fig i 1i M v.- r V a. 4 i -ffatw 5 i Democrat. Published Every Thursday Pretty "Hallo..'' Pittsburg Dispatch, Why in It Ihnt ho m n n ,v pretty (jirln drift int: the tfl ephon hnsinepH? If .vou M not believe me i'lHt font nil a private exchange, put yonr pet on th Hek, puff .four ci ttir nnrl wmt for them to come a round. You need no advertise. They will find you out. It nine out of every ten who cull on you are not the P'e tie8tsen, tbfn I'll satiny hut. Of course you'll ehonfx the prettiest. If you -neei more than one you will hoh .t'iree Queens. I epeak by the rani. In addition to beinn: pretty the nvtraun telephone Kirl Ihh fairly bright proposi t ion.- There h more human nature humming its wax back and forth over-the tele phone wires than there i'h elef tricH I current, and the tple phone ffirl tin a rule is dead next and Renerally d e n d wise. Few of thefte irirln arrow to be old. maids don't hifve to. see. Lota of nrttv Me cent fellows fall in lore with ; :the voices first and marry t the Kin afterward. And eold teeth! Every biased tele r ' phone cirl I know has n cold tooth. If yon don't believe . ' .1 1110 jumi fun in your teiepnone ." ":'M iirl and huva linn uKm t' .....I..-.. 1 k : . 1 1 t her teeth. Now it's up to you, I Every vlerkwhonld practice V polilenews. The younir man -or woman who works today in uuj ru 1 m n i, v uuun n pien ty of opportunities to check nttenim e a n d mannerism thntraay be "smurt" and teuipomrily self eatisfyin, tint wbjrh leaves a utinir on- "?K 'on the other party'n memo ry. Hew to the straight line I '-of pite;ieHS. It muy he a A f narrow' path some times, ho ' inarrowins to be almost im !Vtlm88ible, but reyiember that u.'j anure r neH more upon , the HUthor of it than any one i- frlse. The a retail if l.. ..... a. , il uuuse nuuu nuns iiiii courre is an inestimable aid to success. People express them Mvpa with meat rearlinesn hnd fluency reganiiug the tore employef.Thp employ 1 i i uniiorii ouuu uniin .Ulllti Ul jUthis talk, If it is fayoruble. ,the flerk soon Ret the bene- ; jflt if otherwise the c I e r k 'v ' nuickly j?ets the reHults. Thin : especially true in strati ; ' uns. The clerk who is u r, yrne ladv or Ketitb-nian has no difllculty in impressing i jthin fact upon.viHitorH to the ,jfore. PerHouahty' lelln the itory. A polite, peasant clerk jflias a wide and still widening Vrircle of friemls to help in bus ? 'iaefR by word.patronnKeand influence, while the k r n ff, rly or "smart l" clerk is in oc water hi tue tutiA nnt i. is tnrown out on the hnnkk- ... . forgetfulnesH. The Retail and Advertiser. POTATION hurt too 14 4f M Urn wltfcat f hiim.1 mt th kwwal. Dot txlnf ibl to , mrn Umb oim br uln kot mtw lojMtloot. ': ,hrout oxaUpsUoa tot hiu irt placid b la kM tmibl eoutfliloai dutlnf Uwl II m I did it - tf lalBC 1 smi4 ol but novo? found nr ralitfi tneh t,' "t I bocid Mini CA8CAHKTB. I , tm (ran on to Mum (uhim a air. and It I n rkia I oaM ft IKUOO (or aaea biotibibI II ' 4 Uaa rallaf." Aruiiu L. Ilvrr, i ' im UaaMll Bu DatrolL Hick. CATHARTIC jl Ptlalablo. eotaat. Vmb Good. Da , wauan. or (..ia, Uc.Hki.iO. TbelTtj tOp;ll Content. The second Prenidiit of the United States-John Aduns used to relate the folowinK incident, showing how a wine father conquered a hoy's dirt inclination to study: When I was a boy 1 uned to Htudy Latin grammar; but it was dull and I bated it, My father was ar.xiom to send m to college and there fore I studied the grammar till ! could stand it no long' er; and. going to my father, I told him that I did not like to study ana asked for some other employment. My father mm id, "Wei I John if Latin grammar does not suit you. try ditching per haps that will. My meadow yonder needs u ditch, a n d you may put by Latin and try it. This seemed a very .delight fill change and to the mend ow I went. But soon I found ditching harder than Latin nnd the first forenoon was the longest lever experience ed. That day 1 ute the bread of labor and glad was I when njght Came on. That night I made some comparison be tween Latin grammar and ikchinsr, but said not a woid about it. 1 dug next forenoon and wanted to leturn to Latin at dinner, but it was hniniliii- ingandl could not do it. At night toil conquered nride and, though it was oneof the nrtritfNl llllllH 1 f ver lldU III my fife, I told my father that if he chose I would , go .back to Latin grammar. , ..: . i. t ' !. He was glad of it, aud it 1 have since gined any dis- iaction, it has been owing to the two ilays' labor in hat dittb.