. r.!tlriiore SunV'Y-' .:: :;;Y A man inTJintfhiimtori. N, Y.; lias invented n profess for com.Hessimr, intoxiHilinc; Ilqaorg inro .tahletR. 1M his invention is all that : tie rep regents it'to bfy toe iburpu tinner "wiil be -able to curry enough com joUe iu, hi vest poiket to produce Iri hteh ta te ; .of in t oxinu r Ion. ' This is n nicked and thirsty old . worlnVand the Bingham ton man's invention will - not in n ke i t u ny better.' On t he rontrary, Ihere is ground for the belief that when liquor r&u be carried around in 41 ' pillbox, the millennium will be indefinitely postponed. It is claimed in behalf of tab- -feted whiskey-that it will . V of Rreit value for medicinal tisp; Unfortunately, mankind tliiia long beeni prone to take Moo": kindly to prescriptions hi tvbih alcoholic prepara tions are the chief ingredi ents. Many n nmu.wunVring from the ills to which the flesh is heir, imagines that he knows exactly how to treat his own cane, and in stead of going to a doctor and druggist, gets his "men ieine" from the nearest com pounder of high balls, mint Juleps and gin fizzes, If the Binghamton scientist has in tented a process by which a ;mah can conveit his vest pocket into a portable bar room, he will probably make a fortune for hiimwlf at the rxpense 0! the bibulouly in clined, lie will also, , per haps, ruafce two topprs where only one existed before, There are unlimited .ponsi bilities for evil in the tabloid ditnk.v Perhaps there are compensations as 'well. - The -thirsty person of the drama who ftuds it necessary to ealm his emotions by a drink between evpry an can take a 1 supply of cow pressed liquor to the theatre and stimulate himself without leaving his sea L Persons who are in the toahit of ' creeping . into ide doors, when "the coast is clear" causa ve time and sus pense by carrying n stork of alcoholized tablets in theii side porkets. Thpre is fear, however, that if old rye and ancient Bourbon tablets be come a ftuves, the world will eventually go on a jamboree. It will be 'so easy to become intoxicated that even the strongest of men may fall by the wayside. The man who can compress high balls, jus - tepsand coektnits into vest pocket pellets ought to burn bis rerrpe and save his soul. When the Republicans rep resent themseles as friends -of American labor, ask them how it comes that the Repub licans tried to passaaanti trust bill making labor or ganisations unlawful, and that whri the Democrats . offered an amendment that 1 "Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to a pply to trade unions or other labor . organizations, otganized for the purpose of regelating wages, hours of labor, or othet conditions tin lerwliih .labor is to be pprformed," the Republiran leaden, in--t-Iuding Cannon and Little nVld, voted against the amendment. Durham "Sun:. The "full dinner pail". .is credited with having good - deal to do wil h Rppubliran - ucresB in 1000. The "meatless dinner pair' and the 'Voallpss s-nt-tl-" 'mn$' prove a fucti r in joe::. ;v - V When - the 11'ublienim tell you t ha t 'l he ta riff .makes t flings iliHapr, ask th.n !if I hey a 1 en.it 1 J Viio 11 h Hcqnuitit'd w i t i t hei r ow n doctrine of " protection; ' to know that the primary ob ject of the protection was to hold prices nip j n1 to kefp out. any eouieJition, that would umiprsell . American manufacturers. ' ' , '"' "" Whether you. have paid your poll tax or not, be sure and register, bo that your name may - appear cn the permanent roll. . ii W Ni-wiYorV dispatch' sa vs that the United -StatpR will be able to open i up Tcablp communication with Manila, P. I., by July 4,1903. .The able is now being made in London at the 