Tii3 Published Every Thursday Sold Her Baby for $5001 Special lo Baltimore Sun. baby for $500, Mrs. Surah loldber, with to-red head Anil In tpnra returned to hr little botn6 in Biivonne and ntuanofl hr rpin niiiinar ' three children frantically to her bo torn.1' Bhedid it because her husband had left her, nnd she must hrtve food for her pinch ed nd rajrj?ed family. In another household thw wan joy aR wild uh the ri f in the Goldberg home. At 242 Monroe street New York Abraham Welsh hard and hi wife, Etlier, were fairly be ide themselves with delight over their purchased baby. For nine yeara they had hoped and wnilwl for a child of their own. Six babies had come but all had died within an hour of their birlh. The last one was buried a week ago last Sunday and after the funeral Weisbards de-id ed they would adopt a child. Rather than go to the pub lie asylum for one they deci ded to advertis in the Jewish papers of the east side for a baby that they could Jinow had bn born of their race and faith. Mrs. Golderg heard about the offer of 500r It was a lonpriJtrngjrle; and then she took little Morris, aged sev en weeks, in her arms, and dreiaed him as bst 8hconld and took him to Monroe St. The transaction was quick Ir concluded. In thesaloonol Max Gantz, who is a notary, A formal bill of sale was drawn up and signed. To day Mrs. Goldberg bought food andclothing and paid her overdue rent. Ban's Horn Bias'.. Teh genius ol church de perids on is genesis. Heavenly manna is better than earthy mammon. Men are valued by otherB fn about the inverse ratio of their own valuation. To take the fuel of lust into the hearts is to invite its fires to consume the life. The star of faith will shine long after the comet ot fame has disappeared. Happiness depends not on the things the heart has but on the heart that has the things. The first thing some people do when trouble fly into their lives is to clip their, wings. Almost every fool thinks that he is bright enough to throw dust in the eyes of the Diyine. . Talk about ' looking for oppertunitiea ofdoinggoodl' We may as well talk about looking for fire-wood in a - forest or for water during a flood. .The;, world is full of such opportunities. Old truths are too great a price to pay for new doubts. The temperature ol the heart cannot be gauged by the head. Selfishness is the cause ot ffn and sacrificing service its . cure. Some peopla make a great . ithnw ol fleeing from the .i.afiini linn that man mntr ;rot see the secret serpents - .ney carry in meir iKjuh.ei. : i .u. i CASTOR I A J XIK UUWIW auu VlUiUIUl..' - .. . 'TtS Kind YOB HaTQ AlWatS BOnEht A Sears the F Seme Funny AdvurtmeiiTBtt. ' Heie 'ire.a ft?w Hpet'iuinis of queer ad vert isernen tscolleet ed from different papers: 'Wanted An organist and a boy to blow the. same." "Bulldog for salt ; ill eat anything; yitj fond of rhil clren." " Wa nfeil- A bov t o be pa i t ly outside and partly behind the counter.,' 'Widow in comfortable cireumatanres wishes to mar ry two sons." "Annua) sale now on; don't no elsewhere to be cheated; ennip in here." "Foi sale A pianoforte, (he propertej of a musician with carded lgs." . 'A lady wants to sell her piano as she is goingabroad in a strong iron fiatne." ''Wanted-By a respectable girl, rwr passage,to Nev York; willing to take care of I'hilnren and a good sailor." "List- Near llighgate areh way. an umbrella belonging to a gentlempnt with n bent ribs and bones handle." "Mi. Brown, furrier, begs to announce that he will make up"gowns, capes, ete. for ladies out of their own skin." Henry L. Shattnck, of Shellsburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with which he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had pre viously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians, without relief. For sale by M. B. Blackburn. When a woman has had nine children she begins to have suspicions about some of th pretty passages in love stories. New Yoik Press. look out for fever, Billiousnets and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These famous little p:lls do not gripe. They move the bowels ger.tly, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic proper ties, give tone and strength to the glands T. ,1. Coffey and Bro. Aftpr ail, wasn t it e very natural thing that, the Chica go schoolmarms should want to form a union, Kichmond Times. ICodc! Dyspepsia Cure Digosf what you eat ft'illiam Jennings Biyan is cetting the symynthy of ma tnietaken people over the burning of William Cullen Bryant's home. Ex. lib tot. Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to Mil "sonuthing just as good." If a man, makes a specialty of pointing town red he can not hope to remain in the pink of condition. Kodo! Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. "Art for art's sake is very nice in theory," says the stranded actor, "but yon can't eat three sheet posters." liodol Dyspepsia Ouro Digests what you eat. A may man fall dead inlove and still come to life again. Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when I - , r- - - . vour bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candv Cathartic will make' - them act naturally. Genuine tablets jmjl CANDY CATHARTIC IMIIILI Draft tot. stamped C. C. C. Never sold in What are Humors? toff tin Xi'.r.s txl uBartli lk Iterac. , Tbejrero commonly An to detective diges tion bat aro iomoiimttf Inherited. ' Eow do l-sy maultort tbeinstlves T ' ? Ia nary forms of cniamoiu eroptlon, celt rheum or Kzo-nn, pimples and tails, and in wockneea, lanstior, gerteral debility. ' noweretJjeyculiU"!? By. ; Hood's Sarsapariila which also bui'u's op tb ryricra that tu lafieted fjom tbem. It to tin best medicine for all tumors. The Pittsboro Record says that Mrs. W. H. Bm ke, of Chatham county, sold $58; worth of turkeys and chick ens this year, and on turkey sold weighed 30 pounds. NATURAL ANXIETY, Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children taking cold so easily. No disease costs more lit tle lives thai,crop. Its attack is so sudden that the uffcrer is often be. yond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily lo One Minute Cough" Cure. Liquifies the mucus, allays inflamation, re moves danger 'Absolutely a f e. Acts immediately. Cur;s coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and Jung diseases. F. S. McMahon, Hampton. Ga. "A bad cold render ed me voiceless just before nn ora torical contest. 1 intended to with- driiw but took One Minute Lough Cure It restored my voice in time to win he medal " T. J. Coffey and Iiro. The average legislator hasn't the courage to tax ihe mangy cms either for th benefit of the public school or the interest of sheep hus bandry. Henderson Gold Leaf. DISASTROUS WRECKS. Purel naness is respond Me for ninny a railway wreck and toe BMme cnuseH nre makinsr Iiuman wrockf of snfferers from throat nd lanp troubles. Unt since the advent of Dr. King's New Discov m y for constimntion. congas ana colds, even tne worst case ku ic j cured and hopeless resignation is ! no longer necwary. Mrs. Lois , Cragg, OI lyiirmwij-i, nne nt UinriV whose lite wns RaveU bv Dr. Kings New Discovery. Tkiu rfll ppmedv is Plinrailteed I his great remeoy is Kiin","7 for all throat nnd lungdlseaHeH Iiy M R. Blncdbnrn. Price 5oc. and $i. Trial bottles free, An Mr. Dooley would say, Alabama's "lily white' Ke Rublicnns oupht to blei k up if they hope to keep near the pine county .Atlanta Jour nal. For a bad taste In t he mouth take Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Blackburn. FORTY YEARS IN TORTURE. To be relieved from a torturing disease after forty yeats torture mi"ht well cause the gratitude of . i & r.':i'. anvone. l nat is wnai ucnuta Witch Hazel Salve did for C 11' nev, Geneva, O. He says:DeViti'. Witch Hazel Salve cured me o niles after AO years." Cures cuts burns, bruites, skin diseases, T?ewar of counterfeits. 