Uatauja Democrat acbcrt C. Riviifs, r ' - Editob aku Pboveietor reuBSDAY. Feb. 4, 1904. Banr Elk Letter. Mr Editor: After looking over the political field, it eeina to me that the Repuh- licen party is about out of Presidentiil timber. The par ty hasn't got a man that it is tilling to tally trust, What ever objectioua maj be made L . I! J l U.iKb Hannn for.the nominal ion iu 1904, it must be acknowl edged flftere full and thought fill consideration of the sub jeet, that he is the logical can didateot his party. .Politi cally he Is acknowledged to be the butt rut of original sin. and the embodiment of all for which the degenerate Republican party stands. 'He is the accepted apoatle or the first article ot faith in the Re pnblicao creed, which holds that tbri dollar, is superior to the man. He is the exnound erof the doctrine thnt rii'h neufmust be made richer bv , making poor men poorer. As between God and mammon, he stands for mammon to a finish. He . is the tencher of the demoralizing beliel that American politics should be 'ran on the huckster basis of barter and sale. He is the in carnate illustration of the right of the strong hand. He is the antagonist of p-ipnlar government anrt a scoffer 'at the? idea that a victory of rhonet principle is more to fie -desired than the gaining of 'maWialandselflph ends. Han tm has'shaped the Repnbli cah party of his day into the likeness oPhi own imne "The patty under his captain cv has ceased to weigh the right and wrong of nnv pub "lie question. It took the sor- did side, of every issue. It put forward the bold and unscru ;pulons political adventurer who hailed Banna ns a lead er nfter'tbeir own hearts. But after all this, the Re publican party will h filse to itself if it fails to nomi- nateMark Hanna for t hje Presidency in 1004. It will nothaethe courage of its convictions It will eonfess 'y In eftectjthnt it's chosen lea der and master is pi person . ality to vile and contempt a ble to 'maka a winnlnir race before the American people. This Is a humiliating atti tude "for he party, but it. should brazenly Accept the Att ltertitir Let1' frB Hrto. Aln. Editok: Within the memory of men now living no such winter as this have we had. The ground has been frozen'sinceenrlv In Novem ber, nnd traffic and moun tain commerce has been en tirely suspended during a greater part of that, period, entailing - a great loss on some of our merchants who. not bemgrtble to get goods from the deoot. coaln not supply tbeirVnstouiers. Sev eral of our merchants lost money on game bouuht be fore Christinas with the hope of getting it on the holiday market. One firm t h a t .1 know of had about t ne hun dred d allays worth on hand as late ns Jan.VO. But it is indeed an ill wind from which no good comes; so on the other hand, while it has betn a very severe win ter'on man and beaut, still it has been a heu'thy one. When the winters are accom panied by innch snow and freezing yon can generally lookout for for a good crop vear to lollow. Now the rea son for that issimple enough and any farnipr who under stands anything about soil and atmospheric- conditions, will tell yon hat it is been use the'snow brings down from the air, as does also rain, nn element or essential of plant life called nitrogen w h i c h makes up four-fifths of our air. Now while this very nec essary plant food is so abun dant in the air, it w very high in th? - form of bouuht fertilizer, but thefarmcrhas two other ways to get it be sides buying it in sack. One is by Jrain or snow ns it(i& brought down from the air and deposited in form of ar id on the'eartb. and while the; gionnd. is frozen and "spewed" up or alter plow ing is the best time of course to uhsnru it; ihe oiner way, (notwithstanding S t e e e I's Chemistry to the contrary.) is .through'-the leguminous plants, such as pns, clover, beatiS, vetches, etc. Did yon evpr noli? thnt nl ter a hard winter your land would turn over as soft and mellow as an aehe-bank, and that if no WHshlng rains came to wsh away your soil you made crops? 1 would like to bear through these columns from "some fawner who has had experience a long this line.,1 know theed itor would be glad to give von space to say anything you would which might help the farmer", for 1 expect the majority of his ubscribers are farmers. "H. A. D." who. by the way, is a good farmer and an intelligentgentleman. ask ed me through these columns some time last summer where he could buy a complete fer tilizer, as he did not want to stick to tlp ruinous nractice of using acid phosphate o lonu. Now this writer was a wuv at the time or should have d'ine his best to get the information desired. I should say he could get complete goods that is lo say, phos- foricacid, potash ann nltro- gen'from any of theifertilizer works either at Durham. Ron noke,. Richmond, Norfolk or Charleston. Possibly hecould iret either