'rate, of 50 mils a day, or 800 miles a week, to b finished in March. Thp bet physic -(yhamb'er-biin's 'Stomach and Liver Tablets. Eassytotake. PIes ant in -nVt. For sale by M. B. Blackburn, The annual report of the North Carolina textile indus try is our. It si.vh there are in operation 209 cotton, six teen woolen and three 8ilk mill, this being an mcrenise ol 21 over last year's report. The report on eottnn milln shown that they are in 54 of the OTeonntfrs; that Gaston leads with 31, Alamance be ivg -second-' with -23, and Mecklenburg third with 20 Randolph bat 14 and Lin cola and Cleveland 13 pacb. The largest niill is the Henrietta,-with "75,000 spindles. The total of sp.miles j;ivcn i 1,742,000. c NATURAL ANXIETY, Mothers regard anpronching winter with uneasiness, children taking cold so easily. No disease costs more lit tle lives than eroup. Its attack is so sudden that the Mifferer is often be. yoml human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough I'ure, 'Liquifies the mucus, allays inflamation, re moves danger. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. ; Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung diseases. F. S. McMahonf Hampton. Ga. ."A bad cold render ed me voiceless just before an ora torical contest. 1 intended to with draw but took One Minute -Cough Cure It restored my voice in time to win jhe medal " T.J. Coffey' and Bro. ''' I Captain S. W. Farham. of Monroe, has invented and patented an improved rail road car tor the transporta tion of live ficih to inland market. The car has tanks di vidod into Kections on either Hide, and on top n, large oup. In the smaller ones the nVa are kppt, the large one con Htantly chauging the water for them. LOOK OUT FOR FEVltR. Billrousne;9 and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers. ,Theke famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gertly, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic - proper ties, give tone and strength to . the glands T. J. Coffey and Bro. "What is ability?" "Abil ity is that to which a man owes his own suecens." "And what is Itn-k?" "Luck hthut to which all oihprs owe their success." Chicago Tost. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take IsaxaMve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drujrints refund the money if it tails to - cure. E. W. Grove's signature ia du each box. 25c. . Miss lloBfl t'leveland, a for mer timtrefcN of the White Honso, is now engaged in farming and stock-raising in Maine. She is making a de cided success of it. CASTORIA lor Infanti and Children.' Tba Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Bigaaturfl of y7?t -7 Jfs , Iy ln i(J oat Ihcr l (Jtnt lnn of vreatocm tbat km)m iiWa of tiautu : Food dtics Rot s.tror.;;:iieru f ;, , - ; tilvcp km ' rufrrsli. v.."''. , It W bard 4j 4a, hard'-$' fcear," VlbUi thoalil bo eiajy,-- vitality Ioh.lI)tfcIjb,iuiJ tbe wbote'Kystom gntkra.1 : . 'J'-; - For (bit condition Ifetai ' . ' - ; ' Hood's Sarsctpnritla It rltallKis l fib bl-xxJ, glvea visor nud loiio to all lfto.ori?onatim(l-funfU(,,fUHl j3 potilllTety UHeu'itlled tor nil ;uii-Uowa or debUltMKl couCttioiiB. "j. i- V' The Atlantic Coast Li n railroad has seen red the ' in t crest h ol fhe;LouiHvill) and Nashville railroad, 3U6.000 shares lein taken...',". . HDV 1'HB COVOH ' t ; WOK OFF TaE COLD, Lnxutiye nroiaoQuiuineTabletB cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c. :' WinKton , Journal : ..; We re bpginuing to patertain doubt as to'. whether it was Roohp vtlt's shin or his thin that wss hurt. " OAOTOniA. Bmti ti ' y Tin Kind Yon Hw Ahwg BonjM Sipialara of Every baby i the'sivcetest baby in the world. You were once considered the fvveetent thint; in the, world, although you may not look it now. Treasury figures nhovv that the bank deposit"; of the peo ple of the 'United States ag gregate. $8,500,000. . A SBockinff I'alaudty.' "Lately In'Ml a railroad labor erj'' writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Wil lifoul, Ark. Hih foot was badly cinnhptl, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly curnl hhri.