'-.V .!''' "ft" smacrat. Entered at the Font ofdc it Moone, :N. d a 8&cond: Tha Watauga D J'.'- v.1ana mail mnttur '; SUBSCRIPTION RATS: - v. ' .. .' A -if . Jitiree monins . .4 d( verimng rn tea furnished y, bn. application,' : LOCAL NEWS. Young friend Joe tSuther land is im proving nicely. -The Summer School clos ed last Fnaay. -Good flonr nt itichard M. Green's at $2.45 and $2.50 per hundred. f-MiH Mary Farthing, of Watauga Fulls, is quite ill a gain. v fray-ma kiflg has bed:un. hnd the crop generally is con Bidered very light. Mr. A. M. Mast and fami ly, Of Uiwden, vrerecirculuting among Watauga friends last Week. , . " . , The Itoard of Education was lii regulr session Monday and Tuesday, and the July Work was doue. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial Col lege at Greensboro has an ad In this issue. -Rev. E. F. Jones will" fill bis regular. appointments j at the Baptist church hereon next Sunday: Attorney W. It. Lovill has added a very handsome ftemmington type writer to the fixtures of his office; Mrs. James 11. Hardin, Of Sutherland, is spending a few days with relatives in end around the village. Mrs, Richard Greene, of lowing Rock, who has been ritically ill for the past two woekS, is now convalescing. Delightful rains through- . m out toe counry uui mil the past week, and the growing crops are looking well. --Mr. W.'L. Bryail bid in the Mrs. Cora Council! prop erty on last Monday, the price paid being $735.00, -Remember you can buy y"ttur groceries of me more cheaply than anywhere in town or community. It. M. Greed. Quite a number of pleas ure seekers from Alexander county, spent stime time at the home of Mr. Frank A. Lioney last week. , Mrs. Jas, Brawley, ol Mooresville. is visiting her fa th'T, Capt. E. F. Lovill. - She Is accompanied. by her neph ew, Master Frank .Crawley. The County Normal con vened in the court house yes terday morning and a good Crowd was present at the o pemhg. It Dailies the World .the discovery in medicine has never created one quarter of the frsnitemeut that baa been caused by Pr, King's New Discovery for consumption. Its severest tests have been on boptless victims of Consumption, pneumonia, henior rhage, plurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom it fraS restor ru iu (wiictu iiuhii. i ji cuius. codsrhs. asthma. crouD. hav fe ver. Iioarseness and whoonine: colon ic iu tne qoicKest, surest cure Iff the world. It is sold by M. B. BlHckburn who guarantees eatislaclfoa or refunds money. Larpj bottles Ct)c. and $1. Trial bottles free. O . yf inn Kica TW Han: Always Boi'gH iAhw Iff sZ3jJEm v. H .MrV:nif Winkler, of Mob dy, one of the Watauga Acad emy pupils, t'ethrned home last week ijuite tin well; and we are told that he is still confined to his bed. ; ' Sorry to learn that lies coej son of L. H. Michael, of Rutherwood, is dangerously ill, and' that his recovery is considered extremely doubt ful. E, B. Mlller exhibited at ihis Tifflee on last Monday a chip that he claimed was cut from the apple tree under vVhi-h General Lee surrender ed at Appomattox, Va l3x t)overhor Thomas J. Jarvis and Dr. (Jed. I1. Wiiis ton, President of the A.&.M. College at Raleigh, will ad dress the Normal in .Boone on Saturday, July 26, 19d2. Mrs. I. S. Rambo, of Moun tain City Twin., with her in teresting little son: Justin. came over Sunday and will spend some days with her mother, Mrs. T. J; Coffey. John it. Hodges, Esq., of I Elk, was in town Monday, and said the crops in that section of thecourity werethe finest by far that he had ev er seen them, especially corn und vegetables. Spurgeon Walser, one of Blowing Rock's aged citizens died at bis home on last 'Sun day. He is spoken ol as being a gtiod, quiet, inoffensive and christian gentleradtl'dhd that the world is no worse by his having lived in it. iieports irom Lienoir are to the effect that Mr. Julius Seaborn, who was shot by Mri A. C. Farthingsomedays ago, is so much improved that he is able to be out ol his room; The Hon. Theodore F. Kluttz, of Rowan; and Hon. Edmund Jones, of Caldwell, will address the voters ol Wa tauga on the issues of the campaign during the noon re cess of couit on Monday, Au gust the 