331 VOL XV. BOONE, WATAUGA. COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, F-EBliUART 4, 1904. NO. 47. --r My Lungs "An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends aaid I bad consumption. I then tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randlea, Nokomls, III. Youfprgotto buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. ; TfcfMih: lSc,Mc,lt. All (ni(tti. Oomnlt year doctor. If be nyi take It, then to u he ., If he telte .on not U Mil It. then don't take It. lit kuawt. Urn u with him. w ro wtillnir. . 4.0.ATKBCU..Uwl.Man. Business is a mantle that cov era a multitude of queer transuc - . dons. . , WONDERFUL NeKVE. la displayed by many o man endu ring puirjs of accidental cutH wounds bruises burns scalps nore feet or stiff . joints. But there's no need for jt. . Bucklen a Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cute the trouble. It's the lies salve on earth for piles too 20c at M.B Itlackburn.s 1'ROFESSIOXAI. Todd&Ballou. ' " . . - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . JEFFERSON, N. C.' Will practice iti all the eoiuta - Special attention given to col- ection. 1-64. iK. F. ' A. LINNEY, ; ; '41 lynnrii ai uai, ; BOONE, N. C. Will practice in th( courts of chid and surroundingcoun tiH. Promot attention piy, en to the collection of claims : and all other busings of a le teal nature. . 6-12 'Of EDMUND JONES, LAWYER -LEN01U, T. C W ill Practice Regala rly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1. '3, J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney. At Law, BOONE, N. C Careful attention given to collections. E F. LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- -BOOSE, S. C SSTSpecial attention Riven to all business entrusted to bscare." . 1 1 'Oi. E. S. COFFEY -ATWRbEl AI LAW,- COONE, N. C. Prompt .attention given to all matters of a legal future. E3 Abstracting titles and collection of claims a, fipecial- t . M '04. . Dit, J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N, C Ao knite'No Burning Out. ' ' Highest references and endors- . menta of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Tenn. and N. C. , Remember that there is no tifne too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growthno matter to small. Examination free. fitters answered promptly, ani ttsiaction jjuaranteca. . The Dead of Boone Her Fast and Preseut Following in an uddreHH deliv ered by Prof B. B. Dougherty at a recent gnt! eriiir in Boone: . I mil not an old man, but I have lived long enough tosee Dfth knock nt almost every home in thin mountain vil bigc Conie with me, and let an survey out the town. LV liegin at the old homestead of Dr.' Councill, whone aienio ry is dear to uh all. I only pause n moment that y o o may think, for you all knov the test. Just this side, in a rolling campue, adorned with beau tiful maple tres, are t w o large. massive stun- hi'ii npvs; sdenr. yet ever spenk inn of the history of tin' past. Com. tig thin wav and upon a bold eminence, you will find the dwelling of a uMnl . tne chanie, Wesn the tirst building burnnii dowi; we saw the new one go up.. The brilliant days uud the pleas ant hours til at passed there, will ever hang in the memo ries 0' many wh.i are here to night. If y ou will reflect for a moment, many scenes will pass through yi ur minds. Cose by, and upon the ru ins of the 'old court house that was swept away by ti-e, is the model home of a son. He was a voung man strong in body, ad a well balanced uiind. After he bad - grap pled with the problems of rh wild west, he returned to help bnild up his own town and his own native land. H i s end has everkbeen a sadness in my mind. Yonder is the; home of the widow and the orphans; yon der is the remodeled home of the aged minister. He, too, has paBsed away, and his family has'sea tiered far, and wide, I know not where. Upon this hill stands the old mansion of an ex-Sherifl, and oft. a. I-look upon its fast -decaying walls, a great panorama passes before my eyes; upon that hill was the study of n learned judge. H hen he died the whole "State raornned.' To my right, is a splendid hotel, painted and frescoed in the most up-to date man net, but the first building was put there by a man, a victim of a dreadful disease, leaving his wife and children to contend with the financial problems of a cold, gloomy world. . On thf next corner located an eminent physician. His was a family of 'bright', in fel lectB, but. now the father and mother and eldest son are seen no more. We all Ptood on the Bryan Hilt one nignt. amid the min gled .light of the flames and the stars, and saw the life- SAVED FTOM TERRIBLE DEATH. The family of Mrs. M. L,Bobbitt T Bargetpwn, Tcnn., saw . hep dy ing and were powrles to gave her. The most okilfull physician and every remedy used, failed, while con sumption was slowly but surely ta king her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Con Bumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use complete ly cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lun troubles. Guaranteed bottles Coc. and SI. Trial brittle free at M J3 Blackburn's ; ' ' time earnings of an industri ous man go up in smoke.ush es and vapor.' t And who has not felt their retrievable loss of a noble wo man at "the Coffey -Hotel? But turn to the tight, if you ttiil and see the deserted Inmeof tin great .financier; and a little farther on t Ji e hewed walls of the home of one of thefathersof the town, the. pillow of the- church nid I he f re-ru n tier of.t he Su nd a y School In the extreme eastern part of the town is wheren young, bright, physician opened hia nlhVe. He had the prospect p of a long, useful, happy Iif-; but, he, like mnv others, died early. c Th"ii where is the town and wheris the people that have a more tragic history? Oar ancestors lived, died a n d pa ss ed a w a yT b n 1 1 hey ' ' h a n d ed down to us in th- lives they lived a golden heritage, one of which I trustee nhall continue to be proud. As we reflect over the lives they lived, we must not forget that, they had great faith ; in us. i Ii w fall short of their standum in life, we have done little indeed. If .we barely equal them, we are not do ing enough.