3 . V: aTTvT 1 v.'- VLAlj'VLLAi..'UJ VOL XV. BOONE. WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. NO. 85. f Dark Hair " I nave used Ayer'i Hair Vigor for great many years, and al though 1 am past eighty year of age, yet I hav not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellow, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color vour hair used to have. Ir it's gray noV, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor, always ;rei storesrcolpr to gray. hair. Sometimes it males the hail grow, very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. : ll-Matsw. All - If jroor dronlst cannot anpply ytm, end a on jlollir and we will uprwa oa a bottle. Be sure and rWe in name t your nearest express office. Address, ' 4. W4YXuiu.tioweu,, The back tax- caee against the estate of ' Senator John Sherman baa been settled at Mansfield, Ohio, for f 62,000. voniA. Bean the fcjaatira yf in aino m nm always Tin Kind Yon Haw Always BopjK PROFESSIONAL. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY" AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the court of chin and surroundingcoun ties. ProrriDt attention giv en to. the collection of claims and all other business of a le igal, nature. 612 iEDMUND JONES, V LAWYER -LENOIR, N. C:- Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of D atauga, 6.L 'o3; It,. . JiCFLETCJlfiR. " Attorney At Law, BOONE; N, C. - ; Carefufattention given to collections. EFLOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, A'.' C "Special attention given to all business entrusted to hiscareTStt 823, .1900. J. W. TODD. GEO. P. PELL. TODD & PELL. ATTORNEYS Al LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar teis at CoflVy's Hotel during couit. 5-4-99. E. S. COFFEY, ATTORNEY A J LA Wt- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature V&'Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special ty, 5-231900. J)r. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C NoKnite; No Burning Out Highest references and endors ments of prominent persons sue eessfally treated in Va., Tenn and N. C. ' Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid oi can ceroids growth no matter .how small. Examination free, letters answered promptly, and jitlefaction guaranteed . WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. - Attorney General Knox has finally informed the War De partment of bis decision in the famous Littauer glove case and it is to thetfivct that Representative Lueious NcL'ttaner, of New York, cannot be prosecuted fop the part ha is alleged to have ta ken in obtniningcontractsto furnish gloves to the army, in violati.)n of the statute which forbids members of Con gress frDin sharing the bene fits of contracts with the gov oi-n munf liona nun tha liiri ry period of limitation, with in which such a prosecution ould be brought, elapsed more than a year ago. The contract was obtained by E. K. Lyon on December 7 '98, and it is claimed thai Con gressman Lattauer was di rectly interested in it and as this was a violation of t h e federal law be was liable to riminal prosecution. Riwev er the statute of limitation has made this impossible and the Attorney General has de cided also that as the con tract was properly executed and the goods delivered, the government cannot bring an action against Lattauei to recover the money. He adds his opinion that "no useful purpose would be subserved" by further action. This will probably end th case and the republican congressman will go unmolested. Senator Morgan will intro duce at the coming extra s8 sion asking the President for an explanation of his dela in continuing his negotia tions lor the trans isthmian canal. The Senator claims that the Spooner act directs the President to treat with Nicarauga as soon as the ne gotiations wit-h Columbia fail, Instead of doing this as soon as the treaty was reject cd by Columbia, the Presi dent has merely waited for something to turn up, and is apparently oblivious of the directions of the Senate. It is said that many Senators will support Senator Morgan nnd as the Cuban reciprocity leg. islation will have to origi nate in the House, it is vf ry likely that while the Senate is waiting it will take up the trans-isthmian canal ques tion. As many friends of the Administration will come to he President's support, it may open the session with some very interesting de bates. Politicians of both parties here agree in expressing ap proval of the Alaskan Boun dary Award which was given out last week in London. While it was recognized that this country would never al low Canada to get possesion of much of the disputed ter ritory, it washardly thought that England's formal con sent could be obtained of a boundary line which so little of a compromise as the one just agreed upon by the ma joritr of thecommission. But Lord Alverstone, the British Commissioner, bpcame c o n- vineed that the American claim was jnst and he ha d the moral courage to.s i d e with the three American Com missioners against the two Canadian. He thus made the vote four out oi six and pre vented a dead-lock. The Ca nadian showed their resent ment by refusing to sign th award, but aside fiom reflec- ting the general attitude of theicountrymen and disgus ting many Englishmen, their action will nothavethesligh- test effect. The Hup which will be marked on the map agreed upon, starts from the Poi land (-anal and runs as farin land as to shut Canada from any access to 'the sea from that point to Mt. St. Elias. It gives uc the entire Lynn Canal as well as the towns of Dyea and Skagway which lie at its head. Theimportance of this canal is due to the fact that it is the main route into the.Klondike region. The Portland Canal is given to Canada, as are also the two islands at its mouth, Pearse and Wales; but two other islands lying a littlo farther out, and in such a position as to command the entrance are given to the U n i t e a States. The strategetic value of these islands is further en hanced by the fact that they command Port Simpson which is to be the Pacific ter minus of the new transcon tinental railroad. Th Cana dians are very indignant at the decision as the doubt less felt that the British gov ernment would sustain them ngbt or wrong. 