0X5 Watauji Democrat Published Every, Thursday Private Dmprw,r, of t he "DuMinH" hart done n f?w odd joboafhlBrflptaifi'squrtr tern for which he wasduly re wariM. ''I'd give .von a glass of whiskey, Dt-mpeey, only ihe inintrHw has gone our nnd don't know where phe fiut'th kevs. Theonly liquor left out in this bottle of Bene diitine. anil don't think vouM vre about lbe stuff, . Hlthouli it was made by th Benedictine monk'" "'I'll try v it nv je.plaze!" ifpliwl tl)p eoldier. A small liqueur jili)"" fill was handed to him. which he swallowed with evident relish. "Ah. fir, naid lie," .- he smaeked his lin, "henven fc bless'.the holy father for ma , kin' the drink, bor.hanir ttho man that made this ftlaas!" ; Tae Snow Prayer. A little'"jsirl went out one day to play in the fresh, new . enotf, and when hhe came in, die cried; "Mama, I couldn't help pra.vinu when I was out ., ji t play," "What did yon pny for. mv dear?' "I prayed tlieSnow Prayer, mamma, that I heard in the , Kabbath S-hool." 'The Snow Prayer! What do you mean, little one?'1 4,i mean that heantiful Snow Prayer in the Bible, mn .inn; you know it Bays "AVaf-h - me, and I shall be whiter than snow.'-Sel, , Charlotte Observer. Thee 1 lien thinn) section of the Wo Ia in's f 71 nb decided at mee tiuif het yesterday to begin a formal campaign anions1 roca cola. "We are very much ia ejrnst in the matter,' . said o'ie (,f the clever. n,r getir members of tlierluli ye trday, "and our Hht willbf f ir the protection .of both men and women and f special lv young people, d'e are suit i. that th drink is hurtful ami and everybody knows that t it is injtiriiu: a larue.nu:iibe: wf people in this city." ; TUACEDy AVKIfTKiD. "Just in the nick of lime our lit lXe boy was saved, write Mrs. M Wat kins of I'lensftnt Citv, Ohio, 'Pneumonin had played huvui with him nnd a terrible rough iv.l set in beside. Doctors treated him but he grew worse evcrv day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Di coy cry for consumption, and ourdai ling was saved. He's now sound and well." Kveryliody ought to know, it ft the only Hurc cure f o i coughs, colds and nil throat hik' lung diseases. Guaranteed bv M. M B Blackburn. V rice 50c ond oo Trial bottles free. There are rich gold mine In Moore county. A rooori issued by the Laufinan Aw Mining Co., situated at Olltr- ays that -there are in nnht on what is known as'ih.Iml son pnperty alone 1 0,800-, 000 cubic feet of gold wiiuiny earth, winding down 60 feei 15 feet wide, 1,200 feet lent and in which is found 3,07(5 tons assaying $20 per toi thtis yielding a revenue o f 1 ,661.500.- -Ex. The devil hut) h mortgnir on every man vho makes hi liod. The devil has main mortgages.' It's funny, but. bbn khair- cd women want their luiir to ! reJ, and giny haired wo men theirs to be black. Some one has said I bat J a pau seems to be Ruslnn the flbt. No doubt, ' Go Back ti the. Original State. Get bai-k to nut we land take ji short cut., It ia lound that a cure foruppendh'itiHia to walk .on. all fours for 20 minutes four times a day. It is claimed that certain miia cleH around the. vermiform nppendix are brought into play and sc lengthened by this altitude. Thin w alo n new' rare fur d.vHpeppin. ; It has also been f"und that uo inn nak'f in oil sorts of j mates is good for I u n t: trouMe. It seems to be only a qnectiou ot time wlen we will abandon houses and clothes, and bark fcoor! morn inu to each other from boles in the ,' gronnd. Atchimm ( Km n ) Globe. It is, quite n coincidence hat Mr. Klutlz is from.. .1 be same town in which two oth er pent lemen declined election to Congress, In 1829 Mr. John (files, of Siilisbnrv. was elected to Contrifss and de- lined to serve, preferring his old office as clerk nf the Supe rior Court. And only -a few yeas ayo Ilon.t'err Cruise, of Salisbury, wns nominated or Conjtrej, and ' ilthongb his election whs assured, he lerlined to rim. So Salisbury can boast of having had three citizens who declined election to Congress. Chat ham Record. Alnriira kii'jiL- wp!I of lb- dead and if you .have time you miKUt sp"ak a nod word for the li inn'occasion- 'illy. Cenulnt itampcd CCC Never told In bulk. Btwire ol (he dealer who tries to tell "lomtthin fuit u jood." He -a hn'lnses money, loes aineh;he who. I ise n fri. nd losa more; but he who bines his good name loi-ea all. . Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. 64 ?i Discbwor;' A Perfect For Ail 1 hrcat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if It faiio. Trial Bottles frs. im Mima ihi iimiiiii mi irr"n nt He hi;pe nobo ly e v e i 'ontted as th"V do on tie s t a jj; e. Washiiiuton (In ) Denioerat. ci e& irat E5S-SISA I have Itran ualnc CiHCABrTI onl at mild ttiid clTucuvo laxiitiT Uivj urn ilun-lj non derfu). Mr datisliWr and I nro iotlier4u Mith tck ttomacb and our brenlli was very bad. Afwr takhitf a low dime of Cnncarrl wo liave ImproTod wouUttrJullj. Tlioy aro n treat ht'l lu tlio Juuillr." WI1.I1KLU1XA M.Ai;Klk 1137 UUUjuUouk BU, Cincinnati, Oblo, Plensant. Pulatabjiv Potent. Tnkle lon. i)o Oood, Notor Blokon, Wc-nktu. ur Gii. luc. Z. UM. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... OWriU, Caa., fkk.t., Intlrral. . lark, III M.Tfl.Rin 8ol1 A,Ml imanimpril lT all driif The flaitio CoStage, BLoWLNO lit IK N. C. MS. W. V PEVDLEY. Pliom. This hotel bnililiii'T 1ms rei-cnb I y been refitted nnd n-tnruMiid in all deportments, nnd f-j ninrn ieii lor the oi'i'oiiiiiuiiliithiii it! the publie. Good, eotr.loi teble rooms, ami as i.ou fare a "Le unit kct aflordM. WTThe .'oiiilott d trniiKicnt boarders always looked tifter. KUATKS KEANO.NMBLf. Jmfo CANDY CATHARTIC 434 CANOV ft CATHARTIC jt- Mi V. A. -Fowlef', I l.e boss rhe shoeuiakcr en. hi-lit" wearer in 'Salisbury Cot tone's awl work and no l.y. Mills at bahshury ho js in thb city informs a HChrojiU-le reporter that his mill 'has.trafor of the estate nl Adolp us be-n forced to suspend tem.I'y. deeensed, late W-i ., . . tauffii county. N. C Has w to in iiornnly not on account ol ..,- h.t ',,.!; k the high pri-eof cotton as is gainst the estate ol the kiM t the case with a number of !cenej roexlijliit them to tli un 01 !.... iiiJ ...,'dersimiPd on or before tli"(; !i other mil's, but because, mi ;, . ,onr , Mini 'i ; kj tujjj ji i in" iHMw'- many ollhe oenitives arewinw.,ruj in l)aro ,!;,. ,,.,.v suflrihg frotp the efiei ts of vaccination th.it it is im possible to operate the plant Mr. Fowler says there is notlp TivvEY Attv a great deal of em:illiox in Salisbury but there are a. few cases around Spencer and it was thought wise to have all the mill people vaccina t -ed. Charlotte Chronicle' i HAPPY. HEALTHY CHILDREN. Any child can take Little Lurly Iti scf vtith perfect K-tfly, They are harmless, neVcr gripe or sicken and yet they are fco certain in results that robust constitutions requiting drastic means aro never disappoint ed. They cannct fail to perform 1 heir misrtion nd every one who us es De Will'h Little Eailv 'Hiscrs pre er then to nil other pill. They cure biliousness. S"ld by M. B. Blackburn., , CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatwo of The three things mostdilli cult are lo kepp. u wi vrt, tw forget an injury, nnd to make irood use of leisure. THE ATLANTA Great. New Offer Upon Receipts of Cotton at All United States Ports From September 1st, 1903, to May 1st, 1904, Both Inclusive. Contest Opened Jan, 18th, 1904, Closes DIVISION OFPRIZES. For the exact, op the nearest to tho exact, estimate of the tots! .Timber of Balos of Cotton received at all United States ports from September I st, 1903, to May 1st, 1904, both Inclusive $ 2 600.0O For the next nearest estimate - ,000.OO For the next nearest estimate.. 