Watauga Democrat eI Published Every Thursd ay ,'J2s v York Pre", Nobody - sver saw n girl buggy-riding, with a one' ,: armed man. - wears don't puzzle a in tin as tnnch Bbe does it, Most people stay poor not v because they don't make en ough but because they spend Once a man was elected to public office and. stayed - straight, but ho died before he took the oath. : Tbe girl who sets a ?d e a r price on herself feeto pretty cheap even when she gets it with no discount off. What makes a girl look so queer when you talk about the loyalty of a man who is engnged to her best friend No matter how cold a girls - Ml 1 ieei get n win always stay out on a dark piazza with a roan if be keeps her hands - warm. A young man married may be a young man married, but a young man unmarried i - i i i il : t -ii - JO U U1UA.CU piUfbUlU iui mi womanhood. It makes a woman almost ns mad to find a long hair on - her husband's coat as it does him to.lind one in her butter. Generally it is the man who looks as if butter would not melt in bis mouth that is trying to squeeze some girl's nnnd nnriar ffio tnMo It's curious, when a girl fj ' m comes DacK irotn a summer resort, bow much she looks like articles that hare been pawed all oyer a bargain i j. i i cjjuuier uuu uui iHseu, Whan n -umman la n-k4 v n good terms wittTher husband she has an; idea that the 'on ly reason he doesn't get rich ii to keep her from haying all the things she desires. When a mother approves a man who is interested in her daughter it fs a sign she would like to pad the gate where tbey say good night On the bathing beach in thedflvtima and in the ball room in the evening the sum to giving away, in one day, about all the secrets there are Jfthont a wnnun'i mnL-a.nn Snap Shots. People who pour water in to a seive cannot be strain ing for effect. If it weren't for politics, lots of lazy men would starve to death. Fish isn't good brain food unless it has something to as siroilate with, 4 Every time a girl gets a small dent in her heart she Imagines it is broken, When a man wants to find fault he is willing to spend all his time if necessary looking for it. The life of the book agent is full of wormwood and gall; but the wormwood is scarcely preceptible. The individual who sits next to a fat man in a crowd ed car knows what it Is tqj Dave greatness Jthrust upon him. "Saved by a Song"- is the title of a new novel. The hero ine probably saved the life of the hero by refusing to sing the song. Although nature-makes no miatakeflhe might have im proved on. ber work a jittle by hitching the luminousend .ot a firefly to the bnriDcss tdJ of the njosquito. Ike. Tax oh Cartridge Sdliug. Morning I'ost, A friends at; Kinaton nsks our construction of a section of a section of . the revenue act relating o. the tax on tbe sale ot cartridges, and as it may be of interest to oth ers we give it here. The section referred to is quoted as follows: "Section 69 Every mei chant, store keeper or dealer who shall keep in stock, sell or offer for sale any pistol or pistol cart ridges shall pay an annual tax of twenty dollars." The question asked is, ''Does this pertain to rifle cartridges," and are "whole sale dealers only liable to tbe tax?" v We should say tbe section covers the dealer in any cart ridge that can be used in any pistol, let it be called what it may.; The object of the law is to discourage or prevent the use of carrj ing of the pistol, and cartridges which can be used in a pistol, though pri marily intended for a "rifle" would come within the mean ing of the act. The section as quoted makes no distinction between the wholesale and retail deal erw It embraces "every mer chant, storekeeper or dealer" who may keep in stock or sell or offer to Bell cartridges, wnicn may or can De used in pistols. - WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightiest little thing that was ever made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, list lessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power, They're wondeiful in building up thehealth. Only 50c per box., Sold by M. B. Blackburn. Count the day completely lost if you, do not laugh. CASTORJA For Infants and Children. Tfca Kind Yoa Have Always Bs:gM 1 Bun tfc StgMtWOf One week in tbe country