I VOL XIV. c m RQOXR WATAUGA -COUNTY. K. Cm THURSDAY,' JULY 24, T? P 3- KG. 23 IS .1 rr ir Fall I tried Ayer't Hair Vigor to stop my batr front falling. One bait 's bottle cured me.". -, .. J, C. Baxter, Brtidwood, 111. Ayefs: Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of i t goes a long way. It doesn't take much of (t to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. JMUMk, JUKnoMf : If ow druggist cannot supply yon, end us on dollar and we will express yoa a bottle. Be sure and rive the name f jour ncaraat axpraM offloa. Add raw, . ' J.C.AyiUCO.,UwsU,JIaes. A BeaiUfil Introduction. On Wednesdav niorhtoflast wen k' Prof. L: d. Max well, member lift the'Countv Board of Education, deliver ed on able nnd instructive speech on the Public School La w a t.t lie court house, and v leanest of numbers ol hoKft nreKeni. vp nnhlish the I i r iiiiriiuuiTiHJii ui -iiiix fBit-yi ed citizen, delivered by ;Prof, V; M. Franca m. Mr. Fran cum Btild: . ' It is as difficult for some ;, y young men to slowdown rap :V l:t idly as it is lor others to ; make haste slowly. Tla KlBd Yoi Klwiys-Boqg I BeanO PROFESSIONAL. ' Attorney ii Law, -BOONE, N C i r 3 Careful attention giveu to .Collections. . EFLOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, , . BOOSE, A'.C tiT'Special attention Riven to ail business entrusted to l his care.a ; 8 231900. ; W. W. TODD. ueo. r. Y TODD & PEtli . AT'WRNEYS Al LAW, JEFFERSON,' N. C. Will practice regularly in the t, courts of Watauga. Headquar t teis a CoftVy 's Ilotel during couit. ' 5-4-99. GEO. P. PELL E. S. COFFEY, . -AVIORSEY A1 LA IV,- OONE, N. C 'Prompt.attention given to all matters of a legal riature. Abstracting titles and collection of claims a, special ty. 23.1000. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. No Kniie: No Burning Out. Highest references and endors. merits of prominent persons sue roflftf nil v treated in Va.. Tenn. and N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no 1 matter how small. Examination free, letters answered promptly, and satisfaction fcuaranteea. 'Ladies and Gentlemen. I hive the honor of introduc- inir to this august assembly he name of one of your own countymen, Hon. L. G. Max well, one of the efficient mem bers of the Board of Educa tion, who is not only a , very iolite scholar, but n man of extensive and profound eru dition. Mr. Maxwell was born on the North Fork o New River, a, pelluHd.strpnm indicating he purity of bis character. a river which rises in moun tains among the grandest works of nature, and, reflec ting in its course, the proud est works of man is symboli cal -of his character, which, in its ceaseless and ever-wi dening flow, is a symbol ot his eternal lame. .A1I ages have ad mi re I nobility. ! His torians have recorded with glowing emphasis and poets have sung of the noble exam Dies of self-sacrifice and love, both of Kings on t he field of battle nnd peasants in the lowliest walks of life. The old have meditated on them with tears, and the young have read, with throbbing breasts and heroic resolutions to be come great and noble. In all ages of the w o r I d there have 'been men who bave risen above selfishness, nnd have illuminated this dark world of ours. True no bilitj does not always accom pany the pomp and pagean trr of monarchs. Seldom isit cradled in costly parlors fur nished with costly furniture and embellished with an n- bundance of gold, out it fre quently rises from poverty and obscurity, unnoticed ex cept-by the few who enjoy the magnanimity of its unset fish spiiit. , Mr. Maxwell has spent thir ty years of his life in trying to lift up humanity on a high er and nobler plain. He has grown gray in the service of his country, teaching chil dren ot Watauga, imbuing their minds with germs of no bleness, and is as worthy of a diadem of praise as the phi losopher, statesman, or war rior, whose laurels are died in blood History is replete with greit men who have shone as brilliant orbs in the, literary world," and ae stare of the first magnitude, but among (he galaxy of great men. the name of L G. Maxwell will ever; stand out prominent ana in uoiu renew - I would compare him to N.ipoleon, b u t "Napoleon made his way to empire over broken oaths and seas of blood." but Mr. Maxwell has made his way to the hearts of the people of Watauga