TV. .5.. -I Enteiedat the Pot nffli "f nt BOODft ' 'V. f,.; na Bfrnnrl. tk t - VJ v v VWMM cwss inaw ma t ter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year... .O0, Six Months.. Jbree months.... .50, or Advertising rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. E tater noxt Sunday. Have you pai id your oil tax? Mrs. R. C. Rivers and lis . tlechildren for are visiting io ntives in Iredell county. Mrs. J, VV. Farthing is visiting her daughter, Mrs. VV. A. Watson, of Lenoir. A little girl has taken an, nor abode nt the home of i uri 1 Mrs. J. C. Fletcher. W. R. Green has bought the R. F, Rigan place on How ird's Creek and moved there last week. Mrs. Tora Johson died at her home near Stony Fork last Sunday! night of con so mption. The mother of Clarence Potter passed through yes terday on her way to see her hoy who id in Newton jail under a death sentence. Sad. All those who lail to pay their poll taxes on or before the first MonJay in May can not vote in the November election. Bear this in mind. Judge Neal says that the fact tliHt. W.itaima had onlj two prisoners in jail for trial at this term of court is a good advertisement for the! county. . J Dr. John L. 'Cottrell left Monday for Davidson Col lege, where he will remain for several weeksmakinga thor o'lgli review of his studies. He is exuected back by tne first of June. J The Attorneys from oth er counties who were here at court were Messrs, Bower, Newland and Wakefield, of Lenoir; Bowie, Couneill and Ballon, of Jefferson, -Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of . Charlotte, N. C, will be in " noir at Hotel Junes on Wed nsday, April 27th, for one day only. His practice is lim ited to the eye, ear, nose and throat, and fitting glasses. -The Boone and Willow Dale base bail teams crossed bats on the diamond here last Saturday evening. The game was interfered with by a shower and called by the umpire, the Boone boys be ing slightly in the lead. The'patent medicine fa kir and the electric belt swin dle were both in evidence here last Monday, and teemed to do quite a thriving business. It does seem that many of our people enjoy being gulled by tbeee notorious nostrum venders. CA.OTOXIX.A.. Bui tU Tht Kind You Haw Always Boighi FOR SALE. . Cue six-horse power engine and boiler. Also one grist mill and belt. Apply to John W. Dyer, St. Jude.N.U. WANTED All kinds of Indian relics f bought by the undersigned, "-i- William k. Savage, . Blowing Rock, N. C. Our friendh, a large nam berof them, have treated us nicely this week, but several of the chronic promisers to "pay at court"(failedtOiihow up. Our thanks are returned to the faithful, and we can only again insist that those who are in arrears come for ward and settle at once. On last Friday Mr. F, A Linnev received a telegram announcing the death of his mother at her home in Tav lorsville. He left at once for the funeral, returning on Sun day. Mr. Linney has the deep est sympathy of all in the loss of his devoted and t-hris ' tian mother. The shortest tei m of Wa tauga Superior Court since our earliest recolleciion is the one just closed. Court con vened at at 10. a. m., Mon day, and adjourned at 4. p. m., Tuesday, theentire State docket having been disposed of. The majority of t tie case on the ciyil docket wt-re vm tiuued. f Oastonia (l.izi tte: A beau tifnl towel is exhibited by Capt. J. I). Moore that was woven from flax raised by his grandmother seventy five years ago. It is the product of the hand loom of a Mis. Mast in Watauga countv, el egantly woven in four colors with a border and the usjdl fringe at the ends. The Entertainment given by the young ladies of the Euterpian Society of the Ap palachian Training School on Saturday night, is spoken of in the highest terms by those who heard it. In fact, we are told by competent judges th'tit it was the most enjoyable occasion thus far this seasou. The second debate be tween the Appalachian Train ing School and the Lenoir High School will come off hereon Saturday night, Ap pr i 1 16. Query: Resolved, "That-moral are retrogra ding. The speakers on the affirmative are W. A, Stans- berry, A. J. Greer. Negative W. T. Beach, J. L. Isab.'. The following iH taken from the News and OiiM-rver: The New YorK Herald of Sun day ha on i's Southern Socj ely page lb-1 picture of Miss Mary Cole Bo.vden. of Bione Miss Boy den is a strikingly handsome young woman a nd during her stay in .llaleigh With her aunt, Mrs T. K lirnuer, made many friends and received a great deal of social attention. She is now visiting relatives in Salisbu ry. Obituary. Mrs. Amanda Fatlhing, daughterof VVm.Olliver. and and wife of Elijah barthiiig. was born in Wilkes county. Feb. 12. 