1 ney assan the honest of Lord AWer- stone and their attacks are not tempered by the fact that he is the Lord Cuief Just ice of England, and that they made a speciil plea foi "dls tinguished jurists" on t h e Commission. They expected a political division and got a legal and equitable one; yet they declare it to be the price paid by the British govern m e n t for an Anglo Saxon friendship. However the boun dary is settled, the Amen cans are satisfied, and the equity of the decision is Eng land and Canada's quarrel. Another question involved in tba case ol W A. Miller, as sistont f "uenian of the binde ry the Government Printing Office has iust been decided by Controller of the Treasury Tracewell. Miller was dismiss ed by the Public Printer and remained out sixty-three days when the President or dered his reinstatement This action br the President was equivalent to a declaration that Millar's dismissal wasun just, and In the subsequent discussion with the labor leuders Mr. Roosevelt voiced the same opinion. Miller nat urally demanded compensa tion for the time of his forced suspension, and the Auditor of the Stateand other Depart ments denied bis claim. Miller appealed to the Controller o the Treasury who has now is sued a decision sustaining tb Auditor in refusing to pay Miller for the time hewason declaring that pay cannot be allowed for work not perforin ed, even it the suspension should be found to be with out sufficient cause. It seems to many here that this is an attemot to compromise the Miller case. If his dismissal was unjust bo has the same claim to his pay as he' had to reinstatement and if there Lwas n cause for dismissing him, he .should have been le instated. there seems a' con tradiction in the decisions and Miller may take the case to tbe courts. v . ' Persistent rumors of gigan tii land frauds in the western country have reached Wash ington and are being invest I gated by the Interior Depart ment. Government officials senatorsand Representatives are said to be involved in a scheme to defraud the gov- rnmenf The chargesare that several great railroad systems and many members of Congress have engaged in a conspiracy by which they obtained title to worthless ands, induced the govern ment to make forest reserves out of their holdings, and ob ained the right under the ieu land act to select in lieu thereof valuable lands not so eserved. In this mannrthey are said to have exchanged practically worthWes land or that worth $5 to $6 an acre. This lieu land act never ome up for open diacssionin ongress ns it was introduced by Senator Stewart as an a- mendment to an oppropria tion bill and was so enacted. It will take some days to get at the facts from the mas of startling rumors. A GOOD NAME. From personal experience I testi fv that De Witt's Little EtIv lb strs are unequalled as a liver pill They are rightly named because the give strength and energy and do their work with ease W. 1. ha ton, Borene, Tex. Thousands of peo pie are using these tiny little puis in preference to all otheis, because thev are so pleasant anu eneciuai . . . . rr . I They cure billiousnefis. rorpiu nver jaundice, sick headache, constipa tion, etc. They do uot purge nor weaken, but cleanse and strengthen Sold by M. 15. Ulackbum. The Republican party is the mother of trusts, the grandmother of watered stocks and the maternal au cestor of the slump in tne ... a stock market M emphis News. A RE& ARK ABLE CASE. One of the most remarkable ca sea or a coiu. aeep-seaieu on u j I. i - .1- lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs.. Gertrude K t enner, Marion Ind. who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure She says, The coughing and strain ine so weakened me that i ra down in weight from 148 to 92 lbs I tried .a number of remedies to no avnil until I used One Minute Coiiah Pure. Four bottles f thi wonderful remedy cured me entire ly of the cough, strengthened tn lungs and restored me to my nor mal weight, health and strength Sold by M. B. Blackburn. The McCormick inteiests are said to have gained con trol of the International Ha vester Co.. and the variou plants in the trust will be mt ged. CURED OE PILES AFTER 40 YEAUS Mr. C. Haney. of Geneava, O had the uiles for40 years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lastin good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, bums, bruises, sprains, lac erations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on every package. All others are cheap, worlhlesscoun terfeits. Sold by M B. Blackburn. Petrolium is the luel ol locomotives io Asia. all the . Tbo Homloldal Maoit. Kinston Free Tress. ' Whetbpr express d or not list at this time in thisStute question that 'is largely oc upying the minds of people i the