county by his personal mag netism, and by his strict ad herence: to the. principles of justice and integrity; I would compare him -to Washington, but the great Virgininn held slaves and belonged to the arisfo-raej' of Virginia, while Mr. Maxwell belongs to the common people of Watauga county. "When truth shall get a hearing, history will put: Hamptden for England, La Fayette for Prance and Washington as the bright morning star 'of our earlier civilization," then, dipping bis pen in the clear blue, he will write above them oil in characters of living light and known of all men the name of Mr. L. G. Maxwell. :Dean Swift says: "Seest thou a man on whom you know you can depend, one who will stand for the right, though all the world may oppose, and you find a man who has a spark of Divinity, a frag ment of the ! Rock of Ages." Such a man isL. G, Maxwell. He will stand for the right. He has the nerve, and if you will pardon the expression, the backbone, to argue for the right, with lawyers and judges. Th fame of L. G. Maxwell will go on increas ing down through the ages with ever-brightening lustre. Historians will, record his greatness and the sublimest poets will sing Ms funeral dirges. Fame will place bis name among her richest trea sures.in the great pantheon of immortality, and the time swept harp of ages will swell in grander strains one giant anthem of praiae to L. G. Maxwell. The time enduring sphinx of Egypt may cease her wier- ed vigils; the proud, gitrantic pyramids may crumble into dust; the bedouin Arab may halt his camel on the on the disintegrated dust of the lof- tient pyramid, but the name of L. G. Maxwell will still live in the minds and hearts of the people of Watauga coon tv as long as gread deeds and great thoughts shall be remembered. Wheu he dies he will proba ably be buried on a beautiful j mound oyer looking New Riv er, the murmurs oi wnicn wpre his boyhood music, and whether virgin snows mantle his grave with their trackless undeflles or, a?olian breezes whisper between itandsinil ing moons, or the serene sun shine Bhall steal the noontide zephyr from the umbrageous oaks, or the greut king of storm shall anchor his suble ship of gloom upon it or turn oose the guns of thunder rom their fiery portals, he will sleep the same calm, se rene and undisturbed under the sod of eternal fane. , I re peat that 'It is with the great est pleasure that i introduce the Hon.'L. 0. Maxwell, who will now address yon." , It Dailies tbe World Tlip ilitwnverv in medicine has ...-.- . never created one quarter oi me Ptrirement thnt has been caused by Pr. Kuig s New Discovery tor I'ouHiimntion. Its severest tests have been on noptioss victims oi consumption, pueuniomu, nemor rnnw. niiirinv uuu unjnuuiLio. rkmiRnmls of whom it has restor ed to perfect health. For colds. concha, a&tuma. crouo. uay ie- ver, hoarseness and whooping cough it is. the quicKesc, Buresi nni'A in thp world. - It ! Is sold bv 51. M. IflHcKDurn who guarantees satisfacliou or refunds money. Large bottles 50c. and f 1. Trial bottles iree. A number of congressmen have bean yisiting Alabama recently to study the condi tion of the negro. They visit ed Tuskegee, and there was wisdom as well us wit in Book pr vVflahiniton'6 remark to them ! that. tbe. students, o1 Tuskegee were learning indu9 try nnd thrilt, and that none of them bad yet broken into jail or congress. Ex. . I. : -:-:.DIED.- " Mrs.Nancy Banner, relict of Lewis B. Banner, died on the 7lb day of July, 1902, at the age of 86. She was the moth er of a large family t6o well known to be recounted. ; The home of Aunt Nancy and Uncle Lewrs was always the preacher's inecca and the people's hostlery. When Un cle Lewis died, nineteen years ago. the place lost none of its social cast; nothing was missed butthegojd old man. Home-loving Aunt Nancy bore trouble patiently; she seemed always cheerful, nl ways contented, always tlov- ed, always busy, always at leisure, always prosperous. always devoted to her fumi ly and friends. Her Jife was a vine whoso branches en twined inanv hearts, while it flourished, and still clings to them when it has dropped its fruit and died. But death should not be deeply mourn ed, when life has been' so long, so sweet, so perfect. The family clung to the good old mother when. medi cal skill could do nothing but stretch the brittle thread But she was, all the time, ready to go. Life's work had been well done; there was nothing to do but die. If all children had such a mother, Eden would be re stored. 