r"T" 1 i tr A 6"TiirTh voL.xyi. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY APRIL 21, 1904. NO. 6. SLID. 4 4 r. ft Bronchitis "I have kept Ayers Cherry Pec toral In my house tor a great many yean. It ia the beat medicine in the world for coughs and colda." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. TWu tUm I ZJc, He, fl. AHarantabh . Oowalt fnmr doctor. It h mti tak it, tbea m h mj. If tn tolu Jam Bot to tok it, tbra dun'! Uk lb He kwnra. Ln U wtth him. W r willing. I I " . U. AIM VOL. MWU, UN. PROFESSIONAL. Todd & Ballon. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the cou.it a- Special attention given to col tion, 1-6-4.- F, A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY" AT LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of chin and surrounding coun lies. Prompt attention giv n to the collection of claims and .all other business of a If jral nature. 612 '04. EDMUND JONES, LATJ YER -LENOIR, N. C Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of JYata uga, 61. '03, J. C. FLETCHER, Attorn; At Law, BOQNE.N.C. Careful attention given' to collections. E. F. LOVILLr ATTORNEY AT LAW, V -BOOSE, N. C- Special attention Riven to all business entrusted to hkcare.Tl 11 '04. E. S. COFFEY If -ATWRSE7A1 LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. tar Abstracting titles and collection of ' claims a special ty. 1-1 '04. 3 W.ILBOWKB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'j. Lenoir, H. C. Practices in the courts of VCaldwell, Watantra, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to till legal mat tere en trusted to Ins care. Da. J. M. HOGSHEAD Cancer Specialist, .BANNER'S ELK. N C Ao Knife; No Burning 4 'at. : Digheet refereuces and eudors ruents of proniinert perwous sue eessfully treated In 'Va.. Twin. ,'. ,and N. C. Remember tha t then . is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no- matter : hour small. Examination free, "letters answered promptly, and "fUtitfactiPfl jaaranteea. WASHINGTON LETTER. Froa our Kef Blar Cor r. pendent. Lptinlatioii i n CongivM proceeds slutTKifhl.v auain, but it is probable that b.v May I there tna be effrcted n round-up of "those cattle" at the President faoethusly chIIh the law-makers a; the other end of th Avenue. Th Senate eterday indnked it self in sixteen ferenteulrKieH f the late SnHtor Mark Hannn, at leant I w of thfin, deli voted by men who were tiot ou ejieakinu terms will) him for many months. Sen ntor Foraker's frink sp-h Wbsonthe lenlurs eilif ol impropriety. Yet it was an oivasion of deep sincerity and even of real emotion. ann suggested the upoNtri'phe ci Shakespeare; '"0 miRht.v Cae sari Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure?" The reverberation of stump speeches for the campaign in Senate and House has been succeeded by much quiet coin,- ment on Ueveianu letter endorsing Judge Parker. Some think it was inodpor tune and premature; other, that it will tend to unify a discordant and dissevered party, Perhaps thedominant conclusion is that it will make no particular difference: that, as Judge Parker has heen Mr. Bryan's personal friend and voted for bim. iu 1896, and 1900, and as he is Mr. (jorman.s second choice; ami as Tammany is not really hostily, the aencial effect of the letter ill uot be harm ful. It has been arranged that the transfer ol the Panama caual property to the Umteu States sbill take placeatour empasHV in Paris ou April 25th, if the stockholders agree. A formal appeal will be made against the recent decision of the preach rourt in favor o' thesulnof thecoti cessions and property to American, butthuisdeclared "dilatory" and the high con tracting parties willgouheuri The members of the canal commission bad an "ovation' and luncheon at Panama on the Oth and were welcomed by President Amador. Mean time gold has gone down and prices up in Panama, and a strike is announced, fully equipped with resolut ion, demands, walking dele gates, and liojcitls of Uncle Sam's outfit of excavation. Tie labor trgatiizutions here and their represent a lives from other parts ot the country have lieen thrown in to a condition of iuexting uithablernge bv what they call the duplicity and b.v pro- ARK TOT A DYSPEPTIC? If yon are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and your friendu to gei well. Dyspepsia Hiinn the dtspep tic' iriinii necausc hittdiacaH "our hi dwpoiuiiit ui well as hiti atom iich.'KuJol Uvspepsia Lure will not enly cure dyspepsia, r.Jigeston and tour stomach, out ihib pt latable, re constructive to..1'': digestant strength ens th? whole digestivj nppa'atus, and swittens Tie 1 i as well a the tom;ich. 'Vhen voutake Klol Dys peosia ore the t ynu eu is en joted It in di."-''l.a.