m Tb97teaDeinocrati Ettteiod ai the Post office ansa mau waiter. subscription rates: One year...... ........ ...J$ J. 09. Xr MnntJim HO. jucee momna iV ii sr Ad rertiaing rates furnished on application, . JW)CXL NEWS. Th nick in this coinrau tiUj'Menll i in proving. Let ns have the news fi oni your neighborhood. Mm. M. B. Blackburn in visiting lelatives on meat Camp this week. Mr. JnmeH M. McGhe is engaged in doing some chim ney work at the Democrat office. 7 Torn gathering is now in fuH blait, and the crop is re ported asfairly good through out the county. . Prepare your wood while the weather is fine and don't forget that you promised to bring' ws. Christinas approaehetb and the little ones ore alrea- .1.. i l: : A..i ...stk a prospective eve to the ad tent of Santa Clause. -Mr. F. P. Curtice, of But- Ier, leno., spent oaturuay in town, leaving Sunday for the naunrs oi nis noynooa aay . . mrm ji M off on a trip to Wilkesboro to look after some legal mat iters. ' H waa pccompanied ! JJ UW UK&v.v VUI tice. Mr. W. L. Bryan was well enough last Sunday to visit his mother on Meat Camp This is bis first trip from home for the 'Squire since his .severe attack of rheumatism. Th weathei indelightful, but there is some complaint L : A I 1 Ll .1 unoui iippiew huh :p unlike ui cayirig on account of the un usual warmth of these Novem berdays. '. The Lenoir News says that Spencer JBIack burn is a great favorite in Caldwell He must be, judging from the ereat number of votes he lost -in that county in the last election. -rUp to this late day the election of a Solicitor for this Dist. remains in donfit, and it seems that the odds are a gainst Mr. Coffey. But we all confidently hope that he may ,yet come out victorious. Those interested, will please take notice that my delivery of nursery stock in Watauga county will be as jollows: Boone, N CM Nov. 15 1902. Blowing Bock. " 17, u Todd, u 19, " You who are interested will please bo at the above nam ed places on days of delivery. Respectfully yours, T. W. Winkler. Agt. LAST PUBLIC CALL. Al persons indebted to us are earnestly requested to make settlement before Jan uary 1st 1903, and savecost as we must collect. On Nov. 20th .we will adopt the pay down system and sell goods very low for cash. Our cus i tomers will favor us by not asking for credit after that date, unless they have special .arrangements with us. Re8iectfullj XV. Coffey & Bro. Mrs. MollieCoffeyhad the sad minfortunelHstSaturday morning' to fall and break one of the bones in her arm near' the wrist. . The good la dy has suffered considerably but is getting on as well now as coujd be expected. Owing to some irregular ities at Horse Creek, Ashe county, In the late election, the box was thrown out By the board of canvassers and as one result the Democratic candidate for Register of Deed in that county was de clared elected. So much for that. The man who got left the one wha paid a dollar, a drink, and a ten, miles ride lor a Blackburn vote, and a I ter all the requirements of the contract wcrecomplied with, he found to his utter disgust that the man he bad purchas ed had never paid his poll tax and whs uot allowed his vote. -Mr. J. D. Councill and bride took up their abode. at the Mrs. Mary Councill old homestead on Tuesday ,ot this week, and the same night a number of our boys treat ed them to an old fashioned, tin hnrn, dinner bell, shot gun serenade. This was a rather unique but very hear ty welcome, for the popular pair to our midst. Rv. B. F.Hargett leaves next Saturday far Confer ence that convenes at Mun- roe next week. It is hoped by his class and other friends here that he may be retuan ed. and we take it that he will b. as be was unanimous ly asked for by all the dele gates and members of the hurch in Boone at the last Quarterly meeting. -Capt.E. F.Lovill reft Sunday for Missouri on legal business. He will also go to Kansas to attend to some matters of a legal nature, af ter which he will spend some time in visiting his son Claude in iexas, ana looking over w at the country in several of the other western States before he returns. We, with bis ma ny other friends in Watauga, wishfcrhuna pleasant and profitable trip. Deputy Sheriff Honck, of Ashe county, who was shot by Boone Potter some days ago. has imptoved so rapid ly that he is able to be out, and Potter is well enough to make good his escape to Ten nessee. His accomplice in the crime, uiarence rotter, re- mains in jail here, and will have bis preliminary trial in Boone tomorrow before J W. Bryan, J. P., and the hope of the , good people is that justiceiu full will be met ed out to the guilty parties Grand Opening Sale A. A HOLSCLAWS SPOTCASH STORE. MOUNTAIN CITY, TENNESSEE On Saturday Nov. 22nd at 8 A. M. A. A. Holsclaw will open his new stock of mer chandise, which he has just purchased in the Lastern Markets for SPOT CASH and will entertaiu the public showing them through his line of -special bargains. He will also entertain them with Graphaphone and string music. Everybody .is cor dially invited to attsnd this opening. Oar motto will be ''buy for cash and sell for cash." One price to all. We are indeed glad to nee thM some of the State pi pers have put in nomination for Speaker of the House in the next legislature the Hon I W. C. Newland, of Caldwell. We