'The Lord rejoiceth in the death of his saints;" then why should we mourn? S. M. Duoqeu. Banner Elk, N. C. u r NOTICE. ' -north Carolina. Watauira County, before the Clerk, B. P. Kobinnoa, R. A, Itoblnaon, Ad mlnlstraton of John W. Walten deceased. ' ,- Vl ! Geo. Waters. Dahella Flcner MartiA Water. Ma ry Phillips, Laura Pbillipa. 8arah Tripk-N, Will tun Watera. Mlndr Winter. LocrebA Water, Sarah Water, Greenwood Water, Melrlo Wa ters, Ethel Wateit, Helaona Water,, laM u mi nor children ol John Water deceased, and wife, Crnthla, Water. niialAnilitntiiBtnTanairied. Geo. Water and William, Water, wlil take notice that an action a above euti(led has been commenced im the Bu peiior Conrtof Watauga county to sell land be longing to the eHtate ol John W. Water, Deed :, tor asset, raid land situated in the county o! Wilkes, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear be ' lor the Clerk of the Superior court of . Watauga . county at bis office in Boone, N. c, onthe30th day of July, 1003, and answer or demur to the .complaint in said action, or tbe plaintlfl will ,ppiy to the court for the relief demanded In the . comi.lsint .Thi.Junc.16. 10.2. - . JOBS S. B1WBAM, C. 8. C. " Summer complaint is unu rhaIIv nrpvaleitt among chil dren this season. A well de veloped case in the writer s fnmilv was cured last week by timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nud uiarrnoea i?pmpd v on a of the best oat ent medicines nianulactured, and which is always kept' at me nome oi ye B-nur. aimo ic not intended as a Iree pun 101 fhp rnmnanv. who dolnot ad vertise with us, hut to : bene fir. lit rile sufferers-who may not be within easy access of n nhrsiciau. No family should be without. this medicine in the house, especially in sum mer time. -Lansing, Iowa, Journal. Foi sale by M. B. Blackburn. - - POI80M1NO THE SYSTEM It. is through the bowels that tbe hnrlv is cleunsed of impurities. Constipation keeps these poisons in the system, causing neaaucue, dnlinpKB nnd melancholy at first, then uns'ghtiy eruption ana nn iiv Miti-imiR iilnpHH unless a rente- dv is applied. DeVVitl's Little Uv atimnlntinc the liver and pro nmtn pahv. henlthv action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently but by stren cnen imr flip hnwtla enable them to perforin their own work. Never gripe nor distress, i; a. wwy & Iiro. THE SAME OLD STORY. . J. A. Kellej relates an expe rienre similar to that wnicn has happened in almost ev prv npi nhhorhood in tbe Uni tp'd States and has been told and retold by thousands of others. He says: "Last sum mer I bad an attack ofdysen terv and purchased a bottle ol Chunbprlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy. which I used according to di rpoiions and with entirely satisfactory results. The ti cinhlfl was controlled much quicker than former attacks, when I used other remedies.-" Mr. Kelley is a well known iif ixHtt tif Henderson. N. C. For sale by M. B. Blat kburn. VACATION DAYS. Vnpation time is here aud the children are fairly living out of iii doors. There could ne no neat tin er place for them. You need only t-n (v-nnrd flo-ninst the accidents incidental to most open air a,. 1 V X7 i sports. INO remedy eqais u nyurs Witcn Haze saive ior nuicKiy stonninar nain or removing dan- II." n J ger ol senous consequences, n or t-uts, scalds ana wounns. "i useti DeWitt's Witch hazel Sulve lor cuts and bruises." says L. o Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the bout teinedv on the market.'' Sure cure for piles and skin dis. eases. IJeware oi cauuterieits. 