. .v ... t VOL XV. BOONfi, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. C ;TIIUIIS.DAY, FEKBUAKY IB, 1904. NO. 49. 11 .4 Up. My Hair 'M had s very severe sickness that took eft ail my hair. 1 pur chased a bol.lo or Ayer'a Hair Vigor and it brought all my bair back again." W. D. Qulnj, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hsir and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores . color to gray hair. . ti e t fern, aii fantih. It your drncL-ht ennnot stimily yoa, end us one dollar and we will express yon bottlo. lie sure ami rive the name ol your nonnwt i-xiryinTi'e. Addrera. J. C. A VKH CO., Ixwell. Mass. It is better to be on time . by a waterbury watch than half an hour late by a tour ,i''en jeweled movement. iw '; Kodol Dyspepsia Curo ngeats what you eats ' A disastrous hurricane ha - s swept over tbe Fiji Islands, carrying destruction in i t s v ; tmth. ; ... : vruvussiosal: :Todd & Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. yWjll practice iu all the coujts- Speoial attention givtn to col- e cttgn, 1-6-4. ..Pe.'A,. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of chin and surroundingcoun ties. Promut attention civ- en to the collection of claims V and all other busings of a le gal nature. 6 12 '04. i : 1 r- -7 i EDMUND JONES, . LAWYER -LENOIK.N.C Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of W atauga, 6.1. '03; ' J. C, FLETCHER, - . , Attorney At Law, ; .. BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections.' EFLOVILL, : -ATTORNEY AT LAW, -BOOSE, N. C. ISsTSpecial attention given to all business entrusted , to h's care."8 1-1 '04. E. S. COFFEY -ATlOItSETAl LAW, - BOONE, N. C. c Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal rmture. VST Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special ty. l-l'O-t, Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD; f; Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C ' froKniie', No Burning Out. : Highest refereuces and endors '" meats of prominent persons suc cessfully treated J n Va., Tenn. ' and N. C. Remember that there yjLf'i. is ho time Too soon to get rid oi tAa cancerous growth no matter letters e.nijvvrTed promptly, and tatiHiatiOE i.ursntecE WASHINGTON LETTER. Prom onr Regular Corre:po ndent. . Governor Tuff, , r:urned fnim. lhe Philippines to be Swietnrv of War, is a god snd to Washington rorrs pondpnts. It isn't every pub lie man who is m aco ssible It is not always fasy to get a frank expression of opin ion from Senetar.v Hiich roek, attorney Geneial Knox or Postmaster Gen. Payne; Iroui Senators Lodge, IVver Idge.or B.iilHy..Si)iiie of jhem are always in too inneli hur ry and some of them have a stand o5 manner iutimidat ing to an interviewer. The new Senetnrv is easily neees sihle, frankly renpnnive, and his head has not undercon any materialenlargptnent on account of accumulating hon ors. I found hi in at his denfc yes terday, and had a good talk with him. "They, spy you are in favor of independence for the Filipinos," said your "or respondent. ''Protection, protect ion," they are not fll for indepen dence at present, hp replied. H-was reminded that nnti imperialists insist that self- government is a natural right, like personal freedom, and that any people, fur in stance the Kaffirs and Hot tentots of Soutl) Africa know their own wants and can govern themselves better than even the wisest nation can govern them. VYes. I know," hesaid.'the nnti imperialists are all at sea about that. Tha English and German can teach thesa v ages that civilization is both profitable and agreeable." "Then you bold, of course, that' Daniel Webster was wrong in opposing theT Mexi can War, a war ol conquest. He was nicknamed 'the Mex lean' for it by those who knew that California was a valu able asset, and instated that we hod a right to steal it." "Yes, WebHter was mista ken in somp things that he said," rejoined the Secretary. Your persevering correspond ent produced some memoran da ' Froud's Declaration that a free country cannot govern subject provinces;" Lincoln's that "no man was ever good enough to govrn another man without that man's consent"; and sundry moral from the Declaration of Independence. Tbe Serreta ry said, "I cannot enter on on 9 polemical discussion con cernirtg the proper ban of government ana the princi ples which should control a nation; even if you and 1 could settle it," be continued frith a laugh. ,'l have hardly time to go into it." Your correspondent explain SAVED FTOM TERR IDLE DIJATH. The family of Mrs. M. L, Bobbitt of Cargetown, Term., saw her dy in? and were powt rless to save her The most skilfull physicians and every remedy used, failed, whdecon sumption was -slowly but surely ta king her life. . In tins terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Con gumption turned despair into joy. The hrst bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use complete ly cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lunj; troubles.. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and l. Trial bottles free at M 11 Blackburn's ' ' ed that his reason for bring ing up sueh questions was that Governor Taft hud . op posed thp acquisition of thn Philippines iu the beginning' "But now," said the Swre tary, "we face thestatns quo tht prevailing conditions, and it is only wiihthpm that I cap deal. I have disengage mvself from. merchants, prp inotors and editors in the Philippir.eswho believed that affairs thjre should be admin istered primarily for tbe prof it of the Americans, and now 1 coaie home nnil find myself confronted with the nnti imperialists. Is. this fair?" Your correspondent inquir ed how far the hosMlity of these promoters went in op position to his humane shib boleth, "The Philipine for the Filipinos." , "They delay the triumph of prosperity and justice in the Philippines," he answered. "They. want to get rich immft diately.. Some of them insist that, as the archipelago be longs to the. Americans, the feelings, ambitions, and wish es nf the natives should not be at all regarded or respect ed. .They despise them, and frequently insult and nbnse them. ' Unless their rancor can be allaved and the hostil ity of commercial adventur ers in the United States di minished, the solution of the problem will lona bedelaved. The doctrine which we have announced anl striven to re alize is McKinley's; it in volves a.high moral princi ple which this nation is bound to enforce in spite of all .ob staclesEvery law and every measure must be construed in the light of it. If it will help the Filipinos, it must be adopted and executed; if it tends to the injury or the Fil ipino, it must be discarded and defeated, homsoever dse it profits. You hwvp call ed this a humane policy. It is much more than that. It is a commercially wis policy. We a ill never get much prof it out of those rich deppnden cies unless we make ourselves the, friends of their people and abide by their princi ples of justice. Avarice with out justice will be our ruin, and if we are not just, our administration in those is lands will be a failure. But I do not expect this. I expect that, under Governos Luke Wright all schemes for loot will be abandoned aud jus tice will be so. firmly estab lished and dispensed that the po nie will unanimously re quest -our continued protec tion and prefer our govern ment to their own. "Yt u ask about sanitarv conditions; lama living tea timonial to the healthfiilnoss of the Philippines." With a comprehensive gesture h" dis JUST ONE MINUTE. One MinutH Cough Cure gives re lief in one minute, because it kills the microhe.which tickles the mu cus membrane, can Ring the cough aud at the same time clears t he phlegm, draws the inflamation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strength ens trie lungs, wurds off pneumonia, and is harmless nnd and neyer fail ing cure in all curable cages' fo coughs, colds and croup. One Min ute Cough Cure is pta.ant to take, liarmk'Ht and good alike try fr.g and old. Held bv M. !1. V.htd.'., played his three h,u n d red pounds of avoirdupois.j'Ma nila is the healthiest city in all the tropics. An American who respects the 'aws of hv ttiene, docs not ; persist , in hard labor too many hours in a day, lets hot liquors a lone, exer iscs enough to keep his liver active, and gen era 1 1, y takes care of himself, may live there as comforta bly as here. The dealh rate of Manila has. been reduced tine-quarter under American occupation. It has not yet a sewerage system, but there are laws for the disposal of tbe garbage which are rigiil.v enforced, insanitary quar tera are burned or otherwise destroyed, the medical meth ods of civilized nations an being introduced, and we nr justified iu hinh expectations of future improvement. Be tween forty and fifty per-ent of all the deutlis in the Phil ippine Islands are ol babes under one .Near old. This re su'ts from profound ignor ance or obstetrical expedi cuts. The poor people do not know-how to manage, a nd thp way infants dieand moth prs suffer is very pathetic But I look confidentially for constant nnd rapid better ment. "No, the Americans in the Philippines are not suffering what can properly be called hard times. But thev are ac tive and ambitious and they want to get rich quick and come home. I nippose they make less money than they did. when the army there was five times as large as it i" now. Some of them are mere adventurers and camp-followers; -ome of the worst al low themselves tobe support pd from the mpagre earnings of the native women, : Of course such . people will al ways be malcontents and marplots. There is a great chance for enterprising men to muke money there with out looting the islands or de spoiling the natives in any way. What is sorely needed there neded more than any other thing is an influx of American capital to develop the vast resources of the ar chipelago by I e g 1 1 i hi a t e means, nnd of the right sort of Ameiican men, honest, courteous nnd just, to show by t be example of their lives and beha vior how men should liye to enjoy free government." what's in a NAME? Everything is in the name when it conies to Witch Hazel Silve. E. C. DeWilt & Co., of Chicago, discov. ered some years ago how to make h salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, blee ding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns bruises and nil skin diseases De Witt's Salve has no equ.'d.