Tiis VYatsoga Damocrat. Published.Every Thursday ' The South'sAll Right. From Virginia to Texas, .nnd 'from Florida U Missou ri, the South is inn-rasing it substantial prosperity every day. Its fertile fields yield hnr vests that abutuJantly re word husbandman and prom pt ietor n like. Cottbn, corn, sugar, grain, fruits, vegeta bles irtll these are in layiish quantities. Our raitle fatten on lost-ions grasses and win ter in the evergreen cane brakes ol the lowlands. Till ers ol the soil dwell in plenti ful, even luxurious homos. In Louisiana, -the groat su gar plantations stretch for miles about stately- dwell ings Men and women dress for dinner every night and loung, afterward, in draw ing rooms that are light ed by gas. Kentucky Tennes see, Virginia Jurnish the best horses in the world. Mortga ges are extinct pests, and dis possessions are as rare as rocs on dodos. Texas is an empire larger than France, and only needs population to be richer. Alabama would make tne fortunes of half the petty sovereigns in aei many and Mississippi could put Spain and Italy upon a pay ing basis within six months. Why worry over the lucu bralions of some far-off edi- tor who writes with tpaselsin his hair and is afraid to go South for fear of getting run ovpr by a cabbage van in New York. Stay at horn; raise props; anchor your property, then branch out if you will. Take a whirl in the metropolis, sell a few gold biieks to Wall Street, build a palace at Newport or on the Hudson and some day you'll meet that bull plow editor and give him a few dollarsto get home with. The South's all right. Washington Post. The war on the negro in In diana is still being waged re lentlessly A new feature is the publication of the names o f all white people who gie em ploy men t to the negroes. The editor of the paper printing these names believes that by holding employers of negroes up to public notice and rid icule he will be able to dis charge of all colored help and their banishment from the county. Agents of East ern organization planned to settle colored families in Por ter and other northern liidi ana counties within the next ten davs, but the opposition to 6U?h settlement hasbecme 80'pronounced that it is be lieved open resistance will be made. Who wouldhaye thought that the people of any northern State would have carried their animosity toward the negro to such length8ns this? It is heathen ish. Charlotte Obseryer. All of the cotton bronabt into town yesterday was not sold. There are two or three bonded warehouses here. where eottou may bo stored. with insurance, for about 15 cents per month. A 1 a r g e number of farmers have been taking advantage ot t h e s e wareho'isps for the past.. few years and have held their pot ton tor better prices. Somen! the farai'-rs who had cotton yesterday, wher. they Iearp ed that the staple had fallen to 9 cents, stored what they bd. rhulotte Observer. A Poubto Hftsidjit nali?, The who'd neighborhood two mile rast of Newton is somewhat excited over a re tnarkable snnke. It is a pop pt-rheaH three foot and four inrhe long, with two heads, 'he prongs ontamin the beads are 11 incheslong.One is a little larger than the other, but. both are perfect, and indicate that the snake before it was killed, could have used one mouth as well astheother. Below the fork it looked like any other cop per head snake. This wonder ful snake was killed Satur day afternoon by y o u n g John Moose, son of Mr. (10. Moose, the blacksmith. 11 went for t he cows late in the afternoon and took his gun along to kill a rabbit. He came across this snake. He saw the two heads, each ol which showed fight, were con nected with the same body, and shot to hit the snake at the largest part of the body. As soon as he had killed the double headed snake, he look od around and saw another snake about the same-size, but vith only one head, and shot it. The news of this curiosity soon spread over the coun try, and, and Mr. K. M.Trav is tells us that the double hpaded snake was seen Sun day by at least a .hundred people. Mewton Enterprise. "Do not keep thealabaster boxes of your love and ten derness sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweenness. Speak approving, cheering words while their ears can hear them and while their hearts can be thrilled and made hop pier by them. The kind t hings you mean to say when they