t - VOL XV. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY JANUARY 21, 1904. NC. 45. Hair Splits Aara ItibVluu for thirtVMan. It la elevaal Iap hair dressing tad for keeping the hair fram anllnina at th " J. A. CnMoeafekier, Grantfprk, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your ownlicad.it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. AycrY Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting.- If the splitting nas begun, it will stop it. MM. " -- ... . . It yew drwtat eannot imply joe, was u on aoiur tM w win epi yo a bottk, Ba Mr ud rln U mm I four MarMtaznmioffiea. Address, One trouble about the self made man I the unalterable . conviction in bis mind that - hp made a complete job of it anjjthat there is no room for mproveuienr.-?Ei. OAS ersU 11 YiillrtUtiitbrX PROFESSIONAL. Todd & Ballon. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . JEFFERSON, N. C. . Will practice in all the couats $pecjal attention given to col ecbioft. . , 1-6-4. P. A. JLINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- B00NE, N. C. Will practice in the court & chin and surrounding coun lies. Promut attention giv jen to the collection of claims una an other Dusiness of a le gal nature. 6 12 . EDMUND JONES, LAWYER f-LENOIR, N. O Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C- Careful attention given to collections. EFLOVILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -B00NE, N. C "Special attention Riven to all business entrusted toj h!s care.61 - - : ; 8-23, 1900. L S. COFFEY, AT70RSEY AJ LAW,- BOONE, N.C. Prompt attention given to 1 all matters of a legal nature. t3r Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special- 3-23-1900. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C ho Knite No 'Burning Out. Highest references end endors men ts of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Tenn. and N. C Remember that there lis no time too soon to fret rid oi a cancerous rnowth-rno matter how small, hxamt nation , free, letters answered promptly, and fatisfactioa feoaranteod. It I V- A TBE CKIIIOriOT USUBIHU. Rev, T. De Witt Talmage, D. D, "Let him appoint officer over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plentious jears. Gen. xli 34. These are the wor is of Jo seph, the President of the 8nt life insurance company the word ever aaw. Pbsroah bad a dream that distracted him. He thought he stood on th banks of the river Nile, and saw coming up the ri.ver sev en fat, sleek, glossy cows and they began to browse in the thick grass. Nothing fright ml about that. But after them coming up out. of the same river, he saw seven cows that were gaunt and starved and the worst looking cows that had ever been seen in the land, and in the ferocity of hunger tbey devoured their seven fat predecessors. Pha raob, the King, sent for Jo seph to decipher these mid night hieroglyphics. Jo seph made short work of it, and intimated that the seven fat cows that came out of the river were seven years with plenty to eat; the seven ema ciated cows that followed them were seven years with nothing to eat, "Now," said Joseph, "let us take one fifth of the corn crop of the seven prosperous years, and keep it as a provision for the stv en years in which there shall be no corn crop;" The King took the council, and appointed Joseph, be cause of his Integrity and pub lie spin ted ness, as the presi dent of the undertaking. The farmers paid onflfthol their income as a premium. In all the towns and cities of t b e land there were branch hous es. 1 bis great Egyptian lire insurance company bad mill ions of dollars as assets. Af ter a while the dark days came, and the whole nation would have starved bad it not been tor the provisions they had made lor the future. But now these suffering fam ilies had nothing to do but go up and collecttheamount of their life policies. The Bi ble puts it in a short phrase: "In all the land of Egypt there was bread." I say this was the first life insurance company. It was divinely organized. 1$ bad io it all the advan tages of the" whole life plan." of the "Tontine plan." of the "Endowment plan," and all the other good plans. We are told that the Rev. Dr An nate, of Lincolnshire, Eng., originated the first life insur ance company in 1698. No; it is as old as the corn cribs of Egypt, and Qo himself was the author and origina tor. If this were not so I would not take your time and mine SAVED FTOM TERRIBLE DVJATH. The family of Mrs. M. L, Bobbitt f Bargetown, Tenn., saw her dy ing and were powerless to save her. The most skilfall physicians and every rejjiedv used, failed, while con sumption was slowly but surely ta king her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Coo sumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use complete ly cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and f 1. Trial bottles free at J B Blackburn's in a.iSahbath discussion of this subject; I feel that it is a theme vital, religious and in finite report--the morals of life and fire insurant. It seems ro me that it h time for the pulpit to speak out.' . But what does the Bible sav in regard to this subject? If the Bible favors the in stitution. I will favor it; if the Bible denounces it, I will denounce it. In ' addition to the forecast of Joseph in the text, I call your attention to Paul's comparison. Here is one man who, through neg lect, fails to support his fam ily while he lives, or after he dies. Here is