Watauga Democrat. .vjlcbert C. Rivers, RnfTrtll ANllPnOPRIETOR Thursday, Oct. 22, 1903. T).nni Kllr r.ttr. Mr. Editor: Did you ever bear of as many anarchists andsnooksheinsraftern roan. with the exception of the Czar of Russia, as are reported to vbe after our.Terrihle Teddy? "They recognize him by his . actions as being of them, and they are only seeking an in terview. They know he cares nothing for the laws of the land, or he would not be ig noring tbem whenever it suit his caprice to do so. The lea ders of the Republican party have an elephant on their " bands in the shape of a vase lating, row-boy President. They are satisfied that he : could not be elected next year but they are trying to keep him as quiet as possible for the "good of the party." The masses of the Ameri can people are surely miking -ip their minds not to sup port Teddy. His excentrici- ties and vagaries keep the American and the o n t s 1 d e world guessing, and no doubt they are responsible for the general distiust that he has awakened among the busi- ness interests of the country. Wall Street is said to be as : hostile to him as is organiz ed labor, and the reason for this is not far to seek. The President's crusade against the trusts has been a bluff, and ic has resulted in noth ing, except, to disturb busi nese conditions, as he has ta ken almost every conceivable position on the trust ques tion. He has tried in the most disgraceful manner to force artoial unnnlitv nnnn thfl A - raerican people, and has thus forced the race question into the next campaign. No one will ever relieve he in in dpad earnest until his daughter manies a negro, which, of course she won't. But, seriously, Ted has vio lated the law in so raanj instances, that if he were tri ed before an impartial jury, it would keep him in the pen itentiary from now until the crack of doom. The leaders nthiannrtc knew thin, and are also aware that the peo pie generally are seeing it, bence their extreme anxiety for the future. The cold, sol id truth is what hurts them; lies hurt no one but he who tells them. Theodore Roose velt has no settled convic tions upon any question, and no one. not even himsplf, can tell in what new form of va gary it will next manifest it self. The republican leaders used to say that if Mr. Bry an was elected, be would do such and such thines that trnnlil rliutnrh tho nonpA nf the nation. Mr. Roosevelt is -moling Arnnflr iYa ff Prpsident the republican pro phts said Mr. Bryan would make. Phantom. Jim Tillman is n free man; thef Mends of Gonzales mourn. Earnest Haywood has been acquitted and the home of Skinner, bis victim, is deso late. The verdicts are being commented upon in all their phases by a part of the prpss of the State, and the general opinion seems to be that Haywood, while not guilty of murder in the first degree, is beyond question g u i I ty of manslaughter, . and de serves the punishment provi ded by law in such eases. At is conceded pretty generally that Tillman is a red handed murderer and deserves the punishment provided in such cases. How this is, we know not, but the idea occurs to us that had Tillman and Hay wood been poor and friend less instead of rich and influ ential, the verdicts would haye been different, even had they been fortunate enough to escape mob violence. But such, it seems, are the ways of the world, the man who is backed by a good bank ac count and friends of influence nnd power can do almost as they please, without fear of punishment, while an enrag ed populace will often take the law in their own hands to meet out speedy justice to the poor, unfortunate wretch who is moneyless and friend less. It feems almost impossi ble to clear a poor man, and equally as hard to convict a rich one, no matter what the crime. plerelycure him. He has been afraid to do hard Work for some time. Prof. P. E. Herman's school at Phillips School house is progressing nicely. He is as sistea by Miss Lolu 3reer. The debating society it one interesting feature. The sub- ject for last Friday night was Resolved, That the S o u t h was justifiable in secession. Both sides were ably discuss ed. The decision was given In favor of the negative. Hustler. Gordon Items. Molasses making and can dy pullings is the order of the dav. Mrs. J. C. Harman went to Elk P.uk a few days ago vis iting relatives and friends. Prof. J. R. Greer visited heme folks Friday and re turned to his school Sunday. He is one of Watauga's ex cellent teachers. Dr. T:ppings of Blowing Rork has been in our com munity of late doing dntal work. Mr. and Mrs Charley Baird, of St. Jude, passed through Sunday enroute to Beaver Dams visiting relatives. Dr. J. B. Phillips went t o Sweet Water Sunday to see his patient Mr. Robert Far thing, who is dangerously ill with blood poison. He was taken sick soon after his re turn from the Soldiers Reun inn at Boone. Mr. W. A. Harman is up a- gnin and able to stir from his