(H7 (My XIV, BOOKE, WATAUGA CQUY. N. C.: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1C, NO. 85 v.- yjbungs "An attack of la triooo left, me v :a a bad cough r My frienda aald I kef consumption. I then tried Ayer's.enerrf Pectoral and It cured m promptly." : A. K. Randies, Nokomis; 111. You forgot to buyibot tlt of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when "your cold first came on, so you let It run along. ; Even now, with all. your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. TkMriMa: ISc., Mc.U, All C0BMlt your dfcetur. If ha tar take It, f1f r. It be tell yi not to take It. than don't take It. He knows. Lest It with Mm. W.rlll.lf. J . O. ATKH CO.. Lowell, Mass. 'Y-. ' Take good care;, oil f our horse and vehicle and thy ' . will take good -rare of: you. . , . : . .THB WORST FQHM. . . j, f : .i;t:. v-v .:-.. Mul tildes arc;fcinging'4he praise of ."H Kodol, the rie'tundiscovery that is ma ; ; : king ad many aick people well and "; ' weak plople 'iitrong by digesting :: v.vrhat they j eat,? by cleansing -and . 'aweetening- the stomach', it rid by. , v, i transforming 'theif ' food Jnio the :"'j'J. kind of purortich-rtd bloods that i v makes you feel gooj ve. -Mrs.' 'VCrantilljOf Troy, I., TJ? whites: ' I j: for a number of years was troubled a' ' with indigesttoa and-dyspepsia that ;, grew into the worst forrnFinallv I 1; was induced tqfry Kodol and aftef using fourtbottles I nm entirely cur " ' ed. I heartily reeonnpend Kodol to . alt suerers rom indigestion or dys .. pep'. "Take a dose . after each i meal. It digests what you eat. T, J.Coffey and Bro. . 'Prwwlnt Venable of the -r! ItJuirersity of qrth Corolir Yy there are actually pres At 537 btu leiitB.? ?r PROFESSIONAL. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law," ;; 1 BOONE, N; C , Careful attention given to collectfbna. -Attorney at law,-4 'BOOSE, N. C- .Wpipcial attention given i to till business entrusted to ih8C5tre."SI ; 8 23, 1900. if. W. TODD, '.' . GEO. P. PELL. v TODD EIL, AT'JOHSEYS AT LA W, JEFFERSON, S. C. "Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar .1 teia at Coflcy 's Hotel during couit. . y ' 5-4-99.' E.SJFFEY, ATlOllhEY A1 LA If, - &ooSe.c. - Prompt attention given to ; . all matters of u legal nature. t&mAbstrg,ctmg titles and 7 eolhetidn of claims special ty. ij . ; 5.231900. t Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, . Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. -i Ao Knile; No Buimng Out. Highest references aud endors ments of prominent persons sue , ycessfully treated in Va., Tenn. Aand N. U ' Itemetnber that there j is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growtb-?-no . matter i how small. ' Examination free, I ' letters angweiwl proiii ntly , and Satisfaction j,uiranteca. BLACIBCBStt 6IIX. Trxt of the Bill fatroduwd In tke Hones of Brpnaeatativei Fek 17, " : 1902, and Referred to Can :'r. asittea an Peasloai. : Mr. Ularkbnm (hy request) introduced the following bill: 7 9 pro vide pensions foi freed men, a nd so forth J . Be it enacted b j the Senate and Hou.se of Representar tivesof the'United States of Amefja, in Congrees ossetn-ilea,l!.r,.:7!;,,-!-;-- That al j persons released from involuntary servitude, commonly-failed slaves, ;in pursuance of the "procia ma tions of ex-,Presiden t Abra ham Lincoln, dated respect ivel.v S-ptembT22.f, 1862, and Janudry.l8t7 .1863, and in pursuance of amend tuehts to the constitutions. f 'the several States wh rein Slav ery or involuntary servitude formerly exidted, recognized by the Federal constitution undlnwsol the United States, or by Hiiy,proclamui()n, de cref, or device whereby per Sin8 once held as slaves or involuntary subject? i in col sequence of race . or , color or federal or State recognition of involuntary servitude, ex cept for the commission of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly ; con-victcdv-shall be, and hareby are mode pensioners npon t hej bog n t v : of $ t he ; Un i ted States, .and also -such per sonm as ; may be' charged by the laws of ; conHunguinity with the Bupporji of treed mnn Who are unable1 by reason of oge or disease to maintain themselves. Seel? 2. That any person who may have been held aa a slave or involuntary servant under and b reason of any laws of the United States, or of either of tbe states of the United St&tesbr. in conse quencebf any device or cus torn pVevaifirfg ! within such sta tes, or . t he tin i ted S t a tes, except for the commission u crime wheie)f the party shall have been;duly convicted, and who shall have been re leased from servitude in man ner More stated, and who shall at the date of the pas sage of this act have reached the age ol 70 years, 6hall be entitled - to and . receive the sum of five hundred dollars frpm the Treasury of the United States.hereby author ized to be paid out of any moneys not otherwise appro- printed, and to the sum of fifteen dollars per month du ring the residue o( their nat ural lives. This provision shall apply to male and fe male freedmen alike; and ali persons so 'released ,from servitude who shall be less than seventy years of age and of the age of sixty years or over shall be entitled to and receive the sum of three hundred dollars, and also twelve; dollars . per month until they fel reach the age of seventy .years, when, they shall be entitled to andre ceive the greater sura, herein- before stated ,'as-B monthly pavment; and all ; persons released from servitude as brfQie stated, who shall be less : than' sixty years eld, and of, the' age of ' fifty years or over ihall be entitled to and receive the sura