...v y Tha Vatanga Dsciocrat. Entered at the Post office at .Boone, .tj., M second class mail matter. i-.-jl.i- 8UBS$BIJriON BATES: One re $1.09. fix MonihMv '.: .50. Three months',...'....'.... ' .25. tiui Advertising rates furnished on Application. LOCAL NEWS. See Green' new ad iu thin is up. Mr. Boyden .continue to imbrove slowly. - A neat.porch isbeingerec telattthe jouutyjail. Diamond browned coffe is the best. Greene has it. Cash produces bargains Green Vbargains alwa.vs pro duee the cash. Rain, mud, and a general r lot of bad weather is the or der of the day at p reseat. Married on tho 29th ult., at Sbull's Mills, J. B. Reid to Miss Laura Moody, James B. Reid offlciiting. A lot of shoes, oil of good material and workmanship to be closed out at cost at Will W. HolaclawV Come early and get choice. Many of the physicans of Watauga were in town Mon day, presumably looking af ter the position recently made vacant. Mr. Jasper Kincaid, who was reported so critically ill in our last issue, is improv ing rapidly, In fact he is now able to be out a little. Go to Green's for y o u r notions and stationery. Pay ing high'prices becomes mo notonous. Try us once for a change. If you want the best ho siery at the best prices go to lireen s. rnce ano vaiuenave bad a falling out and you get the benefit. We are told that a meet ing of much interest is being conducted at Sbull's Mills Baptist church by the pastor Rey. John Norris and others. Yes, Monday was cloudy all day, and a his bogship failed to see bisj Shadow, we take it that' we will now have a spell of good weather for a few days, at least. Mrs. J. J: T. Reese, of Reese, who has beeu under tho treatment of that emmi- nent physician, Dr. J. G. But ler, of Tenn., for more than a year, is improving yery slow Married on last Thurs day at the residence of Mr. John H. Cook, bis daughter, Miss Maggie, to Mr. Lum Pen cell, both of Deerfield. The Democrat, extends congrat lations. Mr. J. J. Mast, of Vilas, who has been critically ill for some weeks, died at his home on Monday night of this week. He was ajgood man a useful citizen and hisde parture is deep It deplored. Trarety Averted. "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkini of Pleasant City, OhitVPneumonia had played and hftvoc with him and a terrible cough set iu besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr.King's Mew Discoery for Consumption and cur darling was saved, ties now sound, and well. E my body ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Cousrht. Cold and all Lung diseases. (Guaranteed by, M. B. Blackurn. rnce 25c and ti.oo. -Hardly fair to charge Cha rleston's recent earthquake up to the Hon. Hen Tillman, but it will be a little unusual if somebody doesn't figure it put that he is responsible for it. Morning Pot. Remember the quarterly meeting at Hopewell on next Saturday and Sunday. There will be services at Fairview at 11, a. m.,'and at Ruther- wood at 3, p. m. Preaching also at Hopewell at 11, a, in. Sunday. B. F. Hargett. -Glad to nee Col. Joe Tidd in town yesterday Hfter his illness. He returned last wek from Globe where he tells Q he met all bis living children, and a most sumptuous dint ner was served bv his da ugh ter, Mrs, F. P. Moore. Horn to Mr. and Mm B. J. Counfill. jr., another wee baity boy. It is also t notieu blefact that Ben hanentirel.v recovered Ironi what h took to beqoite a severe attack of rheumatism before the little one arrived. -On last Friday night our aged mother, Mrs. Jane L. Rivers, by an unfortunate step fell and badly crushed the bones in her left wrist. Though seventy-five years of ageshe is bearing the suffer ing well and is getting on nicely. -One of the Watauga Acad emy boysasked us to say to any one who might come in to our shop (that they will give a public debate at.the Academy on next Saturday night, but as some two or three of them has failed to call, we give this gratis an nouncement. Sorry are we to learn of the reeble condition o' oar friend John H. Councill, of Blowing Qock. Herecently re turned froraa southern trip. where he had been with the hope of recuperating, but his health'remains unimproved, and we are told that he is on a rapid Jdet'line. My drugs, instilments, library, etc.,; will be packed ready forshipment on March thslet. All Persons having business with me profession allv or otherwise will please call on or before that date. I insist also that amountsdue me most be settled by that time. J. L. Cottrell, M. D. A temperance lecturer by the name of McDonald, hail ling fiora the State of Ken tucky, the land of 'corn lick- er, made, or attempted to make a lecture on the sub ject of temperance in t h e Methodist church hereon bun day. He. from appearances, is a man of culture, but the impression he made upon the most of our people is that he is a professional dead beat and auch is our optnipnl He left for Tenn. on Tuesday. Planquette, the comoser of the ''Chimes of Normandy" is dead. We echo the senti ment of an exchange that we bope he has heard thecbimes of the choir invisible. A Host Facta! Gift. Would be the power of foreseeing events. This would destroy hope. A knowledge of the future