Watauja Democrat Robert C. Rivers, r Editor ani Proprietor. Thursday" April 211904''. Aside from polictics this community will have other '"tilings to call tortH our intor est Sod support Ihissummer. The bulltlinsr of a new modern ana up to date court bouse, together fith. the erection of the new eetfeQ thousand dol lar -Traiumg School building will not onl? add to the buni f'neas fife 'of the town and coin immunity but will show in; a very marked degree that e ure waking" from onr long jleepof inactivity, and tak ing oo new life. Indeed our people bavtt be- ,gun already tq manifest! a jj true spirit of progress ;in nianv ways. With the new Court house, and in the nenr Jfuture the 'Training School" I thoroughly established ainl equipped. A 1 good bunking system, together with other JAntArnHDaa trill nAKfra nltii -UIVIM Jro nill IIT-ITI7. Will .people on to greater nphie'v sptits'ln other things." We trUs tfiaffwe a're surely mflk ing up nuir poseibilitieB aod assured successes. ,; ' 4We.fiay emphatically that :weknow of no inland town .and county wiih more flatter jng prospects than ours. Our lands are fertile, a fine "grazing section ffith an abundance of timber cob stantly in demand, the prices of cattle and horses are high with good markets, we see qo reason why we should not be a prosperous and happy people. ' With theproper energv and thrift together with good business tact we can make fWT town and county one of I he best in tne state. Blowing Hock and other villa ge a are contributing their share In the onward inarch of progress. . We trust that we may be pardoned for any Hieinintr ex ultationiti themattersabove referred to, and with thekind in iulgenca of th render we Will notice some of the bus: ness interest already at work in onr little town. . . Blackburn House. Here we tind an up to date rock of goods, a first clans Hotel with the kind and JOiirteous proprietor and young ladies ready to wait upon you! with the utmost kindness. Here also Uncle Sam delivers our mail. Coffey Hotel & Mercan tile Co., Here the genial and clever young proprietor with his at tendants look closely after the welfare of .their guests. ,Thej also carry a heavy line . of staple und fancy goods their customers are al whys nleflfted with th rtiAt-L- ed 'attention shown them When they yisit their place. (Contfnuered on inge 3) ' PKOUKAM. ;Of 'the first annual Com met c 'men t of the Appalach ian Training School Sunduy 24 ft) At II.A.m Si" RerL. P. Rogle. Monday, 11, a. to. Reunion of the Literary societies 2. p. qj. Declamation? testations, (general speaking. 8. p. ui. jrercises, by the Primary Ji'partuient. - Tuesday. 10, a.jn.. Debate. 5, p. in.. Orations 8. p. ry. 1 j concert. ; OASTORIA. Swrktt y l 'i Km Haw klmn P"g! - , White Jurry Cause Irauble.1 ' Attorney J. C. L. Harris, of Raleigh, has gone to Wash" ington to apply to Associate Justice II a rlsn, of the United States supreme court, for a writ of error, in the case of Alfred Daniels, colored, under death sentence for murdering the lather of Uiiited State Senator Simmons1 Harris passes bis application upon the ground that i bf re wax discrimination against Din iels on acount of bis race, and that the commissioners of .lonen oantv, where he was tried, had no names ol negroes in the jury box. " A Thirty Thousand Uolltr Steal. The biggest and the slickest fraud upon the goner nmenr known in. North Carolina have been u n ea r t h e d at Milton. Onsvvell County, in this, reuniting in the convh;- t.ion of one or more Federal officeholders, and involving the Collector of Inetnul Revenue's offlice in Rilfigh. Elsewhere we publish a detailed statement, showing how the fraud was conceived and earieil out. It shows that the Internal Revenue officer", whose duty it was tD protect tbegove-nment, wpre in collusion with the distiller and that the office in Raleigh seem to be open to the eevt .est criticism. Mr Duncan is riot in Raleigh It is not believed he knew of the swinding operations, but the method conducting busi ness in bis offica seems to have permit te-i the successful carrying out the fraud by officials under him, or at least did not prevent the traud. The gentleman who furnished the information seems to think that Mr. Duncan's bond will have to stand the Ions. As to the magnitude of the crime there can lw no two opinions. The guilty aien, the rectifier and the sworn officials should be giyen the f ill penalty of the law. Judge B yd has said he intended to make an example of officials who connived at swindling the government, ind here is the time for him to do HO. No comment is made upon the suggestion that if Mr Duncan's officials method had kept the lawful check upon the unoreis the frauds could not have been commit ted, but we will await his return to the city and print his statement with icferne to the matter. Morning Post: . From inside Port Artl.ur report s, t l.e " vello v hea t hen ' are great