of one hundred - dollars and ' abo eight-dollars per month un til sixty years bid .whert they shall : receive ;twele dollars; and all ersons released from servitude . as , before stated who shall , be, less J ban1 fifty years of age shall be entitled to receive four dollara per month v until ? fifty years old, when they shall receive Hght dqllars; all moneys herein authorized to be paid shall be dispersed frorr thegeneral fund of the Treasury ' not othei wise appropriated. ' Sec. 3. That relations or others! who may be charged with the support ol nged or infirm persons released from involuutarv servitude in man ner aforesaid shall beentitled to and : receive the monthly pensions.. awarded to such aged or infirm persons in whole or in part, upon show- lnK to the satisfaction of the Secretary of - the : Interior, that such support is afforded in a humane und becoming manner, the amount of such payment being under the control Hud direction of the Secretaiy afcryenid. See. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior shall have power to make all needful rules and regulations for the carrying into effect the pro visions of this Act according to the. true intent and mean ing thereof, and to designate proper ' officers as agents through whom frjred men or other persons may make ap plication .for payment and receive moneys authorized to be paid by (be provisions of this Act. v .' . . Sec.. 5. That all needful rules and regulations for the carryiqg into effect the pro visions of this . Act shall be approved by Congress before the taking effect thereof. Sec. 6. That the compen sation of agents charged with the enforcement of 'this law shall be recom mended by the Secretary of the, Ulterior and approved by Congress. Sec. 7. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of January, A. D. 1903. Stricken With Paralyms. ,Hendernon . Griininett, of this place' was stricken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost the use of one arm and side. Alter being treated by an erainent phy sician for. quite a while with out relief, my wife recom mended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after Using two bottles of it be is almost en tirely cured. George R. Mc Donald, Man. Logan Ncounty, W.'Vn. Seyeral other very reranrkable cures of partial paralysis have been effected by the use. of this liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheu matism, sprains and bruises. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. ' Raleigh Post: We think the President may make up his mind to nurse, a shin until after the election. While en tirely innocent o long as he remains at the White House, the least effort, at speech making might do, miih harm, somewhere or lb (some '' Cfcalmao Siannoaa' Letter. . Morning Post, Oct. 9. : ' ; . The let ter from Rut herford county published in The Post of yesterday morning men tioned the rejection by a reg-i istrar of a negro who, though he could rtad and write well, misspelled a word.. This en or on the part of the registrar was so obviously coufriry to the letter and spirit of the law that Chairman Simmons wrote a , letter, cajling atten tion thereto and giving what may be termed an interpret ation of the law for the ben eflt of all registrars. ' Errors equally as glaring os that reported trotn Rutherford are stated to have been made in other counties. .There i no need whatever, fiom any standpoint, of giv ing to the law a sirained construction. Nor is there, from any point of view, any occasion for its arbitrary en forcement to the extent of doubt ful construction. If tbe applicant "can read and write" in a mannr equal to the ability in that respect of the ordinary citizen, be is eligible within the meaning of the amendment. This amendment was pro posed, framed and adopted by the ; white Democratic voters, of the State, even against the organized oppo sition of the Republican par ty. This qualification is de manded by theDublicwelfarei but the possession of it en titles the person t the privi lege of voting, according to this De.m05rai.ie law und Dem ocratikpromise. it should be executed in good taith, not only because it is law and involves a .Democratic pledge, but -and this is of vital importance upon its just execution depends the validity and permaneney of the constitutional amend ment itself us a whole. Chairman Simmons, in his letter, shows bib 'full regard for law and for Democratic integrity, both of which are involved in and both of which demand faithful and intelligent execution of this amendment.' Every registrar in the S ate is requested to rend Mr. Simmons' letter and be governed accordingly. A Typical Sot'th African Store. 0. R, Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cupe Colony, conducts a store typical of Souih Africa. at whirh can He purchased anything from the proverbial needle to an an chor." This store issitnated in a valley niri miles from the nearest railway station and about twentyflve miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larson snjs : "I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom 1 have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to t heir value in n household where n doctor's service is almost out of he question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past tweUe raonths. no less than lourfeen have been nbso lately cured bvChmnberlains Cough Remedy." Forsale by M. B. Blackburn. Plans ar on foot to entali iih a $.V),000 fnrnituie facto iv at Asheville. The New York Journal of Commerce, the recognized or gan of the commercial inter ests of the United States and n thoroughly