600.00 Fop the B next nearest estimate, $25.03 each I25.00 Fp the 10 next nearest estimates, I2.0O eech " '"2x Fop the 80 next nearest estimates, 10.00 each 200.00 For tho BO next nearest estimates, B.OO eaoi 280. OO For the IOO next nearest estimates, 3.00 each 30O.OO Additional Offers for Best Estimates Made Durina: Different Periods of the Contest. For convenience the time ot the con test is divided Into estimates received by The Constitution during four pe riods the first period covering from the beginning of contest to February 10, 1904; second period, from Febru ary 10 to March 1. 1904; third period, March 1 to 20; fourth period, March 20 to April 20, 1904. We will give the best estimate received during . each period' (in addition to whatever other prize it may take, ur If It take no prize at all), the sum of $125.00. The four nrlzes thus offered $128.00 each amount to Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Port Receipts Contest, Subject to the usual conditions, as stated regularly In The Constitution each week, the contest Is now on. Attention Is called to the following summary of conditions: 1. Send $1.00 for The Weekly Constitution one year and with It ONE ESTIMATE In the contest. 2. Send 60 cents for The Sunny South one year and with It ONES ESTIMATE in the contest. 3. Send $1.25 for The Weekly Constitution and Sunny South both ono year, and send TWO E3-. TIMATES in the contest that is, one estimate for The Constitution and another for The Sunny South. 4. Send 50 cents for ONE ESTIMATE alone In the contest IF YOU DO NOT WANT A SUB SCRIPTION. Such a remittance merely pays for the privilege of sending the estimate. If you wish to make a number of estimates on this basis, you may send THREE ESTIMATES FOR EVERY $1.00 for warded at the same time estimates are sent If as many as ten estimates are received at the same time without subscriptions, the sender may forward them with only $3.00 this splendid discount being of fered for only ten estimates In one order. A postal card receipt will be sent for ALL ESTIMATES RE CEIVED WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Where subscriptions are ordered, THE ARRIVAL OF THE PA- - PER ITSELF IS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT YOUR ESTIMATE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND IS CAREFULLY RECORDED. , , 5. The money and the subscription and the estimate must come in the same envelope every time. The estimate, the money and the subscription go together. THIS. RULE IS POSITIVE. Secretary Hester's Figures Coverinefthe Period of the Contest. COTTON SEASON. 1897-93- 1893-90. 1899- 00... 1900- 01 1901- 02.... I0O2-O3 The fieures above are certified by famish tbe official Ugures to decide Address All Ordersto NOTICE HflvhiiT qualified hh rw'm'nih- cry., All persons inucaca ti mi"i estate will jtlenso intp miti ! nte payment. Feb. 10, ('4 Anoi n.i:u J'EXLEY, A' 111. NOTICE. North Carolina, W.itnnun coun ty, Siltiei-inr Coti'-r be'o e tlc Cleru, B. -H. Douaheitv. D V, Doiiuherty nn'fl wife, F. A. Lit. ney mid wf e M. II Linney vs. . John Smith, Jnke Sinith, Pnllii- Smith: Finni Smith, Jownhi Smith, Nancy Fjutitmn. E-lyriirl I'ouritnin. " , , The delenrlants nboxn meil will tnke notice that annctb-n en' t'Hnd a atinw has iK'en tore me'iiced in the Superior ('our' of WntHiiorn cnuniy tu fore tte clrk fur the sale for partition of the DoiHiertv lnnls bourht of tlip Smith htirsnnd otherp, ly lci rndj bi'itia in I$ooiip township. Wntnni ira conntv on thn waters nv IJ'ione creek ndioinmir tlie In n' j of F. A. Linnpy.'E. S. Cnffey. J. F. Hut din and the heirs ,1 o h i! WitiK'er, dee'd. and othrrs end' fully pt out and di'Miilied in thp petition; nnd Ihe said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Clprk's office