4th. -Ex-Sherift W. H. Cala wny had a final settlement with the county Treasurer on the first Monday and, now has in his possession receipts for every cent of county nion ey that passed through bis bands during bis four years official service. NOIICE. Persiiant to a decree of the Supe rior Court of Watauga county, N. C , signed on the 2rd day of June, 1902, in action wherein E. F. Loy ill, admistrator of J. P. Taylor, de cedsed'. and Emma 0. Tay lor, wid. ow of the said J. P. Taylor; deceas ed, are plaintiffs and the heirs at law of the said J. P. Taylor are the de fendants, on a petition to sell lands, for assets, I will on Wednesday, the 7tK day of August 1902, at the court house doer in Boone in sr id county of Watauga between the hours of 12 o'clock, M., and 3, o'clock p. m., proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public outcry the following de fccribed tracts of land belonging to the estate of the said J. P. Taylor, deceased, to wit: . One tract of land known .as the Valle Crucis lands, deeded to said f. P., Taylor by Hen ry Taylor deceased, adjoining the lands of 0. D. Taylor, containing five hundred and twenty-five acres more or less, as will more fully ap pear by reference to said deed from Henry Taylor to J. P. Taylor in Book R, and at page 73, et. seg. Al sCf one half interest in a tract or lot of land known as the Blowing Rock Hotel property, at Blowing Rock, in said county on which is located a large and commodious hotel known as the Blowing Rock Hotel contain ine eight . acres more or less, and the boundaries of which are duly re corded in book R, at page . 380 of the records of deeds for Watauga county. The said land is to be sold for the purpose of making assets to pay the debts of the said intestate, and chargesof administration. Terms of sale nnn thWA rush- n day of sale and the remainder in 1 . . i . cquai cnsianmems, to De paia in six "u iiiu"wi?respcciiveiy irom 6ay of SaIe-. June 24th. I903. ' E. F. Lovill, AdoifnTBtrator 'The Twoik of preparing for the erection of the large Industrial School huildingat Valle Crucis goes trie? rily od. The site for the buildng is be ing graded, the contract for cutting the timber" has been let, a heavy saw thill will be put down at once, and. Bish op Homer has sent in a hea yy pair 'of; horses) waajons, etc., lb be uSed on the. farm and in laying down the mate rial. Prof. Hugh Dobbin, who has long had charge of the Mission School, and labored so faithfully and untiringly for this enterprise has con trol of the farm and build ing, and we are told that the new structure will be pushed to completion just as rapid ly as .possible, y -Messrs. E. F. Lovill, B.S. Coffey, T. P. Coffey, T. S. 'of fey, J C. Fletcher, and possi bly others from Blowing Hock attended the Judicial Conyen tion at Lenoir Monday, and as the delegations to both were identical, we presume all tlie gentlemen named a bove attended the State Con ventioti at OreensbDro fester day. - oAflfroiitA. BMntU TM Kind You Ha NOTICE. Under and by virtue of a de eree of the Superior Court of Watauga county. N;C, made at March trm, 1903, of Slid court, I will.ascotumissioner appointed by said court and in obedience to-the said.ne creej on Monday, the4thday of August, it bein Monday of coart, between the hours of 12, M., and 8, p.m.ofthat day, pceed to sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash in hand the lands de scribed in the pleadings in the cause of E. B.nnd JaneMiller against A. J. Moretiandllob ertGruhh, lying and being 111 said count? on the head waters of Meat Camp creek, and Elk creek adjoining the lands ot 13. U. Brown, I. K. Miller and the heirs of A. F. Davis, dee'd., and bounded as follows! Bsginningon a white oak and tamarack trees oh the south east side of the gap bp tween Kiddles Knob and Pine Orchard mountain, running soutu 14 poles to a tama rac k hear the head springs of Kiddle's ork, thence west lOOJpoles to a chestnut tree, thence south 40 poles to forked birch on a cliff of rocks, s thence west 60 poles to a chestnut and mountain oak, thence south 40 poles to a cuestnut oak, thence west bt) poles to a sfnke on t h head waters of Roarinir Eork thence north 