"A; , V The Watauga Democrat. i Entmd ax the Post office at Boone, N. C, as second- trass mail matter. subscription rates: Sii Months.... .50. fUMe months ,25. Adrertkhgmtesmrnished , on application. . . j " LOCAL NEWS. -s.tty. W. R.Lovill is off . on a business trip to Moan tain City , Tenn, Mr. I.N. Corpening and family, of Banner Elk, came over yesterday, These cool mornings are beginning to smack some what of fall.j - -Miss Crawford, of Balis buryj'is the guest of Mrs. B . J. Councill. The man who pays h i s i honest debts is the st uft, a f i terall. Just as we go to press we hear : that Mr. E, E. Shipley, of Valle Cruris, is Very low with typhoid . fever. Dr, Little was up Mon day and reported that his fe vpf nnrientH were all nnnros virig. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guynn, of Wilkesboroare vis iting relatives and friends on New River. Mrs. George Hardin and children, of Johnson City, Tenn., are visiting relatives ; here.' : A. A. Teague and family, of Boone, have moved to the farm of L. P. Henkel, near .Lenoir. Isn't it wonde'rf ul what fine recollections some men have if they can saye a dol lar by "memberta' good?" -Mrs. Br. J, B. Councill ami interestine little children of Salfsqry are spending some timfr io the village. "Foreign cows wear long horns" butrniany times their - origin can be traced back to the common old muly stock There is no law to make a man take a paper, but it is a measly shame to subscribe and then evade paj ment after , reading it for years. . Bishop Hornerwill preach at Blowing Rock next Sun day at 11, a. m., and in the Episcopal chnrch in Boone at 3. p. m., the same day. Henry Blount, the fa mous humorist and lecturer at the court house on Friday and Saturday nights. Hear biro, Sorry to know that Mrs. A U Hi nt TWrflplH in rervsick. Rev. Cherry, wife Jid children have been visit ing her for some days past. -Rev. L. C. Wilson filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church on Sun day and the Rev. Pnlliam nreaehed in bis stead at night, A new postoffice has been established at Joe. C. Hodg , e's, two milfs west of Boone, Mr. Hodges having been up ; pointed postmaster. Adams ' .Sis the name of the Dew office r vV -An oM Hflrinrrhns it that , - - tt - - there will be just as many snows next winter as" there are foggy mornings in Au gust. If this be true, we may look out, lor we are haviDg a heavy fog each morning. DoWltt's J Salve ' . For Pilot, Burn, Sore The sub-con tractor o n the star moil route from Boone to Todd, threw up his job last week, and Postmas ter Blackburn put a aupyly carried on at the expense of the original contractor. Register May is still a very sick man, but his at tending physician tells ns that hi symptoms are quite favorable, and that his pros pects for his recovery are good. A letter from our former county man, R. B.Estes, who recently sold his pi operty in Washington, states that .he has decided to live undei King Edward awhile, and is located at Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was our intention to pub lish in full the court proceed ings in this issue, but as our worthy Clerk vacated his of floe on Monday not to return until Friday, leaving the rec ords under lock, we are, per suaded to forbear from giv- ing.this important news to our readers. The huckelberry crop on the Grandfather this year has been somethingimmense, and we are told that as . ma ny &8 sixty wagons per day have been there in quest of that delicious fruit. Mr. Jes. Gragg had a lot of the fruit on sale here last week, and it sold readily at 30 cents per gallon. The postmaster who gets so disgruntled at the publish er of his home paper that be refuses to take it any longer, should be careful not to read any of those to be delivered at hie office. Of course the one who are guilty of this, are the ones to whom we re fer. Miss Mollie Tugman has opened school at Deerfield; Miss Blanche Dougherty