y;'';:,:.; y -,. ; . - -,., 4; , -., : ,., .. r -. . , . .: yy ": - 'V-.' Sy- '';v:y,.c:y yy-'-. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 28,. 1903. VOL. XV. NO. 13. Bronchitis " I have kept Aver's Cherry Pec- torsi in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. TkfMtUwi25c,Mc.fl. All nnta- Coniult yoor doctor. If be tm tak it, tbea do M he ttjt. It he tell too " to teka It. then don't take It. He knowe. Lmt It with lilm. We ere willinK. J. 0. AIEK CO., Lowell, Hui. WASHINGTON LETTER. ! Prom our BegoUr Correspondent. That the Ohio Republtoun convention will m the geene of a bitter contest between theHannannd Foraker fac tions in Ohio politics is con flrm.'d by StateSenntor Rhiii uel Patterson who ie in Wash inRton ani who anys that the republicans of his State are bo much in earnest in their opposition to any reso lution endorsing Mr. Roose velt vfor another lerm that the President's friendh would do well to think twice before introducing RU'h a resolution in the convention. Senator Patterson, it should be said. was the II anna leader in the last Ohio legislature ana is Lia'ior. instead of drown- Irecrnrdpd as competent to Jng trouble, merely floats it. voice the sentiment of the Hanna faction. Senator tor J ?y j aker, on the other hand, has 0 ijCfrvrtr said unequivocally, thatsur Thl elgnature is on every box ot tho eonuine a resolution WOUld be intTO. Laxauve orurau-vuiuiuc xu.. dn(()(i nml preased For anop mis nmi uot. - - - - " I . . ... , 11 II tion. it is acKnowiPugefl u4 Mr. Roosevelt's fri'i)d that it would be a severe blow to his prospects of a resolution of endorsement were rejected by the Ohio convention but PROFESSIONAL. F. A. LINNEY, ATTO RN E 5T AT LAW,- went a whose at Ocraooke In let. N. C The Captain has d is appeared with about $5,000 belonging to the pmigrnntB and it is believed that he ran his vessel ashore at this out of the point with that end in view. The immigrants were picked up along the point ol Portugal, charged exorbi tant prices for passage and induced to deposit their sa ving3in the Captain's safe. The Government will waive the'liead tax of $2 in this case and will sell the thirtv- flye barrels of whuleoil which constituted the argo of the the Vera Cruz to recompense it for the expense of caring for the immigrants until they leach their destination, New iiedford, Mass. Meanwhile, everv effort is being made to apprehend the missing Cap tain. BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts RO hitter is th fend hetween of .chin and surroundingcoun MpMH irrakerand Hanna, en to the collection of claims that it is hardly likely that and all other business of a le gal, nature. 6 12 EDMUND JONES, LAW YEll LENOIR, N. C Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of n atauga, 1025 1 y. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, t he former can be dissuaded from forcing his enemy to show his hand. Should the resolution be adopted ?over the protest of the HnnnaitetJ moreover, it would not only strengthen Mr. Roosevelt's position but would material lv weaken that ot Senator Hanna. Representative Sulzur, of New York has neen in Wash ington for several days and talked freely ,qn the subject or instance, tbat circulars' were sent to nil carriers on rural routes requeuing them to forward to the free delive ry division tlienames and ad Iresses of persons residing on their routes and it is be lieved that the lists of suh names were sold to "get-rich- quick" concerns, mail order houses and others for a gen- afl f-v . eroussum. ine ueparrmenr itself had no use for the name9. A recent discovery is to theiffect tbat n large nuiii her of physicians have been carried on the rolls as clerks in the various post offices, the nominal duties of these doe torsneing to ascertain thefact if men who claimei disabili ty fo work on account of sickness ere actually ill or were shamming. This is no appropriation in the law for the PostofhVe Department and the practice will be dis continued. In