should make one strong i n the city. JTHMIWmiNU SHOUT FROM EVERY HS8SE-T0P wttk ta rtrcactk f aUlltea rHt Dr.King's lAt'llllAAAtfA CURES Coot, Cold, GnMaptln,' MONIV BACK ir IT FAIL. Prica50cndI.OO. Trial BotUs Fraa. ' Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Mollie E. ftoffpv. T S. Coffey, Mary Elizabeth Councill and Margaret V. Rambo, succeed ing the firm of T. J. Coffey & Bro., at Boone. Watauga Co.. N. f!. hs by mutual consent, been dissolved, Margaret v. Kambo ietinng there from, and Mollie E. finffev. T S. Coffey and Mary Elizabeth Coun cill succeeding to the business. AH debts owing to the old firm of T, J. Ccffey & Bro , or to the new' firm as now composed are to paid to the present firm and the said present firm are to settle all just debts due by said firm. This Aug. 7, 1903. M. E. foffev. T. S. Coffey. W B. Conncill. Elizabeth flonncill I. S Rambo, Margaret V. Rambo. Hotlce of Dissolution. The firm of T. T. Coffev Rro . of Boone, N, C.. has by mutual con sent been dissolved, W. C. Coffey the brother mentioned in the firm of T. J. Coffey & Bic. retiring merer rom, and Mollie . JS. Coffey Widow of T. J. Coffev. . and T. S. Coffey, Mary Elizabeth Councill anu Margaret V. Kambo, heirs of said T J. Coffey succeeding to the bnsiness. All debts owing to said firm are to be paid to the said wid ow and heirs of T. J.. Coffey, and the Baid heirs of T. J. Coffev arc to settle all just debts due f r o m saia hrm. Tfcis Aug. 6, 1903. W. C. Coffey, M. E. Coffer, T. S. Coffev. W. B. councill. Eliza. beth councill, I. S. Ranibo, Marga ret V; Ran ho. Color Une.NorU. The color line has been drawn Jn the. navy yard in Brooklyn, where. much bitter feeling has been aroused be cause a negro; Isaac Miller, has been permitted to go to table with the chief petty of fleers. Miller has been in the nary a number of years, and has won steady promotion, until he 16 now cbiel car pen ter's mate. Ue passed n satis factory examination for bis position recently ami was sworn in on!Tuesday last, The new rank entitled the ne gro to a seat at the petty affleer's mess. ' He took bis scat there on Wednesday at noon, whereupon eight of the other officers cot up'aod re fused to sit at table with him. 'In an account of the af fair, the New York Sun says that since the above occur rence the negro has had a tu Lie to itself and that he "shows great unconcern at the feeling exhibited toward him and does not seem to mind eating his meals alone.' Miller thus shows good sense and leads one to believe that he must be from the South. His mistake was in first ta king a si?at with the white of fleers. Charlotte Observre. Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eves, perfect health Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 1 oc. FOR SALE. Youne black iack fiftv- two ( inches high; blftck with white points, will make a thousand pound jack,, to grow fifteen hands high. Nice, clean head and limbs. Price $U5. Three (3) Berkshire giltss five months old, $ 1 5 each. ' Four () grade Poland Ch'na sows, lo months old, due to farrow Oct. I, from Berkshire boar, $20 eacu. Two boars and four sows, grad Berkshires four month i old $7.5o each, Seven (7) Berkshire pigs, sired by Hngbclen Star dam Adelaide Lee. No better breeding anywhere. Priee $10 each. Ready for delive ry Oct 1st. All the above are home-raised stock, in good condition, and are cheap at prices named. 1 would be glad to correspond with parties wish irg good stock. Would buy 100 head of sheep to be delivered Oct. igt, W. TSHUFORD. Hickory. N. C. M APEL GROVE STOCK FARM The North Carolina STATE NORMAL AND INDUS TRIAL COLLEGE. COURSES 1 Literary, Commercial, Classical, Do mestic Science, Scientific, Ped . agogical, Manual Training, . Music. Five courses leadiner to diolomas. Advanced courses leading . to De greeH. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty num bers 40 Board, laundry, tuition, and tree use of text books, etc. $140 a year. For non residents of th State $160. jTwelfth annual session Degins sept. 15, 1903. To secure board in the dormitories all free tu. Ition flDnlicatinns chnuM h miAo 11 . w ij.u. before July 15th. Correspondence in vijea trom those desiring compe. tent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other informa tion address Charles D. McIver. President, Greensboro, N. C, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ACADEMIC DEPARTMEN. LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. One hundred unci oicht. srhnlar. ships. Free tuition to teachers and t . to sons or ministers. L.oans for tbe needy. 