confinement, caused by a dan gdrous cancer on his fare, Dr. Hogshead he thinks will com Dr. J. V. Jay. a well known .physician of Barnardville, Buncombe county, killed his three little children on t h e 17th int. with a hammer. Jnv hnn nppn rtrinKino nenv- r ' ily for some time and h a d run nn.wife awny from home ; before he committed thp hor r.hledeed. lie is iu jail, but we are deriddly of the opin- inviriii .Hid ir L.vnrn t-non a xi ' " J uewuserveu. OABTOn but ti Tlw Kind Ym Haw Always BocgK The Statesville Landmark, in commenting on the ver dict of the juries in the Ear nest Haywood and Jim Till man murder cases goes at it thusly: 'Nobody need, be surprised at the verdict in the Hsy wood case. It is what was ex pected, but it really looks as if Judge Peebles was dispos ed to "slop over." Under the evidence and the law Hay wood was not guilty of mur- lot in ihu fl hot i1fi(Tiok lia m n t q - I T7 111 Jt7 Ul O W VA' if,i ' I'V IHHJ W uic man wno haVe been entitled to an ac wanted a pound of human quittalf n the jurv founH flesh. There are manyl)Ut. ,he general public will Shylocks now, the convales.neyPr believe it. cent, the consumptive, the( "And Tillman was acqnit sickly child, the pale young ted also. But the jury in his woman, all want human flesh mse acted more decently and they can eet it take! than the Ha vwood iurv. Till w i STOP THE COUGH WORK OFF THE COLD, Laxatiye BromoQuiDineTablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25c. Tkere Is Reason in This. Since we have had high taxes in Wadesboro township, and in the town of Wadesboro, it is per fectly apparent to us that the Slate Constitution should be changed as to the manner of lev. ying poll tax. At present the Con RtltutioD provides that the poll tax shall be three times as much as the property tax on $100 worth of property. There is lev ied in this county 8G 2-3 cents on the hundred dollars worth of property for State, school and county purposes. In Wadesboro township wo have a tax of 50 cents on the hundred dollars worth of property for road pur poses. The tax in Wabesboro is $1.25 on property. The t o t a property tax in the town of Wadesboro is $2 61 2-3, which makes the poll tax $7.85. Besides the poll tax there is a road tax of $1.50, which makes the total tax of persons of road age living in town $9.35. Now the roint we make is that it is nothing less than an outrage to compel a poor man, that is a man who makes his living by dai ly manual labor, pay such a tax as this. The truth is, a man of this sort aim ply cannot do it and live and support a family. This class of labor does not make more than $12 a month, the year round, and to tax them al most one-twelfth of all they make is the refinement of cruelty. Two dollars is as large a poll tax as any man Bbould pay, and the Messenger-Intel "gencer is hear tily in favor of a Constitutional a mendment that will remedy the hardship now being endured in thiH matter by the poor of the State. Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligencer. Use Of Intoxicants. In sixty years the annual per capita consumption of whiskey in the Uuited States has gradu ally decreased from .two to one and a fourth gallons. In f o r t v years the consumption of b e e r has increased from less than two to more than seventeen gallons per capita. The time was when the people of France used littled istilled spirits, confining their use of in toxicants to light wines. The ex amples of France as a nation comDaratively free from drunken ness was held up as an object les son in favor of the use of wine. Even then, when Francehadcom paratively little drunkenness, there were those who asserted that the drinking of wine would cultivate a taste for intoxicants that woul i make drunkards of future generations. That predic tion seems to have been fulfilled. Today, according to the writer of the Journal de Debats, France holds the first place among the nations as a consumer of alcohol ic beverages per head of popula tion. This is given as follows in liters, the liter being about equal to our quart: France, 18.21; Switzerlnnd,13.50: Belgium, 10. 42; Italy,10 23; Denmark, 10.21; Germany, 9.25; Holland 6.09; United States, 5.19; Sweden, 4.97; Norway, 2.06; Finland, 2, a n d Canada, 1.94. In Franca the great er part of this is wine,: but in 1901 the consumption of spirits was eight and one halt liters per head of population. The greatest increase in consumption has been in the class of distilled spirits: There has been a great change in public sentiment a bout the use of intoxicating drinks. There are many good men who use. alcohol fc drinks in moderation and who believe that such use is in n o sense injurious. But. many are coming more and more to believe in total abstinence as the only safe cure. In the old times when there was a decanter on every sideboard and a morning dram was deemed the proper thing, many young men under such sur roundings grew up without ever becoming addicted to s t r o n g drink but many more than now contracted the habit of drinking that made shipwreck of their livew, News and Observer. 