are. for him. as there, is no more worthy shoulders in the State upon which this honor could fall than his, and we trust he may be honored by giving him the Speaker ship. A very pious lady in this vicinity says that it was her prayers that caused the de feat of Blaekhurn. Now, we are a great believer in the pow fr of prayer from a sin-sick soul, but in this special event we are decidedly of the opin ion that it wasalack of votes that caused Blackburn's de feat. But, if she is responsible for his defeat through her supplications, we are indeed sorry that she did not ofler up one more prayer and help us defeat the whole Radical ticket in Watauga. There is where she dropped hercandy. Dr. 0. W. Ivy Dead.' Rev George W. Ivey who died on his work in Caldwell county on last Friday was doubtless the most wonuer ful man in either the Western North Carolina or North Carolina Conference. For per haps 55 years he had bNn preaching the glorious gos pel and when the messenger "a me he found him in the pul pit. :He was stricken down by an acute attack of . indi gestion on Sunday but the noble deart did, not cease to beat until Friday. "Uncle Ivey" as he was aftectiona tely called ''died in the harness." A grand, good man has gone but he will continua to live in the hearts of the peo ple he served. It has been truthfully said that he was the best type ot the pioneer Methodist circtit rider, a man of robust faith, courage, for titude, great common sen se and abounding love for his fellow men. When a yDunpr man mar ries the only daughter of a millionaire he dodsnt haveto wait fifty years to celebrate his golden wedding. - Raw An Tar KMacyt t Sr. Hobbt' BrarMui Pllli enre all kidney lUt. to free. Add. Sieillns HemedrOoChloaaoor DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the cage of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off malaria, no matter how se vere and irrespecMve of old age. Dyspepsia, jaundice, feveri consti pation all yieid to this perfect pill. 25c. at M. B. Blackburn's. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of chis and surroundiogcoun ties. Promut attention giv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 612 J.L.GOTTRELI, Physician & Surgeon -BOONE, N. C- Offliceat Coffees Hotel Offers his professional ser vices to the people of this and surrounding communi ties. BCalls promptly attend ed day or night. Gash Your Produce. I am now at uiy old stand, Neva, Tenn., and want all your Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Beeswax, Dry-hides, Ginseng, and all other salable produce at highest Cush Prices. L5 5. C. B. REESE. In another column we pub lish a Salisbury pecial to the Chailotte Observer that is a clear exposition of the eN forts of Blackburn and his healers to carry the district. That it is true there is not the least doubt, in oar opin iony lor we are safe in saying that all the means referred to and more were resorted to in Watauga to defeat Kluttz and re-elect Bhckburn. We are told that, shameful as it may appear to you, that the carriage of mail over rural free delivery routes in Watau ga, not yet established and we doubt if they ever will be, were held out to men as an inducement to get them to vote lor Blackburn. The mot to of the leaders here seemed to be "Toh II with the re mninder of the ti.-ket, if we can only get Blackburn." Tom Dixon Jr. lecturer and writer, will shortly pro duce a new novel, based on information received from Senator Til man, of South Carolina, which will da) with Ku-Klux movement in tha South. Another novel, which he is hoou to pnhlUh, deals with lile in New York city , mamnge and divorce, and the principles which lead to decay of religion in the metropolis.-Ex. Moody claims that there ara evidences of fraud in the election in the Tenth Con gressional district and de dares his intention to con test the election if fraud is discovered. todol Dyspepsia Curo Digectt what you eat. Look Here Friends! 'A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE." And we will offer goods lor the next sixty days at the ; Following prices: All standard calicoes at 5". Outings worth 12c. at 10c Double width dress casimers, good. values at 25 and 30c. at 15 to 20c. per oard. We will sell you 4 lbs. soda for 10 cts; 16 tb granulated sugar for $1; 17 lbs. nice brown sugar for $1; 2 large cakes laundry soap 5c. Nice line of shirting and cottonades that we are closing out at a bargain A nice line of gent's ana LADIES' HATS that are going otooet. 1 000 pairs gent's ladie's and chil drens' shoes that we are clos iug out at great bargains. 150 pairs of odd pants go ing at less than manufactur er's prices. It will pay you to see them. In fact, we can SAVE YOU MONEY on every article you buy, for we are here to do business, and we expect to do it by giv tngTmore goods for less mon ey than any other firm in the county. The best line of green .cof fees the market affords at 10 to 12 cts. per lb. COME ONE COME ALL and save money by buying your goods of us All kinds of produce bought at the highest market prices. Thir ty cts. per lb. paid for wool. With an experienceof more than twelve years in the birch oil business and with our in fluence on the northern mar kets, we can and will pay ou more for this artMe than anyoneeiee. rat and poor cattle bought. In fact we will give you a nie deal on any thing you have to sell. . Come. and see us. Johnson & Robluns, J3hu.ll Mills, 'May.8. till A WHFFI tht frequently Marti with dIMfa. Avery V " "HUk handy and afflRiMit doctor to havawlth you b ' an acciddut happen In a botlia o( Mexican MusUag IiLaimeat. ' ".' ; -. .. 