ontj instance, in St. Paul, Minn., the post ern o Hnntnrd were rnnnirpd 01 No. Mehoopany, Pa .made a star WWV.VW. . x, l..f..l to tivar an employees iree o. . , . charge. hI MtHtement ret. tmttlished in caused by ulceration of the stom ly Cashiei in the WnshintOIl troubles so I prescribed them. The CitV postomr'e. Mr. l llllocll S patient gagmed from the hist and charges implicate Ex-Post- s not had attack for 14 .months .'I T . WL Elpctnc Bitters arc positively guar masier ueuenti unui,, -- ......., for tivsnens , IH krest on. First Asssigtnnt Post Mag- COn8tipation and lieer troubles. Try ter General Perry Heath and them. Only 50c at liiackburn s a number of other officials. Secretarv Shaw has dis Down in Misssouri the grnd . missed from the service the ates of the schools and colle women immigrant inspectors gP8 now want to be known who were employed s o m e simply as graduates instead time ago at the instance of of alumni-Woshington Post certain relisrious and yhilan tl.,ni0oBnnloHnn1, itU M FREE TO OUIl KEADJSKS. 111- 00v..Uv.w nfo, mn,i Ra, fnP th B!nn1. If vou suffer from ulcers, eczema scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eat ing so.es, itching skin, pimples A TSARTL1NG TEST. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt collections. BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to l prP8identini possibilities. Mr. Sulzer is 1 Bryan admir er hut says that if Cleveland and Roosevelt were nomina ted the former would sweep the country. Mr. Sulzer would not say, however, that he fa EFLOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOSE, A'. C. 6TSpecial attention given vorpd Mr. Cleveland's nomi- n u.,:a .,0f nation, nor our ne neueve IV tll uudiucou run uon-u .w - Air. itooseyeic vvouin his care.ISS 8- 23. 1900. GEO. P. PEI.L. J. W. TODD. TODD & PELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, be the republican nominee. "Thre can be no doubt but that the financial interests of thecoun try will control its affairs," said Mr. Sulzer, "and it vm not be denied that the finan cial interests distrust Mr. Roosevelt. If the republicans view to preventing the im importation of young wo men for imnroner nurpOHes tl .i : (,M,ml boils, bone ouir.s. svvellinirs, iheuma 1 lie AMI 111 IU lil UUU wui r hiiiihi ' 1. 1 !. . " . tism. catarrh, or anv biood or skin uy.il iiib wiiuien oil'i'"" disease, we advise vou to take bo were incapacitated for the Uanic Blood Balm (B. 1J. B.) Espec .vni.b frr ooveral rpnsnns lint hally recommended for old. ohsti 11.11 l J' m- - . - . I .1 ...... ...1 nni.dc nnrnc li'liiir. , . 1 c j.1 t i. lliiic, iicc-u -nciiicu tinea i.uiv.0 111.1v euiru, iirniTOwi . i w hea s everv sore, make that tb'lt the young women the blood pure and r ch, gives the they found It necessary to skin the rich glow of health. Drug . '. . . 1 Lists. $1 ner lnrcre botlte. Sampli .-..ki-v mi r r t . 11. w win iriii 1 r 1 n 1 8imiM.t.u, n..-t,Vwu ent rce bv wnting Blood Balm catlietical examination I'ec r Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble Rented What they regarded and free medical advice sent in seal ed letter. Medicine sent at once, pr paid. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in the I, ,(1 nominBte Roosevelt courts of Watauga. Headquar- r i)e;eve the fiuancial inter ters at Coflfy's Hotel durin g Lsts would attempt to secure the nomination of Cleveland and theu back him to any a mount, necessary. This in my judgment, would serve as a rebuke to the republican par ty and would have the de- couit. 5-4-99. E. S. COFFEY, -ATlORSEYAl LAW, COONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to sired effect in 1908, when the all matters of a legal nature, organization would norm VS" Abstracting titles and nate some such man asM. A collection of claims a, special- H anna, Jno. C. Spooner or ty. S--23-1900. Dk. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Ci ncr Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C If the President really en joys kissing babies and bars none for color, triere is great Held ooen in the coast co u n t ry of I he South .Col u m bia State. as a suspicion cast upon their character or appearance and in most instances positively rtfuswd to answer nn. qnes tions put to them, Commis sioner Williams reports that in no instance have the wo men inpectorsdetected a case of the class, for the detection of which they wereemployed. ana m inn o nniun uihuuih . ., .. . . n,.tMntr . I i l IJ IHl'l iu much better suited lor the sure rxccpt death and tr.xes, but work in every WAV. that is not entirely true. Dr. King i..4. n. u.,c l. r, New Discovery for consumption Vi'llBierlltl 1 uu una n r c n c ,. , ,..,, ...wi i,, .... a sure cure for all throat anil Inn caused in the teilSUS liureau troubles, Thousands can testify to by the announcemeitt that that- Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Shcp nn .Inlv 1 nne hundred clerks erdtown West Va says: "I had a , , severe case of bronchitis and for a will be dropped from the yeQr tried evervthinK i hcarJ of rolls. No announcement- Of but eot no relief. One bottle of Dr Ktnir's apw Uiscoverv then cureu til it. rr r.u inti v o A SUKE THING. C. W. Fairbanks." The investigations of t h e Postoftice Department con tinue to unearth numerous instances of violated law and loose administratis meth ods, although the Postmas hoKnitex No Burning Out. ter General is doing every- ) LTirvliaa rafapoiiioa nnfl onflnra. I tdinnr in hta nntror tit Hi lift la raents of prominent peiouseuc- the .jis.Hjveries made and ceesfully treated in va,., lenn. ... ann N. C. Kemeuiber that tuere "-'" is no time oo soon to get rid oil priding himselt on the extent a cancerous growth no matter to which be has been abl t now (miih,h. maun.Miuu.1 keen i lie Im tn from the press IpHrm answered DromDtlv. an? KPHP ,a rs l,mn ilH l I r - I v ' -I i . i- I.. T . :.. I. - lauefaction ,uaranteca. the identity ol tr.e ees whose services will be dis pensed with has as vet been made. This action is made neressary becousa of the lim ited appropriation of Con gress but it is admitted that the number remaining will be qm ply sufficient to perform such woik as will devolve up on the Bureau hereafter, at leust until the time arrives for another census. A case 01 modern piracy has just been discovered by the revenu" cutter officers who m denignare the Cap tain of theilllate l Vera Cruz! and the people. It is known,! which, with 4!7 immigrants, me absolutely." It's in fallible for croup, whooping cough, iip, poeu monia ar.d consumption I ry it. it ia guaranteed by W, . Blackburn. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes 50c and $1. When the average actoran nounces himself as a "star" his associates are apt to pro nounce the word backward. "Xulattoes North end South." Macan Telegraph. Several days ago the Trie graph Was impelled by a slan dtrous article printed in the New York Tribune to place the blame tor u very large percent of the mulattoes in the South where thf blame where it belongs upon the lower elements which came south with reconstruction. Some further information oil the general subject will be in structive. It is to be reirretted that the census of 1900 does not ivide the population of Afii can descent into blacks, mu attoes. quadroons and octo ..... f roons. as il t lie census o1 890. Hut from the latter ecu sus we ga t her some vry , tercstisg facts. For instance, in Massachusetts there wen 22,144- le-'ople of African de scent. Ot these 14,108 or G4 per cent, were black; 0,815, or 30 per cent, were mulat toes; 728, or 3 per cent, quadroons; 493, or 2 percent octoroons. In Georgia, there were 858 814 people of Afri can descent. Of these 773,082 or 90 per cent, were blacks; 72,072, or 8 per cent were mulattoes; 8,775, or 1 P'M pur quadroons, and 4,2G0. or per cent octoroons. So with eliminating the quadroons and octoroons, it will be seen that 30 percent ot the negro population in Massachusetts were mulut toPH while 8 per cent only of the negroes iu