-Seletted. Wilmington Snr. This rom the Washington I'ost indicates plainly that our contemporary is thoroughly acquainted with the situa tion down here; "When you rend nn HCimnf nf i unlit in the Rennhlieiin nnrtw in "jo ppUte, low of trongth. nervou lUB nepuoin an parry in a nws, headache, constipation, bad breath, Southern State, it is a Ma'e J.8nul deb'my. ur rWnga. and catarrh ol .... . the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol Wtlger tnat the:neroes Hld; cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre- the postmasters nlpfSj to agree on a question of i rlest known tonlo and reconstructive ,uli-u.v " ffopertles. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does no! pa It.) pOllf.V. only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thU ' famous remedy cures all stomach troubles . ty ciejnjing, pUrIfytne. sweetening and The imposed i m peach men t h"'" 8 ,he mucous membranes lining of Federal Judge Swiyne of .Mr-s svft"'; Rwood. w. v.. uri- . ... rl"WwUh aour stomach for twentryeirs. V lonna is worrying reputm (Brb.b5u" m "" utln( " to " ean senators. I hey fear the proceed kigs will keep them in u nsmiigcon during the sum tner. Ex. Oceasionally a girl marries because she wants to marry. hut the majority marry be cause they don't want to re main single, o Bean la tgaatare of .BTOIITA. IM Ui toil Ha'g Alwajs Boupt Occhsionally a girl goes a broad to develop her voice. but the miijority stay at liotue nfi'1 get married. DeWltt's JK., SaJy For Pltos, Burns, 8ore. Soineboil.v asked I be ('bar lorte Otmrver tin otter da if it ever knew a negro to di an old bachelor Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Dlgotts what yea eat A'lgu.sra lironi"le: Ot course it's all well enough to increase the jiav d congress men nnd yet o'i probable never heard ot a man r funi u to run for congress on h count of I he small py. ; Political Picholoyy. A stranger wilkei into th lot.t'y of the Fasui.v Hotel yesterday afternoon atvl be- gan tolescfiht on the won'pains. defs of psychology. He snid be was a spe-iiilistin tiiol sciencennd talked for some tinie about the e ff ec t of man's ODinions upon his per 8(nal appearance. ,,Wliv." he continued "lean look .nr a man and tell his political preference It is a very situ pie matter to tell a Democrat from a Republican. Down here you are all Democrats, but though it is a very hard task I can tell a man's lavor ite for the Presidential noaii nation by looking at him." "i;igar fr lb crowd that jou can t" sal. I a bystander. "Don." said the mind read r. VI on yourself are for leveland." He was riirht but thesenffer muttered "an accident." ".You," he paid to another, "prefer Parker." He whs riirht a c h i n and "Woiideiful." said thecrowd. TurningJ;o another hesaid "you are for Hearst." "Yon are a liar," wastln unexpect ed response. "I have bepn eick; thats the reason Hook this way." Thomas viKe Gi. Times Euterprisje. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Vnnr I lfaa..,l Tod cad twrniMlAf anw r-. nfi-i y ' Krong, magnetic, full of M make wk mn Mroog. MiajSnl ten Poandi in ten (Uji. orer BOO. BOO MmSd?.?11 Address 8T8RI.INQ HSJUDY CO, thiemgo or New York. J Present day pilgriuis try to make the first day's man na last lor seven; OA8VOZ12A. -:Bntiw Tin Kind Yrc Hw Kmn Ben olfnatort of In some ol the rural dis tricts of 'Germany the ex penses of a marriage fvast aii' lioniM v theuiixMtk. Sour Stomach Kodol Digests What Yon Eat. BottlMOBhr. ;$l.00 Size holdlnf2 Hnw.thoMal alia, which aells for 60 cant, "pared by E. 0. DaWITT OO., 0HI0AQO 111 3 Morning Pest. 1. ALIGH, N. C The only popular-priced morn, ng newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and geu eral tiewn service. . Special correspondents in a I ) parts of the State civing a com. plete synopsis ot State news. BUBhcniPTioN phice: One month f To months 4. .40 .75 Three montha. 1.00, One year. 4.00. STRICTLY IN 'ADVANCE. No Dauer continued be'vond t.h time pmd for. Bi nd in your subscription. Addrkps THE MORNING POST, Raleigh. N. ( sxea.-iUHOK k v is 1 f iWSJ'fl.'HS. MT'iv aloalr amort la. rea, , , Va-"'a poomt ntl-U. CM;.: ,.'. . .. T .' la Airanea. V... h.ip 4 . . j- ... , , . ' Pat-m'i I .k.n tbrvuKn y,n:n c. a-.i.'i(witi.s 85lH7tFK1 tm'.W, nlirnlj IHimpiln:, lireo. ciiu!.iiwi mi fUtui nMWilia. frarlnHHi !;.', HOOH I)'.! '.Tfc'.Tl .. ! n a Draakftrd. (j y want ;, .,, ,..0 ,; H v,lU lVHnr to h, if , wn, H:,1M. If ,ou want to, .'hfiic vdij?