of Wataujra county at blsofflne in Boone, N. c, on the 80th flay of July, 1903, and answer or demur to the ecmplnint In said action, or the plain Mm .will . apply to th ormrt fur lh' relief rtecinrvlcd In the r , JOUS H. BINOHAlf, C P . i--Kl3 I' - :B0OKfi WATAUGA OOUT'JV;? N. pr. Good kiritt to Tie Xe;ro. Asheville Citizen." ' "Z A jounft nejtro has risen in the South who gives promise of beingr of great benefit to his raw. ; His words nre not alwa.vB pleasent words to the negro, bat thej are words of sound Bense that,, if heeded b.r the race to whom thejr are addressed, would go a.' long way toward solving the raw pronlem. His name is W. W. Luras, and be is theJSeld ec retn ry of .tbe.NVgro Young Peopled ChHetlan and Edu cational Congress that Is to osnemble in Atlanta in Au gust. ' A few evenings ago he made an address to one of the largest negro congrega tions ever assembled in Mo bile, and some of the things he said, and which his audi ence greatly Japplauded, are worthy of re-production nnd preservation Speaking of the christian training needed by the colored race, he said: 'A great hinderance to the progress ot the race is t h e tWo oj foUr, bigoted, selfish, ignorant Baptist ofr Method ist preacher. He is in every Community opposing every measure ol progress." Unfortunately this is often true. The negro preacher is the iliost influential leader in the race, aud not infrequent ly the most Unscrupulous, planning devilment towhich he incites his followers. Only the other day down in Geor gia a negro preacher worked his congregation up to a great pitch of eicitementj li kening his race to the He brew Children living in the brick-yards of soutbei n white Egytians, add predicting bloddy plagues to come for their deliverance. Sush men, though they may be ;tod ig norant td know it, are the greatest obstruction to the well-being and progress of their race. Then Lucas took a turn at some of the doctrines these 'preachers'' were preaching and some that they ought to preach and were not. He said that the result was that the average tlontb? rn negro was prone to adjourn all their ambitions to the happj" day whefi the negroes will be ad mitted en masse to 'hog hea yen and their white eneraie' be shunted into the goat-pen and swallowed up in Hades. On that point he wittily re marked: "The white man is trying to make this earth blossom as a rose and the negro is getting ready to die! The white man is organizing bus iness enterprises and the he groes organising societies to Summer complaint is nnu finally prevalent among chil dren this season. A well de reloped case in the writer's family was cured last week by timely use of ChamberJain'ri Colic, Cholera aiid Diarrhoea Itemedy one of the best pat eiit medicines manufactured. and which is always kept at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff tot the company, who doinot ad vertise with 08. bnt to bene fit litttle sufferer who mfly not be within easy access of a physician. No family should he without this medicine in the house,' eSpecfalfy in Rum trier time. Lansing, Iowa, Journal. Fur sulc by M, ;l. li - rrtftiiytir.r turh out t to their funerals 1 Now, k object to a hundred dollar funeral for a fifty cent negro.' ': ' ;". Continuing his remarks Lu cas told his race that it waspouse, declared that the lea their slovenliness that white peopje objected to more thah the color of their skin. . I have decided that the on ly way to get rid of the-"Jim Crow" car Is to get rid p! the Jim Crow" negro. If I could use 200,000 bars of soap; on the unwashed negroes that travel on trains and hang a- rodnd depots I would solve the negro problem about 20 per cent.; Lazy, ragged, bare feet fellows longing for silver slippers and long white robes and counting themselves wor thy, neglecting to provide & home-for their families on earth and yet claiming a house not made wilh their hands in God'-s heaven!'' Truths well spoken, all of them, and truths that should be carried hOine to eyery ne gro in the land. If their prea chers and leaders would preach to them this gospel of virtue, cleanliness aiid indus try they would do more to elevate and uplift their rdce than all the philanthropists of New England haye ever done or cart ever hope to doj the would solve the rac problem better thud Congress can ever solve it. The voice is like the voice of one crying in the wilder ness, and the words nre words of truth and soberness. tHE SAME OLD STORY. J. A. Kellej relates an expe Hence similar tri that which has happened in almost. v ery neighborhood in the Uni ted States and hds been told and retold by thousands of others. He says: "Last sum mer I had an attack of dyseh tery and purchased a bottle of Chimberlaid's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to di rections and with entirely satisfactory results. T b e trouble was controlled mui-h quicker than former attacks, when I used other remedipsv' Mr. Kelley is n well known citi2fn of Henderson, N. C. For sale by M. B, Blackburn. the post mistress at Pros Cect, Va., committed suicide ecn use she was a couple of hundred dollars short in her atcounts. Suppose the suicide in the Cuban postal service were In proportion to t h e shortage what a time the cor oners and undertakers would have. Washington Post. POISONING THE 8YSTE. