ft' The Vatauga Democrat. ; Published Every Thursday VVV mu omi tbit the querf lion of child In bur in the fir torii'P'was n Southern ques tion and that iw Southern lpglslHtures wonlil he found able to deal with It. But the quickness of the ..Noithrn mind to Hee u needed reform in the'Snnth hna in this in fltanoe been followed by the reflation "f abuses at the North before which the in etances of child el i very in the South nre insignificant. A uritpr in the New York Out look of March 14diawR a pic ture of factory life in New York that i darker than anything that could exist in 1 ho South. Reforms are like baritjt they ehoul I begin nt home. As the boys usen to say in anjolil fashioned u me at school' "Shinny on your own 8 i (1 e." Presbyterian Standard. "Speaking about dogs." aid Representative LVidler, of Ohio, "1 suppose I hnve the most intelligent hu terri era in thftjcountry,' and hr's unly a puppy yet. The other .day he spilled his milk and I cuffed his ears and chucked him oat of the window Next dayte spilled his milk ngni" 'and I cuffed his cars again and chucked him out of the window. The next day, afttr he spilled bis milk again, he cuffed bis ears and went and jumped out'of the window. Ifew York World. DEATH RATE DECREASING. The 1900 census shows a decrease of 10 per cent, in the genera! death rate The decline in cou sumption is more marked than any other dis ease Many causes are attributed, but t is safe to sav that Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, roughs arid colds is responsible for this decline, to a large extent. Ma ny a life hag been saved by its use. There is nothing anywhere just as good for lung and throat troubles It is po&i ively guaranteed bv M, 13. Blackburn. Price 50c and $1.00. Tri al bottles free. The following toast was re ently proposed at a social gathering by a New York teacher, and can be found in the March World's Works: "Here's health to us; the rag tag and bobtail of the learn rt profession; beloved by chil dren; tolerated by youth; for gotten by maturity; eonsbU ered municipally, financially and socially as good enough for what is left." THE PLOT THICKENS. But that has nothing to do with the fapt that there is not a better salve on earth than Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's a reliable cure tor bruis es, bnrns cuts, corns, sores and salt rheum. Tried and tested and pioved infallible for piles Only 25c. Satis faction pnaranteed or money refun ded by M B. Blackbnrn. The double office holding problem continues to call for some little discussion. Itnleigh is perturbed now o ver the legality of a man's be fng a deputy sheriff and an alderman at the same time. ;Tbre ure neverul scores of oplein the woHj-ftj)d lite is for any one man. -Greensboro Telegram. General Debility . Day in and out there Is that feeling of weakness that makes c burden of Itself. -' Food does hot strengthen. Sleep does net refresh. It la hard todo, hard to bear, what .iticvld be easy, vitality 1b oa the ebb, and he Who!. ay-stern srjffors. ; l or Uila cor.dltloii take Hood's Sarsaparilla It rltsJIaci the llood, clve vigor and tone to kU ttw on?sn end functlinr, and la pos:tivt7 o:ieqjF.!!ci for all run-down or flebt' tajed ronoi'.Hini. j .- (ienmil Juli.ja S. V, a r r writed to th Diirh.nn Herald! denvingthe report that, he would be h candiilute for! Governor. tnil: 'I le ! wire to-siiy th.it 1 arn nut, nor will be a candidate for the nomination of Governor, and I speak thus early, that my friends' throughout, t h e. State may he orqu'ainted! with my position." A man to do much foi his city must he a good man. He may not be great according to some interpretation of t he world, but he must b of stauivh character and broad public spirit. HlS life must ex tend far beyond tha narrow lines of neh. His motives must be right, his purpose fixed. Winston Journal. OASTOniA. ttr the The Kind you Always Bought Signature of 'More men would he rich if money were as hard to spend as it is to earn." ' I" woman is neither pret ty nor musical she m;i.v, as a last" resort, be intellectual." 