608 StadenU. 66 Instrsclm. New Dormitories. Water Work Central Heating System. Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academ ic and professional dppnrtmenss be. gins oept. 7, 1903. W. P. VEN'ABLE, Phsidhnt, .. Chapel Hill, N. C. flormau's Platform la Brief. 1 St-nntor (jorniun said in a speech recently in brief: ; , The Democratic party in its next national platform should pledg Stsell To stop the collection of more revenues than are re quired to conduct the govern tuent. To revise the tariff in a spirit of conservatism and with a purpose to mate oar industries more prosperous, and not to wreck any of them. The tariff plank in the plat form of 1904 should be adop ted, and that the revision of the tariff should be tbe issue of the next election. With such a platform be believes a democratic candi date can be elected nextyear. the gold and silver issue hav ing settled itself. When the bill for deposit ing Government funds in na tionnl banks comes upat the next session, the Democrats will insist upon sufficient se curity and proper distrlbu tion. Ex. CANDY CKTMAiVne, Genu ln stamped CCC Never told In bulk. Bcwwe of the dealer who tries to sell MMMnethiRjhittMood.N NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County. W. S. Rominger Adm, ot John Yates, deceased, vs. Rebeckah Yates and Dorsey Yates, minor neirsot John Yates, deceased. By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga county irt the above entitled action I will sell to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Boone, N. C on Jthe 7th da j of Sept., 1903, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on the following term: One half'of thepurchisemon ey on day of sale and one half on six months time with note and t p proved security the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of lohn Yates deceased, ly ing in said county of Watauga: 1st tract adjoining the lands of A. R. Baird and others, beginning, on an ashe in A. B. Baird's line and runs north with said Baird's line 120 Doles to to two bushes, w. with An drew Baird's line 29 poles to a stake in the Dugger Hne, s. i2 poles to a Stake in Woodring's line, then with said line to the beginning," contain ing 20 acres more or less. 2nd tracjt situated as aforesaid, adjoining the lands of W. L. Church and others beginning on a smaii bush, Robert ieaster's corner, w. with Church's line 2 poles to a bunch of chestnut sprouts, s. I4d. east 80 poles to a chestnut in Yates' line, then to the beginning, containing 5 acres more or less. The sale of said land is made for assets, and a. deed will be made to purchases upon full payment M purchase pike. This July 23, 1903. L, D. Lowe, Commissioner. NOTICE. By virtue of the nower of sab contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 35th day of inov. loos, Dy Thomas J. Kay and wife. Cornelia Rav. to MarvE. Mm grave and 0. C. Musgrave to secure tne payment ot 1350, the same hav ing been assigned to the Henkel Live Stock Co., and due on May 15 1903. Anu wnereas, default has been made in the Davment of the same, or any part thereof, we will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door in the town of Boone. North Carolina, on Monday, the 34th day 01 August. 1903, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land sttna ted in the town of Zionville, Cove Creek township, Watiuga county, te satisfy said note with interest and cost: Beginning on a stake on th side of she road, corner to Isoline Kagan, thence north 64Jd. west 9 poles to a locust, corner to T P Jones, by the side of the road. thence north 27a. east 12 poles to a stake, corner to Thomas Greer and T. C. Tones, thence north with said Greer's line north 68d. east 0 poles to a stake, Isoline Ragan'scor ner, thence with her line(l2Cd. wrf to me Deginning. Also one third in j terestmtnej. u. Jones spring! house, pipine nd wnter convuvpfl in deed of C. C. and Mary E. Mug.1 T t r o 1 . siu j. miy. oaia mortgage 10 uuijr icluiucu in noon it, page W, in the olHce of the Ke?tster of Deeds of Watauga county to which reference is hereby made. Hour of sale between 10, a.m., and 2, p. : m. misjuiy 23, 1903. IIRNKEL LIVESTOCK CO. .. Af-bignccs of Mori gage The Kind Ton Have Always .in use for over 30 yean, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the health of ; . Infants and Children Experience against I&perlmeafct What lo CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmlesa Mbatitute for Castor OIL Pare forlc, Drops and Soothing Byrnps. It la Pleasant. II eontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Kareotlo . substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms) . and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and WnA Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation ' i and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural slee '. The Children's Panacea The Hothers Friend. CENUIME CASTORIA AtVAYO Bean the Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. te ecMTMra MWMit, r? imhhi mttrr. new TOM mm. FARM FOR SALE. I am offeriner for mv farm, containing 380 acres, located 3 miles wonth east of Boone on East Fork of N w River. There areabont 200 two hundred acres in ctahh. meadow and Daetur. finp .young orchards, good dwell ings ana outhouaes; pernap. the best farm in the pnnntv in faet the farm and build in are in good condition For further Darticnlara mU dress me at Deerfleld, N. 0. J. E. Garner. llOD with nfalnh I wu afnlnt . rr.I.r. . , in: to GBiiroix ire, now O H.K1IIS, Ml pufitoBt Qty.U " MlMTw81okaD.WMlnn.or firip, IDo.KcEM! OUKC CONSTIPATION. ... ttWt ttm, fmmt. llnn, i.HiA n 1m. W MILLINERY. I am now handling a beau tiful line of Mrs. A. P. White ner's Millinery Goods, and the ladies ar9 cordially invi ted to examine my & tock, whether they wish to pur chase at present or not. MRS. G.W. RABY. Blowing Rock, 11-27. ; The Maii Collage, - -BLOWING ROCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. PENDLEY, PROPR. ThiH hotel building has recent ly been refitted and refurnished in all department, and is nowo pen for the accommodation 01 the., public. Good, comfortable rooms, and as Rood fare as the market affords. The comfort of transient boarders always looked after: ' 8BATES REASONABLE. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. OOP YRICHT8 AND DCSICNS. Send tout b tuinK direct t Washington. mtc Um, eou leM, better arric. MylnilM. toTT. I. fttaatOSn. nnprcHate. "2J".. B04l. ATTftnOB ITIH-M ftUI . iwm ttraa 1. ! nori. ip.cl.l !.., vttJxat vn t tk. f fl ftlfflr?fl tti C. . Snm C: P r h rirFHH 613 Sr., . W., i.. it. WtllUL.U,wa!HTOr o c. Bought and which hail beea has borne the ti nurture rf" ' '' - turn has been made tinder his paN : aonal supervision since lte infancy ' Signature 3 This is the season of the year when you can get. what jou want very cheap, Contribution boxes seldom get full. Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. jA(o(! This preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digests all kinds of food, -ltgires instant relief and neter fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The most setasiUTS stomachs can take it. By its use man thousands of dyspeptics hare been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion ofgason the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help v but do yoo rsc3 rtepajrtonlby.0. D.WittO0CUIcm- The rooming Post . EALIGH.N. C. The only popular-priced morn, ng newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen eral news service. Special correspondents in all parts of the State giving a com-' plete synopsis of State news. subscription price: One month....... $ , ,40. Two months .; ,TJ5, Threemonths 1.00, On year 4.00. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper con tinned beyond tbe time pad for. Send in y out subscription. Address THE MORNING TOST, Raleigh, N. C. seviAat SXPUtllNOC. ,4T TSADS MARKS, FmUwiU taken through Mima a g 71- WIENTIFIO AMERICAN, MUNN A CO., Sfll Broadway. Maw Y . We promptly obtain" V. ICmaOVmn' Bend model, sketch or photo ol lnvcntfenfor so PPOJlta U. S. Pfltn OtrtXI 1 ?ao a. m m I? WASHINGTON D.C.

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