1883, and died at IMneola, Mitchejl county No vember 21. 1903. She joined the Little River Baptist church in her native county in May, 1H50, a n d wus a member of Antioch Baptist church, this county, at her death, making a pil grimage of more than fifty years. Sh was married May 2, 1852, and becam1 the mo ther of eleven children, four of whom surviv her. A loving, faithful wife and devoted mother, she tolled and suffered in the station where her Master had placed her and died in the consola tion of her religion. For some reason best known to himself the Lord has caused the hus band of this fond wife left a- lone.' lie' spends his ; time thinking of the past and look ing forward to thetime when it shall be his Lord's will to take him to the friends of his youth, R. M. Farthing. An Explanation. Mr Editor: Kindly give me space in your paper to correct a rumor, that 1 un derstand has been circulated in this county; which is, that I said last winter in Raleigh while a member of the Legis lature, and during the Sena torial I'ontest. "That, the old soldier in NortbCarolina had gotten everything he was en titled to, and that he ought not receive any further uc commodations. I want to say that the ru mor s absolutely untrue. 1 did not say that oranythmg like it. I did say in response to a request from a certaiii Senator, to vote for Mr. Wat Kon because be was an old soldier ''thateyerv Denlocrat ic senator siwe the war has been an old soldier, and until recently, every Democratic Congressman from North Car olina had been an old soldier, and lhat the war had been oyer nearly forty years, and that I did not think 1 ought to leave Mr. Overman on that ground." There is no man in North Caioliua that has a higher regard for the old soldier than myself, andlwasa mem bcr of the fiit Legislature that ever voted them a pen sion and made a speech and voted for the appropriation, and did the same in the last legislature. While lama can didate for the nomination for Congress, and should be glan to be honored with the same. 1 declare that if I knew that it one unkind word against the old soldier would nomi nate and elect me, 1 would not speak it. Thanking yo;i for this in uulgence, 1 am, very respectfully, Will C. Newland. WJoone. N. C. March 28. - IT BAVliD HIS LEO. P. A. Danforth, blLnran!r') Ga., suffered for nix months with a Irightful running sore on his leg; but writes that IiucMen's Ar nica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For ulce. s, wounds, piles, it's the best salve in the world, Cure jrui run teed. Only 23 ds. Sold by M. It. Blackburn. Dffl'' EarSTlRSsers The famous little pills. NOTRE. North Ciirolinii, Wntnun county, Superior Court. B. B Dougherty D- I). Dougiiprty and wife, Lit. lie Dougherty F. A. Liiiuevaiul vyiff, M. II. Linney.' vs. John Smith, Jake Smith Sallie Smith, Fannie Smith, Joseph Smith, Ed gar Fountain uivl Nancy Foun thain. By virtue of nn order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County in the above entitled action, I will sell tit the Court house door m Boone, N.O. on the 2nd day.of May I004,at 12 o'clock the follow ing real estate; Fiist tract, Begin ning at the road on a stake and runs south with an agreed line between D.B.Oaugherty ond W. B. Council 200 poles to VVinklers line, thence a west course about 40 poles to Dougherty's line, thence north with said Dougherty's line to the read, thence -nst to the begining contain, ing 40 acres more or less. Second tract: Begining at an old oak stu vip in Dougheity and Wink ler line. Dougherty's coiner and runs a nor'.ll course with Dougher tys line 16 poles to a stake on the ridgp, thence with the top of the ridge to a slake with out pointer at the fence, thence with Ihe fence to the Winkler line, thence with the Winkler line to the beginning. Said sale is made for the partition of Ihe above lands and is made ou the fol. lowing terms: 25 percent cash on day of sale and halauce on a credit of six months. This March, 30th 1904. &.F. Loi!l. O n i . Henry W. Uardiii. To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and brethren . ' Watauga Lodge, No. 27.' A. V. & A. M: Your rotnmil tee appointed to draft a suitable obituary on the death of Brother fln ry