'Even the self-made man doesn't boast of bis worth to the assessor." "The old actr who plays juvenile parts has to 'make up' for lost time." -C. C. C" on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cascarct3 Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, ioc. "A faultless nnrfon never goes around pointing out the faults of ot hnrs." (8 $fj&znrL Thiu sljnatnro is on every box of tho gcauitio Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet Uie remedy that cures a cold im vim day "Fvery man has his trials - for which the lawyers are thankful." To Core a Cold in One Day. Take LaxaMve Promo Quinine Tablets. All druriint8 refund the money if it tails to cure. E. VV. Grove's signature is ou each box. 25e. A woman ran g linncr.v very cotnlortaWy in fi n e elothen." CASTORIA For Infants and Children.. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Signature of 35 "Thf lighter thp individual theenpier, the easier he will find it to float in the social swim. r ,n.,,i.,gg3Bagaga.nnii wanmi IVenld that we eonld SKSUT FECM EVERY KO'JSE-TBP with the atrenvth of m Blllloa Toie OlIDCP l'"crh. Cold. Cananmptlon't UvltkU n""1!! aniu,jripnriyt pBeamonlatClrtp. 8arThrot MONEY BACK IP IT FAILS. Pric 60c and $1.00. Trial Bottla Fraa. NOTICE. tor of the estaie of John Yatec. ile-l cWcl, I hereby no.jfy all ' persons" havinj' debts against the saiddec-a ed to present the same duly ar.then ticated to the undeiRirned within twelve months from the date here of or this notice will lw plead it bar of their recovery. And also persons owing said deceased will come for . waru nna mrke immediate pay - meni. J nH March 31, 1903. v o r. 1 r C VUrLr I n I T'i - Hw in Tr KMMr, f i;ob?!i,;rf,n,oore11 k"inriii. Baia- piafra.. Add.8trTin HemMjCo.cwcagoorM.f I Or. I tings mmm . I IT ! '.THE GREAT, j Thedford's Mack-Draught has saved doctors' bills for more than Bixty ; years. Foi the common fain jly ailments, such as constipation," indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the tiduevs, 1 1 nnriKra tlin Vilmil ami n irir.n iha ' U bowels of foul accumulations. It W cures liver complaint, indigestion, ijsour stomacB, dizziness, chills, tuvuuranw Siting, o.u.aciic uucit. diarrliaft, biliousness, piles, iard . coias aim iipaaacae. tvery drug gist has Thedford's Black-IlrauirCt in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for i 1 .00. Kevjr accept a substitute. Insist on having tae original made by tho Chattanooga Medicine Conijiany. . I Mleve Thedford! B!ack.Drauht Is the but medietas on earth. It I good for ar.v ar.d evervtli!n. I have a family of twelve children, and fo lour years I have kept liiera on foot ana nuitr.y with no doctor but Black. Draught A. J. GilEEN. Hlewara, La. Instead of sending mission nries to the South, Dr. Park-hti'-st had hotter send a lew to Lngnn county, Pi-nnylva nia. where 'a few days ago a man went ton school house and beat a finjinl" tearh'T in the face vvith his fists. And it was a white man at that. We are Pot free From brutes, but that particular variety do-si not grow in tli" South Nor folk Public Ledger. F2EE 10 OUR READERS. Botanic i'.lood falin for the Blood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood poison, cancer, ent ing so.'es, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pairs, dwelling, ihcuma lisin, cat.u rh, or any blood or skin disease, we a.' vise vou to take Me tallic Blood Hal ni (B. H. B.) Epec- ially lecommcnilcd for old. ohsti - nate, ili-op seated cases cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of health. I)ru - gists, $i per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing IJibod Halm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in seal ed letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. Wilmington Star; Good fchipmpnts ot strawberries went forward jesU rdny from all sections of tne trucking bolt nnd prices are hivth. Shipments commehced from Teacher's yesterday, s i x crates having been shipped t'rom that point yesterdav. j STOP THIS CO I'd H j W'JUK OFF THKCOLP, Laxative nroaioQuinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. Ao cure uo pay. I'i ice 25c. "D n't impose on others in order to make an impos-. in? show." at The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. Th SlKorerer of STvaop-Root at Work la Bis laboratory. . There Is a disease prevailing In this ffiffi ii ean cisease, pneumonia, Heart lalluro dlsease. or apopiexy are onen tne result ct Kidney If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad- K'i Sa fin break down and waste away cell by celL j 1 ,,e '4 Poles to a toneJ. B. dark Then tha richness of the blood the albumen 'corner; thence nouth wjih Clarke's ? leaks out and Ihe sufferer has Brlght's j line 20 poles to the beginning con Isease the worst form of kidney trouble. ,,- , , . flCPeH mf)PI! or ,.. 