another, man who abhors the Scriptures and rejects God. Which of these men is the worse? Well, you say the latter. Paul says that the man who neglects to care for his household is more obnoxious than a man who rejects the Scriptures. "He that proyideth not f o r his own. and especially those of his own household, is worse than an infidel' Life insurance companies help most of us to provide for our families after we are gone. But if we have the mon ey to pay the premiums and do not pay the premiums we have no right, to expect mer cy at the hand of God in the judgment. We are worse than Tom Paine, worse than Vol taire, worse than Sbaftsbury. The Bible declares it; we are worse thin Infidels. After the ceitificute of death has been made out, and the thirty or sixty dnys buve passed, and the officers of a life insurance company comes into the be reft household and pays down the hard cash on nn in surance policy, that officer of the company is performing a positively religious rite, ac cording to the Apostle James who says: "True religion and undeflled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and the widow in their affliction," and so on. When men think of their death they are apt to think of it only in connection with their spiritual welfare, and and not of the devastation in the household which will come because of their imigra tion from it. It is meanly selfiib for you to be absorb ed in the heaven to which you are going that you forget what is to heeotoe of jour wife and children after you go. You can go out of this world not Jeaving them adol lar, and yet die happy if you could not provide for them. You can trust tbera in the bands of the God who owos all the harvest and the herds and the flocks, but jf you could pay the premium on a poli-y, and neglected them. . JUST ONE MINUTE. One Minute Cough Cure gives re lief in one minute, because it kills the microbe.which tickles the mu cus membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, org ws the innamation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strength ens the longs, wards off pneumonia, and is harmless and and npyer fail ing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and croup. One Min ute Cough Cure is pleauint to take, harmless and good alike to young and old. $old by M. B. BJackborn. it is a m?an thing (or yon to go up to heaven while tbey go to the poor house. You. at death, move into a mansion, river front, and they move into two rooms on the fourth floor of a tene ment bouse in a back street. W hen tbey are out at the el bows and knees, the thought of your splendid robe iti hea ven will not keep them warm. The minister may preach a splendid sermon over your ieroain8, and the quartette may sing like (our angels in the organ loft but your death will he a swindle. You had the means to provide for the comfort of your household when you left it, and you wickedly neglected it. "Oh," says some one, "I have more faith than you; I believe that when I go out of this world the Lord will take care of my family." Yes, He will provide for them, ,'jo to Black well's Island, go though all the poor houses of the country, and I will show you how often God provides tor the neglected children of neg lectful parents. That is, He provides for them through public charity. As for myself, I would rather have the Lord provide for my tatoily in a private home, and through mv own industry, and pater nal and conjugal faithfulness. "Hut," says some man, "I mean in the next ten or twen ty years to make a great for tune, and so I shall leave my family, when I go out of this world, very comfortable." How do you knoft you are going to live ten or tweuty years?N If we could look up the walk of the future we would see it crossed by pneu monia and pleurisies and consumptions, and colliding railroad trains, and runaway horses, and breaking bridg es, and funeral profession-. Are you so certain tbat you are going to live ten or twen ty years that you can war rant your household any comfort after you go away from them? Besides that, the vast msjority of men die poor. v Two only out of a hundred succeed in business. Are you very certain that you are go ing to be one of the two? There are men who die sol vent who are insolvent be fore tbeyget under the ground or before the estate is set tled. How soon the auction eer's mallet can knock the life out of an estate? A man thinks the property worth fifteen thousand dollars; un der a forced sale it brings set en thousand dollars. The business man takes advan tage of the crisis, and he com pels the widow of his deceas ed partner to sell out to him at a ruinous price, or lose all. V Or the administra tor is ordered by the Surro- A VEST CLOkX CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racfted withpain"writes L.VV. Bellamy a locomotive fireman of Burlington Iowa. ''I was weak and pale without any appetite and all run down As I w about to give up I got a bottle of Electric Fitters and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak sickly run down people always gain new life strength and vigcr from their use Trv them. Satisfaction guaranteed ty-M . nijijjburn. gate to wind up the whole if fr. The estate was suppos ed, nt the man's death,. to be worth twenty thousand dol lars; but after the indebted ness has been met, and the bills of the doctor and under taker and the tombstone cut ter have been paid, there is nothing left. That means that the chil dren must come