VV. Hardin would submit ihe following report: Brother Hardin was born on the 29th day of December 182G, and departed thih life on the 11th day of .lan 1904 aged 8'2 years and 13 days. He wns raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by H'atauga Lodge on the 10th day of April 1S07. having Inert a faithful Mason for JJ( years, and until his advanMed years rendered him unabe he wnsalwaysTu faithful attend ant nt th meetings of h i s Lodge. Brother Hardin was a man who loved his fellow man and lived in peau.j and charity with hisbrotheiBnnd neighbors, and died in the solid faith of a christian. While we deplore the loss of our dear brother, we bow in humble submission to t h p ,'irand Master of th- Uni verse, who haslintcalled him from labor to icfreshment, fall of years and good deeds to forever live in that celes tial lodge above where the great architect of the uni verse presides. E, F. Lovill, J. C. Kav, J W. Farthing, Com. Castonia Gazette: For years and years past there has been talk of tin deposits near King's Mountain. This talk appears at last to haye a mounted to more than hopes spoken aloud. It has been demonstrated that tin is there there, in Valuable de posits; and webelieveit must, he there in paying quanta ties else interested land-hold ers would not be holding one hundred thousand dollar of fers for fractional interests. 1 This vein of tin or is sid to stretch from the western part of Gaston county to Gafney, South Carolina, Iliiodc fl II. L. M.tdrou of Essex, Tenn., has sold to J. II. Haycs.of Haga man.N. C.andlie to G. C. Winkler of Boone, N. ("!., Vtn Wilkes bred by Tip Wiikes.he by Capt Wilkes, lie by George W ilkes, he by Rea Wil e and he by Jo. Van WilkH'dam was bell Boyd,she washy old Mauassas.ownedhy G. W, Pahner.of Sallville, Va. Belle Boyd s dam washy Sir Alfred, he by Import ed Diamond1. This hoiHe combines the best blood of America and. his colts are" large aiid stylish. Breed, ers of good stock should look after this young horse at once. You can. not go wrong to breed to V an Wilkes lie will be at the stables of G. C. Winkler at Hoone,N.C. the remain der of this season. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga county. Superior Court, June term I904 lames R. Phillip' vs. Amos Pies nell. Notice of summons by pub; licatinu, summons and warrant of attachment. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action wis issued a gainst said defendant on Feb. 29 I904, by Thos. Bingham Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga county for debt due said plaintiff by notes, which summons is return able to June term of Watauga conn ty on the thirteenth Monday after the st Monday in March, 1904, to wiujuns 6. I904. The defendant will take notice that a warrant of attachment was also issneed by said Clerk on Feb. 29, 1904, returna ble to said June term of the Supe rior Court for Watauga countv for 1904 at the time and place above named for the return of the sum mons, when and where the delend. ant is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be grant ed. This March 9, I904. Thos. Bingham C. S. C. .r; S f-Vff-y. Any. Gt'i the Most Out cf Your Food y;w d.;i:'t :nl enri't if your r-toinnch is reck. A iviik fi"iim'-li ilivs not di En?t iln.t i.i ui Jio.ii il; tiikcn into it. It ;;:!:! Ciul c:i!y, nnd what it fails to d!'f-t it' ;M1. Anviv.g tlio of n woafc rtnmach are r.n im.h1"! aft.-r, litu of nor voiia li v;ui in-! if.-. ..rid ciiyanrjualjlobcloh tog. "I hnvn t;iVon IIoo.-l's Sars.iparllln at dllTi'iviH tl:m i' (.r tuoiimrb troubles, and a run tSnwn fii'.i:::ilon o; t! o syclcm, iiikI Imvo bi't'ii rriatly li"m ii;rj ly its no, 1 would not hit witlumt It in my la -Tilly. I am trou b!od esj:--clU.- i:i Kiniini'-r v. ii'i v.oi k sloni ac!) i-.-srva Ht'd Unit K--.--.1'v oii-si;'rllla li-.vulii.'.: li. !'.. !!::: : W .Vl.vnwi; )'u. Hood's Sarz aoariUa cr.d Pids Si.rcn!'t!ion and tune tiio rtomscb and tbs v.'liuln diiMtive 8ys:U.'!n. SPECIAL NOTICE. To my friends and customers: I have just received a full mid com plete line of,.... WATCH MATHltlAL which I want to biTng to your no tice. Here are sotni; items:.,.., Waltham and Elgin watch springs, best on earth; every spring warran ted. Uiiial price ti.oo; niy pricee I5e-it American huir springs, 50c. Swiss hair m ins 25c. Hahincc wheel j.iwels C. & End Htones or cap jewels 25c. Halnnce staff, best grade made no imitation Usual prce $ 1.00; my price 50c Crystals, extra thick for open face." 25c. Medium open ense, 15c. Thin for hunting c.ihc ioc. Cleaning line irrade watches with chemicals, no chalk solution, 50c. Lost motion restored 5c. SEWING MACHINES cleaned and adjusfeed $1. to $2.s)o ' All kinds of e)e glasses scientili. cally filled. &aFH work guaranteed for one year. Come and see me when in town. Very truly, J. W. UK VAN. lEWEl.liH. Dlt 1) JENNINGS. HKSIDKNTDHNTIST, . 