v vv ,1 . - . A. ,'s' .." ' VOL XV. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, 'THURSDAY JUNE 11,. 1903. NO, 15. at. BlackHair M I have used your Hair Vigor for five years and am greatly pleased with it. It certainly re stores the original color to gray hair. It keeps my hair soft." Mrs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me. Ayer's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, cither. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and tor making your hair grow. $I.M a bottle. All druMlsts. If your flrniretat ennnot stinnlv von. end us one dollar and wa will express yon a bottle. He sure and give the nauio of your nearest express olliro. Aililrcss. J. C. AVKK CO., Lowell, Mass. Piatt and RooRBvelt. Asheville Citizen. It ran hardly bo claimed that Senator Platt, of New York, isdelightedatllnnna's decision not to oppose Roost? velt's endorsement by the O hio Bepunlican convention next Tveek, but he ought at least to be able to get a chuckel out of it. Last ,yenrat Saratoga Piatt tried the fame thine: that Hunna tms just tried in .Ohio and with the same result. Now ho sits sedately on the band wagon as wise as an old hen that has learned to get in out of a shower, depre eates Manna's action a n d points with pride" to th iact that "the President s own State declared for him last September", says he has 'never changed his opinion The South won't let the negro vote but permits him to work for n living, while the f , u, nnnn north -permit him to vote vHt'sa?ailability nextyea.', but won't let him woik. .sn i, m:i k Ullll IIC Hill lie IIW III 1 11(1 iril 11 acclamation and predicts his triumphant election "unless This .(nature is ncwry box of the genuine the UnXpecft d happens."' Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet. the remedy that core a cold la n day PROFESSIONAL. '." F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, N. C. That's the pay and foxv Bort of politician Old Gentle man Piatt is. But even his cunning does not lead him to waste any compliments on the Presi- Hpnr. On thft D-lnHnir othpr Will rii(irtiia in rnnrtBl. . . . - ... i. . vv.. . . .... vm. inmi li , haeoa hia in r r l r. . mi mi Lit; iroocci uio i i v i ties. Promit attention Kiv Hunna s famous retreat on en to the collection of claims the ground that it is a ree- and all other business of a le ognition of the little state of gal nature. 6 X2 New York" hy the reoubli EDMIKD JONES, LAW YEll LENOIR, N. C ill Practice Kegularty in the Courts of Watauga, 10-25 1 v. cans of Ohio "after all these years." Then he grows remi J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C.- Careful attention given collections. .EF.LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOOSE, N. C. niscent: You re me in her that Gran was born at Point Pleasant 0 ; Hayes was born in Dela ware. 0.: Garfield was bom in Cuyahoga county, 0 ; Hai rison was born in North Bend 0., and McKinley was born in Niles, O. Mr. Lincoln was t rr . i i i ii. . .a n morn in ivnrucKV. Liiester Arthur, who was VicePresi dent Under Gai field, and a candidate for President, was born in Fairfield, Vt. Presi dent Roosevelt was born in New York City, and he is, without a doubt, a candidate The Gratlttcation of IU Charlotte Observer, The Vicksburg, Miss., Her old declares that the only eeling it has in "This Clove and renaissance is one of ex treme gratification in the ev idence it has evoked of a re- urning sense of justice and reason." It preceives "noth- ngelse so significant and heering in the applause and pinise that has recently gree ted the Democrath ex-Persi- dent, than a knell of the evil spirit of intolerance and ma evolence toward a great Pres ident, and incorruptibi patri ot, and a true friend of Dem ocracy and the S mth." This describes the Observer's feel ings exactly. The matter of his nomination next year is a thing subsidiary of thiscon sideration. though , wu are now persuaded that Cleve land could get more votes than any other Democratic andidate and h the one man who woald surely defeat Mr. Roosevelt. But nomination or no nomination, he and his Iriends and lollowers have lived to see the evil passions which are aroused against him abate, and to see him make the unpiecidented rec old of a man thrice nomina- natcd, Iwne President, and seriously canvassed in connec lion with a fourth nomina tion, having more strength for it to day than any other two candidates combined. He and thev have witnessed his and their vindication, and it makes no difference to Mr. Cleveland and his friends whether heisnominated next year or not; though it may make a good deal of differ ence to the Democratic party and the "country. Wilkes and Stanley Bond Cases. Of course we like to see the decisions of our State courts iinhnlft and ordinal il.v we would like to see North Caro liniunswin their cases, hut the adverse decision of the United Stales Supreme court in thse bond cases is, we be lieve, cause for congratula tion rather thnn otherwise. Though theact under which the bonds were issued may have been irregular, the obli gation incurred was bona nS de on the part of both seller and purchaser of them, and it is but simple justice that they should be paid. This is the view the United States court tokes of the case, and it is one in which tin people of Nort h Carolina generally will concur. Every county and municipality in the state that in recent yeais has had occasion to sell a bond issue has felt the baneful effect of these repudiated bonds While there may be division of opinion as to what the law is in regard to them, there can never be any ques tion as to which side equity is on. -Asheville Citizen. "Special attention given for prp6j(jent next year. to to all business entrusted h's care."tt 8-23, 1900 J. W. TODD. GEO. P. PELL. TODD & PELL. A Tl ORSEYS A 7 LA IV, The fine sarchasm of a 1 1 this is just about, wliat one would .expect from Senator Piatt, in speaking of Mr. Roosevelt; foi whom itiswel known he has even less love now than at the Saratoga convention, in tact r lutt is JEFFERSON, N. C. about the same sort of friend t . . i i n . I : ( Will nraotioe Kinilnriv in the 'O Ultn 11101 Illllina IS, and il courts of Watauga. Headqnar-"unexpected" ot which teis at CoflVy's Hotel during couit. 