Th8 Watauga Democrat. Enteiodat the Post office at Boone, N. C , as second class mail matter subscription rates: , One year.:..L......:.....f 1. 00. Six Months............... .50. fhree months .25. . Advertising rates furnished on application. XQC5AL NEWS. -Fine candles 10 to SO cts. per lb at Green's. Fine weather since the storm on Sunday. Grass seed at Green's cheaper than elsewhere. Mrs. Mollie Coffey is vis i t i ii g hr daughter, Mrs. ,1 udge Councill, in Hickory. As wpgo to press the Potter trial is still in the hunds of the jury. California dried p aches, miire meat, "hocolate; can ned corn, fish etc. at Green's. There is some valuable property offered for sale in this issue. Look up the no tices. . Mr. John F. Ui-rdin who has been in the South with stock all winter, returned Tuesday. All cases on the c i v 1 1 docket were continued until the June term of court and it now seems that some im portant state cases will also vo over. - Mrs. E.S Coffey with hr two little daughters, left last week for Morganton where she is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Spainhour. C. R. Noriishas abandon ed his western trip, bought a neat little farm of John C. Browu at Sands, and loca ted permanently in his na tive county. Three inehes of snow on Monday morning, with the green grass peeping from its spotless whiteness was the phenomena that met the gaze of our people. AH persons wanting pho tograph work done at near one-Half price, call near Wa tauga Academyon April the 9th. Satisfaction guaran teed. A. J. Campbell, Pho tographer. Married in the Baptist church at Laurel Springs on the 22nd inst. Mr. Conley Green.ison cf Esq. Lee Green, to SjMias Annie, daughter of Larkin Watson. Rev. L. C. Wilson officiating. We are indeed very grate ful to many of our pations for their kindness in paving off their accountsduringthis term of court, and to a good ly number of others who en listed as new eubnenbers. The timelj arrival of a warrant from theStateTreas urer on the 20th inst1? tor a little more than 2.000 for school purposes in Watauga greatly facilitated the pay ment of teachers' vouchers during court. FARM FOB SALE. I ana offering for sale two hun ,dred acres of land lying on the Wa tauga River, one mile from Shull Mills on the turn pike road, and eight miles from Blowing Rock One hundred acres of open land principally in grass, with tine wa ter Dower, and all nasturcg well watered. Present crop reserved. For farther paiticulars calll on or address S. "W. Coffbt, Shu ' s Mills. N.C. A, J, Campbell, of Mabel, will be here, near .Watauga Academy, on April the 9th, for, the purpose of making photographs. Call, see sam ples and get prices, State Senator Wellborn was among the visitors at court last week. Mont, says he had the honor of being railed the most handsome member in either house of the Legislature. EXNSheriff Boyd and Sher iff Estes, both rfi:-noir; were in town on Tuesday of last week. The gentlemen gave . our office a most pleasant ran. ana iw some ror me use oi iub primer. See Hall & Jones new ad in this issue. A member of the firm is now on the mar- kets purchasing their soring and summer stock, and will have some rare bargains tor you within the nextfewdays. Watch their space. Frank Gragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gragg, of Sands, died of typhoid lever in Wilkesboro last Friday, and his remains were brought home for intendment on last Monday. The young man had been at work in West Virginia for some time and proved examination in read wab on his way home when W writing, spelling, punc- he was stricken. His parents were preparing to leavefor the west this week, but we are told that they havelnow noslDoned the trio indefi- nitely. The sympathy of all is with the bereaved familv. -The medicine fakir was in evidence here last week, and manv