-,' snlf. If you want to bernuif a fool. If you wiuit to llp i itin I others. , i 1 , on want-to starve your fauiily, If ou Hi'tit to lose Vi'iW position. If yu y'in to becou e i: liuisiince If you wnnt to ruin votn cha racier. If yon want to exert a iii influence. If you wunt to distio.v your reputuiion. ' If .vou want to difgract your children. ' If you WHtit to fill h ill link iird'n grave. If you wnnt to lie a (lis gnce pi the cotiimunitv. If you wunt to d e s t m y your prospects in life. If VOU Wllllt tO itiMJUMlifv yuiiiseli for nny good posi tion. -And saddest of. all if you wnnt to ruin your soul ami lie eternally burred fnm heaven. A debt of uratituiie lsnftrn the hardest kind , to cullei r NOTICE. Hnviusr nualifletl ns mlminiu- trator of the estate of Adolplms Penlev. Sr.. deceaspd. Inte ol W'a taujra county, N.'Ctliis is to no' ui.v tin peiMHiH nn ving c iiiikk ii- gainst the tateot the t-aitt ile-i ceased ro txliibit tin m to the n ' dersijrned on or lietore tlieGt . day of Feb. 1905, or this not if will he plead in bar of their tecov erv. All persons indeStid to paid estate will please u.ale immedi ate payment. Feb. ID,- ()04, ! ADOIFHUS 1' EN LEY. A(!m. ' F. A. Linney, Atty. We are eoihg to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to Users of lion Coffee '. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we M nave alwavs Civen our cnstrmri hn ft In Addition t mo same L,ion-Heads will entitle yoa to esthuatPt ia r Grand PrUn ronHii wh mtM make ,me ol our patrons rich men 'and women. You can s.nd5iu 'a lmany JZird iJ 't TWO GREAT OOWTSSTS ' UranU nrSI rrlZQ !! I Five, Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a 2 cent stamp entitle you (In addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: fiSft- WORLD'S FAir? WS?. IT?Ibw?i.i,0,, J.u,7 h arteudauea at tba St. Inl World a Palrt At Lhicaeo. Jnlr 4, 1833, tha atlondauc, wm 2f ;j For neareit correct estimates received ia Woolnon Pnica Com Irtva Brit prize tor the nearest correct cat mate, tecond prize to tba aext neareit. etc., otc, as follotri: ' u p"lm lo 1 KeVndPrlii M.aOO.OO i8fflSf88S8 : :::::::: S 2139 FBI1EI. TOTAL. ISO.non rwn 4279 Distributed fo (hi Publio imirilln tlR nnn nn i. -jjuf. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN LUPIjI off ; (MM), I .LII'IiWi-i ); iiilm,Xili,U.m;M.ilui.j.iiiiil,n.Jjlj ft AVcgetable Preparationfor As similating UteFoodandRegula ting theStoinachs and Bowels of Promntes DiSesHnn.Clieerfur- ness and Rest. Contains neilher . uplum.Morplune norftuieraL Not Narcotic. Ay tOUn-SAKVELPtTCim A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tlon, Sour Slomarh. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jevcrish ness and Los9 OF SLEEP. Facsimile) Signature of NEW YORK. Jill exact copy or wrapper. I I nriilun iii Iimih M ' M 1 1 ' I ' l VI ! about 4(,(j0() m-rm. What ilid Adam ,md do when Ihev' were expelled jfroui ICifen? Th-y riHwdl'nin CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tfei Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the JMtUl o O A a hero worshiper the. matinee girl takes thenipdnlj the !. ' 1 11 - -- 1 m , Cos's mm Away fo leers ol? sl&rFrBflnBmiums. m hft.W'W E H lJI"ecnc m WiWV.VlJ contest!, Mn muiurs coNTPftT leooprlsaa- 2139 PSIZEI, ES I 1 1... 111 For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of me eiNTaun eoawir. Tl .IJIIJMI We proruptly obtaii mMm Send model, sketch or pi oto ol hmntloD loi froereport on patentability. For free book HowtoeecareTDinc UDlr0 Hte rTKentana I MrlLcL rjr1lll0 fo Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D.C. I. Spain iiMH no iiwrage of 3."0() honra of Miiicdime a year. ' fc s nearest correct on both and thus your estimates hare two 01 winning a Dig casn prize, Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The a cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es timate is recorded. As At tl rtt . U .IV I Signature AXT 1 Jhll N$ Use TJi For Over Thirty Years m im nmnmix j- 1 PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST W hat win be tba total Popular Vote cait for ?muit f.f iWS:;:;::;:::""""lS io rnsei ioo.oo '8x2 22 20 Prizes- 60 OO " J'SSS SS 00 Prises- 20.00 VV'I'SSSS a:on 2.800.00 ..9.000.00 TOTAX. 120.000.00 4279 .... 7?. ... - EVERY PACKAGE OF ,UWB CONSTIPAT:3M. ... ftf tinny, r i. um it, et Kodol Dyspepsia Curo W00L8ON 8PICE CO., (CONTEST DEPT.) vtgo wnai you fata TOLEDO, OHIO. ; - Ae.' .k. t

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