5-4-99, he speaks should happen, it lakes no prophet to foresee that the strenuous Teddy will find himself up against such an avalanche in his own E.S.COFFEY, ATlORhEYAl LAW, party nB will completely owi 7M)()NR. N. C. whelm him. Prnmnt attention Driven to , .T t , T Keep the Balance Up oil mnlfoi'd of n loarni r.iitnrp. " Y -b .u . V i It hns been truthfully sakl that VST Abstracting titles and anv lislnphailce of thJ evcn bal- collection of claims a special- a nee of health causes serious trou- ty. 23-1900. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancr Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C ho Kniie No Duihing Out. Highest refereuces aDd endors ments of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Term, and N. C. Remember that there isno time too boon to get nd ol cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free, letters answered promptly, an fatisfactiou guaranteed. ble. Nouotly can be too careful to keep this balance up. Wlien people betrm to lose appetite, it to get tired easily, the least imprudence brings on pickness, weakness, or de bility. The system needs a tonic, craves it, and should not be denied it; and the best tonic of which we have any knowledge is Hood's Sar saparilla. What this medicine has doue in kecpinjr up the cvtrj bal ancc of health; gives it the same dis tinction as a preventive that it en joys as a cure; It's early use has il lustrated the wisdom of the old say ing that a stitch in lime saves nine. Take Hoed 'a for appetite, strength and endurance. FEEfe 10 OUlt READERS. Botanic Ulood Balm for the Blood. If vou suffer from ulcers, eczema scrofula, blood poison, cancer, cut- ins so.es, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pair.s, swellings, rheuma tism, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, we advise you to take 15o tauic Blood Balm (13. 13. 15.) E"pec ially recommended for old, obsti nate, deep-seated cases, cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and r ch, gives the skin the rich glow of health. Drug gists, $i per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in seal ed letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid, A SCIIE THING. It is said that there, is nothing sure rxcept death and t:;xes, but that is not entirely true. Dr. King s New Discovery for consumption a sure cure for nil throat and lung troubles, Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Shop crdtovvn West Va says: "I had a severe case of bronchitis and for a year tried everything heard of but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. Ktng's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It s infallible for croup, whooping cough, grip, poeu monia and consumption 1 ry it. it is guaranteed by M. B. Blackburn. Trial bottles free, Regular sizes 50c and $1. Postmaster General Payne asserts that, h" is carrying on the Postoffice investiga titn relentlessly and in the same breath ridicules a man who has yielded to Mr. Pa.vns request for information whh-h will assist in the investiga tion. Painful as it may be to tliH Postmaster General, the public will still believe that actions speak louder than words. Petersburg. Va-, Pro grecs. A TSAKTUNG TEST. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt 01 No. Mthoopany, Pa ,made a star tlilng test rcsultin.'i in a wonderful cure. lie writes "a patient -was at tatked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stom ach I had often found Electric Bit ters excellent for stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gagined from the first and has not had attack for 14 months.'l Electric Bitters are positively guar antecd for dyspepsia, indigestion Concord Tribune: Bud Wil kinson of No. 7 township, a" cidentally killed himseh last Saturday. It seems that he was seeking his brother-in- law, a man named Marshall, to kill him. He had enlisted two brothers and the three were drinking. Marshall was in hiding and heard Hud de clare he would kill him on snrht, emphasizing his words by striking his gun on a stump, lhe hummer stiuck some object and the gun fred. Bud caught thechurge and died instantly. " MADE YOUNG AGAIN- DyspeDtic Sam's I'hilocophy. The wheel of for tun has turned a many aman'shead. Lots of people have their wit sharpened in the nick of ime. With all the novels drama- tizd, why doesn't some one dramatize a few of the plays? The oculist would starveto death if he had to depend up on the people who are blind to the faults of others. Many a fellow owns a watch log who doesn't eyen own a watch, In this woild about one man in every million gets all he expects. The egotist never judges others by the standard of his own excellence. Friends may be fickle but most of them will last as long as your money. The fashionable clergyman who'goes abroad eveiy sum mer loses sight of the fact that the devil ney,er takes va cation. The