Watauga Democrat. Published Every Thursday - if": .' List lew Tei . ' ' Under "the law oh to listing taxes, it i well for every citi- ren to inform himself as to the law. " Persons exempted from poll tax permanently for this year are required to present a ceriflcute of release when they go to list and the list taker will make an entry as to the fact that, he is re leased. Those who have lost their certificates of exemp tion should have had them renewed at the June meeting of the board of county com raissioners. Persons who fail to give in to the list takers will have to list before the board of coun ty commissioners up to the oecond Monday in July, and nre required by law to pay twenty-five cents for record ing and 5 per cent on the a mount of tux; all persons who are liable for poll tax Olid fail to give themselves in and persons who own proppr erty and fail by the second Monday in July may be char ged with double tax, deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction fined or impris oned. All persons should list their poll and property promptly as prescribed by law, as a failure to do so may cause them trouble. See section 15 and 68, Machine ry act of 1903.-Ex. Booker T. Washington says lynching! are the CHUse"of sending a great many of the negroes of the south to the large cities. He claims they are assured of police pro tection there, whereas they are not in the smaller places. opposed to her husband re entering politics. I( the wives of some senators and con gressmen jwould take a simi lar stand the country would be better off. A rarity has been discover ed in Iowa. A man was found voluntarily repairing some public road that he was com pelled to pass oyer daily, and his neighbors were nearly kill ed by the shock. The prosperity of the farm ers of Indiana is shown by the fact that their earnings, deposited in the 6tn.te banks have created such a surplus that it cannot be loaned. It is estimated that An drew Carnegie has given a way $100,000,000 for libra ry purposes. He might do worsp, considering his great wealth. That Indianapolis cham bermnid still continues to re eeive gifts of money for her refusal to make up the bed in which Booker Washington slept. Of course the St. Louis fair will be pulled of next year ns advertised. The press of the country is merely giving them a little time to recuperate. Ex. Superintendent Machen has been arrested. But why stop at that? Gather in the whole pack of the postoffice Scala wags. A Chicago educator is un der investigation because. wo men teachers have charged him with the heinouscrimeof never smiling. OABTohlA. With 'TIm Kind Yoa Haw Always BflitW v Pointed Psragrftphs. An aching tooth tuny be lit tie, but it is nervy, ; Silence is golden. Large for tunes have been made from stills. ' Some men tryjoget out of a dilemma by drinking both horns. Dyspepsia and disappoint ment in love produce similar outward effects. A conceited man admires his own mistakes because he mak?s them. . The price paid to quiet con science keeps mighty few peo pie poor. When a man has never been dissatisfied he can never en joy contentment. The man whodoesn't think he has the smartest baby on earth has no baby. "Ex" usually denotes a has been but an exhorter is one who is still at it. . In order to reach success, you must pass through a door labeled'pusli." If there were no such word as fail some dishonest man would soon invent it. It talfes a clever woman to make the story of her aches and pains interesting. A man has often said to be leeling his oats when in reahl ty he is feeling his rye. Spontaneouscombustion is sometimes due to an nccumu lition of insurance policies. When money is tight it makes itself scarce, but it's nomewhat different with men. A famine of silver dimes an novs the average man more than the scardtv cf $1,000 bills. Some musical composer are like men without credit. They can't get nny one to take their notes. -Chicago News. The anthracite coal rail road presidents, who refused to produce theirbooks at the recent coal investigations, are to be hauled up before' ? United States courts where thej)owers of the Interstate Commerce Commission will be tested. The commission will ask the courts to decide whether or not it has power to enforce its decree. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Hanna has been capturrd and will pull in the same bar ness with Roosevelt. A Proclamation by the Governor, S200 REWARD- - State of North Carolina, Execn tive Department. Whereas, official information has been received at this Depart ment that Boone Potter stands charged with the murder of A. VV. Howell in Watauga County. And Whereas, it appears that the said Boone Potter hss fled the State or so concealed himself that the ordi nary process of law cannot be serv. ed upon him: Now, Therefore, I, Chatles B. Aycock, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of author ity in me vested bylaw, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a re ward of two hundred dollars for the apprehension anddeliveryof the said Boone Potter to the Sheriff of Watauga county at the court house in Bcone, and I do enjoin all officers of the State and all good citizens to aid in bringing siid criminal to jus. tice. Done at our City of Raleigh the 13th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand ninehnndred and three and in the one hundred and twenty-seventh year of our Ameri can Independence. CHARLES B. AYCOCK,, By the Covernor: P, M, Pearsall, Pri. Sec, A Wane Girl Killed a BiU. The heroine of this story is the lit tie 12 year old dangh ter of Mr. W. fl. Snsser, of Buck Swamp township. She did not. enter the arena as did Ursus in "Quo Vadis." to save the lite of the beauti ful Lygin, killing a ferocious bull, but she entered the cow lot to drive n young bull out into the lune. As soon as the animal emv the girl lie made a rush nt her with head down. An quick ns thought she. jumped to one side und let the beast pass on. . When he found that she whs un injured the animal made an other and more desperate headlong rush nt the girl, who again leaped to one side or.d seized a pitchfork nnd plunged it into. thesMe of the animal as it passed. The maddened brute pawed the earth for a few seconds nr.d fell dead ut her feet, the prongs of the fork having struck the uniaial in a vital part. Th? young girl's father was a a witness to the trans action and was running to the cow lot to save his dau- uhtfr's life when she laved the enraged brute a orpse at her teet.t 1 he young lady is now the' heroine of the neighborhood. Goldsboro Argus. .1 1... - . ...I. H'age earners of Chicago sa,s an exchange, have over one hundred million dollars hoarded up for a rainy day, And still the laboring men are howlingabout hard times and oppression, nnd are stri king upon every flimsy pre text obtainable. Somepeople never know when they are do ing well. Either Road. Two men disputed over their respective churches. Fi nally one of them called to a neighbor w ho was passing by, and asked his opinion as to which was the only church! in which to be saved. "Wall, neighbors sad he, "son and J have been hauling wheat to mill for nigh onto 40 years, Now there's Jt wo roads that leads to the mill. One's the valley road and tother takes over the hill. An' never yet, friends, has the miller usked me which road I took. But he always asks, 'Is your wheat good?' " Would that we eonld , SHOUT FROM EVERY HOUSE-TOP with the etrenfth of a muilom voice Dr. King's NevDiscovery UUtlLO HnehlU,Athna, Pleurisy. PneaBMnla,6rlp. BoreThroat MONEY BACK IP IT FAILS. Price 60c end $1.00. Trial Bottle Free. FARM FOR SALIC. I am offering for sale two hun. dred acres of land lying on the Wa tauga River, one mile from Shull'b Mills on the turn pike road, and eight miles from Blowing Rock One hundred acres of open land principally in grass, with tine wa ter power, and all pastures well watered. Present crop reserved. For farther pal ticulars calll on or address S. W. Coffey, S h u 1 I s Mills. N. C. NOTICE By virtue of a warrant of dis traint in my hards against 0. S. Young issued by II. S.Ilarkius Col lector of internal revenue 5th collec tion Dist. State of N. C,, I will sell at public auction for cash at Blow ing Rock, N. C, on the 20th day of June, 1903, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following detcribed property, to wit: One half-acre lot situated in the town ol Blowing Rock, N. C, and bounded as follows: Beginning at C. W. Clure's North east corner and runs north 18 poles to A. S, Abernethy's line, then with said line N. 6 poles gnd 10 feet to a stake, then S. to a mahogany above a spring, then