of our people nib- bled, yea, veiily, bit at the worthless nostrum, and the nocketsof the vendor crrew r ' at with the coinof therealra. f there in anvthine our pie do enjoy it is to be taken in h oneot theBe slick hum- na.a -Si-nnlr frnm the fact that we were iinnble to do t h e work in the office and at- tend to manv other duties in cumbentupon us, the paper failed to issue last week, this er AB,,,J' -wKunuvt aui is all the apology we have to . Caldwell, Iredeli, Rowan, offer, and we trust it will be Stanley, Surry. Watauga satisfactory to our patrons, Qd Wilkes, This is an extra The matter on the outside appointment under the re of this issue, some of it, at cent law enlarging the Navy, east, is rather stale, but jH the best we'ean do under the circumstances. Our people seem to be extreinelv well pleased with Judce Long. He is fair as well as able, and be has tried to impress the boys, in pass- ing sentences the value and importance 01 gooa maruc- ter, and if a boy is convicted of a misdemeanor and shows a disposition to reform, the Judge gives him credit tor it and is tnunh more mild than he is toward a young man . . wnouu8iiuiepfrt lur mm- self and no regard for t bar acter. , . . lLe severe wma ana rain storm on Sunday night did considerable damage to prop , , erty on upper Cove Cieek. The large Academy at Zlon Villo was torn from its foun- dation, removed about fiH teen leet and hadly wrecketJ; Davenport's shop in the same villaxe was utterly demolish- , " i , r,,, ed; the barn of Moses Eller whs blown down and a good mule killed, and mauy other . , .... . , out buildings were blown down. The Streams in a I I parts of the count? were bad , ' ,11 ly swollen, ann we are told that the land in Home sec- tions is badly washed. O BeanOe fcfnatir ef ABTOZ Kiwi Yn Haw Mmj BopjX -On Saturday, the 14th inst. the Willow Dale base ball tea m met one of the Wa tauga Academy "nines'' on their diamond near town, we suppose, witha vain hope of trying to get even with our 'knights of the bat." The game was quite interesting, and the crowd in attendance was huge; but unfortunate ly, when the interest in the game was at its highest, it was called off by the u ins pire on account of a sudden 8hower, with a score of one in Drtl1 Th . wprft VAPWPYnnnnf ft.PP th;ir flimfly vjctory and a. gQn chaUenKe(1 onr boys to th. ht u ,H flpPt,ntPfi. th game played on last Satur- day. Result: Boone 10, Wil- low Dale 1. Eiaaiatatlo far Navtl leadeaf . Acompetitiveezamination of approved applicants, for an appointment as Midship man (forrrerly called Cadet) fr0rn the 8th Congressional district of N. C. will be held jn Statesville, N. C, on Tuee day, April 14th, 1903. Applicants must be between 15 and 20 years of age, of sound physical form and health, and able to pass ap tuation, arithmetic, geogra- phy, grammar, tiistoiy, alge bra throughquadratic equa- tions, and plane geometry; and must have been bona I I 1 ea . .i a nne resKienrs 01 me uisinei 1'0P two years laHt past. Intending applicants will 1. . ... please communicate witn rae 1 . 1 once, giving, m tneir own ana writing, age, coior, resi- dence, politics, ana quaunra tions, aecompanied bv testi- moniaiH irom weiiKnuwn cn- i 111 :x oeo-Mns. Only such applicants as are certified by me will be exammea, a principal ana three alternates will be certi- nVd f cental examination at Charlotte, N. C on t h e luiruiuemmHi.iiflpuiiowu. Applications will be received 1 i n.:nnna Irom the counties of Alexan- hence the snortoessot tue no t,ce- Tr x. uqi;0k n r . Ex-Senator Jeter C. Pritch ard has been appointed As- sociate Justice of the 8u- Pfrp(m?.rC r t " Vr Lflble 8alary of $6 000 ppr annum. And the beauty of the position is that il lasts for life. notTce OF LAND SALE.