-- If we, with all out multiuliei advantages, surpass them in the race oi life, we have done nothing more than, what they may have reasonably expected at our. hands, ,. Let it be understood that I am"no'pessimist as to the fu turel'oUhis; town, nor do 1 wish tolivelby iehearsing the sad history of oar past. With buoyant hearts, full of hope' andf aspiration, we should turn our faces toward the future. We have mote ndyuntageH here than we can utilize We have the best geographical situation of any mountain town, being midway between Ashevillennd Virginia. If the locomotive.' -should leap a cross the Blue Ridge in t hist section-of thbtate, it can not miss us far. Our climate is uhsurp tssed-ra little cold in the winter, but delightful in the summer. . If vou go to the North. you will long for th gentle sunshine of t h i s mountain section. If you u to the. South, you will Hgb for the cool breezes that are ever afloat upon the bills of good old Watauga. Of our people, no one has eyer spoken too-highly, .We are a kind of heterogeneous race; we are not indigenous of the town or county. W formerly came from Tennes see, Virginia and South Cam line; from the counties of leghany, Ashe, Wilkes, Alex ander nnrj (-aid well. We rep resent almost every phase of religious, political and busi ness differnces, I' should lie A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engiiie, although every joint ached and every iierve was rncked withpain"writes C,W. Bellamy a locomotive fireman of Burlington Iowa. "I was weak and pale without any. appetite and all run down As llw;, about to give ap I got a bottle of Electric Hitters and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life.' Weak sickly rundown people always gnin new life strength and vigcrfrory their use Iby M. B. B!..ckbur. . , surprised to know, that there is anywhere any town in which the people getnlong more stiioothly than here. We sympathize wit bench otli er in our bereavements; we re joice w ith each other in our achievements and our pros peri ty. The town is becooiing pyogressire. The ieop1e-be lieve in external and internal improvements, The town, in ronjnnelion with the country , -built the most beautifully graded turn pike load that murks this mountain belt. We are. to have a new court b o u s e, which will be the pride of the county and an ornament to our town. Not only so, but our people. a re developing in tellectually. When theeinea tipnal boom started in t h e Eist and, almost at a single bound, caught' on lice hre in the West, we were ain'ng.the first to catch the spirit of in spiration. -We put our influ ence and our money togeth er, and put ud a large and commodious building t h a t should be owned by us all. Later we irave a hearty in yitation ami a warm recep tion to the Appalachian Trai ning School. When it shall have been located iri its new home, no passer-by can look upon its towering walls with out havinga greater interest in this county. It ought to be said and generally known that thiatowneoinmenHiirute with- its wealth " has given more money for edncational purposes within the past four years than nny town in t h e StsTe of North Carolina. Boone, tbedeserted village, with emrity and decjying houses, is nt)W the home of the young scholar the Ath ens of the mountains. JUST ONE MINUTE. One Minute rough. Cure gives re lief in one minute, becauHe it kills the mierobe.which tickles the mu cus membrane, musing the cough and at the same time clears t he phlegm, draws the inflammation and heals and. soothes the affected parts. One Mi'Uite Cough Cure strength en the lungs, wards off pneumonia, and is harmless and and neyer fail- i n .v iMirp lii nil nirnltle CilseR fo coughs, colifs and croup. One Min ute Cough ( ure is pleasant to take, liarmlous and (rood silikn to vminc and old. Sold by M. b. Blackburn. 'Any man wlio has s ns and selfishness can get rich if he wnjits to," said a visitor Saturday. Sense and selfish uess what a combination! Sense: something that no man can give himself there foie God given. S dfilinss: the meanebt.attriijute of hu man character ai'd much cnl tivaied! Now, no one would say that every man who gets rich has ither sense orseffish neps or both but the remark was that any man who had the two could gut rich. And can't be? And then wouldn't everybody, sing pesns, ol praise to wonderful man who has money? Wouldn't they all bow and scrape and smirk figuratively sp"aking and forget that be was mean man and selfish and .,refer to him fondly as their greatest? Monroe Jonrnnl. OASTOXIZA. , 1 Just Msiisara. ; " The "Hepburn "'liquor I'd' now pending in the United States CongrefS is intended o prohibit the shipping of liquor from one State into the prohibition territory of another. This is a jnenwre which' will commend itself to the jndgeti.ent of evry rea sonable citizen. When once a community has passed up on this question and decided by a popular vote that no liquor shall he sold in town, county or State there is nolh ing more absurd than to al low men outside to ship li quor into mieli territory. We must have thin foon;-r or later not only as nn Inter State-law; but thestateinust eome to "-the protection of t h o s e conimilitifiei which though .they have voted whn key ")ut arc K-t 1 1 at the ineic.v of tin tralhV. Oar peopl.; will soon become 'discouraged in thdr efforts to get rid of the traffic if there is not provis ion made to protect, thm a gainst barrooms at long rangp. m . We trust every on will bring to bear all p ssit! in flaenee upon Congressman to get thi measure through. North Carolina Christian Ad vocate. what's in a name? Everything is in the nanie when it comes to Witch Hazel Silve. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, discov. cred some year ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, blee ding-, itching and protruding' piles, eczema, cuts, burns bruises and all skin diseases De Will's Salve has no equal. This has fiveti riae tommier ous worthless counterfeiters, Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold bv M.B.Blackburn. Coming from the halls of Congress are heard echoes sn -h as "stand pat," "a full hand." "queen up," "a pair of jacks," ' a fltHh " 'a strait' "two pairs," etc.. ths mean ing of which is they have a meaning, is about as dear to us as mud. We haveearc li ed all the good books from the Hible to Webster's Dic tionary in quest of light on the subject but have found none. We take it, however, that such expressions are per fectly legitimate.- and they have a meaning and that our distinguished statesman who use them, fully understand their meaning. Information on the subject will be fully appreciated. Mascott. - A "VEST-POCKET DOCTOR.: Never in the way, no trouble to curry, eay to tuke, pleasant and nev t-r failing in results are DeWiit's Little Early Riseis, A. vial of these little pills in the v st-pocket is a cer tain guarantee ogainat headacfTe, billiousness, torpid liver and a'l the ills resulting from constipation. They tone air! strengthen thu liver, For sale bv M 13. Blackburn. . It's ' a ten ibla di.sappom' incut to hear bud news' of a. friend nud then to learn it whs a fule re port. . DOMSSTIC TBOUBI-ES. It is cxccptionnl to fird a family wnrre there are nodoniestic ruptures occasfonallvbut these can be lessened bv having Dr. Kins'1 ew LifePilJ around. Much trouble they tjave' by their great work in s'oiiatb ai:d ; Liver troublt-8. They. 'not oniv ri--lieye you hut cure. 25c at M. B, ! Blackburn's For Flics, Bums, Serose 0nAUGC3T STOCK and POULTRY MEOICINE Stock and poultry bate few troublu wliiph ure not bowel and liver irri:frulariti(.i. Black braiipht Stock and Poultry Medi cino is a bowel and liver reined fur stock. It pats tho organs of diction in a perfect condition. I'ruininent American breeders and f armors keep their hertU and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional (luneo?Blac-Drauffbt Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may bny a 25ent balf-pound air-tigut caa of tbis medicine from his dealer and koop his stock in vigorous health fur weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Uliick-Draugut Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yonrs does not, semi 25 cents for a sample can to tho manufacturers, Tb Chattan6ojta Medicine Co., Chab taiiooga, T enn. J- 19 M II Rikjuu., Oa., Jan. 80, 1101. , BlMk-Draaght 8toek and Poultry Medloln 1 th bet I T8r tried. Oar took wu looking bd when jra mbS me the medloine and now the re getting to flae. They am looking W per oent. better. ... 8. P. BROCKINCrrOW. l.r ueiiher in toiling nor in legieilnting does mtin pro ceed by mere accident, but but the hand is ever guided on my mysterious operation of the mind. In all his, modes and habilitutryendeavorsan architectural idea will be found lurking; his body and cloth are the site and the tna" terial whereupon und where-, by his beautiful edifice of a peixon is to be built, Wheth er b flow gracefully out In lull led ma nt les, based on high headgear from amid peaks, spangles and bellgirdles.and swell out- iij starched ruffs, buckram stn tilings and mon strous tuherosites; or goetb, himself into sepnra te sect i ons andftont the world on ag' glomoration of four limbv will perid on the nature of such architectural idea; whe ther Grecian, Gothic, Latin, orvalogether modern nnd Parishian or Anglo-Dandi- cnl. -Thomas Carlyle.l Early RIsera . Ths famous little pUlfl . The promises of Providence are to those who.dig for their bread and not to those who dream about big loaves. . The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist, Tis SIscoTcrer of I wsnt-Koot at Wert U . Bis labgratorr. There Is a disease prevailing In. this country most dangerous because ao decep . tlve. Many sadden deatha are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure . or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. 1 kidney trouble la allowed to ad- vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidney themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the album ea leaks out and the sufferer baa Bright 'a Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new du ' eovery la the true specif io for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thouaanda of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggista In fifty-cent and dollar tizes. A sample bottle aent tree by mall, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. KUrmir & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. ani mention this paper. : ' . ' ir () 7 ' 't- 1 .. - ' ''7 ' -'--