1 Dr. Kilmer's 5wcmp-Root the new dls- eovery isthetrvespe snd urinary troubles, peclfic for kidney, bladder es. It has cured thousands TM Pac attmr all Athtf ! PPren'l'hopleM cases, after all other; I by mall, also a book telllngr about Swamp- ' Root and Its wonderful cures. Addrjss Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamton, N. Y. und mention thU paper. - Patient. . A n X"chtric old deacon . iu1 a New England town wsapj proa h-d some time agn by-, a ,voung man who sought his iiaugiitei s nuini in inuv riage. "You can't have my daugh ter," said the deacon. "Bat I love her dearly. and she loves me,", pleaded the youth. uNo matter; you can't have her." . "Yhii know, sir, that 1 am j amply able to support a wite, and you know a ho that my r-putation i without a Mem is!.." ' I could not ask for, a more thrifty or a morn up tight man, but for all that, you can't have mv daugh' ter." ' It is simply that be ha an ungovernable te nper." '"Bat Sarah is a devout Christian." pleaded youth. "That may be true," paid the deacon. "But see here, young man, you will eonWo know before you are are old ns.l am that the Lord can get along with many persons you couldn't get along with.' Pniladelphiu Ledger. "As an army motto 'Liy and let live' is a failure." WOUE RIOTS. Disturbances of strikers arc not really, as grave as an iudividna dis order of the system. Overwoi k, los of sleep, nervour tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is employed. There is nothing so efficient to "cure elisor, iters of the liver and kidnevs a Elec trie Bitters It's u wondei ful tonic, and effective nervine and the great est all around medicine for run down systems. It dispells nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia ann ex pels malaria germs. Only ?oc. a n d satisfaction guaranteed by M. B. Blackburn. FARM FOK SALE. I am offering for sale two hun. di'tnl acres of land lyin? on the VVji Jtauga River, one mile from Shull i. Mills on the . turn pike road, and eight miles from Blowing Rock !0ne fiundred acres of open land, principally in grass with fine wa ter power, and all pastures well watered. Present crop reserved. For farther particulars calll on or address S, W. Coffey, Shu ' s Mills. N. C. NOTICE. At a sale of real estate mnde for raxes by V. H. Calavva.v. ex-Shn iff of Watamro conn t. an March the 3rd. 1902. at thoeoiirt hotihe door in Boone, I purchased one lot in thefiwn 1 Blowing Rock, in ithwing Hock township, listed in the name of J. V. Cluer, tax and cost of sale amounting to $4 46. Unless redemption is modems the law directs, I will take Sher iff's de"d for the same. This Feb. 1903. John Y. Hodges. .NOT CE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of the power of s:;le container in a mortgage deed exe cuted to tlie undrsigned on the 26th 'day of Dec, 1901, by Z 11. Buch anan and wife. Myrt'e, to Hccure a debt of of 45o.oo, ami registered in book No. "11" page 81 in the of fice of Register of Deer's for Wa tauga county, I will, on Monday, the 41I1 day of May, 1903, at the court home door in Roone, Watau ga county, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed tract or lot of land, lying and being in the town of Blowirg. Rock, N. ('., adjoining the lands of Joe B. Clarke, S. M, Thomas and othern: Beginning on a small lo cust tree on the north side of the uoone road or street and runs tast ?S i(1.r0ad ,4 me Z. B. Buchanan, now T, R. Clark's corner, thence north 20 poles to a HtOne or snrurp ninp in tha Sora west with nJd ,pther Wth lb? riKht tf .use water j 'l 0"i "-' 'prin' on adjoining lot. ' Tl.!. Ia U . 1 . U . . This lot has a large house on it, (Property. This March 30. 1903. ' Alexander McRay Mortasrce. , r. T . L D. LnK, Atty. . , The Kind You Hare Always In use for over 30 years, ' and has been made under bis per' lyjfflfrjffj 80nal sanervlsion since its infancy l, "CCCAW Allow no one to deceive you in th!