VOL- XV. V00NE7 WATAUGA." COUNTY K. C TBuSsDAY. MARCH 3, 1U so. w. Colds f hail tflrrihle cold and could kll.r kMh I fhon trlrd Aver'l Cherry Pectoral, and it gave roe im mediate relief.' . t- . w. u. Lay ton, aiaeu, .h. Hnw will vour couh be tonight? worse, pr'ob-. ably. For lts first a cold,' then a cougn, tnen oron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral.. ' ; Tare sins i 2Sc.. Mc, fl. AH traggUta. UeTrtand Thluu We Can Win- Philadelphia Dispatch, In an'intervjew written for this WH'k'H Saturday Even ling Font, tormer rresni-im Cleveland urges his "tank land file associates" of the Denioeiatie party to liniK' and take ml vantage of the opportunities of nextNovem her. -.. . . ' : "I nin one of those," lie writes," "who beliere that there is an opportunity foi Democratic suesess in t h e onmino presidential c a 111- ;-o Daitrn." "Though attainment . to the party, in vthh-h 1 am en listed ami an intense desire ftr its asvmdency make u iplief cxceedin'v wel-nn.e IMimi rertainlv don't creatt Ti.i ..-.r uAv- it. It is built upon an unsua li ..U 4ojr in inu her show! where every man mm u.:.m awaits his turn to beshuved. h.atrHvtism ancI inteiiige nceo, iiiy.iei.QW countrymen, TOBACCO SPIT Mr, Cleveland's paper o ruVvilpens with h reiteration ---of Ssil thathe.nade new life and vizor by taking M0- Uiat makes weak men etrong Oonralt yont doctor. If he leys take It, thiodo be . If he tell. 70a not to take It. than don't take it. He knows. Leare It with him. W are wllllnir. " J.o. AYKK CO.. Lowell, Mate. ment, and that it does not of itself, unaided and alone, war ranted' the expectation of nwdiing successful results. This in no time for rnn- ninir finesse, nor for the use of woids that conceal inten tions or carry a double men ning. Th Uemocrauc par ty has a messaged send to the American people. e t that tnessaire he expressed in language easilj understood, nneot. fused by evasion, am iintniii.hfil hv the taint of HllVi'll1 'e. imrcWf Obsolete issues and " ... ipiestions nolonjrer'-halletifre Cleveland Endorses Bryan. New and Observer. ' ThfiKi? eommcrcialists who loudly praise Cleveland and never follow him except when he is wrong, havn'tyet recov ered irom 'his recent . solar nlexiis on the Panama disre gard of national honor ami his severe der.nin-intion of otW Philippine policy... Upon the first he is not so Hear and emphatic as in the lat ter. He hpeiiks of yielding to "the temptation of Boidid ag urandizement and the lalse ..ISiiuP .if tvnt-lii'n nOWIT. CV- 1 1 1 1 1 " ' - 1 thousands," h was nuinii: his resentment toward the party that has made him. I! he had hepn hienoash then to put this nihility qm'Htion above his personal Riievance democratic hist(ry m i g h t read - d iff cretitly, and thou sands of Filipinos who have been 'slnnjrhterpd" rnijht ! enjoying 'the sort of govern ment which Mr. Bryan and the democrat ic party prom- I. Hnt. thouiitilatp.wp are Kind to se Mr. Mr. Clevehfnd approving the position Mr. Hrviin toik in 8(JS, DON'T tea pound in ten daye. Orer OUU.auu uv,,,. u.-l.tinn- fnrnpH Vlll TC enred. All druggiita. Cure Kuaraniera. yjui iift'i '(-. '" - rt and advice FREB. Addrese BTJSRWm - , ,. . ...i f.,U,: PROFESSIONAL; 'nyBii three years ago: " chkaxo or wew vork. 43i upend listlesly and laueiinK" 1 . . .awl lv if summoned ton thira ae feat in antra nft cause; but if thfy hear the rallying cil! of true Democracy' they will gather for battle with old time Democratic cnthnHama and fonr.itrfe." ' lMen in to his faith in'his Todd & Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. - JEFFERSON, N. C. . xrhi ..woifma in nil tht iMHlitf- Special attention sivtn to col- Drnocratic associates, be con I llllirr. . .... "This trust will not permit me? to overlook the meaning of the daily, increasing unrest joction F. A. LINNEY, , ATTOKNKY AT LAW,- . Boone, N. c. - aniongonr people, urnwing will tn'Mi licp in th courts L t . . ...i:.. .,,r ai,. of this and rurronnding oun . ri ..... .if tuntiiin triv lies. rniiJi'r " . , . . : a n.:nn i.i.iimu tv in nowpr of onr nations fll in uicrimriTUi'u i ......... ... ... , - and n other busings o a iiiKliuons ano maxnuN, r gal nature. 