- Tt is simply wonderful tor burn, built piles and all nkiiiei UU:iir. It's the world's champion 'tealer A cure ruarauteed. 25c. Sold by M. B. Iilackburn, . Plle-lne Coirs Piles, Money reluuded if it evti -f ailw. Sam Jones has bepn lec turing at poiuts in thisState lately. OASTOniA, Bsait th 'j 11 Kind Yoa Have Always Boogbt A deposit of white gem has been found near Greensboro, Educate Your Bowels With CnirareU. Candy Cathartic, on re constipation forever 13g,20q. UC. a O. toll, drugsUurelund money Sam Lindsay, of Retdsville, aged 24,wiieided at his home t litre Sunday evening by tdiootiitg hiuiHelf with a pis tol. FORTY YEARS IN TORTURE. To be relieved from a torturing disease after fprty yeats torture miijht well cause the gratitude of anyone. . That is what De Witt's W'itch Hazel'Salvc did for C Ih ncy, Geneva, O, lie says :De Witt's Witch h'azel Salve cured me of piles after 40 years." Cures, cuts, burns, hruites, skin diees, Bew are . 1 . t t t .. -.1 ' Ibo. MORS LIVES ARE SAVEO -.BY USING... . Or. King's New Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And . Luag Betnedies Combined. . This wonderful - medicine positively cures Consumption. Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay j Fever, Pleurisy, Lalinppe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Ccugh. KOCURE. fJOPAY. Trice SO?. & $1. Trial Eottle Free. Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer Who tries to wil . "something fust u good." r f evij nr tobacco spit LJ wlS I anJ SMOKE T0 Tl y r YourUfeawayl Ton caa be cured of aor form of tobacco mlna; easily, be made well, atrong, marnelic, full of aew life and vigor by Uking KO-TO-BAO, that make weak men strong. Many Rain tea pouaii in ten dare, 0r 800.000 cored. AH drugprlsta. Cure aoaTanterd. Bock rt and advice FKBB. Addrcu STEKUNO KJQUBOY CO. Chicago or New Yofk. . 4J7 i Hew Are Tea ' rVr.IIohhe'HparnrwPIUs ; pie free. Arta.ietlW licm flow Are Taw Kidneys f PIUs nr all l1ne7 Ilia- Sa Ucmed; Co.,Chlcio or U. t. ', When Hie Republicans tell vpti tha t we had Hindi hard i iiiies in 1 803", ask t heiu it 1 1 iey a i e r I ly , s ign ora h t of the political hitdory of our country. jus riot to Inu)W'that the panic of that yea r cntn while the McKinley turiff nk was st ill " in fo-p, n hd before thV yilriorf; tariff bill had been passed. ' And ask theni if they are nwure'of the fact that t fit- great panh' of cu me under" a Republican al ministration and under the hitrhest protectn'e tariff the country has ever known. "Pti will you givt nie a pair of skates, if I provn-to you that; a dog has ten taiU?" ' "Yes, my son." ' "Well, to bfgih: One dog has one rnoie tail than no dog. hasn't he?''. ? ' "Well, no dog has ; nine t ails, a fid if ohtCdog hason niore (ail than 'no dog, llteii onedog must haveten tails." lie got the skated r ' FREE 10 OCR READiUBS. Botanic Mood Balm for Ah& Blood. if you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood poison, cancer. ' eat ing su es, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pair.s, swelling, rheuma tisin, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, 'we advise you td take Bo tanic Blood' Halm (B. B. B.) Espec iiilly recommended for old, obsti nHte, deep-seated cases cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of