would unmake happiness. There are, of course, some things aooui me iui do know. If. for instance, a lack of energy, ambition and Iohs . a 1 yf appetite sliowe men we snow it will hn followed bv serious com plaints if not checked. Often 1. . ... . iti Liver and Kidney trouwe iouow quickly. In any $ event Electric Bitters wi'l rostote you to health, It Htrfttifrthenft. builds uy and in- o ' - . vigorates rundown systems. Ouly B. Blackburn. -Mr. L. W. Farthing, of Watauga Falls, was in town Monday, nn1 informed us that tbey have completed a new church at Antioch, the old one having washed off in a freshet more than avear a go. The people of that com munity are to be congratula ted upon their success in com pitting their house of wor ship so soon. Now, we arise to ak if it would not be the proper thing for our people to do at thi juncture of the game to Hsk th legislature for a spe. inl tux with hirh to em ploy a janitor to keep onr old hull of a ciiuri house und the public square in at least a decent and sanitary condi tion Ad then. whil we are at it, Int's hnvcH wood houn for th- oniity o that th looms now usd tor this Diir pos n'Hj be kept in a com fortable condition for th ac coin motlat ion 01 the tax-pay era of th ounty when thv are forced to be here on busi nR8. Yes, if we are not able to build a tiew ?ourt house, let's try to keop the old one decent, even if it does take a special tax to buy brooms and employ wen to use them. That mass meeting on Monday was a great success as the Legifdaturejwillbe ask ed to levy a special tax f o r the purpose of 'patchin' out old courthouse, and when that is donewe will be strict lv in it. Our people, when it comes to expending a few dol lars for public improvements are hard.tobeat ? The pres ent court house would be suf ticient for avery respectable pig pen, but to be used as a court house for such a pros perous county as this, it is a most dismal failure. rFere it possible for the. county offi cials to escapej'it would be a God-send if the miserable old run down 'andjdelapida ted structure should collapse thereby forcing the people to erect a public building that would be.an .honor to t h e county io which we live. For many years the people have succeeded in fordingthe lit tle streams of, the county, but jnst now, when a desper ate effort was being made to remodel or builda court house, it has been found en tirely necessary to erect bridges over them. Perhaps it is for the best. The Mass-Meeting-. At a meeting of the citizens of Watauga county at Boone on last Monday for the pur pose of discussing the ques tion of building a new court house, or repairing the old one, 0. J. Cottrell was called to act as chairman and f. C. Horton secretary, J. L. Hayes stated the ob ject of the meeting and the following resolution was a dopted: Resolved by the people of Watauga county in mass meeting assembled, that we favor repairing our present court house with as small an outlay as possible to make it safe and prevent further dnm age, and that we respectfully ask the General Assemhlj now in session to authorize our Board of County Uom missioners to levy a special tax, not exceeding 10 cents on $100 valuation of proper ty and 30 cents on each poll for the purpose ot construct ing some badly needed bridg es in the county and to pro vide the necessary means for repairing the court house. After adopting this resolu- tion the meeting adjonrned. C. J. CoTTKELL.Chm. J. C. HoRTON, Sec. The New York Presst sh.vs that Gen, Fred G-ant's re semblance to his illustrious father is very stiiking. His stay in the Philippines and Texas have coarsened theyis age of the fashionable and wealthy joung man. The pa per speaksof the old General as "The conqnerer of Lee." The young General may do greater deeds than to con quer an old General with a worn out, starved out army. Haves, a negro lawyer, of Hichinond, Vh., made an anarchistic speech at Wash ington a few nays ago. , We will not tie surprised at any thing th" negroes may do now sime the ''send off" the President gave t hem at the Judicial reception. Hayes de. lares that the South-bind will yet heroine accent of e ola'ion nnd Mood. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending, started a hoi rible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner. Franklin Grover, 111. For four years 't defied. all doctcs and hll remendies. Cucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns. Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at M. B. Blackburn. The Wide AwaKeIBuyer Is the one we are after. The one who knows a good thing when he sees it; the one who does his own thinking and in vestigating; the one who takes advantage of every money saving opportunity of fered him and the one who is bunting genuine bargains. We take off our hat and wel come you among our man.v customers who are daily get ting bargains at headquar ters!You are cord i ally Tnvit ed to visit our store aud ex amine goods and prices whe ther jou buy or not. We have the most complete line of Fall and Winter Goods Ever brought to the county. IN DRESS COODS we have the heavy hop flannel in gray. In water-proof we havethe gray green black, brown, 40c up o 50c.; 1 yards wide. All colors in Cashmers. at 15c.; the 20c kind, the 40c. kind at 25 and 30 cents. Outing flannels in all colors and shades. The 8 1.3 kink at 5c,, the 10 cent kind at 8 1-3 ctg. the u cent kinjjat 10 cents. PLAIDS OR APON GOODS. The 7 cts. kind at 5 1-2 to 6 1-2 cts perjard. AH cancoes at 5 and 6 cts cash. Domestic ? I-2C rash. We also have a beautifnl line of ptad and gingham waist goods all cheap. Shoes, Shoes Shoes. In shoes you can get all kinds and prices m men s women s and chil dren's. Women's soft shoes at $1, worth I1.30, Men's fine shoes at $1, 50 to $2.50. Men's and boy's hats very cheap. A few ladies felt hats at cost. A full and complete line of no. tons all very cheap. You can ret anyting in harware. Also a full line of trunds, valices, hand-bags cook ine and heating stoves very cheap Shot guns at a very low price Nails mattocks and axes at a very I 0 w price. You can get 2 lb- soda 5c; 3 Ibis coffce 25 cts sugar 20 tbbs for SI: rice 20 lbs for 11; Meat and flour very cheap for cash. WANTED at highest mar ket price eggs, chickens, but ter, cheesp, rye, wheat, corn, buckwheat, furs and all oth er kinds of marketable pro duce. Remember if yoo want any thing in mv line call on me. I will snot be undersold by any one. Thanking mj friends for past favors nnd extend to you a hearty welcome to give me a portion of your future trade, YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, WILMV.HOLSaAW IF YOU Wll I PUT oteaspoonfulof Mexico MusUngLtiM " ir IUU nlLUrUI inMBt intoKUahal(fnllof watraD4 with tiiis rgljroir throat often is will quioUy curs a Bora Thru ' ' . Ui, J f. . Keep this fact always fresh in your memory: r For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, yov I need only to apply ( I. M 1. j sAioaii jiueiaug jjmuiom j few times and the soreness and inflammation will bo conquered and the wounded flesh healed. To get the best results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with the liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. 25c., 50c. and S1.00 ft bottle. lrrn AM CYC Ml your poultry md at fhe Terr first rign of lCCr All CI C Un &, Scaly Lg, Bumblefoot or other imm among your fowls use MexlOMt Mustang Liniment. NOTICE. 1, W. T. Vandyke, County Surveyor of Watauga, am nowl equipped with a new 41 VERNIER COMPASS" and am now ready to doany kind of surveying. I also make a specialty of surveying roads. Deerfield. N. C. Jan. 1. LLJIN I d SMOKE r TT F 1 I Your Ufe away I Ton can be cared of any form of tobacco using; easily, ba made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking UO-TO-BAO, that rnakea weak men strong. Many gsia ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO.OOO cared. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FKEB. Address STHRLINQ kEHXDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 CometoSee Us, We have npto-date Goods nt down-to-date prices Read the f illowing and be eon vi need: 56 inch water proof, extra good at 50 cts. per yard. 30 inch heavy skirt goods, black, ot 50 cts. Outings from 7 to 10 cts. Flannelettes 8 to 16c. Cashmeres from 25 to 50. Cotton olaids 4 to 6c. Suspenders 5 to 50, cts. Madies hose 5 to 25 cts. Handkerchiefs2tol0cts. Men's half hoes 8 to 15c. H'hen the sun shines at mid night and water runs up hill, then you will be able to match these bargains on underwear, Two pairs of under shirts and two pairs of slips for only ONE DOLLAR. Shoes 50e. to $2.75. LITTLE NEEDS AT LIT TLE COST can be had at our BARGAIN COUNTER. A fancy lino of Groceries and Hardware always kept in stock. YOUR DOLLAR will always find its equal at our store. BUY FOR CASH And your debts are paid; buy on a credit and your. Dfbts are .fade. Don't fail to come and see us.' Our whole store is ablaze with bargains. Prompt and courteous treatment always assured. YOURS FOR THADE, R. M. & E. M. GREEN. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in tr courts of clri and mirronndingcoun lien. Prompt Mtnntimi giv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 6 12 J. L. COTTREll, Physician h Surgeon BOONE, N. C- Offiiceat Coffey's Hotel Offer biM professional ser vices to the people of this and surrounding communi ties. SfciTCalls promptly attend ed day or night. W. II BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir, N. G. Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to his care. c. B. WEBB, C. Y. ILLEBR. Wilkesboro Mable Works Webb & Miller, Prop. Granite and Marble 'Monuments and everything in the cemetry line done in the best of style at the lowest pricen !Satinfact ion Guaranteed" Attention, There, Your attention is ailed tothefacttbat I am still in business at Mabel and am sell ing goods at from 15 to 25 per cnt. iower than my com pctitors. I have a NEAT Stock Of Goods and shall be pleased to h'tvyuiir trad, both cash and produce. Space forbids simula tion here, but come on friends and be convinced that I am anxious to save yon money on tv ery article. S"Tbe very hignest roar ket price paid for all kinds of good country produce. Thanking mj friends and euftoiners lor past favors, I am Very truly, A. E MORETZ. Mabelv Aug. 6. v V'