increased number of omicides committed within he borders of our country. Why this is so and what the remedy to stay the increasing lotnicidal nianin would re quire the wisdom of a sage to answer. The point, especially as ap plied to North Carolina that he law as to murder is iuade quate, big been pretty well iiscussed in the newspapers, both bv the editors and . ju- istsnnd the conclusion reached is that thn law is not wholly responsible. Another diase of the question shows be responsibility to be on tbej'iry s.vsteji which enti les the defendant to such an unfair advatage over the pub it which the State's prosecu tor represents. This in itself cannot wholly be the canse, as"the average jury, however is accountable to the cotnmu nity in which it resides and cannot go beyond the bounds or which public sentiment will stand. Therefore the question resolves jtaelf into sociological one and the people as a whole art respon Bible after all. Accepting this as a fact the thing to do is to do away with maudlin sen timent and acquit ourselves like men when it comes to a question of duty, and be gov erned in our acts in sqch mat teis by our sense of duty. The public is not clamor . ing for the blood of innocpnt men to appease their blood thiisty hunger nor do rigbt thinking people demand "ex amples." but they have a right, for self protection, to ask that just retribution fol low the commission of crime and that when fairly shown to b guilty no poer nor in fluence be allowed to inter vene to avert the aims of jus tice. The tendency of the times is to fall into a fals9 iden of forgiveness or rather indffer ence, and the criminal goes unwhipped of justice because the majority of the public wills it so. If the criminally inclined are confi lent of sure and swift punishment it is an uncontradicted fact that it will deter them fiom the com mission of crime. It is said of a neighboring county that a recent sentence of death passed upon a mur derer disclospd the fuel that he was the 42nd to be tried in the county in 20 years for a capital ofi'nce and the first to be given thn death penal ty. It is too mu-b to ak the public to believe that oth er than complete absolution did not intervene in at least some of thObe 42 cases to put aside iuntice. It is certainly a serious thing to sifin judgment on a human life, but it is eqully certain that it is man's d-ity to lend his aid in th vindica tion of the law in the intei est of society at large. o a. m t o n i: j. . Bears th. IMRlim TM H39 Alwa8 BOflgM zt Thi Kind Yoa Hatq Always j fiigaatmt of Miss Ida. M. Snyder. TMnaarer of lb Brooklyn East Kntf ArtCtab - If women would pay mors attention to their health wt would have, more hai IDPV wives, mother and daughters, and If they would observe results they wonM raw that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they an five credit for. " In consulting: with my druggist he ad vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Thtd-ford's-Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions and ii a most as tonishing tonio for women. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, falling vi luq nuuiu, nuitcsollU UUUUlUg. At is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and in chani life. It fire qucntiy brings a dear baby to homes that have been barren for years. All druggists bve $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. 'The German naval esti mates show, that the ir gramme of expansion will taken sixteen year course, lack of money preventing its realization in 1906, as the Government at one time bop ed.' A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the htomnch that, which it is unabe to do for itself, even when but sligh tly disordered or overloaded. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure supplies the nat ura.1 juices of digestion ami does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nervona tendon, while the inflamed muscels of that organ are allowed 0 rest and heal. Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and ena bles the stomach nnd digestive or gans to transform all food into rich, red blood Sold by M.B, Black burn. The French sardine crop for the year is a failure. A 1UNHWAY MATCH. Terminated with an ugly cut on the legot J. B. Orner, Franklin, 111. It developed a "stubborn ulcer un yielding to doctors and remediesfor four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It is just as good for burns, scalds, scalds, skin erubtions and piles. 25c. at M. B.Blackburn's, An alliance between France and Italy is talked of in offl vials circles in Rome. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. AH the blood In your body passes through L your kidneys once every three minutes. , 1 ne moneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. , Pains, achesandrheu mattsm come from ex cess of urlo acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as 'Sough they had heart trouble, because the heart la over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves, that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy U soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on Its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz-1 es. You may have a jeamnm hnttla bv mall nm. tf inaivSal. free, also pamphlet telling you how to fin4 out If you have kidney or bladder trouble Mention this paper when wrltipg Dr. Kilmer . & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. . ' ijai-I IN alM

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