heulih. Drug gists, $i per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in seal ed letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. All the opponents of Judge Clark are not joining in the independent movement. They will simply vote against him and stayJn the Democratic party,' and what c are you Koine to do about it? Dur ham Herald. . Working Sight a d Day. The busiest and iniuitieHt lit tle thin"- that was ever mad ia Dri'King'N New Life Till?. These pillH tli a aire weaknena into tien- gth, list legations hi to energy, and i'rain-fag into, nantal power, f heyi'e wonderful in building U) the heath. Only 25c per box. For sale by AJ. B, Blackburn. ' Laiy Liuer "I hT ben troubled m great deal with a torpid llvor, which produces eonilipo tton. I found CASOAUETS to le oil you claim (or thorn, and aocurod inch relief the Urst trial, that I purohmod aaolber tupply and wu eom plotely curod. I shall only be too Rlad to ree ommond Canoarett whenever the opportunity la presented." J, A. buiTU. 2W0 Susquehanna Ave., ThUodelphlt, T. rinmm, rvintaoie. I'ocant, Tail uoou, 1)0 ood. Never Blown, VVonkeo, or Gripe. Mto. 36o,60e. ... . CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Stortlni ttmttf Ctmrm, Qhf, tml. I.w Tit. 320 NW I W'BA W giiu to CVUK TuliMioo Uoblk The MartinGottage, BLOTVLVG HOCK, N. C MRS. W. P. PENDLEY, PROPR. This hotel building has recent ly Iteen refitted and refurnished ia all departments, and is nowo pen for the accommodation ot the public. Good, comfortable rooms, und as good fare as the market affords.- " : , SSTThe oomfort of transient boarders always looked nfter. BORATES REASONABLE. Boot & Shoe Shop. - . ,.r j. BLOWING ROCK,N.U.-r ft. II. DUNCAN, Propietoh. Rest grade of laced b o p t w, nhoes, and leggins always on hand. Prompt and careful attention given to rejjairs at all time. . ..tSTNotliing bat best material used, and , satisfaction guaran teed. (live me a call. ' "- Very Truly, G.n- PUNCAN. 4 10, 'oi .. ; TMn CANDY ' ILA thaoimaimi Matarmo .The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which baa - ' .- In nA tnr nvnv 5lft - tmto. ham bAnta tlkl-adfniatnre , CX '.ti ?7---A, a sonai saporrlsion since Its tnltacyw AUntf nAMIAtA dMVtlVfl VOT1 ilVCllS . Ail Counterreiw, imitatjons ana "iwwww; zL . Experiments thai trifle vrtth and endanger the health C Infimta and.ChUdren Erpertence against Experlmec5 What is CASTORIA Castorta'ts a harmless eubstltute for Castor OH," Pare- gone, Drop aud Soothing Syrups. It la Fleasaot. . ' It contains neither pplum, Morphine nor other, yareotto substance. Its age Is Its goarantee It destroya Woraoa) h and allays Feverlahncsa. It cures Diarrhoea and Wlm ) . - Colic - It relieves Teething Troubles cure Constipation . ' and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food, regulate the ' Skanach and Bowels giving healthy and natural alec? 1 The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend genuine CASTORIA Bears the ... MM " Tie KM You Have Always Bouglit Id Use For Over 30 Years. . - vmi eiHTwa oommm. t aturM racar. im vaaa arr. ' Customer; (to rotil dealer): "Have you sot any name for tbi se wales of yours?" ; "I tiever heard . of scales having a nHine." "Well, you ought to rail your srnles Ambnsh. Yon aee they always lie in weight." Christian Register. x A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety wnH felt tor the widow ot f.he brave General Burn Imm, of Machiam, Me., when the doctors snid Rhe would die. Jrom pneumonia before morning," writes Mrs. -S. H. Lincolu, who Attended her thai fearful night, but ehe tiegged for Dr. King's N w Discovery, which had more than once saved her lile. and cur ed her of consumption.