'i ".;'JV Ulcers or Rueinilinig Sores k neea not Decome j body. If they do MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT t will thoroughly, quickly and perma- ) 1 nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it ; if this lin- i ' iment is used a cure will follow. r . "'! mnONT If NOW how quickly a bnra or tcald can bacaraj UUrl I rnUII untU you have treated it with Mexican Mustang Liniment. A a fleeh healer it stands at tha rery top. Spencer Blackburn has an nounced that he will now re tire from politics and devote his time to the practice of law. Such an arrangement is, we are sure, highly satisfacto ry to the public, but what will the administration do? MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted to the State of North Car olina by A. J. Critcher in lieu of bond as guardian of the estate cf A. J. Estes and his miner children Ste phen (J. bstes. E,rhe i.stes and .ben jamin F. Estes as provided by Sec, 120 of the code, and whereas the said A. J Critcher having made de fault in the settlement of said guar dianship and judgment having been rendered against him for the sum of $2,539.71, the amount of such de fault together with interest and costs, now therefore I, J. V. McCall Clerk of the Superior Court and agent for the State of North Carolina will pur suant to the power conferred by statutes and the terms of said mort gage deed expose to sale and sell at the court house door in Lenoir N. C. on Monday llie 24:h day of Novem ber 1902 .bctwecct the houis of u m. and 2 p. m. the following lands conveyed by said mortgage deed up on which judgment hasbeen render ed, lying and being in Boone town ship Watauga county and state of North Carolina described and defin ed as follows, to wit; Adjoining the lands of heirs of Jacob Mast, Stephen Bingham and others and known as the old Ja. Brown farm it being the farm upon which A. J. Critcher now lives as his home place and bounded as fol follows; Beginning at a whiteoak and chestnut on top of a ridge Ja cob Mast's and A. J. Catcher's cor ner, thence N. 42d W. 18 poles to a whipe oak, thence N. 73d W. 69 poles to a chestnut, ther.ce N. 6Sd W. 55 poles to a chestnut, Mast's corner, then N. 7od W, 60 poles to white thorn, then N. 17J E. 14 poles to a chestnut at a spring, then N. with the meanders of the branch 2o)poles to the river thrn down the river with the meanders of same 144 poles to a spruce pine then continu ing down the river 6 poles to a spruce pine then E. 28 pole to a small white pine then N. 62d E- 86 poles to a cucumber then S. 32c! E. with the top of Herron's Mountain 60 poles to a red oak then S. 45c! E. with top of the monntain 20 poles to a chestnut on the top of the Bee Knob then E. 21 poles to a hickory then S. 28d E- 32 poles to a water oak on a ridge then 4od W. 66 poles to a double dogwood then N.6od W with Mary Brown's dower line to a whito oak corner then S. crossing a branch 17 poles to a chestnut near a spring at the public road then S. with A. J. Penley's line 100 poles to the top of the mountain with said Penley's line to a white oak said Penley's corner then S. 7SM W 14 poles to a white oak then S. 17 poles to a stake at a clift then YV 58 poles to a maple at a branch in Jonathan Horton's line then N. with his line i3op to his corner then N. -30 poles to a white oak corner then N. 38 polrs to the Jacob Mast line to the beginning, containing 300 acres more or less. This Sept. 1 1902, 1 j. y. "mccall, c. s. c. i .I'. i - :t ' 1 a nxture upon your 4 it is your fault, or $ o Bun tin lifistun of .OTC Tin Kind Ym Han Atom tat W. II. BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir, N. C. Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to his care. BIG BARGAINS Are to be found at our store. New Goods, New Store, T . New Prices. You will find us at the J. C. Fletcher store building with a neat line of goods consist, ing of Dry Goads, Notion!, Hardware, Tinware. Stationery, Groceries, Shoes, Drugs. All at less prices than ever sold before. Our terras are STRICTLY PAY DOWN! Call we know we can sell you something. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping to receive more in the future. R. M. & E. M. GftEEN. 1 Boone, Oct. 23. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as" administrator of Hamilton Clawson,'dedeased,late of Watauga county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present the same, duly authenticated, withintwelve months from date hereof, or this notice will be plead in bai of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. L. H. Michael, io-6-6w Administrator, NOTICE. The public is hereby notift ed that Almeda Bolinger, vaj wife, having abandoned me on the 29th day of Aug. 1902 and mv bed and board, that I will riot be responsible for any debts she may contract for any purpose whatever, and all persons are hereby warned that said debt and contracts will not be recog nized or paid by me. Thfe Sept. 20, 1902. S, L. Holing Eife

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