-ii;.i a ! J its nutrent properties ap;rpriar-u by the blood tissues. Health is the result. Sold by M. B. Blackburn.. Ii-iiuv i J thu rtpiinftii-un nnrtv in relation to labor legislate ion. Mr. Gompersissoanirrv that uncontrollable emotion dams the flow of bis talk. For ten years now a Repub lican Congress has promised to pass an eight hour law and antMnjiHiction law, for the protection of the media n icsaud other manual laborers tf the land. But every year on tha close approach of adjournment they have switt hed the industrial train off the track. This week the track hos been turned again, the committee on Labor in the H )use has held a god many meetings this winter, has heard a host of witnesses who came here from all parts of the country at their own ex pens ', and has made voluminous and vociferous that now CougreBS would pass the law which laboring men require. Congressman v'iardiner.Rep , of New Jersey, authoritative! repeated this solemn pledge only last week, put this week the Re publicans of the committed have concluded not to puss or report any bill "this time" and have referred the whole question to Cortelyou of the Department of Commerceatid Labor, to report in the dim future. The Federation of Labor, the Knights of Labor, and alt other associotions of labor, until and nonunion, declare tbat they have been misled, deceived, defranded, hocus-pocused, and, in short, lied to very deiberately and systematically, and they are correspondingly resentful, outraged, and dhuusiel. Ex-Senator Charles A. Towne, of Michigan Min nesota and New York, is consideradly talked of in the dark horse category of Dem ocratic candidates. He was a member of the Senate three weeks and made one notable speeches which attracted much attention, against the subjugation of the Filipinos. At the conclusion of his sheeeh while receiving con gratulations Senator Depew sidled up to him and took himjb thehanlj.Mr. Towne' sdid Senator Depew, with ap propriate condescension "I congreatulate you, eir! You delivery was fine, your diet ion elegant, you t eroration nuperb, and your argument.1 Senator Towne iustantly replied, "Mr. Depew, 1 am deli nh ted to know tbat you approve of the only features of it you 'auldcoinpredend." The witty r 'tort is still plena antlv repeated at the Cap itol. Easter Monday was ogg i oiling day in this city a holiday peculiar to Wash ingt.in. Early in the morning thosands of children deaded for the white House, armed with r ttkets of boiled egg GOOD FOR CHlLDRBN. The pleasant to take and harmless (jue Minute Cough Cure gives im mediate relief in all cases of Cough roup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the atom ach but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the in flammation heals aud soothes and cures permnneii:lv by enabling the lungs to contribute litcgivitig and lifesu!aini'j oxvgen to the Mood tissue One Mi'iute Cotig'i ia pleasant to txke nnd it m pwi like for v'i w M .J ),; b, M, D. BUwyff ... of flamboyant colors, oil teady for the great game. It consists in flinging the eggs uphill and down and then gathering again as many as' possibly. Before sunset the White House lawn was a eight to behold. covered with paper, brokfn victuafs. eggs, and eggsheels, and everything that could dese crate it. A street cleanhing brigade has been busy ever since trying to clean it up and restore the lawn to its normal colot. Loads of stuff have been cared off. It is to b" hoped that this imbecile game will not become. cou tagious. Tbe lawn festival of the Countess, kCassini, daughter of the Russian ambassador, lor the benfit of the Czar's Red Cross Society, will begin on the 27th... Doctor Mary walker is lecturing here on consumption. On the 1st Senator Depew tried to pick up a pocket. book Lear the Capitol. He says it was nailed down just like tbe Vander bilts. The Supreme Court has not yet decided the case of Turner, ordered deported as an anarchist. Col. Edward, "Chief of tbe Insular Bureau" has gone to St. Louis to pose the Philipine exhibit. Postmaster General Payne has gone to Old Point Com tort to reruperate. Senator Burton is here again but will not resume bis seat in Con gress next week. Then what? Secretary Moody dec lares that the president has always paid the entire ex penses of the yachts he and his family have used who did be pay? . the Best family alve DeWitt's Witch tlazel gives in stunt relief from tf urns, cures Cuts, Bruises, gores. Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying W itch Hazel Salve it is only neces- sarv to see that you get the genuine DeWitt's and a care is certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on the market, all of which are worthless, and quite few arcdangerous, while DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is per fectly harmless and cures. Sold by M. B. Bbckburn. The administration iscnre- ful to have the United States mints break all gold coinage records before the presidential election. a cure fob headache Any man. woman or child suffer ing from head-ache, biliousness or a dull, drowsy feeling should take ode or two of DeWitt's Little- Early Risers night and marning. These famous little pills are atamous be cause thev are a tonic as well as a pill. While they cleanse the system thev strengthen and repubild it by ineir ionic enect upon tne uve anu bowels. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. A Lesson for Wives. Nothing under heaven cuts the grit irom under a man quicker than does discord and unhappmess iu his home. Sm men but tbey are rare ex.eptions areRtrong enough to be some thing in spite of home troubles. The m a u whose wife makes an nnplens ant home for him knows a good deal abont hell long be fore be dies. And ou theother band a man whose wife makes a pleasant -home for him is thrice armed and pan oplied for lile's batiks mid haren will not seem Strang to him. Monro Enqnirei. OAQTOIIIA. tmitH Ta Kia Yea Haw Ahrayi BaotjL Tracing the Leaks. Washington Capital "I have stopped talking to you fellows about tbe plAns of this department." bluntly declared Secretary Sbaw to a newspaper friend theother day. Ml know, of course that I can trust you but 1 have learned not to talk. to anybody when f am maturingan important move ment. Now take this last re funding operation. Why man I said nothing to anybody about that andj'still news of it leaked out before I was ready for it," "How did it get out?" ask ed the newspaper man. The keen, gray eyes of tbe Secretary of the Treasury twinkled. He sciewed up bis face until it looked like a fun ny mask. "That's what I'd like to know," he said. "Do yon know," he went on to say. "since I coma to think it over I do remember that I wrote one letter about it.' "To whom?" insisted the inquisitorial journalist. "To the President, sir, to tbe President sir," exclaimed Mr. Sbaw, "but I clean tor- got to tell him not to say uothtng about it." Facts aboat BsSsuu Two and one half timrs as large as tbe United States and Alaska. 30,000 miles of coast line; half of it ice-bound. 36,000 miles of railroad, of it owned by the; govern ment. The United States has 53 times as many miles of tele graph, and send 15 times as much mail. The United States has 23 limes as many factories. One twentieth as mu-'h coal produced, and one sixth as much iron us in the United States. Total exports, 320,000, 000. Next to the United States asa grain produciug country. Populations G6 per cent, Pole 7 percent, Finns 5 per cent. Tnrco Tartars. 9 per cent.and Jews 3 per cent. Average laborer gt one fourth as tnuMi wjges as in the United States. Only 90 daily papers. Tbe World's Work. President Roosevelt is try ing to bereulconservative(!) because be does not regard this as his own administra tion but as the Ailing out ol that of bis predecessor. AH he asks is a free rein in bis own administration. Then something is going to drop OASTOXIXA. FARM FOR SALE, Sixty or seventy acres ol well watered and well-laying lands, lying 7 miles from Boune on the Jefferson road. Fine orchard of apples, peaches aud cuerriee.; al so double cribs, good stable and smt.ke I) nine, the dwelling was burner!. The lann is a bargain at the price $800 as it contains about 20 or 25 acres of tine bot tan land. Parties intern ted will C ill on R. U Moretz, as he live noar the place, or write to me at S'mun's X Roads, Tenn,, and I will meet thtni there. , AL ZANDER CROWDER , mm TO0UDLBO tlMwUhSoetm. IttasXTkMS , tlMwttfcSMtm. ItltrtMffBU Mm I takV'-MM. CAftOUM kuamN. PmsmKis. W. VaV Mt II If your liver don MtaetNf many go toyoor draraist aa Black-Driuwht and take Am four a DackaM f iMdlora toaifht ht This gTSat family nsdieiM frses tht eonatlpatM bowels, stirs up ths torpid lira s up tbs torpid Itvtr a Withy sscrstlM and m of bila. Thedford's Black -Dnofkt will cleanse tha bawtla of im parl tits an rtrmftkaa tbs kid sera. A torpid liver krrisss colda, bilioojMss, chills sad fever and alt maaasr of tick aeea and contagion. Weak kid neys result ia BriBtt's diaeaaa which claims as many victims as eonaumptioa. A 25-eni BrauiSii of Thedford's Black- sugkt sbonM always M kapt ia tha botue. ' -I m ndfWPs BhMfe Draaaat t ttrm M4klav H mimimU h4 Umm4 aothlaf St asaal THEDFO0'3 rLA(- I1B6HT 4 Mixed Sehoali law Inatioafd. Mr Scott, resuming, bad . read the laws of New York signed by Mr. Cleveland, while governor, providii for mixed schools O'tl&cgt Mr. Cleveland had denied this, he said it was easy for , a man to forget a matter ot twenty years ago. He was willing to concede that tbt expresident had forgotton abont the law. He also refer- -red to the denials' of Mr. ' Cleveland of oharges by . Thomas Watson, of Georgia that the ex-president bid nominated a negro, Charles H. Taylor, as minister tc a South American republic, be eausein 1893 Mr. Cleveland hah nominated Taylor to Roliyia. If tha democrats did not wish tomakean issue of the negro question, why did they initiate discussion of it? He did not undertand why .some gentleman shonld hold up tbe bugaboo of negro, domination. "Are you really afraid?" be inquired of tbe democratic side, "or are yon only pretending to be afraid? Will they tell us that bot for this cry the south would still be the solid south? Glory is the deification of egotism. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist las Mactvcrar af Iwaaia-SsM at Wark to lis batratarr. ' ' There la a diaeaaa prevailing la this country moat dangeroua baeauaa aa decep tive. Many sudden deaths ara caused try It heart diaeaaa. pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy ara often tha result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble la allowed to ad vance tha kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital orpins, or tha kidneya themeelvee break down and .waste away cell by calk ' Then the richness of tha bloodthe albumaa leaks out and the sufferer haa BrirhJ'a . Dlseasa, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kllmer'a Swamp-Root tha new dta covery ia the true specif io for kidney. Madder . and urinary troubles. It has cured thoaaaads . ; af apparently hopeless cases, after all ether efforts have failed. At druftUH la fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle seat froa by mail, also a book telling about Swamp : Root and its wonderful cures. Address ' Dr. Kilmer & Co.. BlnfhamtOQ, N. T. sad . Bantioa this paper. .I