1) ANN Kit ELK. A. a Not hing hut thn best material lined and nil work done under a positive gu.ii'.'i ntee. Persons at a distance shculd not ity me a few dfiys in ndvance when I hey want work done. AlterM.reh the lrit, I have arraiered to b nt the Blackburn lbnua in Iloone on eac'aflrst Monday. Cull on ine. FARRAND ORGAN, Every home should have nn Or iraii with a. pure tone. Whether it's for classic production or for PO VV LA It MUSIC, The tone i an important feature in either case, and the tone of THF FA It RAN I) Im a mnsieul stnndard, mid it is t lined to the Standard interna tional pitch. If you are inter ested write me abou the FARILANI). C. T. Morrison, 'wholesale and'hktaii.) hickory; N. C. NOTICE. Entry No. 24:51) State of North Carolina, ''at nnjra County, office of Entry Ta ker for said county. Abner Gro lha locates and enters 50 fifty acres ofjand in Cave Creek town ship ott the waters ol Sharpe n Creek. Beginning on said Gro gan's coi ner, thence varioiiscour ses to George Haye' line, then ruii'dn',' with Hayes line to Jule 1st nh our's line, thence to said Haye line and with said Hayes line to the beirintiiti. Entered Feb. 15,1904. II. J. Hardin, Futry Tuksr. . DO VOT.WANT 8TRENGTHQ? If you'want loincreise yourstrength you must add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat mngt be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the net ves, blood and tissue before be fore being expelled from the intes. tines. Kotlol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical It gives strength to anl builds up strength in the hu man system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable and Ihe only combination of digestants that will digest the food and enable the iys tern to appropriate rll of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by M. B, Blackburn. NOTICE. Entry, No. 2440. Shite of North Carolina, Office of Entry taker for said county. J. (J. Greer eutersandlocatesone hundred acieH of bind on the va tersnf EIk River, in Shawneehaw township. Beginning on a chest nut on Mie horse bottom rijge in .). C. Greer's line and runs to Culver's line, thence with Cul ver's line to Wm, Vuncanon'H corner, theuee with Vuncanon's nnd Guiirniard's line to Barlow's line; hence with Barlow's line to J. M. Hvatt's line, thence with said Hue to J. C. Greer's line, t hence with said line to the be ginning. Entered Feb. 17, 1904. II. J. Hardin, Entry Taker. M ill Uery, Mv Stock of un-to-fl'ite Milli nery is ipiit. "catchy" uud I am prepared to suit tliinost laetid ious. Mv Prices are riu-hr. th. style ol goods considered I have added to my line a pret tv Btock ol pictures, stationery etc. Come and see me. Store on first floor ot Blair Ho tel. J.J.COFFEY. If V't'ii.ji. XS; GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. Lenoik N. ). Estimates furnished on all kinds of SPECIAL WORK. Send for II! '.stated Cat- alogueof Watehe, Jewelry, eta. T, S. COFFEY & GO. TV New Year has found as witb a neat and eom plete linof General Merchan dise that we hav decil- u t nell nn o very lit tie profit f r the next few wekrt in order to make room for our large Spring & Summer Stock. Dry Gooda, Gro ceries, notion, shoes in larjfn uKHsortment nnd almost anvtbing usually ket in a flrat Hast store. So if you are looking out for bargains You can always find them in our Ffore. Thin is no idle talk to trade, but is an absolute fact that can be ea sily verifi"il ny callinj? at our plaee. WV nUo constantly keep on hand a good assort- uient of HOME-TANNED LEATHER. at reasonnbe prices. Corn. oatH, rye.bnter, egart etc., wanted at the highest market price. A lot of hi.'M8, hats, and many other valuable artic le of merchandise that wil! go vr hilt t hey last at ABSOLUTE COST. We are anxious for your trade and will try to merit it by selling you honet good at honest pricem. Call on uu at th Coffey old stand. Thanking our patrons for past fvorn, itnd . earnestly, solicit ing 'a continuation of the sdtne, we beg to remain. Yoir Foil TRADE, T.B.COFFEY & CO. Uoone, N. C, lan. 28. ,