E. with Clure's line 6 poles and 10 feet to the begin ning, levied on by me by virtue of said warrant for distraint. Sale will be made to satisfy taxes assessed a gainst the aid C. S. Young and due the United States together with penalty and cost, amounting tc $39.00, being tax on brandy pro duced in the year 1902, which is still due and unpaid. This May 19th 1903 S, G. Pabsons, Dep, Collector, A Sensible Boj, This. Men nre not possessed of all the 8P.18P in this country. George Jones, a boy at the Industrial Home at Macon, Ga., has written a composi tion that is making him ' fa mous, fie writes like a states man. Here is what he said in part: ' 'How como so many peo ple in jail? . "How come so mnny on the chain gang? "Jlowcompso manv po pie ragged nnd filthy and beg ging for all they get? "Because they let idleness degrade and debase,, them down to where they ore not worthy of a name. "Kven down to a hog would not be too lazy to hunt s'omething to eat. "Some people are natural ly too lazy to cat, and before you know it some one will be inventing machines that they will depend on to feed them, and all they will have to do is to just open their mouths Lnzinessl Laziness!" The meat u this is equal to anything Cleveland evei wrote. Now if that boy is giv en a good English education just learn him to read and write and cipher and turned loose he wjll be heard from. Thrc is just a chance, how eyertbat some well meaning philanthropist may take him up and give him a dose of o-ver-i'dacation and spoil a g o o d article. Greensboro Record, WiuVaTal The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. - Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10C . . . NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County. L. II. Michael Administrator of Hamilton (Jlawson, deed., vs, G. W. Clawson and wife, Asa Claw son and wife Maggie, J. T. Claw son and wife Mary, J. H. Claw son and wife Harriett, Lee H UlawMon anil wife Nettie E.. Lee . oretn ana wne name.. m, Blackburn und wife Tennie, Lec v , 1 -t i . 1 " , rMn Michel." By virtue ol an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga countv in the above entitled action I will sell to the highest bidder at ! the court house doore in Boone, N. C , on the i5th day of June, 1903; at 1 o'clock, j). m , on a credit of one half the purchaa price in four I manths, and one half in six months. on good security, the following do-! scribed leal estate uelonirine to tlie I estate of Hamilton Clawson, deed,, j lying n county of Watauga, Bald Mt. township, adjoining the lands cfE. Tatum, VV. II, McGuire, J. Q. Wilson and others and bounded as follows: First tract: Beginning on a Span ish oak, E, Tatuni's corner, and runs north 4 d. cast 54 poles to a white oak, thence north 75 d. west 20 poles to a f mall buckeye, thence north 66 polos to a stake in VV II. McGuire's line,' thenee north 32 d. west 75 poles to a maple, t h e h ce north 88 d. west 35 poles to a stake in Philip Churche's line, thence south with said line 36 poles to the corner, a stone, thence north 8S d. west 34 poles to a stake jn thj branch, thence south 5od, eastdown the branch 10 poles to a beech, thence south 47d. west across the ridge by the bee tree 33 poles to a Spanish oak, thence north 68d. west 14 poles to a buckeye, thence north 38d. went 14 poles to a bu keye; thence north 88 d west 40 poles to a maple and spanidi oak, thence south 3 d. west about 70 poles to a stake on the top of theridge.thence an east course with the main height of the ridge to the beginning con taining 150 acres more or less. Second tract: Beginning on an ashe, a corner of the upper 50 acre tract and runs south 12 d west 113 poles to a stake in the Jones field thence north 75 d east 90 poles to the yellow bank on the rAer, t jence north 84 poles to a fallen locust at the branch, thence north 23 d. west with dower line 25 poles to a doub le chestnut thence north 34d. west 26 poles to a stake corner to dower, thence a direct course to the begin nin, containing 50 acres. The sale of said lands is made for assets and a deed will be made to the purchaser upon confirmation ol said sale This May. 8, 1903. F. A. L1NNEY, Commissioner. 