home from school and go to work. That means the complete hardship of the wife turned out with nothing but a needle to fight the great buttlesof the world. Tear down the lambrequins, close the piano, rip up the Ax minister, sell out the ward robe, and let the mother take a child in ench hand and trudge out into the desert of the world. A life insurune would have hindered that The utter indifference of many peapleon this import ant snbject accounts lor ranch of the crime and pauperism of this day. Who are these children aweepingthe crossings with broken broken broom, and begging of jou a penny as you go by? Who are these lost souls gliding under the gas light in thin shawl? Ah. they are the victims of want. and, in many of the cases the j forecast of purentsaud grand parents might have prevent ed it. God only knows how they struggle to do right? They preyed until the tears frozs 011 their cheeks; they sewed on the sack untd the breaking of the day, but they could not get enough money to pay the rent; they could not get enough money to decently clothe themselves; und one day, in that wretch ed hotn, tbe angel of purity and the angel of crime fought a great fight between theemp tj bread tray and the flreless hearth, and the black-winged bngel shrieked, "Aha, I have won the day." Says some man: "I believe what you say; it is right and Christian, add 1 mean some time to attend to this mat ter." My friend, you are go ing to lose the comfort of your household in the same waj the sinner loses beayen by procrastination. I see all around me the destitute and suffering families of pa rents who meant some day to attend to this Christian duty. During the process of adjournment the man gets his feet wet, then comes the chill and the delirium, and the doleful shake of tbe doc tor's head and the obsequies. If there is anything more pit iable than a woman, delicate ly brought up, and on her marriage day, by an indulg ent father, given to a man to whom she is tbe chief joy and pride of life until the mo ment of bis death, und then that same womun going out with helpless children at her back ro struggle for bread in a world where brawny nius cle and rugged soul are ne-en sary-Isay, if there be any tbing ranie pitiakle than that, I don't know what it is, and yet thre hip good women who ure indifferent in regard to their husband's du ty in this respect, and there' are those positively hostjle rm though alifeinsurancesub jet-ted a man to Home fatali ty. There is in this city , to day a very poor woman keep ing a Binull ennrfy shop who vehemently opposed the in soVance of her husband's life, and when application had been made she frustrated it. She would never have a docu ment in the house that im- ' plied it was poseible for her husband ?ver to die. Oneday in the quick revolution of ma . chinery, his life was in-tant- ly dashed ont. What is the sequnl? She is, with annoying tug, making the half of a miserable living. Her two children have been taken nway from her, in or der that they may be cloth ed and uehooled, and her life is to tie prolonged hardship. Oh, man, before f or tj -eight hours have Biassed away, ap- -pear at the desk of some of our great life insurace com panies, have the stethscope o( the physician put to your heart and lung, and by the sealofome honest compa-; ny decree that your children " shall not be subjected to, the humiliation of financial strtig gle in the dark dn v of your demise. TrvforBealth 222 South Pacrin St, Chicago, Iu.., Oct. 7, 1908. Eight mon tin aco I waa aa HI that I waa compelled to lis 01 sit Aown nearly ail the time. Mr stomach waa so weak and apses that I could keep nethinir oa H and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so much that my throat sua bag were ray and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Bright' disease and others said it was conu caption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister riaited me from St. Louis and askod me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardai. I told h:r I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it tared my life. I believe many women could sere much fufftr ing if they but knew of its Talue. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardai and make one supreme effort to be well. Tou do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. Tear can have a woman's health and don woman's work in life. Why not sec ire a bottle of Wine of Cardul from year druggist today Women as Well as Met? Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, tfls couragea and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cosanuiness soon disappear when the ktd neva are Out at nrAm or diseased. Kidney trouble baa become so prevalent that It la not uncommon for a child ta aa hnm . afllctad with weak kid neys. If tbe child urliw mlMm Im ft((M If lli. urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the naaaava. It Is vt tfMtA aiK bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organa. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. Women aa well as men are mads mh arable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon r sallied. It la sold ty druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar 1 sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also nam (.hint tall. ari"'- ing all about It. including many of th thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kumar it Co.. Binghamton, N. bo aura and nvmUon thla paper.