1 J. Coffey & Iiro. ALL WOMEN Wino of Cnrdui Is the guardian of a woman's health and happi ncsu from youth to old age. - It helps her safely Into wouinnhood. It sustains her during tin) trial of pregnaiMiy, olilMlilrlh , and motherhood, making labor easy nnd provouthig Hooding and nils-7 carriage. It gently leww nor through tho , dangerous . period known ns tho change of lifo. rnnffortf Annul ' i i ,Ln H CUTI; luucun liuett, liiuiiijj ui ura womb, and menstrual Irregularity, in every form. It U valuable in every trying period of u woman's lifo. It reinforces tho nervou systom, nets directly on tho geni tal organs and is the lines t tonic fur wfinum known. Ask VOur druggist for ft $1.00 boUlo of Vino of Cardiii. BatcBville, Ala., July H, 1W0, I am vrIuk Wiue of Cardui and Thed ford s Dlaok-nrauirht and I feel like a different woman already. Several la dies hero keep the medicines in their home all the time. I have three girls aud they are usl noJt with hie. 7 mhTkath BMOWDBE. Tot advice nd llttur, ddrM, irlving nirnt ", The OhitOanuuga ModloiM ConkDanri Ckultanuuga, . It is said thnt it is quite probable that the Legislature will be asked to enact two new lawsone regulating the child labor in factories, the other applying the fellow-ser vant law, now in force as to railroads, to fa ctores. Colo nel Olds. The Best Liniment for Strains. Mr. F. H. Wells, the inerch ant at Deer Purk, Long la land, N, i says: "laiwnys recommend tjnamtjeriam s Pain Balm as the best lini ment for strains. I used it Inst" winter for a severe lame ness in the side, resulting from a strain, and was great ly pleased with the, quick re linf nnd cure it effected. For nale by M. B. Blackburn. All the world loves a lover except sometimes the girl the girl the lover loves. Has not the clock of pro cress, impelled by an impera five social need.airam struek the hour for the next great step upward and forward to a still higher evolution of de tnocracv that shall give to every child of our land a full and complete education or head, hand and heart? Na tiohal Printer's Journal, White Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt hv the friends of M. A. HorartV, n'f Lexinaton. Kv.. when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and no sunered turriuiy. FTM ninlariv was Yellow Jauu dine. lie was treated bv the best doctors, but without, benefit. He was then advised to try biectnc mttprs. the wonderful stomach and fiver reined v. and be writes, . " . . . ... . After takinor two bottles i was wholly cured." a trial proves it marxniess litem jur un biouiuui, liver and kidne troubles. Uui 50c. Sold by m. n. Blackburn. STOP THE COVUH WOllK OFF THE COLD, Laxative BroinoQuitiiiieTablets cure a cold in one dsy. No cure no pay. rrice.guc. The first great aim ol tech nical education should be to fit. the student for a partic ular industry. In the years of the child's education man ual training is more impor tant than reading, writing. or arithmetic- -Col. Francis W. Parker. Mother Always Keeps it Handy. "My mother suffered a long time from distesninir wains and sreuer- nl ill health due primarily to in- digestion," says 1. W. tspaiumg, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago 1 . . .1 T 1 1 til. .. got lier to try ivouoi. one grew eiter at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fearsno bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stom- - . .a. a I I ach is sound your heaim win oe good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by di gesting your lood. It is nature's own remedy I J. umey & mo. More sickness is caused by improper eating and drink ing than from all other caus es combined. If ever people learn how to eat and drink there will be but little work for the physicians. Farm and Ranch. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneyd Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. t no Kiuneys sic your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kiilnev trouble causes Quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel aa 'hough they had heart trouble, because the heart it nuxr.urnrklnff in numrjln? thick, kldnev- polsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to do consiuerea mat oniy urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. . If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy IS soon realized, it sianos tne ntgnesi tor us wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may nave a ..mnt. hnttlf bv mall naMcllnMSM free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this papor when wrltlpg Dr. Kilmer 8t Co., BInghamton, N. Y. ' OASVORXA. Bean tbe lMalM ton Haw AlOTfl BOlfH SiffBstiua of B ABBE Ii SHOP, It you want an up to-date hair cut and shave go to A. F. Pear son's Barber Shop ....... BOONE.N.C. tST am also prepared to do good and .satisfactory photo graphic work, and run a repair shop for boots and shos. Oiy me a call, ,l . " ' '.--" ' S. "'V