6 12 '04 EDMUND JONES, 'LENOIR, N. C disregard; of onr national moral restraints, its incon siderate tendency to set n- nide national good Jaith.. its willingness to lnehk away ing popular interest should en with professions of nation he manfally abandoned. ai rmniemiHiiew- u- rulun nrnPR tariff and liberty on the lips of the reform, plead for e.-onomy American government. lie re in thet'Xpead'tnre of puhlic ters io it a me r.i,-. .... money and charges the op? tional fall from grace ever ::.... -wh h.icimr 11. ad known when, while sul! ap- 'n.A.n.'UUaU'n.r lirnkpn theni. nearmgnstlie clinmpion 01 til .f ill . Uc arraigns the adminitia- the weuK uRainsi in-mi..... tion's Philippine poli.-y and and of hdf government a n.f,TstotheIihmian canal gHiiiHt oppression, the gov- in the words: ernment onne namu. Thedeiuo-Taticparfy has the chance. "to conquer am been consistent and unremit govern without pretense of ling in its advocacy of inter their consent millions of re r.i l nndhns look- cisting people;" holding aloft UlrCIIIO l"a, 1 ' F ed forward to the day when in one hand the promise o ch a highway of i-omtnert-e commercial afivanragp a.... built under the auspices ot the piory 01 nvumm our iroverninent, would be chical expansion, "while wiin " . .1.. I kf,n,l t hi 111 contributed b Amern-a to tne otner u nhukui""1 the world's progress and civ sands oitueaujeci Vw-mui ilization, It is, nvyerineies8, minewiiiinv'" not' within the mandates of messages of disease and th Hemncratic creed, that death to tnousanus ui a.ur. even in consuming so, noble Mean homes'' an enterprise as this, t h e , Commenting upon ii. nri ntiior f iirh t h Uible u t era ti''es, t he Spring ..I.. .. . II. ... .1... r V.lilUf ofny other nation should Held Hepuiuican, uic nu.. be disregarded and the good paper in New England, writes fnith of HUchiMtion shaken, words of truth and sober Mr Cleveland concludes as ness when it says: follows:' "This outburst of right- Ar u..h ,, HmPHNihiH t he eons ind igna t ion o ver a gren Democratic pa r t y cannot national crime from a very w:ih honorundertakethebat intiaentiai permm im of the peopleexeept under State comen a lltlle late; it ' a eta I ? fh..iail 1Tt -I . A. A. tiAKUw MllVr lll'tll IIMI'I 111 Increassd Value of SIiilis. Chailotte Observer, Vv'adswiril "Mr. ,fame W returned v'serday from In dianapolis where lie purcltas HflNhorhes and 212 iniih'f wbii li will tiebrough. toi-hai lottennd suld here, hverv year the finn-of Watlswor'h's Sons & Co. Sell between 500 and 1.000 mules in thiscoun ty and they hu.y these at a hnnt n niece cheaper in .... .. . n - , Indinnapolisthanin Atlanta "thoiiiih in Atlanta", sail Mr. Wadsvvorth, ' there are more mules than in auy otb er place in the world." "The increased value in tlu in ice of mules has been noted for six or tight years, but the greater increase ol value came with the BoerIiritish war. A mule that, now sells for $150 could have been bought fiye" ye ns ago f o r $100." FEMALE WEAKNESS mi-iOonrwBfc , -ni PoaiLiND, Mainb, Oot. IT, 1MI. I conBidsr Wine of Oardul raperlo to an doctor's medicino 1 ew need and I 'know whereof 1 epeak. liof hr nin. montha with sunoreaMa intntrualion whieh eirni'i'tely proe- my baok and ic'ea and i ould bae blinding hoadscne.. iy "n well up and I would leei to w; oould not ttand Bp. I nainrauy w dlaoonroged tor I auemed to Je beyon 11.. nf nh.lnlan. but Wine 01 Crdut oameaaa Ood-aend to,"' felt a ebsnge for the bitter within a woak. After nineteen dayi 1 treatment I minetruated without auffering the aitonlM I usually did nd won became r'lfular and without pain. Wine of Crdur Is nlmply wonderful and I wlih .1... .11 -.. r, . . n wnm.ll IrnbW OI ll ,U.b .11 .iliiuiiu, good quallUea. Treaauror, Portland Eaonomlo Leaga Perlnilical headaches tell o! fe male weaknesa. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twnty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or anr fumalo weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors naye fiiiled, (list is the best reason in the world you should try Wine ot Cardai now. Remember that hea'Uich.-s mean femalo weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. Somebody clever at figures ' tuts loiiud out that the Vp:)th"r HnreiMi has coti bout 2 cents apiece during the present jrear. And just think what a lot of weather you get for this insignificant sum. Cleveland Plain Dealer. mil Practice Regularly in from safe and. accustomed . h- . .nnnt- ncrB MrM itA contempt the Courts of Watauga, 6.1. '03, . ;j.C, FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, , I BOONE, N. C. . Careful attention given to collections. EFLOVILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- -B0ONE, N. C.