are gone, say before they go. The flowers you meant to send for their funerals, st-nd to brighten arid sweeten their homes before they leave them. If my Iriends hava ala baster boxes laid away, full ol fragrant perfumes of sym pathyand affection, I would rather they would bring them' out in my weary and troubled hours, and open them lhat I may be rt freshed and cheered while I need them." SAVED TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had anat- most fatal attack of whooping : cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. j W. K. Ilavilnr. I of Armonk N. Y., j ' but when all other remedies had j failed we Raved her life with Dr. ! King's New Discovery. Our niece . who had consumption in an advanc-' ed stage, also used this wonderful i medicine and is today perfectly well," Desperate throat and lung j troubles yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth, infallible for coughs and colds. 50c. and $1 bottles guaran teed by M. B. Blackburn. Trial hot tle free. Japanese is th latest lan ffiiMRe to be added to the list at the University of Chi f-ago. Some fellows can no more keep out of debt than other fellows can help falling in love.' France spends 36 per cent, cf her resources in military preparations. Snain's annual exuort of pickled green oliyes amount to abohl $800,000 All ....... I-.,. 1 1 . " "-: ViffjSSiTS 'MX wuij . iv l i l 11 top. If you want to circulate a bit jiffeofSHip tell, it to pomei " n'. Ti 01 n jrr;'.-it 'it ci r (;. Th Hero i font.' The (joverntmnfs month ly crop report shows prarti cnlly all our grain staples a- hove their ten year average; but the hero of 1 ho story is corn. The spring flood opp-tr entlv doomed ps to n short crop of the grettt st grafn staple. Muvh of it had to be replanted, and it. sprouted late Never before had a corn season been sobackwafd. Sep teinbr furnished n variety of "Irost sca.tes," but aftor view ing his farm on Oct. 1 Uncle Sam reports an a.erage con dition of 80. 1 on Sept. 1 and a ten-year average of 77. 7 Never before had the percent ages increased so steadily througout the season. Conditions have been favor able since. CM. 1, and t h e fiost danger is now passed. A crop of more than 2,300.000 000 bushels is expected, act ually sixty million bushels more than was indicated on Aug. 1 and more than t h e country ever raised before, last year's bumper crop exs eepted. When man has done his utmost to destroy pros-, perity here fomenting ruin ous strikes,there by "high fi nance nnd morality," it is a relief to turn to the contem plation of the calm bounties of merciful nature. l e w York World. THE I'LEAsUUE OF EATING. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia, or other stomach trou. ble wiil find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests. what you eat and makeg the stomach sweet. This rem edy is a never failing cure for jndi gestion and dyspepsia and all com plaints affecting the glands or mem branes of the stomrch or digestive tract. V hen yon take Kodol D s pepsin Cure- everything you cat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food conta.ns is assimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissue. Sold by Black burn, The wonder grows why it is that guardians ofgirlsand mothers of girls and fathprs of girls allow them so mi:ch liberty in these degenerate dajs. -They ought to know what constitutes human na ture and they cannot too of ten be informed that it some times happens that their chil dren are no more immune than some other children. Pairbrother'i Everywhere. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. '. Kind's Fa Pr!,e ivi i iii'iwiiaft ana o A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles free. Europe has a population of 334.000,000, with t w o thirds of a million more vvo men then men. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , Signature of The United .Staten uses near ly a third more coffee than the rest of the world put to gether. j DOl3"T" TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Lifeawav! wm van kcdicuoi any iojtu oi looacco nmnf esiljr be made well, strong, magnetic, full o: ... 1 -. . m . . y . . nu nsor oy iawn( mU'lO-BAO. 1 V- w r Kuaramcc!. i5ock- rt and advic PKKR RBMKDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Automobile building Kivef employment to 20,000 per r.o.iis in I'rinco. 7. 