140 poles to a stake, thence east. 20 poles to a chestnut, thence noitb 136 poles to a chestnut near Morton's Gap, thence east 165 poles, crossing Loner Hope Creek ton beach, thence north ru poles to a tama rack on the bank of Long Hope creek, a corner of the 100 acre tract, thence noith 100 poles to a stake in Tomp kin's old line; thence east with said line 159 polf-s cross ing said Long Hone creek to a sta ke thence south 69 poles crossing Laurel Eork of Elk creek to a large birch, corner of 300 acre tract, also a cor ner of the Finley tract thence east 15 poles to two tama racks, thence south 140 poles to mountain oak, on a cliff of rock on the north east end of the Pine Orchard moun tain, thence east 20 poles to a mountain oakthenresouth 118 , poles to a Chestnnt, thence west 116 poles to the beginning, containing 625 a cres more or Ices, and being all that tract or tracts of lands known as the Steele lands. This land was sold on th; 2nd day of Jnne, but the sale was set. aside and a new one ordered. This June 17th, 1902. John H. Bingham, Com The; Democrats of Ashe county have nominated At torney T. C. Bowie for the Btflte Senate, atid. aWatau ga and Alleghany can do nothing more than endorse the choice" ot the Democracy of Anlie county, he will be the candidate. We are told that Mr, Uowie isa fine Speaker, add that he will make a vig orous campaign. V " -Two weeks Of Normal, two weeks of court, the Dem ocratic Codnty cohvetion, the bistrict Conference at Va I ley Crucis, and the Bam Jones meeting at Bldwing Rock con 8titite, at least, a. part of Watauga's program for the next six weeks. Committeemen shouldn't employ teachers who have no certificate from the Insti tute. This is made compul sory bv the School Law, and those who fail to attend will not he employed as teachers, unless providentially hinder ed from attending the same. This is the situation in a hut shell. King Edwaid, of England, continues to improve, and it is now officially given out that his corona tionwill come off between the 8th and 12th of August. ACTS IM&lEDIAf Ett. Colds are sometimes more troub le'Uome Iri the4 bummer than in the winter, It's so hard to keet) Irdtn adding to them while cooling oft after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure ior cougns, cuius, croup, tnroat and liliig trouble. T. J. Uofiey & tfro. Look Here Friends! "A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLL Alt MADE." And we will offer goods . for the next sixty dats at the Foilowitlg prices: Au standard calicoes at o Outings worth I2c. at 10 Double width dress ca&imers, good yafues at 25 and 30c. at 15 to 20c. per oard. V'e will sell you 4 lbs. soda for 10 cts; 16 lbs granulated sugar ior $1; iy ids. nice browfl 6Ugar for $1; 2 large cakes laundry soap 5c. Nice line Of shirting and cottonaues mat we are closing out at a bargain A a M A nice line ot gout s and LADIES' HATS that are going at ost. 1 000 pairs gent's ladie's and cbil drens' shoes that we are clos iug out at great bargains. 150 pairs of odd pants go ing at less than manufactur er's prices. It will pay you to see them. In fact, we can saveyo Money on every article you buy, for we are here to do business, and we expect todo it by giv ing'inare goods for less mori ey than any other firm in the county. The best line of green cof fees the market affords at 10 to 12 cts. per lb. COME ONE COME ALL and save monfey by buying your goods of us All kinds of produce bouuht at the highest market prices. Thir ty cts. per It. paid for wool. V ith an experience of more than twelve years in thebirch oil business acfd with our in fluence on the northern mar kets, we can and will pay jou more for this artHe' than anjoneelee. Fat and poof cattle bought. In fact we' will give you a nie deal on anv thing you have to sell. tome and see us. Jo!raso& & RoMrins, 4fi A WHEEL fca aocMwt happens la a botUo of L v Ulfg or Running-Sores heed not become U 1 Tll J uuuy, 11 iuey ao MEXICAN ' MUSTANG LINIMENT i will thoroughly; quickly and pennai' hently cure these afflictions. There , is no guess work about it i if this lin- lment is itsed a cure will follow. J ' A mDONT KNOW "'""y burn or ld can beeured . WV! . ,u,, untU you have treated it with HexlcAd StvuUng Liniment. Al fleeh healer It itAnd at the rerj top. NOTICE. All persons will take notice that the partnership, if any, heretofore, existing between Thomas H. Sutherland and Thomas S. Watson is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. This June 4, 1902, Thomas H. Sutherland. Cash Your Produce. I am now at my old stand, Neva, terin., and want all your Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Beeswax, Dry-hides, Ginseng, and all other salable produce at highest Cash pVices. 