- moorincs. and it contempt nous neglect of our national mission. Surely these condi tions, together with the bro ken pledges and ; forgotten promises of reform that vpx the siirht oh every side, not, only abundantly explainsthe nonnlnr distress and fear pre wMilino pvcrv where in . the land, hnt sucrirest. that in mHi stress of political weath er those of our fellow citizens who thoughtfully and on 8-SrSpecial attention given stantly loye.our free institu to all business entrusted to tions will not be unmindful . . -Qj, -.- UiT sucn saieiy Bin tjuiri n h B care."Ta offered then, by a pa 1 1 Ul. L s ".: JnUOrrulitTo Hetli iriJI I' MII'lMlurri . o-'iacv." Mr Cleveland thinks .those ArnnvKFY AT LAW condition- iiistify the ner- I A .Vi" ' - I ' , T1011 OI lUI'l' ln' ) r m-,.i- t unity. He says; "It should tie. remembered, however, t li n t opprtunity inny.be onlv distantly rela ted to actual accomplish- h nts its best tinditions and nil-noses' but fully realizes what is meant by the tremen dous issue of thec.onflictjnnd his selection should not de pend upon so small a con sideration as the locality whence he comes. "The Democracy's oppor tunity i s a I re a d y i n s i g h t ; b u t only in a eamnaign waged in I 1 lit? lllfiii.'t. v. ' I Die's love of country and de- votion to. national morality and under a leadership that personified these sentiments will be found the Deiuo ru cy's hope." That ri E. S- CtJFFEY, Prompt attention given to 11 mnitPi'H of a leiral nature. VMS' Abstracting titles and collection of claims ft special ty. "'" , ; . M'04. MOKE RIOTS- - . Disturbances of strikes are not nearly as grave as an individual di order of the svntcni. Overwork, Iohh of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, un u u rti;ihlt remtdv is at once em Ao Knife; No Ummng VuMl'' wonder Highest rekreuces and enaor . . . . - - Jv cured ine entirt.lv of the meats of prominent Pons sue-Krt Hnd effete ner- cou.b, strengthened my lang.na Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. L Mexican Herald: diculous little Pmama repub He gives its consent in ad- a nee, to anything Theodore Hoosi'velt and John May uikIi to have tlone Call It a protectorate honestly, and without any more darnnanie dissembling. imps Cause pneumonia. ri .f tin. mmt remarkable cases of cold, deep seated on the lungs, 7 1 e-t. AJ.. causing pneumonia, is mm 01 -mtu. liertruue . renuer, ii,iu who WHsentirel) curetl Dy tne use of One Minute Cough Cure. She savs: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pouuds, I tried a number of remedies to no a- vail until I used One Minute Cough . .ie I cessfully treated in Va" . Temi.l wonaeuu. , ;ed me t0 my normal weight, and N. C.: Kernember that tre - be '"JtX ItU ,nd .,regth:: So.d by M. n'eU nervousness, rheumatism and B. filackburn. neural;, and expels Malaria germs f . . nvfinCDSla CuPO Onlv VK and satisfaction guaran 110001 Uyspcpsia VMi w ice J bv M. It; Blackburp. I :. BlflM wnai yv ' nll I ! V. w-.e- to rt imo Trtn flohN to fret na ot in iiw nuiv v-- , -i a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination fre, letters ensvTf)tel promptly, and laatUfaction guaranteed. the Presidential campagn of 1900. It may possibly come at a more opportune reason for m art ical effecti veness, but at a.11 eents it is to ne wei emned fo" the reason esjc- i..iiu thi.t it has been Mr. f 1 e- - ("levelarld'i own faction that among liemoci ats, has been most infw.'ed with the poi son of the policy of crimina aggression, and has given most cm-ourngemi'iita ndsup txirt to imperialism. The tel ing utterance should have some i ffect in bringing imp rialist "Imocra s a ud their organs into a saner attitude on the Philippine .question. Mr. Cleveland s contmH is tu iioal ttith the archipelago as we have dealt, with Cuba and the opposition party t un not rise to its opportunities in the coming canvass with out making this demand a leadinar insue." ', If in 1900. when his words would have helped to put in the White House the mat. who- was leading the