rnngefinders. SNTCHE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Bend for fret umple. SCOTT k BOWNR, Chemlrt. -4i&.Fu:l frejt ftr Vot. i-.. fi.w j all drugghu Retttlatliuu of Respect. W h e r e a God fin his providence has taken from our Hundny hoot and Mis sionary Society our little friend and member Pat tie Profit who departed this life and crossed the storuuy-.ri.ver Maivh 13th 11)04 aged 15 yrs .Her pure spirit was waft ed on jtolden wings of spot less ungela to the pearly gates of heawen. Her afflic tion was short a nil her suffer inir itrent vet shp itiisnH peacefully away like falling sieep ner uvmg was like snatchimr a sweet scented flower from our midst the flower gone but the periume lin ers. , Resolved first. That while we feel their Iosh and oui we HiibmiMhivel.v bow to the will ot Hi in who Uoelh all things well. i Resolved second That we tenner our 8,v in pa thy to the stricken famil.v uud assure th"in that in their sorrow we deeply share und pray that they may in this dark hour realin Iry bli'KHed experience the riches ot Ihe u r o ml s e "Mv grace is sullicient for thee." Resolved third Thatacopy oflhpse resolutions he sent to the bereaved family also a copy be spread on the rec ord of the Sunday Sihool and Missionary Society also that a vony besenr the North Carolina Christian Advocate and Watauga Democrat with a request to publishthe same. Mrs. Collie Hollers, Mrs. Mamie Mat Miss Maggie Hinaen. MAKES A CLEAN SWKEC There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly.' Of all the Slaves you ever heard of, Bucltlen's Aniica Salve is the best. It nweeps away an1 cuies Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers. Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, pud guaran. teed to give satisfaction by 1. B Blackburn. Southern Prosperity Th marvelous develop- m r.of the South along ag ri'-ul 1 1; 1 al u rid ma n nf act u riug lines is attracting more than ordinary attention in the col urns of the daily press. This section of the country is no longer spoken ofas being im poverished or backward by any well informed person1 The long predicted prosperi ty of the ' New South" hns arrived and more new indu tries ore sprinting to l ie on this side of the line than in any other part of the coun tr?. Capital is coining South ward iu large quantities at tracted by the unusually fine field for investment. Thefts t clans of homeseekers iu search of unoccupied and productive furin lands is com ing from the North; and from there too come invest orw and manufacturers wh j desire to invest their money in the most advantageoie places in the country. The South is now fu'l.v awake to her numibihtieu. She realiz a her wealth and understands how to utilize her grain and cotton fields, her forests and orchards; her mines aud wu ter powers. The lesaon of productiveneNS has been full v learned by the South and to day she holds out the band of welcome to all who wou.'d woo the Goddess of Fortune To the farmer particularly the Land of Dixie presents alluring opportunities. With exceptionally fiirie climatic condiiioits, tiiifqutflcd water suppiii s n ul proil ueti e lauds there ii a eritahli El Dorado waiting lor t'i'4iiiculturi(i. Theonili v 11 ins uioiehrm IlodoS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat DoWttT's Galvo Fcr Piles, Burnti Sores. era men of evperieric' men who know how to till, lh" soil arid succe.'d. The right kinds oj lands -are available they, may pe had in any s;zed place desired and at extreme ly low i i -es. v The tenanr farmer of the North can be come a farm owner in the South. The Northern staten today are filled with farmers who are out a tardy exUr ence. To these especially the Sunny Sonth extemls an in yitHtion to come to a pros perous section, where "ihe sweat of tl:eir brows" will ultimately attain for them a comfortable Independence. Slews And Observer. AH For The Best. "Yes, sir, 1 alwys hiiye Im lieved Pre vitlence does ever thing for the best!'' 'How ,'bout "that Mart h harricome?" "Split the trees to kindlia' woodstove leiijjtlil" "Well, how 'bout the airthquake?" "Swallered thJ land ten minuter !fore tin sheriff come to levy on jt-praisc Goill'' The reason whv the people want Jude Parker notriinat ed is because he is a true Democrat, and still he does not let bolitieal brejudice in terfere with the discharge of duty. When e v r y othei Democratic nominee, went down in defeat, be was elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Conrt of New Y.irk. The peo ..1 - 1 a I ' . : pie iiavf? confluence u nini because be is a able and up right rnan.Rockuilian Anglosaxoil. Th" SK-orid quarterly meet ing of the Boone circuit will be held nt Hopewell tin Satnreday & Sunday Hie 7th 8th of May. We are unanyirg to har a inis4ii)nory rally in cuu riectiou with th qiiait.