- After ta king, she slept all night. Further line entirely cured her." This mar velous uiedi' ine is guaranteexto cure an tnroar, lung, ana cnest diseases. Only CO cents and $1 per bottle, Trial bottle s free at M. B. Blackburn's. ' Dyspepsia Cure DIaests what vou eat. Tbla preparation contains alt of the digcatants and digests all kinda of . 1. .1 4 I ! - J .... -1 . falls to euro. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Tleasanttotake. It can't help i x but do you good Prepared only by E.O. DeWitt&Oo., Chicago. Thu f 1. bvtuo conuin Ztf Uinta tbo fiOc aue. Fine Nurseiy Fruit. I have on hand a fine lot of fruit trees, such as apples, peach es, pears, prunes etc. etc. 1 also have a fine assorment of grape vines that are best suited to our climate.. If you con template buy ing any tres or vines, I can sell them to you at about one hal the price you would Lave to pay at otiier nurseries and. then you have the satisfaction of kno'wiDg what you get-. All trees delivered at my nur series. . Trees from three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address. ' VV. L. CoFFEYrMoretz, N. 0. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. COPYRICHTS AND DESIGNS. gnd your bnainena direct to Waahlng-toD, . aarea time, ooate leaa. better eerrtee. HrlMetV.l.ratatQaae. ntUmnUada innulM'iMiMt Atftr'i a aat eaa aatOEstaet innt rEHoxALArrMTioKama-iinasi ACTUAL KlfUIEaoi. Mk "Hevtttalaraai,n M , ut b-m. rattat foomiwt thnata I. llajM iKiln paclal aatlee, vltkiwt aatfza, ia th. INVET4TIVE AGE lltaatntai awathlr nmath rtar-tera f 1. a a. avKeyvv k. u. w.iaMt.i.v.waaHin(iTn, v. w. Signature cf Tho 'Dwnorrnt who does, not see that the poitv tnndc n mintake tfi norni-' ria t ingOla rk in suffer inr from an impaired viaioit. Durbuii Herald (Ind.) Stood Sesih 0HV ' ; ; ' E. B Munday, a lawyer 2t Hen lietta. Texas, once foo'ed t tie . grave-digger. He says: "My bro- . ther was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. 1 persuaded , him toitry "Electric Bitters, and he was soon much lietter,; but continued their use until, he Was ; wholly cured. -1 amure ElectHc BittefU saved his life." This rem- . edy ex)ells malaria, kills disease germs and purifirs the blood; it aids digestion, regulates Jiver, . kidneys and bowels, enrea const! ' pation, dyspepsia, nervous dis eases, kidney troubles, female . ctmipfaintsives pertect health, Only 50c, at Vi. B. Blackburn's. 1 he Morning Past 1 "' WHaaaBaBeaBfaBBaaw j " ! The only popular-priced morn nu; newspAper in North Carolina, j The finest telegraphic and gen ' wrul news service. ' - -. -, , ' Special correspondents in .all I parts of the St ate civing a com- ' piete synopsis oi biaie news. suBbcniPTioN pkice: One mouth ...f : .40, To inontbs.......:.......... .75, Three months..... l.OO, , Ono year 4.00. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time pad for. Si nd in y onr subscription. A ' DRESS ; ' THE MORNING POST, - Raleigh, N. C. ' COPYRIOHTS eae. AnTone entitling a aketeb and deecrtptloa may r'""nj fvum.mi iwynmimiuoni esncur oaMentlaL Oldeea aarenejr foreeeaHnf nteaaa In . Amertea. We faara Washington orBea. 1U,inii.J""fn.Jhrouu Uuaa apecial noUoe In tbe , - ... SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, keantlfullr lUnetrated, lanree drmlnUoo oC ' r aclantltlo JoanuO. wkljr,trmaA0O aieari ILWalz ntiMithn. cpeolmnn ooplea and iLLMO , Book ok ?ti!ts aoatfre. AddTue . MUKN tt CO., SOI Braadwa. Mow V .-1c. We promptly obtain U. g. and rordgn Send model, aketcb or photo oi tnTrtitlon lot Iree report on patentabiuty. f or free book. Opposite UTiirPatent Ortlea WASHINGTON D.& - - -1 I ' V. .V. -: .: i ...