at Rutherwood; Mits Ella Hlair at Banner Elk, and Mint Floy Cottrell at Dist. No 2, North Fork Township, The ladies of Watauga are fast coming to the fiont as teachers and their services are always in demand. A largo number of Wa- taugans are off on the W. L Long excursion this week Messrs. J. C. Fletcher R. M. Green, and Allen tfaT man, all with their wives, and Will W. Holsclaw and family, are in the crowd; to say nothing of the creat number who are gone from different partapf the county. A pleasant trip. for them. A Feast of Fun. A literary and dramatic entertainment. Chaste, ele gant and refined. Ennobling sentiment, towering flights of eloquence, thrilling bursts of oratory, sublime and gor geous word-painting, side SDlittinir iokes. Henry Blount, the apostle of sun-shine, manufacturer of laughter, dealer in fun and merriment, will lecture at the court house in Boone on Fri day aud Saturday nights. Gov. Aycock says: "Hnry Blount is most wonderfully gifted, and gives the finest entertainment, for he gives more rich fun aud splendid jokes than any other lecturer I ever heard, and if the peo ple onlv knew what kind of entertainment he giyes, no house in theState would hold the crowd." ELIZABETH TURNBOW We want the heirs of Elizabeth Turn, how. a widow, who came to Texas, from North Carolina in 1834 or 1 185, Address T. W. Lawrence and. Son, Land Agents, Austin, Texas. -As our Financial Agent for the Appalachian Train ing School building is off on a trio, to -Alleghany county this week, we have no list of contibutions for this issue, but we shall look for a right lengthy one next w ek. In the mean time, persons who have subscribed to the fund are'reqiiested to send it in to the Treasurer just as soon as conyenient. Prot. Francum abandon ed the idea of going to Ba kersyille to teach this fall, and began a ten months term at Sandy Flat, near Blowing Rock last Monday. This is the school to which Mr. Mo ses H. Cone gives so much fl nancial aid, and instead of a four month's term they ha ye ten monthseach year, taught by one of the best teachers that can be procured. Miss Hessie, daughter of the Hon. R. Z, Linney, after a visit of more than two weeks to her brother Frank in Boone, left Monday for her home inTaylorsville. She will return to Roanoke, Va., in the near future, where she has held a position for the past six years in a female (college. Miss Linney is a lady of rare intellectual attainments, tine social qualities, and made man y friendsduring her short sojourn here. A. J. Moietz and Thom as Watson wention the bond of Levingston, one of the "ti ger men for bis appearance at the next terra of Caldwell court. Crump is still in jail here and will be taken to Le noir jail, while Townsend is under a hundred dollar bond to appear as a state's wit nesB against Crump and Liv ingston. The way of the vio lator of the law when Judge Shaw presides, in truly hard. To the public generally: Rev. E. C. Glenu, a preacher of extraordinary power and one of the roost successful re vivali8ts in the State, will be gin a series of meetings at the . Methodist church , in Boone on next Sunday at 11 a. m. .All are cordially Invi ted to attend these meetiugs I hope that as many of our people on the Boone circuit as possibly can will come and be with us, B. F. Har- getl:, P. C. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Lenoir, and Chaplain of Da yen port Female College, was in' the county last week in the interest of the school, and we are pleased to know that he met with much encourage ment. Davenport now has one of the fineBt faculties in the State, and Mr. Thomp son tells us that more than $4,000 in cash will be expen ded on the buildings this year. Parent seeking a school for their girls conld do no better than to patronize Da venport. The news has reached bis connection here' that Eli Brown, formerly of this coun ty, had shot and mortally wounded a man in Garfield, Washington, a