-rly meeting. Some good speak ers are exuected to Ih present and make address. The membership of the circuit i mrnt-stly nquehtd in b presant a,i well as the public generaly. The Presiding Elder wi-i be asked to dedicate the church on Sunday at 11. ;"!ock dinner ou the ground both days. B. F. Uurgett. P C' Schools Mike Fine Hhowlig The state S'lperintendHn't of public instructions has h 8 led an address to'the people of the statu upon the qws ion ol local taxatinn for pub lie scnools, in which he says that during the. paut two yer9 149 local tax districtH have be-n entnblished in thin tat; 1.200 small districts have .been consolidated and 8S4 new school houses have leen built 'here having been much more pros ret along oil thes lines during ihcp.-st two .tears th .n wer h-iorAin lliHhifor.v of 'the hTh t. II shows that no Icmh thun 69 per cent of all the money raised for public hcIiohIh in th U. S. is ruisil by local taxation. M. M Austin of Winchester, ind knew what to'lointhe hour of need His wife had such an unusual ca'ne of stomach and liver trouble, ithvsi ciaus could not help her. He t'-.ciuyth of and tried Dr. King's w Life I'ills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at. M. U. Blackpnrns. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King': iscovQry tiiiriiPTio!f trie A Perfect For All Thtoat and Cure : Lung Trouble?.'- - MonV back if it fall. Trial Bottl7rM. Spring, and Summsr Goods, VVe are now receiving one'pf the prctt iet and I ehtstlect ed Stocks pi General M'Hiamtiee ever brought to tile c(,uo ty, 'and -we are prepared to save our cnstoineis money on everv purchase made from us. i beautiful ami stylish li na or dress goods for spring ahd suminer wear, Gent m Furn ishing go'ids in almost endless varieties and styles A full stock of shoes always on hand, but we tnke a specialty of r he famous ....';...V...';.;...:'..:.V.....If;.,..: Hamilton Brown's Own Make Shoes; They have won and deserve n world wide p-pntntion,' a their equal can hurdly be found on any market. Men, wo inen and child 1 en Httcd in this m ike of shoe?...:....,: A f ULL NUH'L I OF GllO' EIULS A L W A J'6 U J HAND. Sugar, Coffee, rice, flour, ha'on, lar.l, and all kinds of groceries on ha nl at reasonable prices . i When you have any good country produce t. srjl brinjf it to us, as we ure headquarter lor oroduce. The highest pri CCS. Thanking cur many friends an 1 customers for (heir past favors and hoping to met it a continuation ol the aatb'e, w are, Very trnl v. HALL & JONES. Blowing- B He. M-irvh. 10. New Supply of mmmm Waicos Mmm Ve have the celebrated Wagon on earth have just wi our prices ueiore nuying. -HARDWARE Is larger and trmre complete than ever befoi-p. We are Ilendquar. ters for Genuitie Oliver Chilled and Farmer's Friend Plows and fcll kindb of Faiming Implements. II you are going to buy............ ' . FERTLIZER OR GRASS SEED this spring, it will pny you to see us betoreyru buy. We can give .yon the KEST seed for the LEAST money. We ciirr.v at all times a large stock ol White Lead, Lindseetl Oil, -MIXED PAINTS and all kinds 'of . Building Hardware. We try to carry everything the ttruier needs and sell it at the right price. LONDON STOFFJOL HARDWARE CO. ( HOLES ILV. AND itET AIL.) Mountain City, Term. The Appalachian Training School. ESTABLISHED L',Y THE N. C. LEGISLATURE. 1903. 63-Spring Term of Mixteen'weeks begins Jan. 6, 1904. K?The Puplic School branches wdl bethorougbly ta nght 3Methods of teaching and school management rill bs mphasized. ( WTThis school prepares students for any college in N. C. (ST 'oard and Tuition very reasonable. . ' S"Free tuition to Public School Teawhers. For other information 'iddress i ue Secketary of the Faculty, Doonr. N. P. 12-3 1903. jWFW w. Kaby a Co., DRUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS mtimBZk SUCCESSORSTO fo , etc. We are also prepan-ii to examine jour ryes scientifically AND FI I GLASSES THERETO A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF JEWELRY THAT WE ARE SELL INCi UNORK ; POSITIVE GUARANTEE ome rind s uh. Very Truly, Dr. li. W. ilAliY. & Co., (Successors to) f;LOW!XG ROCK DRUG COMPANY. ' MERGHNT, AND fKABER'S BiSKK ; MOUX TAIN ITIXTENNESSJEU. , AUTHORIZED (uTMTAL........w,..,0(Wm OFFICEHm: .1. Walter Wihght. P.Hsi.ict.t, W. p. Duif. can. Vic(i PrsjH.t. 1. S Hambo, Cashier, ..... ...i.axFjc.. Stwk-hol.ling Director.: J. IIT 1. . n, W. p. Pu.vgan, XotvStnek.Hor.MngDmEfToRs: Vn...l.i. 1 utlkr, J. N. v wills, it. L.. Donnelly, and Dr. J.( Uptler. , Accounts of Firm?, ( oipmntioi t, sid hcixichtib SHIELDS HATS Nov on Sale Latest New York Styles i Sold on an Absolute Guarantjeb Satisfaction or Money Refunded v.' T. S COFFEY & CO Fersp IpieKt! "Mitchell Wapoii" the test in,"iv 'rii n solid car load of t hem Lur stocK ol.,,,. b LOWING ROCK. N ft. m L'niP Go e r.uM have in stoi g a splendid jrn f t-tHple drngrt, pHtent med icir. tuilet articles tonfetion. i. Xttdipr. , U'altlii Wmoer. I. S. Kam- .-. ..I. -'11111(1 , and E. K. Hcnter

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