Th3 Watauga Deiii&crat, Entered at the Post office clam mall matter. subscription bates: One rear. '. $ 1.00. Six Months .50. rhnm months .25. Advertising rates furnished on application. .LOCAL NEWS. Chestnuts? Yes, quite a pood many. Some corn is being shock ed in the county. The shot negro in jail is still on "the mend." T. S Coffey ia having his hotel building re-painted. Mr. John Edmisten. of Blowing Rock, continues very sick. , Carpenters are now at work on the new barn of Mr. W. C. Coffey. The man who promises, . and does as he promises, is a part of the salt of the earth. M. G. Church, of Valle Crucis, is building a chimney for W. L Bryan. Wood cutting and hauN ing is getting to be quite an industry just now. s Drummers Greer Parsons, F. M. Richard, and S. L. Jen i kins have been in town du Atty. W. R. Lovilland J. W. Miller are attending Fed eral court at Stateflvllle this v week. . The London-Stoffel Hard ware Co., of Mountain City, Tenn., has a new ad in this . iseue. Read it. No report from theTreas . nrer of the Appalachian Train ing School this week. Guess ; it was overlooked by him, . rv Prof. Ed.G.Farthinghas . taken charge of the school at Windy Gap, in Laurel Creek township. Entry notice No. 2433, will be removed from these columns after this week for want of fees. The public will take notice. Mr. W.J. Hagaman, of Reese, was over Tuesday and squared his account on our books. Let others follow the , example of this good citizen. Owing to the fact that two appointments conflicted on last; Sunday, Pastor WiU eon failed to fill bis pulpit at the Baptist church. T. Adam Critcherof Bam boo, was reported in these columns as contributing SI to the training School fund, when it should have been f 5. Pastor Hargett will de liver bis farewell sermon for this conference year at the Methodist church in Boone at 11, a. m., on the first Sun day in Nov. -J. D. Conncill was elected Sunday School Sunt, to take the place of J. L. Winkler, re signed, at the Quarterly Con ference held at the Methodist church in Boone last Mon day. A good selection. N E W MILLINERY. I have in stock and am receiving a very pretty and stylish assort ment of seasonable Millinery that I am offering to the trade at popular prices. Please remember that my goods are bought on the Northern markets and I buy them so that my customers can save money by tra ding with me. The ladies are invi ted to call on me in the east room of the Coffey Brick Row. J.J.COFFEY. Uncle Harrison Aldridge, the famous bear banter of the Grandfather, utill has an eye for business. He gives no tice of a land entry in this is sue. The four scarlet fevf r pa tients in the family of Mari on Story, oi Hagaman, are all improving. These are all the cases in-the county, so far as we have heard. Misses Lizzie and Ella Sutherland entered school at Watauga Academy Monday. The young ladies are much admired by our people, all of whom are delighted to see them back. We are in receipt of a let ter from friend A. E. Moretz, of Moro, Oregon, with $5.00 enclosed. Thanks, friend. We are indeed glad to hear that Has u doing well. A. M. Woodrine. of Val le Crucis, who went to Wash ington early last spring, re turned home Sunday. He did well while there and may go back some time next year. John F. Hardin is attend ing court at . Elizabethton, Tenn., this week. Not as a witness but his nephew, Wal ter Church, is on trial there for murder and he ia there as a comforter for hiffsor rowing sister and her family. -Mrs. E. S. Coffey left for Baltimore Tuesday, with her little daughter Ruth. The lit tie girl at one time had a par alvtic stroke that left one o ber ankles in a weakened con dition, and Mrs. Coffey goes to have a brace fitted to it. They were accompanied by Mr. Coffey as far as Greens boro. We are indeed sorry to learn that old friend "Bob" Farthing is suffering with a severe attack of blood , poi son. The poison set up in a slight abrasion on his hand and now tb whole arm is se riously effected. His physi cian, Dr. Phillips, thinks he can master the disease, and we trust he can. There will be a public de bate at Maple Springs school bouse on Wednesday night. Oct. 28 1903. Query: Resolv ed that the United States has reached the zenith of her glo ry. Speakers on the Aff : M. H. Norris,H. A.;Davis,Thos. Moretz. Neg.:C. R. Norris, C. G