1 J. UoUey ana Bro. NOTICE OF SALE, North Carclina, Watauga coun ty. Mary E. Bannner Guardian of Quincey Banner, William Banner, Thomas Banner and Emma Rotcn, minor heirs of Ephram Banner. By vtitue of an order and decree of the Superior Court of Watauga county directed to the undersigned guardian of the minor heirs of Eph-l-iam Bannner, now; therfore, inper suance of said decree, 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the court honse door in the town of Boone, in the county of Watauga on Monday, the 5th day of Tanuary. loo?, tho same being the first Mon day in said month, between t h e hours of 10, n. m., and 2, p. m., an the right, title and interest which the heirs of Ephram "Banner have in the following lands, izi One fourth undivided" interest In the lands of A. E. Banner, deceased, and one fourth undivided interest in the lands of H. T. Banner deceased. lying in said county of Wiitauga.on the watere of Banner Elk, adjoin ing the tands of James Whiteheads Robert Puckett, Sidney ferry, wm Drauirhn. Lorena Banner, a M Dugger, Dr. R. D. JPennrng and S. W. Culver, the whole amount com . . . T, t - 1 nmintr about acres. lermg cr sale one half cash on dv of sale and balar.ee in six months from day of sale This Nov, 25, 190a Statesville Lmi;liitii k: At' a 'railroad sale of nin-biitned 'lll I In "KayetteiihV Int week a colored '.ban' bought : for 3 enis what: pei f rrt i to be a keg of yiniiegar, but j what turned our to be a keg of corn liquor. That dai kry will never again be so happy on this earth. To unexpected If Ht a vhole keg of sowpaw for 23 ents doubtless tilled his cip to overflowing, liter nlly as well as figuratively speaking JUMPED ON A TEN PENNY NAIL The littlpdaughUr of Mr .1. N. Powell jumped on an in verted rake made of ten pen- nv nails, and thrust one nailj entirely through her foot and a second one half through. Chamberlains Tain Balm was! pron ptly applied and in fivej minutes later tne pain nan disappeared and no more" suf tpring was experienced. In thre days the rhild w a s wearing her shoe as uual with absolutely no discom fort. Mr. Powell is a well known merchant of rork land. Va. Pain Balm is a ann lisceptie ond hesal s.di nja lies without maitonitura in one.third the time requir ed by the usual treatment. For sale bv Blackburn. Salisbury San: One; of the longest loaded Irieiht trains that ever come down the Western road was brought iii Thursday .Thet ruin con sisted of 52 cars, every on? of which was loaded. The Western, with the other di visions of the'Sonil.ern, lhas been experiencing a conges tion ol traffic lately. , , h.TO nd yourT.loable CASCA- rtG'l and And thorn porfool. Couldn't do 1 , aiC0stioniMidbiiiou8ne8sndtimnowconi- P'otoly cured. Recommend them, to every one. . Once tried. ou iill noTor bo without them lo tbetomUy." Edw. a. Maiu, Albony, H. Y. Pleuant Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do flood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, lOo, 3So, fOo, ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... UHI wiey Cimdmt, Oiltlf, trl, Itw Iwt. W Hn.Tn RIP Bold and rjiaranteed b a'larpr H w en gutevo VMJUxopaeeouao. When doctors fail to other wise agree they call it heart failure. The Martin Collage, BLOWING BOCK, N. C. MBS. W. P. PENDLEY, PBOPR. Thin hotel building hns recent- Iv Wen refitted and refurnished in all departmentH, and is nowo- pen for the nccommoontion 01 the public. Good eomfortable rooms, and ns good fare as the market affords. tTbe comfort of transient boarders always looked nfter. f"RATE8 REASONABLE. Boot & Shoe Shop. -BL0W10 R0CK,N.U.- G. H. DUNCAN, Troimetor. Biliousness rfr(5ffiK CANDY II CATHARTIG 4 H Would that we could I I SHOUT FROM EVERY HOUSE-TOP I with the utrenfth or a, aalllto voice I Or. png's I AiinM fVMfca Polda. ConanmDtloa. I I U UKto IlraeliUU,Ahwo.PleorlT, I PKeaoianls,erlp, SreThroat I MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS. I , Prlca 6Qc and SI.OO. Trial Bottle Fro. j Best grade of laced b o o t u, ! shoes, and Ieggins always on hand, ! Prompt and careful attention given to repairs at all times. s S9Nothu but best material nped, and satisfaction guaiui teed. Give me a colU Vbhy Truly, G.ll. DUNCAN. 4 10, '01 V v.- . . . .. ' Avfielabte Prcoaralionfor As similating theFoodandBegula ting (heStomacfas andBovrela of irioiKi ru Millet Promotes DifiesHonheerruf- nessanriRest.Cohtalns neither Ophim.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. Ay (fOMO-SiKUELPtlQILR JbtSumm . Anerfecl Remedy forConslha- Tion.Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Los9 OF SLEEP. Tae Simile Signature of -NEW YORK. tXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. France's 16.000 doctors average less than $750 per M year as a professional in come. , TO THE PUBLIC. ' Allow me to" say a f e w words in praise ol Chamber lain'e Cough R medy. I had a very nerere cough and cold and feared I would get pneu monia, but after taking the second doee of thia medicine I felt better, three bottles of it caret I my cold and the pains in my cheist disuppear" ed entirely. I am most re- hpeetlnlly voura tor health, Ralph S. Meyers, 64-Thiit.v-seventh street, Wheelling, NV. Va. For wile by Blackburn. The largest coral reef in the world is the .Australian barrrier reaf, which is 1,100 miles in length. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the diffeatants and dieests all kinds of food. It gives Instant rellefand never fails to curo. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Tne most sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have .. been cured after every thi ng else f al led. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take It can't help out no you goon Prepared only by E. 0. DWiTT&Oo.,Cblcanv Tbo 1. bottfu contains tH tlmeethe 50c. alia. Fine Nursery Fruit. I liave on band a fine lot of fruit trees, such as apples, peach es, penis, prunes etc. etc. I also have a One assormenl ot grape vines that are best suited to our climate. If you con template buy but any trees or vines, 1 can sell them to you at about one hal the price you would lave to pay at other nurseries and then yon have the satisfaction of knowing what you get. All trees delivered at my Bur series. Trees trom three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address. V. L. Coffey, Moretz, N. CAVE AT8, TRADE MARKS, COPYRICHTSAHftDC&ICNS.: and yonr bnatnesa direct to Waahln Ktom, aaTei Unw, eoata loaa, better errlc. ICr Hk olM ta 17. 1. fitnt 03m. nRvnUnla in txa4lutliM uat. AtW't ha cut 4m aalllMtnt UnnraL PERHOlf AL ATTHHXlOW 9XVEM It TSAJlf ACXSAJ, EX?KIE iHk "Bow ta rttlis PtU," It.. Ml frn. TimU fnant Urak 1. fUum mmn itttlil B0tf, wlUiwrt term, In th. fNVENTIVE ACE IUailte4 awatklf Dmsta rni-twnt, 01. a T- - a Auiarnn lanoi u..oim u. II Hill III III! m ai lit i U. WlUUkllW U .Mlihr xiA f'W r ot., r . ., rwwoM ILIiUiWaMINQTON, D. C wtww v 1 bWflUliilll rorInantg ftnd Children. The Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears In Use For Over Thirty Years' iQOTAQ rut eiHTAU aoMMHr. utm itmm enr, It's the tiresome people who bore their way through life. FREEXOOUit KS.tDEUS. Botanic Itlood Balm for the B'ood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczcni.1, scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eat ing sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pair.s, swellings, rheums tism, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) spec tatty recommenced tor old, obsti nate, deep-seated cases, cures where all else fails, heab every sore, makes the blood pure turd rich, gives the sttin the rich glow of health. Drug gists, $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in seaU. ed letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. O Boon the Signature a Th Kind Yw Haw Alwayt totft Ihe Morning Post BAIJ6H1N. c. The only popular-priced raorn iifr newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen eral newt? nervice. Special correspondents in a 1 1 ait8 01 inn laio giving n com- pet0 synopsis ot State news ' J r BenscmPTioN price: One month . $ .40, Two month . .75, Three months 1.00, On year 4.00. 6TRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time paul for. 8 Bd in your subscription. Apdrhhs THE MORNING POST, Raleigh, N. C. 80 VSASS ffXrIKIMU9 TRAPS iRARKkV OOeVRIOHT Xa. Any one senator kHch and dfocrlpttoa ajat" qnlcli!TaMrtHln, frca, whHtiur wi IDTtuCtDD u protmblj patentnlila. roramaiiliutlcni) Utieiif oonfldvntlil. Olrtvst avency (orB0ourln pataat Id Amorica. Wo have a Vf Mhlnqton olBi. Patent, taken through Uuiia & Co. recalra' ipooial notloe In tho - , . . . SDlENTIFiS fiERiGAH, ' - bMntlfnllT lUimnitod, larj.'wt tiS'rfitltop ot any acisutlnc tmunil, wkiy,teni.r.-' a II.Vl.ix ino;(h. Kpimnn o.plf RtMo Book on 'tknts Muitrea, A'lvtut PJUKN & CO., ?' 1 H-niirtwri.'. !w J. ,.j. We proni ptly obtain O.'B. and foreign Send modei,iketcti or pbetoef tawatfoii lor tree report on paten tU lltr. For tita book, puaTRADE-MARKS Opposite U. S. Patent Offie i mm WASHINGTON D.C. CLsastnroof bulk. All druggists, 10c. Mary E. Banner, Guardian. l-.,f;..;, VI