few daysngo, and was in jail at Caulfax, that State. We are not fully notified as to the cause that led up to the unfortunate af fair, but it is intimated that a woman was the bottom ol it. Mr. Brown went west a number of years ago, has su ceeded well, financially, and we are sorry indeed that he has gotten into this serious trouble. A Card f Thanhs. We wish to tender our sin cere and heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who ministered unto onrdear nus band and father during his Inner illness. Mav God's rich est blessings rest upon - each and everyone, and mav nis gentle spirit rest upon you all when the death angel ap pears in your homes, and comfort your hearts is the prayer of a sorrowing cora nanion and children. Again we say God bless you all. Mrs. T. J. F. Brown andChil dren. FOR- SALE OR RENT. Mv entire line of merchan dise wholesale, all together, or will divide and sell in lots. and r.nt ray storehouse. This is a fine business location. I will sell for part cash down, M y4 kAliiHA. Ct tQ A 1 1 18 months time with note and approved security. This is a good chance for the right man. You can make the mon e.y out of the goods on these terras before notes are due. Please call or write me. if con cerned. Yours very truly, Will W. Holsclaw. NOTICK. N o r Mi Carolina, Watauga county CominisHionerueoui t Anenst term 1903. It was ordered by the Board of County Commissioners, that on Monday the 7th day of Sept., 1903, that sealed bids will be received for build ina a new court house in said county, or for the repairing of the old court house, as may be determined by t h e Board on that day, accord ing to nlans and specifica tions to be submitted by the Board, and the Board re serves the right to reject any and all bids, This Aug. 11th, 1903. Jons W. Hodges, ' Chm, Bd. Co. Corns. STOP THE COUGU . WORK OFF THE COLD, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. rnce aoc. W. 1L BOWER, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir,N. C, Practices in the courts o Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. PromDt attention given to all legal matters entrusted.to bis care. Al LOS1. For the next 30 days we will sell at' absolute COAT. 500 pairs of shoes for men, women and cuildren; one tnou sand yards of dress fabrics, in the latest and best weaves; full line of straw hats, suits and extra pants for men all going at cost for cash, to make room for our new stock. We are sellinir crood grade of n.-e at 2() ids. tor f 1; nice urade of brown sugar. 20 lbs. for 1: bacon 10 cts. per lb , and all other goods at a correspondingly low ngure. We are naving the ton ori- .... - .. - , ces for birch oil, gin senguna all good country produce. Give us a call and secure come, of our rare bargains while they are going. Respetfully, BOBBINS & R0BB1NS. Shull's Mills, Aug. 5. SPKClAL.NOTlt'E. To my fi iemls and customers! , have iust received a full and cool plete line of.................................. .WATCH MATERIAL- which I want to brine to your no- tice. Here are some item u. ........... Waltham and Elgin watch springs, best on earth: everv snrine warran. ted. Usual price '1.00; mjr pricee Best American hair springs, 50c, Swiss hair Brings........ 25c, Balance wheel jaweU C. & F.50, End stones or cap jewels 25c. Balance staff, best grade made- no imitation. Usual price tt.oo; my price 50c CryBtak extra thick for open face. 25c. Medium open ca&c, 15c. Thin for huntincr case ioc. . Cleanincr fine orade watches with chemicals, no challt solution, 50c, Lost motion restored 50c . ' SEWING MACHINES- cleaned and adjusteed $1. to $2.50. All kinds of eye glasses scientifi cally fitted. AH work guaranteed for one vear. Come and see me when in town. Very truly, J. W. BKYAN, Jeweler J. L. COTTRELL Physician & Surgeon BOONE, N. C Omiceat Coffer's BoteL OfffirH his professional ser vices to the people of this and surrounding communi ties. 8Ca1ls promptly attend ed day or nitrbt. For Sale: Good Four teen Horse-power portable engine and boiler. Will take good locust pins for it at market prices. G. W. Conley & Bro., Lenoir, N. C. Cometo'SeeUs, We have up'-to-date Goods nt down-to-date prices .FARM FOR SALE. lam offerine for sale my arm containing? 