high roller gathers no moss. Poker has caused more loss of sleep thnn babiesv The lazy man takes a heap of consolation from the fact that Rome was not built in a day. Ancestors are not absolute ly necessary. Adam managed to struggle along without any. The (reformer who would stamp out an evil must be well healed. Some fellows give you the impression that they must. have been born at the age of 21. It is generally the man with the most rivid imagina tion that catches the biggest fish. It's all risjlit to get the best of an argument, provided it is worth the time you spend on it. The man who is a faflureal 1 ways regards success as a matter of accident. It is hard to believe that the good die young when you order spring lamb in 0 cheap restaurant. Flattery somttimes falls flat. Stinson, in New York Telegraph what for "One of Dr. King New Life Pills each night for two weeks has nut me ir. my teens again writes D. II. Turner of Dempsysown, I'a, They'r the best in the world for li cr, stomach and bowels purely veg ctable. Neve 1 gripe. Only 25c. at Blackburn s. The incorporation of t h e labor union would go a long way toward settling all ques tions between the factions amicablv, and without re- Fort to violence, and notwith standing the opposition of the walkingdelcgatesand the agitators to su-h a method of organization, the conser vative, industrious and well- to.lo working man is begin ning to realize that it would be a good thing at least for him. Chattanooga Times. DON'T Miss Ida. M. Snyder, Treannrvr ot I be Brooklyn Koat F.n4 Art ClaK II women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and M they would observe results tlity would fmd that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they art given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist h ad. vised McEl.te's Wine of Urdufand Thed ford's Black-Draught, r nd so I took K and have evtry reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wino of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions mid is a most as tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, sapyresm:i, i.ou frequent, irreg ular and pumful menstruation, falling of the wood), whites and flooding, fx is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and in chance of life. It fre- iquuntly brings a dear baby to bomei that have been barren for yean. All druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine of tardui, The postal ring at Wash ington seems to be about the rottenest gang of thieves that ever disgraced the gov- eminent. The rascals should be ferreted out and punished to the extent of la, regard less of the effect it may have on any political party. The people have ft right to de mand an honest administra tion of the affairs of the de partment, and they will in sist tliat this be done. We want no screening of t h e guilty because they have povv erlul political backing. That but adds to tne shame of il, On the theory that is sauce for the goose is gandei," therecan be no good objection mnd by the labor unions to the step taken by the employers 01 the coun1- try in forming like organiza tions. The country is running unirn mad and we aie fast drifting away from our old time freedom of notion and business inierests. Some i;y the storm will break and its results will be fearful to con template. Ex. OA3TOniA. Bears the 9 e V H378 Always Botlgjl. FARM FOR SALE. I nm offering for sale my farm, containing 3S0 acres, located 3 miles south east of Rootie on East Fork oi Nm River. There a re a bout. (200) two hundred acres in grasn. meadow and pasture, fin" young orchards, good dwell ings and outhouses; perhaps Lenoir News: Messrs. T. FT. Taylor, Benjamin (Jreen, C. J. Pnrlier and C. A. I it tie, ol ficials of the Caldwell & Wa tauga Turnpike Company, were here Monday to formal ly transfer the section of the road from Lenoir to the churches on the Yadkin river to lhe commissioners of Cald well. That piece of road was the same day transferred by the commissioners to a new company known astheLe noir and Patterson Turn pike Co., who immediately took charge of it. The offi cer of the new company are Messrs. Edmund Jones, S. F. Harper an 1 J. M. Bernhardt. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. the best farm in the cotmn 11) fact the farm allil I ll il I-I ree, also .pamphlet tell- TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Llfeawayl constipation and lierr troubles. Try S4"i-te, Hl'e in good conditio them. Only 50C at Bbickburn's. new life and vipor by takinK Hti'TO.BAO.1?,.... rtirhy t i' llli! I'S -J I hat tiialrre rr:ik ri.Ti own.:) t.!V n '.. i ... ' en Poind", i" tlnm. Over G&O.fiOQ .ii-fiu-: mc fit i C- ,.,., All,'-,-..-. ir.n - :irmii..l ' H.'k. "1,S E. (Jai'xkr. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheertulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become to prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, If the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Tne mild and the Immediate effect el Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It la sold by druggists, In flfty- Biav&o. 1 wu Hi J iia v v m jy-y sample bottle by mall EitneateToar Bowels With fmftret Cnndj Cnthnrtlc, euro constipation forever tOc.Sie. It C. 0- C, fall, 4rutfHist reload motoj ten pou-Kt-. in i .: ilnrii. Over' CliO',HOO ,jj(ig-. J1C Ht '('CI fj.Jld , X. C cm . i.tM . .:' VM BTiimiwo Room ot tnmp-DnA. ing all about it, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers ci red. In writing Dr. Kilmer U Co.. Blrigharri'.on, N. Y-i b auro aad rn'ation this paper.