'IIMI'I'lk .';!' MSB ANfaetable FreDaraiionfor As similating the Food andBegula- ling theStoinachs anlBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither S)ium,Morpliine nor Mineral OX NARCOTIC. OiaptifOUHrSMUElPtKlttR flm Seal- Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa Tlon, Sour Stotnach.niarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ncss and Loss of Sleep. ..A Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. uis iitsm m EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. From the newspaper re ports one would infer that tho8u Paiis Madrid uutomo bile races were n sort of kill quick procession.. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LoxnMve Promo Quinine Tublets. All drupists refund the iiione.v if it fails to cure. E. Grove's signature is ou eaeh box. 25c. &TOP THE COUGH WOKK OFF TIlEroLP, Laxative Broim)(luiniiieTalh'ti cure a cold inone day. No curt uo pay. Price 20c. TAPE W "A tana worm iiriitAn r... inn. .1 . cascahets. Thiamin guro has caused tnv ! Ja lealth for tho pust three yeurs. I am etlil 1 tokfng Oascarcts. Ao only calhortlo irorihy of Gso. VV. Bowlis, Balrd, MUa Plsatant. Palatable i'otent. Tasto Good. T)o Good, Never Blokf Weaken, or Qrle.lOo, 2iio.UW. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl.ribi Rrd; C.apr. CIiImk, Hnlrcal, X.w Tort. 31 HQ-TQ-BAC aBJM"a'iMS!r MILLINERY, I am now handling a beau tiful line of Mrs. A. P, White ner's Milliner)' Goods, and the ladies ore cordially invi ted to examine my Ptock, whether they wish to pur chase at present or not. . MRS. G,W. RABY. Blowing Rock, 1127. The Maith Collage, BLOWING ROCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. TENDLEY, PROPR. This hotel building has recent ly been refitted and refurnished in all departments, and is uowo pen for the accommodation ol the public. Good, comfortable rooms, and as good fare as the market affords. 8The comfort of transient boarders always looked after. BltATES KEA80NA13LE. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. COPYRICHT8 AND DESICNS. Sand your bnalneta direct to Washington. ara time, cotta leaa, better service. M oac dm to O. S. Ftfcwt OMe. mt pnllmta. ary wlmion. mailt. Atty'i fi. not da. anal patnt UcVMt. nkSONAL ATTEirTIOR em-ll IAK8 AOXUAtEXruiUNCB. Book "How Co rtuin rUU, ., Mtt tn. TaXtntM uacmn4 thrauth B. a Sittgon nuta l,itll otf, witnoul cUrm, la th. r n AlttAPfi A Lale of C. (LSnow ir Co. fLV JTC 4L I H A H KfKXsi8reT..N.w., ki D. UiUuLI'J,VlA8HlNaTON. 0. c. 1MB For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature tor Over Thirty Years THI CINTAIM COMPANY. RCW 0 CITY, The longer that pout office department investigation iontinres the stronger the stench become. n . n Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ' This preparation contains all of th fligostants and digests all kinds of food. If piveslnstant relief and never fails to cure. It aliows you to Vat all the food you want. The most scnsitlva Btomaclis can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gason the stom ach, relieving all distressaftereating. Diet i ng u n necessary. Tleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. De Witt & Co., Clilcaito. The U. bottle contains 214 times tuu 30c. size Ilia Morning Post s EALIGH. Xr C. The only popular-priced rnorn njr newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen erI news service. Special correspondents in ail parts of the State jriving a com plete synopsis of State news. , , stnhCitiP'hoN price: One month $ ,40 Tvo months 75' Three months 1.00, One year 4.00! STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. .No paper continued beyond the time paul for. Send in your subscription. Address THE MORNING POST, Raleigh, N. C. 60 VEARS EXPERIENCE, COPYRIGHTS o. JKi?!!M """"'"If "itetoh and dwcrlntlon mar inloklTiiDcertsin, free, wlictlmr an InventioS la Srti'5,,"?taAl,tI,bl I'nminunAurtrtSt I, ta !fri,,U- Ol;'' weocj fonecurtn. pateuti PnuCt.i.,",Te if W.l.lnlon o5 pwjlal uotloe tn tha itxxir SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Book o.N .'txssXH Mutfrea. Aaorao . . MUNN & CO., Plil Braining-.-, Xtvr X Jt, We promtiy oblain V. H. and Foreign Bend model, iketcb or photo ol Intention lot n !r ireniaDinty. For (rea book, uiiuw W 1JU Tf Ili itentablHtr. For frea RADE-MARKS Fatontg and urita I In Opposite U. S. Patent Office the ! ' w hf Use Mill T I WASHINGTON D.C. vw wwwwwv.e

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