5 5. . C. B. RfcESE. A. LINNEV, ATTORNEY AT LAW;- boone, rt. c. Will practice in the courts of this and surroundingcoun ties. Prompt attention giv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal natdre. 6 12 EDMUND JONES, LAWYER -LtfNdlB, N. C - Will Practice Iiegtilatly in the Courts of Watauga, 10-25 1 y. W. II. BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir, N. G. Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe" and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to his care: C. B. WEBB, C. Y. ILLEBR. Wilkesboro Marble Works Webb & miller, Prop. Granite and Marble Monriments and everything in the cemetry line doiie iu the best of style at the lowest prices Satisfaction Guaranteed"! Thoinas L. ditcher, ' SURVEYOR -DEERFIELD, N. C- Is now equipped with a new VARNIER COMPASS And makes a specialty Of sur Trying and mapping home mineral and timber lands. Al I so surveying roads and terra Jcmdfteherf. ntirbwrttwitadlai.tor.-. UaUcta MaUnC LUdienl 7. a fixture upon your" ! !x f r- 1 11 is your iauit, ior i Td Ctiro i Col8 in Oht! Sfay. Take LoxaUve Brotno Quinind Tablets. All drugints refund thd moiie.v if it lails to cure. E. W Grove's signature la on each box; 236. U. COTTREll, Physician b Surgeon BOONE, N. C Ohiice at Coffees Hotels Offers his professional seN vices td the people of this1 and surrounding communi ties. ffcS""Calls promptly attend ed day or nigbt. NOTICE; North Carolina, Watauga codnty J. C. Potts vs Eli Crlm&ley. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superi or Court of Wataugn county in the ' above entitled, action, I will on Mori day, the 4th day of August, 1902, it beingMonday of Watauga Superior Court, ut I o'clock, p. m., at the court house door of said county sell to the highest biddder for cash M satisfy said execution, all the rights title and interest which the said Eli Grimsley has in the following de scribed real estate, to wit: One tract of land adjoining the lands of Geo. Grimsley, Thomas R. Smith and others, and known as a part of the Benjamin Councill 100 acre tract and conveyed by W, H, Grimsley. td Eh Grimsley, containg 25 acres' more or less, situated in Wataue:t county, N. 0. This June 30, 1002. W. B. BAIRD, Sheriff. NOTICE. By virtue of two executions is-. Biied frorn the Superior court of Watauga county, June 24, 1902 wherein Cowan, McClung k Co., and Chapman,, .White, Jjyons & Co. ore plaintiffs and j. P. Coun cill and Z. B. Buchanan are de fendants, for $951.87. with inter eet, is due Cowan, YlcClcngiSb Co. and $155.8o. with iptereBt, is doe Chaprrfdn, White, Lyons and Co., I will on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1902, it being Monday of cout, between the hours of 12 M. and 4 p. m. pro- . ceed to eell tq the highest bidder at the court housedoorin Boone for cash in huud all the right, ti tle and interest. Of the said J, l Councill in tbe following descri bed tract of and tying and being in said county, on the waters of Brushy Fotk creek, adjoining fh'e lands. of B. J Council!, J. L. Hajes. Silas Ad mm; decF. P. Maat Day id Horton and the heirs of Amos Howell dec.., and being all that tract of land deed ed to J, P. councill by Benjamin council! on the 1 0th day ot Atf gust; 1 77, and recorded in book G, page 3$, of the record of deeds of said county and contain ing 388 acres more or kps, to which record reference is herby made, with the exception of the homestead, including dwelling, and lot, contains: about two ? bout two' acres. July 2, 1903'. ' W,.B.-Baircf, Shrriff fcr . V. Milleiy 5V . ' ir,r. t.r...';'.-.v

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