or all uf the ingre dients from T. R. Parker. State Business Ag-nt of tlie Farmer's Alliance at Raleigh N. 0. By the way, why can't , wo organize Alliance in Watnu gn? The entire State is being orsrunized very rapidly bv Mr. Cates, State Lecturer. Every other profession bunds togethee for protection, why not the man who feeds them all? What is your view, brother furmer? Write it. , Hay Heed. The rase of the Stute of South Dakota against the State of North Caroliua has not yet been decided, and may not In for two or three months ypt. Thij'is the ouin ion of Judge J. H.Merrimon. th case is one of mnen im portance, nnd is watched with intercut, as it is the first time that one State has ever been known to sue another, and it will take tltf Supreme Court mu h time to nHiotrnte ami neenie on so important a mattfr. ConfitMHta Klutti wUl Eetlre. J Washinpton Special a6th ult. lo the Charlotte Observer. Congressman K'utz today announced that he will not be a candidate for renomination, as he desires to retire at the end of his present term to resume the practice, of law. a nd t o gi ve necessa ry a 1 1 n t ion to his private inien Ki. "It wonld seeni prema I ui ,M said Mr. Klutz, "to dei-lii a nomination which hnsno. .ei been tendered nn, but n 1 have been three times nomi nated to Congress, Uiv ti' acHamation, and cah time 1 effol t or solicitation on my part, and as I know of no opposition r mv if nnminatloll. 1 feel that this announeem-nt "a.v be mads without iiumodrhiy, and that it is only lair to, I he voters of the district as well as to gentleman who utay wish to stand for the nomi nation. The district, though one in which the opposition will probably always umkea strong flht, is, I carriH it last election by 1.474 ma jority over my strong oppo neiit.whowasnmply piovided with the sinews of war and who wiis then in Congress, and backed by the most pow erful influences of his'Tmtty. Thedistri t is rich in material and every. county in it has more than one citin who whold make a most creditable respresentatlw in Congress My service here has been pleas ant and I shall always ap preciate the honor wlm-h my people have conferred opoti me 1 realize, boweyer. that the end of almoBt every po- itical career is disappoint ment and defeat, and I think it better for one to quit while his friends want him to con tinue than to i-ontinue. until his friends want him to quit." Wagons Iteara Fannin :l: have t!ie "Mitdjdl :W.ig.n"-th. best " Wagon on eorth-bave just rewWd a solid car Joa,! oj thaj; Get our pr'ces lielnra buying. Ourftock -or...... - H A D W A R13 Is biiyr .ami mnre.crppMe than ever before Vh are Headquar. ters for Genuine Oliver Chilled and Farmer's, ind Plows and all Kinds ol Fanning Implements. It yen are going-wuuy................ . -"rFRTt.T7.RR OR UkASS OKLU ,' thlssprlng, it will pay you tosee us.betore.vcn buy. Wt ,8n give v n.. t ,p to EST seed for tlie LEAST-money. W e cany at oil times a large stock of White Lead, Lindseed Oilr MIXED PA INTo- an.UM kinds of Building Hardware.. We try to carry everything tho farmer needs an eell it at the right price. LONDON STQFFKL HARDWARE CO. ' (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) ! Mountain City, Tcnn. . . ... Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do. not need to give all reasons An Austin. Texas. Dipatch says that Col. . S. liurle- son from this, the 10th Diet, arrived from H'ashington, having traveled 3.000 miles the reasons xvlw Scott'n' to l" n,s P" RniuTn'An rPBfnrpa a- ctrncrft, ! "t he might retain his priv ai j f t , ilege as an office holder iai he i i ... . .y i pf uinirui irMin. (iitii in ;ncaiin o inose wno suner.,. ... , .. . , . , i....:..f u.,.,,!,w. j , limy ii oy uroxi, wu iimiii i. tie .lip maiiriii.... n r n i nominate Hannn in 15)04. Phantom. tlinf- iinHi-r the nrnupnf. Inw Tl - t i .1 . . . .1 . I ' ine ract mat it is tne oest hp .,,01 ,me to drty jn p(ip preparation or .oa L,iver ju, " ""5SH! ; rich in nutrition, full of healthy -The announcement that stimulation is a suggestion as Congressman Kbittz will not - wh h what it does again be a came, Emulsion presents as a, sudden surprise. Who' ,f willbehissunVssor.willnowi L,.ver 0,1 f ' agitate the minds of the p-.- fullest 'm strength, least m pie. Pifferent ones have al- .taste" ready! agreed to make the Young women in their race, and most of the d is- j" teens "are permanently cured trict yet to hear from. Say, of the peculiar disease of . the it appears to u thut. some blood which shows itself in -of the western counties In the paleness, weaknessand nervous district ought to furnish his(ness, by , regular treatment .raccmsor. VYe have, them.,with Scntt's Emuklnn plenty'of thes counties who deserve ihe position. Bel va lock wood, the-, only women that ever ran for the 'Presidency, is still practicing law in Washington and is now conducting n impor tant raw in behalf of the Cherokee Indians. A man often has a erful in- Sflueuw over a jwd womnn. It is a true blood food and is fiaturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. W will l glad to km! . umpk to any sufferer, - B ura tSil thta pknra la - xh lortn ol label I, oa Um rapper of every bolt It l . Knuuka yoa buy. 8COTT A BOWNS. Chomlat. ' 09 Tnd St., New York. son. It is said thnt Mark Han na hviA a dream rerently, in whii:h he saw himself sitting tn the Presidential chair. Yes but you must always reverse uri renin. The Appalachian Training ekcol.;; fKSTABLISHED RY Til E N T!. LEG USLATUHE. 