non-partisan paper, well says, in speaking of the President's Western speeches: "In disKUssing theeffects of tariff reduction upou.Triists th? President bejiwevery qtien ti(n at issue. He assumeH that the industries need ull their present protection, and that its redti-tion would close their works nnd thro? their hands out of employ ment. But what we know of the, costs of production here and abroad, and what we see of American manufactur ers exporting their goods to every quarter of the globp, indicates that in many linc the Unite'! Siatps can ..meet foreign competition with lit tle or no .protection. The effect of. the high duty is to exclude foreiun competition with industries that are con solidating to suppress don mestic competition, enabling them to get a highet price at home than thev are glad to acceptabroad, Iftheforeign price affords a profit the home price is extol tionate; if the goods are sold abroad at a loss the foreign trade is not profitabletothecountry. If a manufacturer is caught with a stock of goods on hand which the h'Miie market will not absorb he may ver.y well dispose of his surplus abroad at any price he can get. That is not the posi tion of the manufacturers who are now soliciting orders from Europe, Asia und Af rica The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this rea on no one should leave home without a nottle of Cham lierbiin's Colic, Hiolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by M. B. Blackburn. When the R publicans boast of the things, protection has accomplished, ask them what it has done for the Uoal Trust, the Food Trust and theSteel Trust, and the thou sand and one other Trusts which are jrrippinir the throat of the American people to day. Remind them that Mr. Shaw has admitted that the protective tai iff is the parent of conditions which made Trusts profitable. When the Republicans tell you that their partv pro poses to control the Trusts remind them ol the fact that their party has had absolute control of the Governmental machine for six years, nnd that the only time they have made, any pretence at con trolling them was when they knew that they couldn't pass a bill just at the end of a ses sion of Congress and before a campaign, and inqpire of them how it happened that not a word was said about controlling them last winter, while just as soon ns Con gress adjourned the President began his strenuous bluff against t hem. Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellttburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach troublp with which he had been afflicted for years, by four boxed of Chamber.lain'B Stomach and Liver Tablets, He bad pre viously tried many other remedies nnd a number of physicians without relief. For sale by M.U.Blaekburji. ALL VJOlim Wine of C&rdui Is the guardian of a woman1 health and happi ness from youth to old age. ,It helps her safoly Into womanhood. It sustains her during tho trials of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, ranking lubpr easy I and preventing flooiliug and nils- carriaca It gently lcnu nor through the dnngorous Pfivlod known aa tho change of. mo. UltE"CAnDUl onrea lcucorrhaia, falling of the womb v and menstrual irregularity i In every form. It In valuable In every trying period of n wonwn'a , life. It rcinforom (ho nervous system, acts directly 011 tl.o geni tal organs and is tho finest touio j for. women known.. Ask your druggist for a l.Cft'boUlc of Wino of Cardui. ' Batotvllle, AU.; JalylL 1000. 1 a.n ttaln Wine of Cardui and Tfaed- ford's Black-Draaprht and I teal like ditfernnt woman alreKlr. Bararal la dles fear keop tha medlctnra la thalr bomea all tha time. ' I have three girls ' and they are uaing It with me. lira. KATB BBOWDER. For adrlca and Illmtsr, addnM, ftrlne lymptoms, "Tha UIM' AWlixirr Icpar6 nmnt ", 'J'ha Cnxuauooga Mtdldna Caaiaaari Cliauanooga, ina. " , TAX N)TICL. I will meet the people of Wa tauga county at the follow ing time and places for the purpose of collecting the tax es for the year 1902, to wit; North Fork Thomas school house, Oct. 16. Meat Camp, Elk Knob A cademy, Oct. 17. . Bald Mountain, Elk Cross Roads, Oct. 18st. Stony Fork, Stony Point, Oct. 21. Elk, Profit's Store Oct. 22. Blue Ridge, Storie's Store, Oct. 23. . Blowing Rock, October 24. Watauga, Shull's Mills, 0c tober 25. Boone, Oct. 27. . The candidates for the va rious offices will be present a:nl address the people, and it is earnestly desired that they come out and bear the issues of the day discussed. W. B. BAIRD, Sheriff. DO YOU GET UP " WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable, Almost everybody who reatls tho news papers is sure to know of tho wonderful cures mads by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root J fVjjr the great kidney, liver ilkwr i! li and oladdor remedy. it is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth eentury; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Blight's Disease, which Is tho worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid-' ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address toi Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing ham ton. N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Hooieot swaap nm dollar sues are sold by all good druggleta, In Buffalo there is a worn an one hundred and ten years o(d, and she says nhe has never been angry in her life, nnd she baa had two husbands, too. That woman has been here too long. Earth is but awntr station; Heaven is her home. -Rich ruond TimeB. a ii i r m i a wk i n it r i .4,

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