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Constipation kfeps these poisons in the system, Causing headache, duPnees nnd melancholy nt first, then unsightly eruption and . fin ally serious iilness unless a reme dy ia applied. De Witt's Lft.tle Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and pro mote easy, healthy action of the bowels. Thf se little pills do not act violently Init by strengchen injr the bowels enable them to pprform their own work. Never gripe nor distress. T. J Cojfey & Brtf. With men ont of jobs sfeep ing in the parks and a labor famine out west, some new scheme for the distribution of labor seems needed. New York World. llIURSDA Y , vtJY the Troat Own tnitfarty. I Observer, . vihrtlv before Congress dd lc ; j'Jfnfed, Mr. Richardson, the tVJbdcrdtfc leader of t h e ding issue in the cominjg cam pnign would be the trUst is scne. During the session just closed manyt .measures were advocated looking to with drawing the protective tariff from those articles which are sJld cheaper 0 foreigners t huh, Americans, amending the present jaws and making severer penalties. Just on the ev3 of the adjournment of Con gress Mr., Richardson urged the majority, now that all administration measures and all appropriations were out of the way, to slay at Wash ington one week longer to give consideration to the an ti trust bills that had been introduced and pigeonholed. He might as well liave asked the Republican members to Suppport a measure making them ineligible for reelection. They hastened to adjourn, without any action upon the illegal combinations and sys tematicdlly robbing the peo pie. The truth is that the Re publican party belongs to the trusts body, soul arid breaches. Trusts run the par ty, foot the bills, and then write taiing bills to felm biiHe themselves. The only hope of relief from the trusts is in the defeat ol the. party in power. Mr. Roosevelt tnlks mighty fine; so did Mr. Mo tCinley, so will .republican platforms. BUt "rairpromw es biitter no. parsnips," and nobody who "knows B from. BtilPa foot" pays attention td a republican declaration against trusts, it ia said Senator iMtcb ard's joint resolution giving pensionable atatus to soldiers who deserted the Confeder ate array and loined the Fed eral forces will distribute $000,000 in Western North Carolina. It is the shame of the Snate if it is true. This resolution is hot a thing for Senator Pritchard Orforany body who voted for it to be proud of. The mark of Cain would better become these men than a pension. Char lotte Observer White Baa TrJmed Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the fileuds of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexinaton, Ky., when they saw be was turning yellow. His Skin slowlv changed, color, also his eves, aud he suffered tt'rriblv. Hia malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. He was then advised to try Electric Hitters, the wonderful stJuiach. and liver remedy, and lie writes, "After taking two bottle's I was wholly cured." a trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kidne troubles. Oulv 50c. Sold by m. a. Blackburn. a paiutui silence is un known to men, but it is dif ferent with women.. Tie Best Liniment for Strains. Mr. F. H. Wells, the merch ant at Deer Park, Long Is Irfnd, ft, Y fays: J'l always recommend Chamberlais's Pain Balm as the b'es"t lin ment for strains. I used it last' winter, for a severe lani6 ne?s inf thu side, resulting from a strain, nnd. was great fy plensed with the quick r ?( tr : if, lHif The EepnUlcnn Slit "'; Boslon tost. . ' r . In the Congressional rlec tion whfen cbinuR oh, id four months from thistin.e the re publican party will face an is Sue on which it Is divided un compromisingly in the Con gress which has just ended its first session. This is the issue of the tariff". Tho trouble te gan in the precedihg Con gress, When thd suggestion ns made that protection houtd , be withdrawn from the great steel trust. It which hns just adjourned, and there itTdeveloped a wi der 8cdpe. As it standsdt the present moment nnd tis it will stand in the campaign Soon to open for the election of members of the new Con gress, it is in effect the rjues- tiou of tariff for monopoly or h tariff for the people. The revision of the Dingley tarffi in its entirity is a mat ter which the hew Congress will have toconsider. It has passed the stage in which a single industry only is con cerned. What Congressman i?abcock proposed fn relation to the steel trust is now pro posed in relation to all other trusts, and the. necessity is seen to be the same. Are the American people to be taxed to maintain raonODoles? that is the Question that will be asked of every candidate for Congress in every district in the land. On this question the split of the Republican majority in Congress foreshadows t h popular disturbance next No vembep. Mother Alwaji KeerJi it HJtidy. "My mother suffered a long time from distessing pains and gener al ill health due primarily to in digestion," says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Twb years ago J got her to try KoUo!. biie grew better at once and now. at the age of Severity-six, eats anything she wants, remarking that sue fearsno bad effects asshehas her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. (Jo after the cause. II your stom ach is sound your Health will b( trood. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by di gesting yoilr tpod. It is nature's own remedy T J. toney & nro. .Democrats may differ m their choice of candidates and may have spirited but friend ly contests over su!h mat tertf. brft when it comes to their fight against the com mon enemy they will stand together to a mntf. They are determined to have further experience of republican rule fn North Carolina. We haye tried that twice in the histo ry of the State and the expe rience we have already had will last us through several Generations yet to Come. Ilendersonville Hustler. VACATION' DAYS. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly living out o doors. Thero could be no healthi er place for them. You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy eqals DjWitts Witch Haiel Salve, for cfuickly stopping pain or removing dan ger 6T senoUB consequences. For cu's, s6alds and wounds, "j.u'sed DeWitt's Witch hazel Salve for cuts and bruises.", says L. B Johnriou, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on the market." Sure cure for piles and skin dis eases .-Beware of counterfeits. T. J. Coffey Sc. Pro. NO. 22, v;or.!nt)isn:LicPi A reallj henl worna'ri Vok tlo palu 5r discomfort at tue mciistrual htrlod. . No vortan noodii to hare any. . 1rie id Canlul wilt 4'uiuklytliovo thoae; amarting nibuHtnial pulua Hii'J the drngjring hiiud, IMc bd sldo aches canwiU by fulling of the womb fend irregular menseeC ITlLIEorCAnDUJ has brought perniuueut relief to l,6ob,000 wotoen' who jnfferlBd overy month. li iun&l-s Ihe men atruitl orirans stron.T and hculthv. It ia the provision niai'.u by Na ture to givo women relief from tho terrible aches hiid paiua Which bht o many fKu g. CaiuiNwoon.jr.4., OtU k, :m I hav been f ry sick ti-r aom time. I waa taken with a savor pain la m- lira ana couia not got any rent! asm uiu cuuiu not gat any reusi astvil fore I had taken allot it I u m DaiTio ui w iiia. or a bott le of Wine- of Oardttl: Bo nd takan ill n It t w. ..llinJ I feel it mT dntr tr) aa thai nu hua a wonderful uedloioo. Mas. M. X. Yotrtr. I Mr. liooseveit is swattihff' the trusts while . summering at dyster Itay. The trusts r4 garditfls a summer affair; About the .flnst of bctober 11 the Kepublican campaign . managers will need funds; the trusts will pony tip; and by time Congress meets the war on the trusts from Repnhli- . can sources will have endedf J There may be a sham battle; but that will be ah. The trusts are not worry ing a bo'dt a itiiiimef carhpaigri waged at the sea sHore a gairist them as long as d trust attorney is Attorney General. News and Observer. STOP TIUJCOt'dH WO 11 K O FP TH K COLD,' Luatiyo RroinpQuinineTablets cure a cold .in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c. Thottlarida Have Kidney Trimill and Don't Enow It Bow To Find Out. . Fill a bottto or common glass, wttti yeof water and let it atand twenty-four hours; aedlment or ee unhealthy condl tlon of the kid-, neysi tf It ataln your nhen It W evidence of kld-t ney trouble; too, frequent desire ta fiJv pass It or pain Ifl ,1,. K.b I. convincing proof that the kldneya ana blad der aro out of order. What to Do. , There Is comfort In, the knowledge a, often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-, Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills erery wish in curing rheumatism, Cain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part Of tho urinary passage. It correcta Inability, to hold water and scalding pain In pacsjns; ft, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant fiecessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many timet during the night. The mild and the , extra ordinary effect of SwampRoot Is soosi realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. f you naed a medicine you should have the' best. Sold by druggists . n SOc. and $1. aises. You may have a sample bottle of thlsj wonderful discovery ana a dook mat MtpM$Tk more about ft, both sent 1 'SSpW . absolutely free by mall. - address Dr. Kilmer 8 SmseM Co., Btngnamton, N. Y. When writing met BAR BE R SHOP. If y ofa want an qp to date hair cut aid sliaVego to'A. P. Pear-' son's Barber Shop... BO'oNE.N.C. . tsr am alno prepared to d gool and .satisfactory photo- r gruphic work, a'rd fun a renr -iC-jfl-?rS? r-r--- l.aiSll-t : in-! nm; ' Q lr hv or ; ' . 'i. t." X. 4d: ' .

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