in the cotirt hnilsein Boone, N. (! , on the 5th day of M itch, 1004, nnd answer or -demur to t he complaint in said ac tion,) r the plaint iff will apply to tho Coir t for the relief deman ded in said complaint. This Jon. 12, 1U04. . . Thjs. UiNGt!:M,C.8.r, figures. ' w Second For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes and not shar ing the first consolation offer) com ing within 1,000 bales either way of the exact figures. at $ 600.00 TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS. from lilt fepVmber to li Mar (Indnalm) of following year. The pwtod covered b? ihi. contest. . 8,333,662 .7.993 4B'. 6.843.134 6,346,31 2. 7,218,179 7.378 027.- , Secretary Henry (J. Hester, of the New this contest. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta. Ca. , -'- ' " ' " ' ' '" CsmmmrSA ml 11 VClL if dVQ LlSi ., . ,,,-n v' 11 j imid h9 u wiuyM m . mm 1 AVegetable Prepnrationfor As similating ihcFoodandBcgula ting theStoinachs andBcwcls of Promotes Digcslion,Cheerfur ness andRest.Contalns nelllter Opium,Morphine norJliueral. NOT NARCOTIC. ffmmlSifSr Aperfecl Remedy forCdnstipa Tlon , Sdur Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a-t! ' If 1 Iih in -ice kci -n i-Iirtbin inin. v, i : li -ut t ' ti Mfks will h ie in fiill huek on silk lui 'I h-tr lis u matter ofreoii oin.v N v Ymk Heiald. saii TITUTIOrS April 20 th, 1904 $5,000.00 TWO GRAND CONSOLATION OFFERS. First For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes) coming within 500 bales either way of the exact 8 1,000.00 1,000 oo Grand Total. $7,500.00 In case of a tie on any prize estimate the money will be equally divided. BALES IN COTTON CHOP. This I. merely forynnr Information and I. not I u bjeet of this prcent conU-st. It la (rivon only an nn additional aid to an lutein gcnto.tir.iaie.. 11,109,994 - .....1 1,274,840 ..10,383 422 . 6,436,416 .....i. 10.630,680 IO.727.BB9 Orleans Cotton Exchange, who will s For Infanta and Children. Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use Kor Over Thirty Years The l!nsi.'iu nnthoritiea c!;liil) that they. beji;ed and prayed fjr peace, tor t hey eiv nof prepiHed for war. fii-h'St two weekt seem to i Ins crtrrect. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nerypos ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with Ihe greatest known tonis and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs does not ; only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this , famous remedy cures all stomach troubles I by, cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining i the stomach. i Mr. S. S. Bill, ct Rivsrswood. W. V 17 1 : j ' I was IroubW with tour itamach lor twenty yera, Kodol curei me and w r new using It In mils lor baby." - j Kcdol Digests What You Est Bottles oly. Si. 00 S!:a koMht YA times Uw trial . tlM, which tells for SO cents. Prepared by E. 0. DeWITT & CO., OHIOAOO 1113'KOiOiiii Post. I?ALIGH,N. C, The only jiopulor-priced morn ;ir newspaper in North Carolina. The finoHt tel'-grophii; and gen rvil tiewH serviw?. - Specin! correspondents in all iHttnof llieStateuivinga com jlete synopsis ol State newa. HCBK'RiPTION PRICE: One month..... ,40, To nioiitliH.... 75f Three months 1.00, Oihj venr 4.00. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No pnjier continued beyond the Mine, punl for. S nd in your Huliscription. rilE MORNING TOST, Raleigh, Nj 0. A$f&t. 50 VIM TRAOS WARM, 'rVif U-8(0118, co!vmcHT ao. Amono aenrtiny a rt.trh and dowrlntlon m pj-en.1 tJZ, myof " '"'" ore, ftpociol DoLic in tho roelT b SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, M 'J r, M & CO., " ' "-' V A. . ItVWVVI Wnnttly obtaiu U. 8. and hot dsn rn - . - t til mn.tftl, ktcu or 1 1 oto ol IdthiOod ki ureTRADl--fSARKS 0PPslte U. S. Patent Office m. r. ii r - - ' m I if V333t3SBSOJI& JniNHION D. C.