fight then for the policy Mr. tleve hind tnw approves, Mi. Cleve land had written this letter, he would have done his pnr tv and the country a service. Everv word he says is an ap proyal ol the Democratic Na tional platform ami 01 my an'a able speech of accept ame at Indianapolis. Hut. when his words m'ght have heen instrumental in putting! DO YOT WANT S'l'llENOTIUl? " If you'wanttoincreise ynurstrength you must add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eai mnsi, ue uincaicn. assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and ti-sue before be- frM-i. hi.ino-uxnel ed from the nues- tines. Kodol Dvspepsia Cure adds to fheph)sical , It gives strength to mil hm iM Ull 8reil2lll HI iiik man system, it" is pieasani 10 .,!,. nnd nalatnb e and theoniy combination of digestants that will .i;,r..t ih.. f iitid and enpnle the sys- unm-nmiiite I'll of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold hv M. li, Oiacunurn. T. C- lio.vie Eq.' of .effer son one of the most romi- nentcanrlidate.-ifor the on- gressional nomination rn thiR district is in the city to day. Mr. Bowie is regarded as one of the strongest de daters the I'my.Tsity has ev er given to the, bar and poli tics in the State. His charac ter nnd ability are held in high estimation in Salisbury where he has many warm friends. -Salisbury C 0 r res pondent ChailolteOliservcr. THE NAMH WITCH 1IA7.EI-, he name of Witch Jlacl i ucb abtiHed. E. C. DeWitt &(Jo.. ot L-ln ciil'O. arc the inventor of the origi- " . ti . tl .1.1 nal and only genuine wren xitrci Salve. A certain cure tor cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, titter, burns, etc There are many counterfeits of this unlvi some ri which are danger- wliile thev are all worthless. "" .... . .... . . . . i In buying UeWitt s W iTcn nirt S.tlve sue that the name E, C, De- Witt & Co.. of Chicago, is on ine box and a cure is certain. Sold by M, 15. Blackburn. FAILM FOR SALE, Sixtv or seventy acres ot well- watered und well-laying lands, u-inr 7 miien from Boone on the Jeffereou road. Fine orchard of apples, peaches uud cherries; al so double cribs, good stable and sinr.ke house, the dwelling was burned. The Inrnt is a bargain at the price $800-n8 it contains about 20 or 25 acres of fine bot tom land. Parties interested will call on It. L. Moretz, as he lives near tho place, or write to me at Shoun'u X Roads, Term,, and I will meet thf m there. .ALEXANDER CROWDER. "If you had a millon dol lars what would you .do?" "I don't know that I'd do anything," answred Mr. Ard luc. "I would prtdinuly wane up and find it wasn't so." Or.e loses all t h e time whirh he might employ to better puipose. Kousseau. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Matte Impure Wood, All the blood In your body passes through , vour kidneys once every three minutes. DlOoa punncis, mcy ni ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work.. Pains, aches and rheu- matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the . blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. K'.dney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as 'hough they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. H used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly . all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. - It you are sick you can make no mlstaks JM.AV.M wail kMn.u. . Th mlllt I and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer What is a bm-ket shop? Some of the olheers ot Tlie law seem to find it difficult to ru n ' ilfftnifioa th.lt Will Hr I ,nd the extraordinary enect 01 ur. Mimer stiek. A son asked that qtlec- Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy W . ... ir i. L.n .HrH. It stands the hlehest lor Its tio.l of his fa tiler in Jeyv lOl ., , wonder(uicurM0f the most distressing cases Hi I. olmr. ill IT Kdll " .nj It.nMnn IL. merits tC!. " backet sliop, my son, said l he fat her, feelingly "a by all druggists in nny- (FMSt cent and one-dollar . l .' i invniuinti1 w. You inav have s gfi-L- eratre establishment to whlrh free, igo pamphlet telling you how to fir." .I,... I .i i'i.ul and out If vou have kidney or bladder trouble. . a man takes a bauel a u t. out. yo una ttn a. kubwt .t . .....1. .I... l.iitk.ilifilft) - . r 5. .i v (an end to the ''slaughter ol Kx . .