& All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pore gone, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wlnf Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc eiNTAun eoHMNV, tt mm tmm "Vhfn u man looks into a mirror imnninen that h wece iht rnfl.-ction ot a hero." fqgP CANDY CATHARTIC. 10b lie. lOt. Gtnuine stamped C. C C Never loid In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to tell "jomtthinj Just as good." No matter ns to the mo tiveofthos' Piltjcators who sat down at a mixH table, they should haveknown that. it wiU cripple their iufluence'Thls preparation contains all of the m thf South. I) ii ham H-r- Hid. " I have been uiln CAflCARETSanda a in I Id and eBociivo luiatle they are iinulr won derful. Mr daughter and I wore bothered with tick stomach and our broath was very bad. After taking n few doses of CascareU we hare Improred wonderful!?. The? are a groat help In tbe lamllv." WlI.UELJll.Vi Ni:i;i. 1137 Blttenhotiao Bt., Clueluuatl, Ohio. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste flood. Do flood, Nevor Slokon, Wookeu, or Grlpo. lUc. m. 60o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Utril.f llffjjt Copif, ttljtt Ka.lrnl, I. y.rt. j, KQT0BAC nd Itnarniiteed by nlldrng- MILLINERY, I rm now luindliiiR n lirnn tiful linnof MrH. A. P. White rier'n Millitiry Gnodn, mxl the ladies are cordially invi ted to exaniinp my Ptook, whether they wish to pur chase at prp?:ent or not. MRS G.VV. RABY. Blowing Rock, 11-27. The Martin College, BLOWING ROCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. PENDLEY, PROPR. Thin hotel building has recent ly been refitted and refurnished iu all departmentK, and is nowo pen lor the accommodation ot the public. Good, comfortable rooms, and tin good lare as the market nflords. BQTlie comfort of transient boat-derB always looked after. RATEd KEA80NA11LE. CAVEATS. TRADE MIDkfi COPYRICHTS and DESIGNS. Send yont biulnMi direct to Washington, save time, costs leu, bettor aenrlce. Hy oat clow to Hunt 0c. nBtmllaUa. m an!otlo-i ntda. Atljr'i fM sot 4a. ufu ptt-r.t !?i."r?,iL'iRH0,'AI' ATTKMII0,i OJVSH-1 TEARS AvrsuAbBU-utlHnr-ft. M9V1L 'BoV to obtain Fouata, ta., Mot frM. fatnts norarod thnana S. 0 Uuari nuln sasclat aotfo, vltlwit alawiia, la Um irtivrnTEvr agf , UlastraUd ataathJ7-BTtdth lwr-tsnas, 1. a jmt. iiloPTi2! ffrTl CANDV Bou?ht, and which has been. " has borne the signature of Signature of muhmv strut, n(wtoiw am. fc'issj tmm mm m na "it id "iny to acquire knowing ir.voii Hi'p; i.ot a Mhamej to confess your igno in UCP.'' oastoriaT Semtha y9 Kind Yw tU't Alwajfi BosJC Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. dlgestants and digests all kinds of rooa. it gives instant rellefandnever fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gason theston ach, relieving all distressafler eating, Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you goof) Prepared only by E.O. 0BWiTT&0o.,Cblcaa Tho It. bottle contain H Umea the &0e. ala 111 3 Morning Post EAUGII.X. C Tlie onlv populcr pneed nioru !! newspaper in North Carolina. Tlie fineHt telegraphic and gen t-rul news service. Special correspondents in a 1 jintts of tho State giving a com plete synopsis ot State news. subscription price: One mouth $ .40, To months 75, Three months. 1.00, One year 4.00. strictly in advance. No paper continued beyond the time paid for. Sind in your subscription. Apdrkss THE MORNING POST, . Raleigh, N. C. SO VCARS CXPSKIENCI. TRAOI MARKS DESICK8. COPVnicuTa a. Anyone sending sketch and dnertptlon may K2Wr..p?t,,,?1,le- t"nnlnitloiia atrlotlv eonlMentltl. Oldpat atrenc; rracarln patenu to America. W. have WaablnRton oMci. Patunta tiiknn tliroiuih Muua Oo. iweetr Pedal uoUoelu tho wnwnj SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfnlljr lnsrrnt larroet clmilctloa ef ., 1. -hum. nw. j, im ma w.uu ft IViTI UW six months. Hpeohnen cples and ILLmA - ........ .not ires. Auurjai MUNN & CO., Vrv Y It. ( ' Beod model, aaetoli or photo cl uiTrotlon lot ' ( free report on patenubllitr. Tor free book. ' ' j ; Opposlta njSpatont Office ;

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