- By v5rtue of the powerofsale contained in a mortgage deed exe- cutml to fae undrsigned on the 26th aay or uec, iqoi, oy c. d. ucn- - and wif Mvrtlft. to secure a debt of of $450.00, and registered in No. "Il ' page 81 in the of flee of Register or Uees tor wa tau2aCulintv r w;ii, 0n Monday, the 4th day of May, 1903, at the court hou door in Boone, wataii. ga county, N. C, sell to the highest tuUpr f'! raRh' the fnnw-in de. scribed tract or lot of land, lying "d being in the town of Blowing i TVZ" : others: Beginning on a small lo I I arm cust tree on the north side of the B?.ne r.,ad or.fltrfet "nd uns ttast with said road i4 poles to a stone z. B. Buchanan, now J, B. Clark's comer, thence north 20 poles to a one ,or BPU(;e P,ne n the Sena Green line: thence west with said 1Ine ,4 poIes t0 a 8tor,et ,5 clark, corner; thence south with Clarke's line 20 Pole8 10 the beginning, con. taininsr J 3-4 acres more or less, to- eeththe ,ight to use water from the spring on adjoining lot. This lot has a large house on it, when completed win De nanosome j property. This March 30. 1903. Alexander McRay Mortgagee. L D. Lowe, Atty The legislative .edition of the News and Observer is most valuable find should be kept by oil whoweresofortu nate us to get it. It contains all the principal laws enact ed by the last Legislature, to get her with many of the pic urea with short sketches of he lives of the Senators? and Representatives. The News and Observer is always do ing extra work in thenewspa per line, but it has never is sued) a more valuable! copr ban this one. It should be presei ved as a reference sheet. Thomas L. Critcher, SUliVEYOR DEERFIELD, N. C- Is now equipped with a new VARNIER COMPASS And makes a specialty of sur veyiog and mapping borne rninernl and timber lands. Al so surveying roads and terra ring ditches. NOTICE. II a vine qualified as administra tor of the estaie of John Yatep, de ceased, l hereby notity all persons having debt against the gaiddeceas ed to present the same duly anthen ticated to the undersigned within twelve months from the date here of or this notice will be plead it bar of their recovery. And also persons owing said deceased will come for ward and m?ke immediate pay ment. This March 1,1903, V. S. Rominoer, Adm'r. J. C. Fletcher, L. D. Lowe, Attys. Clearance Sale, i For the next sixty days I willl sell for MTS p 0 T C A S H-J my eutire stock of Mer chandise at greatly redu ced prices in older to make room for my large SPUING & SUMMER LINE. I will sell all calicoes at 4 to 5 cts. per yard. Ladies' drews noods at Cont. Ladies' and gents' fine and coarse shoes at 90cts to $1.50 per pair. Mens' hats from 35 cte. to $1.50, Mens fine suits at 20 percent above cost, and T have a lot of pood, Bervicable dotbingthat I am closing out at actus al COST. I have a large lot of shelf Hardware, ax es, mattocks and other goods that must go at Starvation Prices. Groceries are still going . at Rock bottom prices. I will not be undersold. I nlso have a good line of NOTIONS that are go ing very cheeap Some COOK STOVES At a Bargain ,.. Queenswnre, Tinware, Glassware, etc. Shoes, Shoes Shoes. I have a large stock of them, and now is the time to buy them while ymi can save from EG to 15 cts. on the pair These goods must all go, 00 come early and get a bargain- I nlso have a large lot of Sprins per cales, nil good colors, which I will close out at COST I can save you from $2.50 to $3.00 on a ?1U.UU pur chase. So. now is the time for you to secure a bargains. 