1903 oa-Spring Term of sixt'eneeks beuins Jan. . 11)04. KaTThe FuplieSchooll'ianclieswdlbelhoronghly tanght BT Met hod -if L-aching and whuoi mHiiagemcnt will be rnphasiz'd.- . . B0"ThiH s hoo1 prepares student- for any college in JX. -U tssr Ponrd and Tuition verj reasonable. fi-Fre tuition to Piiblir Bi ln)ol Teavbers. For othcr;iiifoniiation tiddress I ue Secretary of the Fif ulty, . Bocne, N. C. 12 1 1003. Mand Winter Goods Comingm OASTOHXA. Thi Kind Yen Havs AlTrvayg Bough TheAsheville t'ilizen snys that a vein carying natural gas and one carrying vtrum gold have been Uiscoveied nearSaliKbnry. Thi signature la on every box of the. genuine Laxative BromoHJuiniae the remedy that cm-ea a cold la oara Uoj 'The -curious, thing about wo men is that their great st weak whs with the.rieelveH.BiH'iti to be their irreHtest strength with urni MAOEATNEwZy 1 W now have in stok and are reieiving th.1 best and mtist complete line of season rible goods that we have ever handled, anil are almost of the opinion that, theqnality considered, the best, in the county. But anyway, COME AND SEE. We are stillin the lead on Shoes, as the popularity of that noted brand ... Hamilton Brown's Own Make Shoes. Iina nrnun tn unoh an pvfpnt thnt innnv nthpl nmkrR urn crowded "out of tne ring" An ellegnnt line of ladies' dress goods, underwear, etc. in stock. (Jents' furnishings of almost every description for the lall and winter season. Hats, Caps, etc .I f VLL HUPPL J OF GRO MILS A L'WA YS US HAND Ami, truth to HI, you can find almost anything you want in our well selected stock, and at prices that will suit you r RiSy it V ii I'm a ivd ri. rpiid V titiinv Ihu i-pii hio-liout- marlof i'lrios for all kinds of uood country produce. Call on us and , we will save you money. Always a pleasure p show goods, whether you buy or nob Very truly, " :v. j v BALL & JONES. niowiiig Ib. k, Oct. 15. At Madison Square (iar dens a few nights ago Will iam .1. Bryan declare-1 that he was only a private citizen and could prove it. Admit ted. . This is ieap year, tlie first on.we li'ive had for eijrht years, Any one bora the23rh of Feb. IRdbVun hav a birtli day dinner the ,29th of this month. T. R. Burwe'.l, a proui'iient man f Slater, dropped dead :t that plaivoii th iGrhult. He Wh for a nnmfw-rol years Presideut ol Pemv Infinite, and one among tliett.iteV ltcl e.fucjitors. STOP THE COXJUH , WOKK OFF THE COLD, Laxative P.romo Quinine Tablets cur a cold in one day. No core no nay. Price 25c. . WANTED- TRUSTWORTHY Lady or Gentlemnu to manage Imhiness in this County and ad joining territory for house ol h nn ial b t a n d i n g. ?20.00 Btrnight cash salary nnd eXen- ses paidencb Af.)nony direct Irom headquarters. Expense money advanced: position permanent. AddresH Manager, 605 Monon Bldg., Chfcago. Thomas L. Critcliar, SURVEYOR DEERF1KLD, N. C. Is now equipped with a': new VARNIER;OMPASS And makes a specialty ol'sur veying and mapping home mineral and timber lands. Al so surveying roadsand terra cing ditches. Dr. G, W. Raby & Co., -DKUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS SUCCESSORS!!) Blowing Rock Drug Go. BLOWING ROCK, N. C. We now have in stocic a solendid line of staple drugs, patent med icinesa, toilet articles confetiona, etc., etc. We are also prepared to examine your eyes scientifically rAND FIT GLASSES THERETO i A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF JEWELRY THAT WE ARE SELL ING UNDER A POSITIVE GUAUANTEE. Come and see us,; 'Very Tj-nly, . ii. 11. n . x.'iiacc t o., successors to; BLOWING ROCK DRUG COMPANY, MERCHANT AfaTJRADER'SIBJSMC MOUNTAIN m TENNESSEE. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ...... $50,000.00. OFFlCERss: J. Walter Wright. President, VV. P. Dun . oan, Vice President, 1. S. Rambo, Castiier, Stock-holding Directobs: J. Walter Wright, I. S. Ram bo, VV. P. Duncan, nnd E. E. Hunter. Non Stock-Holding Directors: Dr. J. G. Rutler, J N. Wills, R. E. Donnelly, affd Dr. J. C. Rtitler. Accounts of Firm, ( oipmntioi g, aid lidividvala .bvjicited. To Cure a Cold in One Dav . f a! T, -w Tea LkLXSUVC JiroiHO quinine Tablets.? ft SevCT MEBoa lottm toMto ynt 13 KyaUn. Thh Signature, S4?jC?r CarwGHs in TwoDcyt, oaevery box. 25c.

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