Hodges and P. P. Mor etz. Speaking to begin at 7, p. m. Everybody invited. Bnslness Locals. Do you know that Clarence Call, No. Wilkesboro, N. C, sells goods cheaper than any other merchant in town? Jut received. My fall and win ter goods are now in, consisting of many bargains which are at your disposal, Clarence Call. I have just receiyed a n i c e line oi fall and winter dress goods consisting of. outings, flannels, repellants; waistings, broadcloth cassimeres and etc. Clarence Call, Call & Combs will save you money on a suit ot clothes or an overcoat. You will always find a nice stock ol dry goods, notions boots, shoes, hat, caps and in fact anything you need at lowest v Drices at Clarence Call's. North Wilkesboro N. C. Call & Combs, No . Wilkesboro N. C. have just received a nice line of mens and boys odd coats. See them while in town. Buy all your sugar, c o ff e e salt-.meht. flour, fertilizers etc. ot Clarence Call No Wilkesboro Ladies; you will save money if you will see my pretty line of capes and walking jackets before buying. Clarence tall. The meeting .conducted by Revs. Fox. Crisp anl oth ers at Howard's Creek church came to a close on last Sun day evening. We are told hat the meeting was a very great soccesa, many couver sions, aud that large crowds were in attendance at the ser yices. I be good people oi that community bad dinner on the grounds, and it is es timated that 500 people were present. L Tomahawk: Dr. James G.Butler, one among the most prominent physicians in upper east Tennessee, and who has taught and assisted a large number of young men in the practice of medicine. bus now associated with him Dr. R. K. Blngbam, a son of the late Maj. Bingham, of North Carolina. Dr. Bingbam is a youog man of splendid reputation and has had con siderable experience in the practice of medicine. Brethren: At the last com munication of the Watauga Lodge, No. 273. A. F. & A. M., the time ot meeting was cbanged from 12 o'clock, M., on Saturday to 7 o'clock, p. m., ori Friday before the full moon. Our next regular com munication will be on Friday the 30th inst., at 7 o'clock, p. m. Take due notice there of and govern yourselves ac cordingly, . J. B. Clarke, W. M. - -The Mountain, Scout, of Tayloraville, published in its last issue the famous po em of -A. vM. Dougherty on "The Mountains of Western North Carolina," aud we are indeed sorry that we are una ble to publish the same for the benefit of our readers. It contains, much history and being woven intoyerse in the best of style by the "Bard of the Highlands" makes it a production of great value, and shonld be in the hands of all our people. On last Sunday evening little William, tbe third son of Judge Councill, hap pened to quite a painful acci dent. Mrs; Councill returned from a drive,, alighted from the surrey, and the little fel low stopped between the wheels; tbe team started and he was thrown to theground, caught under the rear wheel, and when it was lifted from him by bis uncle, T. S.Coffey, it was found tbattbehip and knee joints of one leg were both dislocated. Physicians were called at once, thejoints put back, and the lutlesuffer er has been getting on nicely ever since. He is still confined to bis bed. but we hope ere many days he may be out a gain, DeWltt's 2r.f Salvo Fop Plies, Burnt, Sores SELLING AT COST. The entire stock of general merchandise of R. M. &E. M. Green must be sold regard lets of Cost. Good, merchant able produce taken at Cash Prices. J. S. Winkler, Assignee. NOTICE. Entry No 2435. State of North Carolina, Wa tauga county. Umce of Entry ta ker lor said county. Harrison Aldridge locates and ontfern 50 fiftv acres of land, ly ing on the waters ot Elk River, in Shawneehaw townshD. Begin ning on said Aldridge "s line, then pimnino- with Bovden's line to Banners line, then with Banner's ine to Greer's line, then w 1 1 n Greer's line to the beginning. En teredOct. ltf, iU3. H. W. Hardi.v, Entry Tuker; Pains in the "Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or Stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it la extremely hazardous to neglect, eo important ii 'a healthy action of these organs. They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of courage, and some times by gloomy foreboding and de spondency. X bad pains in my