8No goods sold on time at the8elow prices. They are STRICTLY CASH But will sell very cheap for chickens, eggs, corn, meat, rye and other good produce. So come one and all and ull nnd share in the great bar gain sales, they will not last at these prices, ( YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, WILL W. HOLSCLAW Vilns, March the 5th. ABE YOU WISE iHsS v -y am easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sortf Throat in order to kill disease germl and insure healthy throat action is tp take half a glassf ull of water put into ' it a teaspooflf ul of Mexican Mustang Knit whh this prrio the Then bntlio U ou'tel'e ct the ftjont ami ftftnr o.rt this ionr wmm i n phis wu ou arouua U10 uck. It is a POaiTIVI! CURE. J5oc., COo. uud n-iitvnr Vfi!l bvo lonpr been troubled with 0 rmjatot IT WAY DR I UU ion or oicr. .TlvitHtonco with Mt Ca Mutilans LlluiiicuS tiud you win dipeud u;u k 8iody cam -4lJ- TOBACCO SPIT I JC JIM I and SMOKE 1 H T r YourUfeawav! You can be enied of uj form of tobacco midff 01 tob mavrn easily. Be made wen, Mrong, magnnic, iuii oi iew 'foe and vigor bi taking nd-TO-BAO, that makes weak daTa. 3'boo!ooo t. Cure guaranteed. Book- ten pound In ten enred. All druziniu. cure bti let and advice FREE. Address STEHMNU BBMSOT CO., Chicago or New York. NOTICE. J, W. T. Vandyke, .County Surveyor of Watauga, am now equipped with a new "VERNIER COMPASS" and am now ready to doany kiod of surveying. I also make a specialty of surveying roads. Deerfleld. N. C. Jan. 1. Cometo See Us. We have uptodate Goods nt down-to-date nrices Read the f allowing and be convinced: 5G inch water proof, extra good at 50 cts. per yard. 30 inch heavy skirt goods, black, ot 50 cts. Outintts from 7 to 10 cts. Flannelettes 8 to 16c. Cashmeres from 25 to 50. Cotton Dlaids 4 to 6c. Suspenders 5 1 o 50'. cts. Madies hose 5 to 25 cts. Handkerchiefs 2 to 10 cts. Men's half hoes fc) to 15c. When the sun shines nt mid night and waier runs up hill, then you will be abe to match these bargains on under-wear, Two pairs of under shirts and two pairs of slips for only ONE DOLLAR. Shoes 50c. to $2.75. LITTLE NEEDS AT LIT TLE COST can be had at our BARGAIN COUNTER. A fancy lino of Groceries nnd Hardware always kept in stock. YOUR DOLLAR will always find its equul at our store. BUY FOR CASH And your debts ure paid; buy 011 a credit and your Debts are Made. Don't fail to come and see uh. Our whole store is ablaze with bargains. Prompt and courteous treatment always assured. Y0UR8 fOtt TRADE, il. M. & F. M GREEN- throe t at froquent intorralj tlnont tlionithlT w!th t with the link ) wrap 01.00 u bottlo, SPECIAL NOTICE. I am now receiving a fall n4 complete line Of Watch and ClOCK watch bettct . j repairs, and am bettet man ever prepared to u your work on short notice. I mkc n fpeciidty of repairing watches, clocks, sowing machines. etc. that have been spoiled by un trained workmen, and am doing all my work under a positive guaran. tee. EVE GLASSES, A full line of the best Eye Glass es that I could purchase for sno(J cash, on hand, and I am able to fit any eye. jno cnarges ior examin ing eyes. So if you need any work in - my" line give me a call. My prices ar reasonable', my work is insured. J. W. BBYVNi Boone, N. 0. March 16. J, L. GOTTRELl, Physician b Surgeon BOONE, N. C- Offiice at Coffey's Hotel. Offers bis professional eer vices to the people of t h i t and surrounding comruuni ties. BfcTCalls promptly attend ed day or night. W. 11. BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir, 11 C, Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchtll, Ashe nnd other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to nil legal matters entrusted to his cure. A. Gallon of PCBB LTN8BED Oils Btaat with a saika U makes S fallonl ef the Tnrf Btfl VtXtt ia the vobu Iry boy e dolt. Ittstte pwowau wmm orHoifcBPAnrr. ocxMPaiaiiesnw ej UeUdOMUUidM aoToOcaoiBusrftFsYbtftXaw y.HATWstA'BPAINTCOH.I WaKWO CAPITAL PAID IN 80aOC9 SOLD AND OUANANTIW tf W 6OMOU8. HAMma Pai.wt lemadeot uie aw g to Ii. HOLSHOUSER. ; v . I Blowing Rock. N. C,i ete)f feetNU Wttk ( Caod CatherttOj m eoelstlsAtioai t"M !9,sfe. ItO.O.O(rall,flrastarHaniuv, '.4 4 i 7 i 1 !)

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