Georgia were mulattoes. But it may be suggested that mulattoes emigrated from the South to Massachn setts. So it might bes iid that some of the mulattoes in Georgia came from Mexico, from C.iba, from San Oouiin go and trom other statps. Hut there is some liiht on the subject. The census of 1900 says that the negro population in Massachusetts (it does not classsify blacks, mulattoes, etc..) increased du ring ten years 25 per cpnt 41 02 ner cent were native born. This would show that a greater per cpnt were na tive born in 1890 than in 1900. The native born in 1890 must have been n o t less than 50 per cent. Now take your bearing and contemplate the percentage of mulattoes iu Massachu setts and Georgia. Massachusetts 30 percent Georgia 3 per cent. Hut if 50 per cent of t h e Massachusetts negro popula tion 1890 cere not native horn and came from the Isles in the Antilles, from New York, from Pennsylvania and Irom the Southern States, still her per rentage of native mulattoes would be 15 per cent against Georgia's 8 p -r cent, granting (which is not true) that none of Georgia's was born out of the State. These lacts, taken iu con nection v.ith the facts in re ert a in quarters of the North , The South does not shrink liom thenaturalburdensand responsibilities, nor claim im mnnity from her proportion ate part of the social evils which afflict humanity every where, but she insists on fair treatment and just judge ment. BlACKDgWl FOR .. Constipation is nothinc more I Mm n a closwinff of thi) Vowels' ami notbhiL' thiui vllr.l slaar- rtation or death if not. relieved. If even con:-t.'p;iWl sulerer could reuliv.e tluil. lit is allowing poiaonous filth to remain in big system, he would soon Ret relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated liowels are relieved. Tbed ford's lilaek-Drnuglit thoroughly cleans out. tho howels in an easy and natural manner without the juirjrin J of calomel or other vio lent Culhurtie.i. Be sure t!w' ; ou pc'. the origi nal Thedford's" lllack-Ilraught, made by The Chattanoopa Medi cine Uo. hold iv an druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Hiirran, Ark., Tflnr 25, 1901. I raniiot rcrdnnncnil Thodfiird'n Black Dmuitlil ton lilirhl;. 1 kopp It In mr hsu all the tlnia anil lime om il It for thfUxt ten jfn, 1 nrrer (tte mr rhUdrrn njr other lnxutlvf. I think I rould nrtor ti ablx Ut work nlthout It on irrount of Ih1ii? trouliu-il nllh . ninsthiatlon. Your mcdicluo U I ill that keep) me up. i Lumherton Kobesonian: It is gratifying to learn that some sections of the country are realizing that our educa tional futuielies intheestab lishment of schools maintain ed by especial tax. The Ilex district in Lumber Bridge township, last week voted a special tax for this purpose. It. is encouraging and prom ises a luture with improved school facilities in that sec tion, and furnishes an exam ple of progressiyeuess which is worthy of emulation. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxa'ive Rroinu Quinine Tublets. All drugjiistH refund the money if it toils to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Pity the man who is una ble to distinguish between liis fri nds and his enemies. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist giird to the real responsinili The Discoverer of Swamp-Soot at Work la Hit laboratory. . . There Is a disease prevailing In thla country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. ThAn IK. rlrhnf. nf th rlrtnrltVtA filhllmftn Sou til. I leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's en Bears the Signature of ty for a yer.v great. er of mulattoes in the pointed o, in , l.He .-"I..,.,,.., Sit a lew daVS ago, should cause! covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder of apparently .hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. anoi meaUon this paper. a radical revision in the ton.-j and dii e m ion given io t le oral Ifi-tnres ilnil.v pnnie-. n the publications and piva cbed in the san tuuries, iu :y: m V. v. ' '.