240 acres. Good flrrass and era in lands. Two dwellings and good or chards. For further parHcu' lars call on address me at Bamboo, N. C. T. A. Cmtcher. One Minute Cough Cure for cougns, coraa end urouy. Read the f allowing and be convinced: 56 inch water proof, extra good at 50 cts. per yard. 30 inch heavy skirt goods, black, ot 50 cts. Outings from 7 to 10 cts. Flannelettes 8J, to 16c. Cashmeres from 25 to 50. Cotton plaids 4 to 6c. Suspenders 5 to 50 cts. Madies bose 5 to 25 cts. Handkerchiefs 2 to 10 cts. Men's half hoes 8 to 15c. When the sun shines nt mid night and water runs up hill, then you will be able to match these bargains on under-wear, Two pairs of under shirts and two pairs of slips for only ONE DOLLAR. Shoes 50c. to $2.75. LITTLE NEEDS AT LIT TLE COST can be had at our BARGAIN COUNTER. A fancy lino of Groceries and Hardware always kept in stock. ...YOUR DOLLAR will always find its equal at our store. ..BUY FOR CASH .... And your debts are paid; buy on a credit and your Debts are Made. Don't fail to come and see us. Our whole store is ablaze with bargains. Prompt and courteous treatment always, assured. yt.m For? tradg, . j Thomas L, ditcher, -SUUVEYOR DEERFIELD, N. C. Is now equipped with a new VARN1ER COMPASS And makes a specialty of sur T eying and mapping home mineral and timber lands. Al so surveying roads and terra cing ditches. They Are Beauties. Alfred W. Dula L- -GRADUATE- OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Lenoir, N. 0. Estimates furnished on all kinds of SPECIAL WORK. Send for Illustrated Cat alogue of Watehes, Jewelry, etc -COME TO- Blowing Hock!! Iam now located at Blow ing Rock in the EDMISTEN BUILDING With a complete stock of General Merchandise- Consisting of Dr Good, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Groceries, etc., etc, Mv line of Ladies' Dress Goods is one of the most complete to be found in the county, and 1 certainly nave the BEST PRICES. Bi stock of Hats and Shoes always always ou nana. 1 rnrrv the celebrated Crad dock-Terry line of Shoes, the best goods made for tnemon ey. 1 have just received a splen did assortment 01 Men s ana Hnvs' Clothinir. Suits from $1 to $15 each. Good stock Of Groceries always on nana. Produce taken in exchange for goods. Birch oil wanted at It. 00 per pound. Best prices always paid for country produce. Give me a call. Yours For Business, SOUTHERN MADE FOR SOUTHERN MAIDS uran New Bargains, Yes, I have just received m . m 1 . 4 ft nnpw htnl cooas at Bar gain Prices. A beautiful Hue of Southern Made Shoes. For Ladies and Children and a nice line of men's fine shoes at $2, 2.25, 2.50 and f 3.00 per pair. Also a big lot of mens' and ladies snoes m oaa sizes At Cost...;. A big lot of Dry Goods ind Mens' Hats at prime cosuor 143-8 POT CAS Ha A few men's suits cheap. A big lot of childrens suits iust in at $1.75 and up. MASON'S FRUIT JARS- very low for cash. Sugar, Coffee, Ricp, S o d a, Spice, Ginger 1'epper etc. always on hand at low prices Lard Meat, Sjrnp, Canned Corn, Tomatoes etc rhpfli). You can alwa.vs find almost anything you want here, all at a bargain. I have a lot of job lots of stuff, all good, to close nnt rhpn. Yoll will find a nice line of ribbons, laces, bamburg and notions of all kfhds to select from Calicoes. Cashmeres, Lawns, and fine summer dress goods all aoing at CUT TRICES to clos out and make room for my fjil stock. Come and se cure a bargain w hile they last. .Wanted- Young chickens, eggs butter, coi n, w lipat, rye, roots and herhs.al! ;'t the holiest market pri ces. Plume call and get pus be fore bu'!i' elsewhere yours Asxions to pj.kase, WILL W. HOLSCLAW Vi'as, 22.