1 A' SOT HE. I will bo at the following pin. ces on dates specified lor the per- ! pope of collecting tuxes, and at !tll0,c0wini? any must come nnd ' ci.lll.1 tin f .mi.l ! .....I T ..i..t .m A lUMai mitt; ll, nun x niinil to collect it without further notice; Hannci Elk, Shawneehavv tov n ship, Thursday, Oct. S, 1903. IjOjrcry Gup, Beech Mt, town ship, Friday, Oct., I. V. Recce's Laurel Cieck town ship, Saturday, 10 o'clook, a. m Oct. 10. John Ward's Store, Laurel Creek township. Sat. 2 o'clock, p. m.,Oct. to. T, A. Cable's Store, Reaver Dam township, Monday 10 o'clock, a. ir.., Uct. 12. L. V. Farthing's store Heaver Ram township, Monday, 2 o'clock, p, M , Oct. 1 2. N, L. Mast's Store,. Cove Creek township, Tuesday, Oct. 13, Zionville, Cove Creek township, Wednesday, Oct. 14. Thomas School House, North; Fork Townshi, Thursday, Oct. 15. ' Elk Knob Academy, Meat Camp ; township, today Oct. 16. Kik X Roads, Bald Mountain Township, Saturday, Oct. 17 Virgil, Stony Fork Township, Mondny, Oct. 19. Ilendrix's Store, Stony Fork tow n ship, Tuesday, Oct, 20, 1903. Proflit's Store, Elk' Township, Wednesday Oct 2l. Alio, Blue Ridge Township Thursday, Oct 22. Blowing Rock, Blowing Rock Township, Fridaj, Oi.t.23. Shull's Mills, Watauga Town ship, Saturday, oct. 24. Vallc Oucis, Watauga Township Monday', Oct. 26. Vilas, Boone Township, Tncsdav Oct. 28. Rutherwood, Boone Township Wednesday, Oct. 2S. Boone, Boone Township, Thurs day, Oct. 29, AV. B. BA1RD, Sheriff. To boast of one's honesty does not always prove'ir. CANDY CATHARTIC lit Mc Genuine stamped C. C C. Never lold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." notice! Entry No. 2433 State of North Carolina, Watau' ga County, Office ot Entry Taker for said county. H.L. Storie locates and entors twenty-five (25) acres of land lyifu on the waters of Clark's Creek, i;i Wati'tia township, beginning on a chestnut, Dr. Phipps and Jacob Townsend's corner, then with To seph PhJpp's line to Tsper White's line, and thence various courses to said II. L. Storie's line. Er.tercd Oct. 3, I903. H W. Hardin. Entry Taker. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power ol sale contained in n chattel niortLrar executed to the undersigned on the 5th of August, 1903, we will sell to the highest bidder at the j court house door in tie town of j Boone, N. C, on the 2nd day ot 1 Nov., 1008, for cash, the follow ! ing articles of personal property: One fill eeu-horse Spinner boiler j and engine and all connections ! belonging thereto, the same be ing the boiler and engine Hold to the Henry-Terry Company on the 7th day of August, 1903. Said sale is nmde to satisfy a debt of $400.00, interest and cost. This Oct. 2, 1903. G. W. Coxley & Bro. Mortgagees. The North Carolina STAE NORMAL AND INDUS RIAL COLLEGE. COURSES . Literary, Commercial, t lassical. Do mestic Science, S, ientific, Ped agogical, Manual Training, Mgsic. Five courses leading to diplomas. Advanced coursis lead:ng to De grees. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty num. bcrs 40 Board, laundry, tuition, and free use of text books, etc. $140 a year, For non-residents of the State $160. Twelfth annual session begins Sept. 15, 1903. To secure board in the dormitories all free tu- J'W" applications should be ,adc uiv ism. i orresponcirnce 111 vijed from those desiring compe tent teachers and stenoirranhcis. For catalogue and other informa- n mll,,ess . Ciiaki.es D. McIvek. President, Gtfrnshoro, 0, UMT) I Hi t 11 1 in mnMlP ' 7n E: ' fi Lni.i.jmw4nwwrw mm I mm m mi I! (Utlilllllllll.lllllllLl'll 1 1 U 1 iTTTTTT Iniihiinna. lliiXiilill.fflTii' AVcgetable Prcparationfor As - slmUating titeFoodandBeguia ting theStoinachs andBowels of Promotes DigC9fion.ChcerfuI ness andRest.Contalns nelllKr Opium.Morphine nortiueraL not Narcotic. . Mx.Smiui Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Hon. Sour Stomach. Diarrttoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOUK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. MTiwrii m limb To Cure a Cold in One Pay. Take LaxaMvp Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drnoistn refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Death overtakes ua all anl then fornea the undertaker. Ia flared the tortnrea of the damnl with protruding piloa brought on by connii 1 tlon with whloh I was aflllctcd for twenty j years. 