-This has given rise to iiumer ous worthless counterfeiters, Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Soldbv M. B. Blackburn. When a man ingoing down hill he can get plenty of help without calling ior it. WONDERFUL NeBVE. Is displayed by many a man endu ring pains of accidental cuts wounds bruines burns scalps sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for it Bucklen s Arnica Salve will kill the naio and cure the trouble. It's the bps ifllvr on earth for ;iles too Joe at M.B lUatklui . . . Hit ttreatest Temptation. The president of a St. Lou is bank was entertaining half a dozn ol his friends 'at din ner, among them two clergy men. Their talk had turned on business honesty and the temptation that every busi ness man met to strain his conscience. "Tiie strongest temptation I ever had." said the host, "came to iiiHwhen.I was a clerk in the bank where I first began business. The bank people had the most supreme confidence in the cashier's iu tegrity and honest v, and one dav, when a disapeaied with out a word lo any one, the; whole place was thrown into consternation. Invest iga I ion wqs at once made of his ac counts, and though the hooks were found to be cor rect. a sum in cash. aggrga ting something oyer $100,- 000 was missing from t li e safe. "Three days later the even ing payers flared out with Ihe story of the suicide of 1 he missing cashier, which occur red during the day in an ob scure boarding house. 'I had a room on the ground, thor of a small board ing house which looked out on the street, and was sepa rated from the sidewalk by about-four feet of archway leading to the basement. It was summer time, bn 1 kept the two windows half open from the top for tentilution. "On the night of the sui cide when 1 returned to my room I stumble 1 uvera pack age that was lying on the floor. I oyened it and, lound a letter from the cashier who fvid killed himself that after noon, in which I was inform ed that he had stolen the money I would find enclosed, amounting to over $100, 000. and had no use for it, as he was going to kill jiim self. "Gentlemen," continued the host, "l can feel the perspira tion ooze out ol me, even af for all these years, when I think of ho I felt at that moment. I not only wanted money, but I needed it badly and here it was in such an amount as I might not have after years of struggle, and no one on earth to know bow 1 got it, or, in fact, to know thai I had it at all. At last I pulled myself to ge'thet. chucked the package in a small handbag and went on a run to the president's house. He ba?i just got home from the bank, and I bolted right in oh him with bag in hand. I could hardl.v tell him what I liad come for, but I in inaged it somehow, and when my st jry was r ol J 1 was in sub a ttatp - of col lapse, he made me stay at bis ho nfe till morning. "I have experienced temp tations since then, as eyery business man must and does, but never one like that, with my fortune in my hands rea dy made and nothing to do exceof to take it, I lelieve I could do it again, but I r.111 very sure I don't want to try it." - -' oAatPontA. DragpgKiQ 2825 KeoW St., Chicago, Ii.i... Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with fulling and con trwtion of tbo womb, with severe pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the time of uien struution, had blinding headaches and rushing or blood to trie Drain. What to try 1 knew not, for it goftied that I had tried all and failed, but 1 had never tried Wine of Curdui. that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant Pi to take and soon knew tbat I had f the riifht modicine. Now blood soonied to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because sho took Tine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headache when all other remedies failed lo bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her borne. Tbo first bottle convinces tbe py 1 tient cho is on the road to health. For advice In ca'es requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "tt ' Star " - '" St. Peier and ike Broser. This is going the rounds, says the NVw York Press: A br oker from the financial vor tex sought admission. at ,th pearly gates. ' Who ar vou7' said St. Peter. "I am a Wall street broker." What do yon want?" "I want to get in." "What have you done that entitles vou to admission?" "Well, I saw a decrepit wo man on Broadway the other day and gave her twocents." "Gabriel, is that on the rec ords?" "Yes, St. Peter, it la marked down to his credit." "What else ha ye you done?'' "Well, I crossed the Hrook lyn bridge the other night and met a newsboy half fro-i zen to doth and gave h i in one cent." "G ibriel, is that on tha records?" '-Yea, St. Peter." " What else have yon done? ' "Well. I cnr.'t rernem ber anything else just now." "Gabriel, what do you think we ought it) do with this fel low?" "Oh. give him back his three cents and tell him to go to hell." . It is a poor way to save money by eating so much free lunch that it makes yon sick. Thousand Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Enow it. . How To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with youfl water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a' sediment or set inng indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; tod frequent desire t Gff jJ pass It or pain In , convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. - "What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills ever wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passlnf It, or bad effects following use of liquor,' wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compellsd to go often during the day, and to get up many times! during the night. The mild and tha extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root to soon' , realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases.1 If you need a medicine you should navs thai bejt. Sold by druggists InSOcandtl. sixes.' You may have a sample bottle of thla wonderful discovery mnra shout It. both unl I ' L. -i 3J kT, nn a ruin. ,nnv i.ii.' -ma absolutely free bvreall.iaZtkffgi address Dr. Kilmer c HomsetlouviUvt Co.. Blnghair.tc.n, N. Y. When vtfttng merw-: tion re-iig this generous offer in iM paper,! IT, CS?5 : 1 ()