6UHS STOVES GLASS HARDWARE ! We hive a very large lot of SHOT (iUNS and loa d?d Shells which we will sell Very Cheap for.the next SIXTY DAYS If you ore needing a Heating or Cooking Stove it will pay you to see our line before buying, ns we carry the best line of Stoves in this section.... We also carry at all times and in large quantities DOORS, GLASS and MASTIC MIXED PAINTS , White Lead, Linseed and Lubricating Oils. 1 Can furnish all kind of Heavy and Builder's Hardware, LONDON STOFFKL HARDWARE CO. j (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain Citj, Tenn. M and Winter Goods Coming In, We now haye in stovk and are receiving the best and most complete line of season able goods that we have ever handled, and are almost of the opinion that, thequality considered, the best in t h e county. But anyway, COME AND SEE. We are still in the lead on Shoes, as the popularity of that noted brand , ; 1 MADE AT NEW (SOUGHT Hamilton Brown's Own Make Shoes. . has Rrown to such an extent that many other makes are crowded Mout of tne ring" An ellegant line of ladies' dress goods, underwear, etc., in stock. Gents' furnishings of almost every description; for the tall and winter season. Hats, Caps, etc.................... A IULLSUPPL1 OF GROt ER1ES ALWAYSOti HAND And, truth to tell, you can find almost; anything you' want in our well selected stock, and at prices" that wflT shit' you. Fe are always ready to oav the vY'iiigTietPhiake'l prices for all kinds of good country produce: fallen us and we will save you money. ?h. -.i? Always a pleasure to show goods, whether you buy or noV Very truly. , -vV HALL & JONES. Blowing Rock, Oct. 1 5. "Old Hickory" Wagons, A LOVE LETtER. Would not intrest you if you're a looking for a guaranteed salve for sores burns or piles. Utto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes. "I suffered with an ugl v sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cur ed me, It's the best salve on earth. 25c. at M. B. Blackburn's. Broke Into Hii House. S. LeQuinn .of Cavendish, Vt.. was robbed of his cusaoraary health by invasion of ehronic cpnstipation. Bnt when Dr; King'f New Life Pills broke into hia house, his trou ble was arrested and now he's en tirely cured, They are guatanteed to cure. 25c. at M. B.; Blackburn's, A Gallon of VTTRX LTNBXED OIXi DlssA . A mm Qrxiar r B fallonf of the TTCT BVt PlIXV Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh man's jury stayed out about a day and professed at least and blood, bone and muscle.!10 be considering th case. It feeds the nerves, strengthens i'1,1' Haywood jury hurried the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. hack so promptly ns to cause one to wonder if they didn't hflP their minds mnile nn .... ..... . - . - 1 ror nearly tniny years from jh heginnning." Scott's Emulsion has been the -- - - ' great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. 8COTT A BOWNE. Chemist. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. aa4 1 1. 00 ; all druggist OASTOItlA. Swnth t I1" KM w Ha Almfl Bought Biguta ct yocrmint blTL Ig JIM MOS1 CTTtABLl Ol&a Pubi WkiTi Lkas and la abhoHjtili mot Poi aoHova. HAMiAml'Aiirrianuuieof thBi8T0 Filirr MATniALa-aneh aa all good jpalatera oae. ftnd la ground TU1CK.VUY race So tremble to talx. any bor can do it. It la the COmmo RiMHa f Bourn Paikt. NoMxrapeUrtewbamad tin mm. an la wot to Ohior, Burns, hn ot Oeow g. mwiwAR PAirrr co st. irais,iio. CAPITAL PAID IN $800,000. FOR SALE bl.- BliYAN LUMBER C OiMPAN. Mountain City, Tennessee. . Blowing Rock Drug Go. DRUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS BLOWING ROCK, N. C We now have in stocK a splendid line of staple drags, patent med icinesa, toilet articles confetions, etc., etc. We are also prepared to examine your eyes scientifically AND FIT GLASSES THERETO A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF JEWELRY THAT WE ARE SELL ING UNDER A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. Come and se us. Very Truly, BLOWING ROCK DRUG COMPANY. Dr. G. W. RABY. Manager. OLD AND GUARANTIED BY W.L. HOLSHOUSER, Blowing Rock. N. C MERCHANT ANDTRADER'S BANK MOUNTAIN CI1 TENNESSEE. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50,000.00. OFFICERS: J. W alter Wright, President, W. P. Dun can, Vice President, I. S. Rambo, Cashier, R. F. McDade. Aes't. Cashier.-Stock-holding Directors:. J. Walter Wright, I. S. Ram bo, W. P. Dungan, and E. E. Hunter. Non Stock-Holding Directors: Dr. J. Q. Butler, J. N. Wills, R. E. Donnelly, and Dr. J. C. Butler. Accounts of Firmi, Cowomtiobs, and Individuals bcJicited. To boast ol one'HhonP8ty does not alwnys piov- it. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaUett. m Corea Grip la TwoDtyi. OA box, 2 evgy ,25c.