1 ran aoross yonr CASCARETS In the uwum onau. ia.. nu never iouna anviQiiij? o equal them. To-day I am entirely tree Xroie plies and tool like a new man. 0. 11. Keitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la PtjMfiw, Pn1fMli, I'ctcnt, Tfe On"fl. Do Goou, ii'evor Sicken. Wralten. or Oi :9u, ;ie, ilK). 1 .JJ- 1.1.SIJj.i $r..,TjP fjPO .-mil itiir.rifidl ly ;!! tfniK- lav u 1U ii.it iJ ilK 'I'oL'icco Habit. A million dollars invested in en dowments and tquipnients. Large library facilities. Twtlvc thousand voluiiies added to library during the past year, Ten scientific laborato lies. Gymnasium under scicniifid di rcction, 160 under graduate and courses of study. Courses of study leading to civil rnd electrical enin eciinfj. Many scholarships award ed, Loan fund to aid worthy young men, Trinity graduates in great de mand for responsible postions. Ex penses verv moderate. The aim is Chi istian education without any sec tarian Spirit of teaching. Sons of ministrrs and young men studying for the ministry are not charged tui tion Send for Catalogue. D. W. Nkvvsom, Registrar, Durham, N. C. NOT1CE. Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of ihe lata Thorn as II. Andrews, formerly of Mitch ell county, I hereby notify all per sons owing said estate to come for ward and make immediate payment and all persons having claims a gainst said estate will present the same to the undersigned duly au thenticated within twelve months from the date herecf or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. This Aug 23. 1903. L. D. Lowe, Administrator. ill fiWege, BLOWIXO ROCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. I'EXDLEY, PROPIl. This hotel building has recent- ly been refitted and refurnished in all departments, and is nowo-' pen for the accommodation ot tho public. Good, comfortable rooms, and nn jyt-od fare as the i market nflords I The comfort of trnnsi-nt ' boarders always looked after. Sff 1; ATI'S KKAf.OXAHLE. f CANDY CATHARTIC Jt 5A0t MARH R5C!75firo e&'f wwiim mwmw mm1. -1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A Bears the Signature THI OKHTAUR OOMPANV. NCW OA OITV. 1 mimm iw mir - - - " 5353 There are aoaie people whose use in the world it would be as hard to define as thp uspa of piere8 of paineley draped around meat on the table Atchison Globe. Sour Stomach N No appetite, loss of strength, nervoo ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new dlscorerv rerre 861113 ,ne natural juices of digestion a thT exist in a noaithy stomach, combined wlta the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure doe no! only cure Indigestion and dyspspola, but thia famous remedy euros all otomarh trouble by cleansing, purifying, ewee'enlng and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill, of Rsrenfwncd. W. V.. wye: I wu trruhld with sour rtornwh for twenty yecra. Kudu ruiej me and we ara ne w urlng tt la miSH tot bnby." Koiol bizMls What Yoa Eat Bottbsonly. $1.0D S :e holdlnj 2X ti.-aoi the trttl siz, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by B. O. DeWirT A CO., CHIOAQO r. 3 r -v 1 . - V..1 EAT;IGH,N. C. The only popular-priced morn ng newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen eral newe service. Special correspondents in a 1 1 parts of the State triving a com plete synopsis ol State news. subscription piiice: One month $ .40, Two months 75, Three months 1.00, One year 4.00. STP.IUTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time pa'd for. Smd in your subscription. ADDHES8 THE MORNING POST, Raleigh, N. C. CO YAP8 ' . h "n . 1 (3 :t4V TRADK MARKS, 00PYRICHT3 SLO. Anrono cnJiii a iXetch and diwcrtntlon mr qulnklr awerfflln, froe, nhvithtM- an inventwra la probably rmtont Able. CciriimiilcitiDiik ktrlctlr eonllilentlsl. OlrUwt wiir? fiTPwiiiiMunieni in Ainnca. Wc Imve a Whii!aD oillm. f-.f'n thrtjunu Muuu & Co. rooelra pttciul uottco In tlia SCIENTIFIC AKIEEIGAH, bcsntlfullT lllnslmted, largest clrcn'.ition tit f ny eo.entt He inurnKl. tTorkly. ternn i.l.Jl a jear i fl.&Omx rao!itl:. pinon citV" llii J BiXitL oil VTKNTa Km froa. Afiiir mi MUNN & CO., 2 ill Uraudnay, K0V7 y rt. We promptly obtain V. 8. aurt Foreign 3cud model, sketch or photo ol invention lor free report on patentability. For free book, Patents nd I HMu-'igimiiw to OpposIterU. S. Patent Office I ft ijA In 1W Use J Kor Over I Thirty Years 1 WASHINGTON D. C.