bade, could not sleep and when I got op In tbe morning felt vrtrM than Lha nlphi before. I hraan tak ng- Hood's Saraaparllla and now I can Sleep ana gee up reeling resiea ana aoie w do my wqrk. I attribute my cure entirely to Hood's BarMpsriua." Mb. J. N. Psrit, care H. S. Copelaud, Pike Road, Ala. Hood's Sarsaparilla ana Puis Onre kidnev and liver troubles, relieve the back, and build up tbe whole system. Winston Dispatch 14th. Mr. J. C, Buxton left today for Jefferson to attend Ashe coun y court. He is counsel for Mr. Nat Boyden, of Surry, who has instituted suit in Ashe for possession of 800 a cres of land on top of Pond mountain in Ashe county. The defendant in this case is Mr. John Borden, of Salfc bury, brother of the plain tiff. Tbe land over which the suit has been instituted is said to be worth $10 per acre. There is a large grass farm on the tract. A few years ago Mr. Nat Boyden won a suit in Surry court against his brother for tbe posession of a large tract of land in tbat county. CONFESSION OF A PRIEST. Rev. Johp S. Cox, of Wake, Ark. writes: "For 12 years I suffered from yellow jaundice. I consulted a nnmher of ohvsicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief, Then 1 began te use of ftlectnc Bit ters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve vears." Liver, ind kid ney trouble, stomach disorder 'or general debility, get fclectne Hit ters. It's guaranteed by M. B. Black burn. Only 50c. Buy and Try a Box Tonight While vou think of it. eo bw and try a box ot lascarets lanay thartic. ideal laxative, tonight. You'l never regret it Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. NOTICE. Entry No. 2434. Stnte of North Carolina. Wa auera county. Office of Entry Ta locates and enters (200) two nun dred acres ol land in uiue wage Township on the waters of Buf falo Creek adioininsr the lands ol J. S. Ford. Boone Coffey, the Smnn IathIh and otners. liecriii ningin the lino ol the Davis tiuct pant of the Falls of Buffalo Creek in the east line of the Storie Grant thence with the Davis line, the Nelson tract Boone Coffey, John 8. Frml. and Geo. Loner, tract. bo ah to include the vacant land north and east of said Falls. En tered Oct. 7th 1903. H. W. Hardin. Entry Taker NOTICE. North Caroliua, Watauga county. W. S. Rominger; Adm. of John Yates, deceased, vs. Rebekah and DorseV Yates, heirs .at law of John Yates, deceased. Having been ordered by the Super' or court of Watauga County to make are-sale of the lands herein de scribed upon the terms of a former order in this cause, I will, on monday Nov. 2nd. 1903. at the Court house door in Boone, N. 0., sell to the highest bidder the following de-, scribed real estate, belonging to the estate of said John Yates deceased, situate in Watauga county, tract adjoining the land of A, B. Baird and others. Begnning on an ash in A. B. Baird's line and runs north with said line uopolestotwo bushes, west with Andrew Baird's line 29 poles to a stake in the Dug. ger line, south 120 poles to a stake in Woodring's line, then with said line to the begimng 2nd tract situ ated as above described adjoining the lands of W. L. Church and oth ers. Beginning on a small bush Rob ert Teaster's corner. West with Church's line 20 poles to a bunch of sprouts. South 14a. East 00 poles to a chestnut in Yates line then to the beginning containing 27 acres, more or less. The 6ame be'ng sold for as sets. Terms of sale one half cash on day of sale, balance on credit of six months with note and approved se curity. Title retained until the whole of the purchaf. price is paid. This Sept. 22nd, 1903. L. L ly-vr, CpmmisMoner. . Dr. Munroe of Lenoir, has resigned as pastor of the 'resbyteiian church at that place, after serving most aithfull.v for 18 years. He has accepted woik in Ala bama. This signature Is en every box of the tannine Laxative Bromo-uuioine the nuiy that cevea a cM la f w. II BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir. N. C. Practices in the courts of Caldwell. Watauga. Mitchell Ashe and other surrounding counties. Promot attention given to nil legal mattere entrusted to his care. NOTICE. No- 2,431 . State ot North Carolina, watau ga county, orace ot .entry Taker for said county. S. rV. (Joffev locates and enters (35) twenty five acres of land lying on the waters ot Watauga ruver in Watauga township, beginning on a birch, said Coney s line, and runs with said line to wm. wink ler's line, then with said winkfer't line to said coffev's and said wink ler's corner, then with said coffey'i line to the bej'nning. Entered Sep 5 '93, H. W. Hardin, E. T. Admlnlsii aior's Notloe. Having Qualified as administrator of A. W. Penly deceased, late Watanga County N U.. this is to notify all persons having claims gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigne on or before the 2-ird day of Sept 1004. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debtedto said estate will please come forward and make immediate settle ment. This Sept. 2 vl !Q3 C. f . Cottrell Administrator. J. L COTTRELL, Physician & Surgeon BOONE, N. G.- OfBice at Coffey's Hotel. Offers his professional ser- rices 10 me penpie 01 1 11 1 1 and surrounding communi ties. KiTCalls DromDtly attend ed day or night. as&v Alfred W. Dul -GRADUATE- OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Lenoir, N. 0. Estimates furnished on all kinds of SPECIAL WORK. Send for Illustrated Cat alogue of Watehes, Jewelry, etc -COME TO Blowing Bock! I I am now located at Blow ing Ro(;k in the -EDMISTEN BUILDING With a complete stock of... General Merchandise- (onsisting of Dry Goods, Notions. Hats, Shoes, Grocer ie&, etc., etc, Mv line of Lidies' Dress Goods is one of the mos nnmnlete to be found in the county, and 1 certainly have the BESTPRICES. Big stock of Hats and Shoes always always on hann. rarrv the celebrated Crad- dock -Terry line of Shoes, the best goods made for tbe mon ey. 1 have just received a splen- rlirl Assortment 01 Men s ana ItnvR' Clothing. Suits from $1 to $15 each. Good stock of Groceries always on hand. Produce taken in exchange for troods. Birch oil wanted at ti.8o per pound. Best prices always paid for country nroduce. Oive me a call. , Yours For Business, H,"C. Miller. SPECIAL NOTICE. To my friends and customers: have just received a full and com plete line of,... , -WATCH MATERIAL which I want to bring to your no- 1 tice. Here are. some items: Waltham and Elgin watch springs, best on earth: everv spring warrant ted. Usual price fi.oo; my pricee Best American hair springs, 50c. Swiss hair 'srings ..35c. Balance wheel jawels C. & F.50, End stones or cap jewels 25c.' Ralance staff, best grade made- no imitation. Usual price $1.00; my price 50c ;. Crystals, extra thick .for open face. 25c. Medium open case, 15c. Thin for hunting case 10c. Cleaningr fine crade watches with chemicals, no chalk solution, 50c. Lost motion restored 50c. SEWING MACHINES cleaned and adjusteed $1. to $2.50. All kind9 of eye glasses scientifi cally fitted. IflTAH work guaranteed for one year. Come and see me when in town. Very truly, J. W. BRYAN, Jeweler. Thomas L. Critcher, SUKVEYOR DEERFIELD, N. C. Is now equipped with a new VAUN1ER COMPASS And makes a specialty of but yeying and mapping home mineral and timber lands. Al so surveying roads and terra cine ditches. They Are Beauties. SOUTHERN MAD FOR SOUTHERN. MAIDS bran New Bargains, Yes, I have just received nnpwl-it n( croods at bar gain Prices. A beautiful line of Southern Made Shoes. For Ladies and Children and a nice line of men s fine shoes at $2. 2.25, f2.50 and $3.00 per pair. Also a big lot of mens' and ladies' shoes in odd sizes At Cost A big lot of Dry Goods ind Mens' Hats at prime cost for aars POT CAS n A lew men'e suits cheap. A big lot of childrens suits juwt in at $1.75 and up. MASON'S FRUIT JARS- very low for cash. Sugar, Coffr IlicH, Soda, Spice, Ginger Pepper etc. always on hand at low prices Lard Ment, Syrup, Canned Corn, Tomatoes etc very cheap. You can always find almost anything you want here, all at a bargain. I have a lot of job lots of stuff, all good, to close out cheap. You will find 'a' nice line of ribbons, laces, bamburg and notions of all kinds to select from Calicoes. Cash meres, Lawns, and finesummerdress goods all going at CU T PUICES to close out and make room for my fall stock. Come and se cure a bargain while they last. Wanted: Young chickens, eggs butter, corn, wheat, rye, roots and herbs, all at the highest market pri ces. Please call and get prices be fore buying elsewhere YOURS ANXIOUS TO TLEASE, WTLL W. UOLSCLAW Vi'as, July 23. ,

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