Th3 Watauga Democrat. Entered ar the Post office at Boone, N. C, as second- class mail matter. subscription rates: . One wftr..l;j,...f J.09. hit Months.... .50. Three months............ .25. A d verimng rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. -Plenty of rain just now. J. M. MoreU loBt a horse last week. --Plant-seiting is now cn in dead earnest. .Spring chickens 2 cts. per pound on this market. Boone la to have a meat murket in the near future. . The corn is growing nice ly and the grass crop is prom iHing. Wanted at once, a few bushela of sped buckwheat. T. S. UofaVy & Co. . Coffins, caskets, etc., at v W. L. Holshouser's. Jee no tice elsewhere. , s Contractor L. W. Cooper t has been on a short visit to i hiii family in Charlotte. The potato bugs are do ing considerable damage to the growing crop in this sec v tion. There are up to this time . only about 16 candidates for sheriff on the Republican tick et in Wataaga. Meeting to organize bank : in Boone to be held on Mon . day, August the 1st. See call in this ipsae. $ 1,25 per bushel in Watau ga: something. unheard of in the mountains, ; A pretty line of ladies dress goods, waist sets, belts !.! ; i a. r , riu., juoi letnoeu at jjl. v. , Miller's, Blowing Rock, N. C, J. D. Councill wife, babe and mother-in-law, Mrs. Car ed . uune muKier, nave reiuriieu nn.i.1 i . x i from a visit to Banner Elk rne attendance Qt the Training School is increasing , daily; there being enrolled in nil tannrtmontv pnnnidiirfl. i bly over a hundred pupils. Despite the juglaw in Wa i tauga an occasional gallon . finds its wyjnto. Boone. Be Careful. Th place of delivery is the place of sale, Ti.l I tSU Ik. OL , exhibited here on last Satur day to a fairly good crowd ; of people. , The best of order prevailed, and the perform ances were quite creditable. AQllLE. ' Meeting to Establish Bank. The subscribers to the cap ital stock of the bank tohave been established in Boone N, C, mat on the 21st here and after consulting together de cided to withdraw their sub scriptions, and to meet with alt persons who desire to es tablish a bank at Boone N. C. Aug. 1st 1904, with the yiew of giving nil who so de sire an opportunity lotakean interest in the bank. At such meeting it is hoped that ev ery one who desires the suo cess of the bank will be pres" eut and offer any suggestions with this view. At such meet ing it will be understood that , no subscriber will be allowed groore than f 500 stock. . Owing to thedelay in mal terlal the bricklaying on the school building was not be gun until .Monday morning of this week, Miss Mary Farthing, of Wilmington, a trained nurse, is spending a few days with her parents on New River. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Furthir-gj Meesrs. fj. F.Lovill, E.S. Coffey, and J. C. 1 leteber, of Boone, and Enoch Swift, of Amantha, left for the State Convention at Greensboro yesterday. J Judge Councill, and Presi dent A, A. Shuford, of the Bank of Hickory, attended the bank meeting here Tues day, leaving for home the same day. rroi. i. u. Moore das rented property near the A- caderoy and moved his fitni ly here from Lenoir. Glad in- 3 . oeea to nave tnera among us. v Mrs. Dr. Vance, of Blow ing Rock, was thrown from i ' t ner Duggy some days ago and right badly hurt. We are . ij 1 1 i i iota mat sne nas a oout re covered from the shock. It is, easier to get news from Washington Citv than it is to get it from some pla ces within a mile of the court house. It S3eni8 that some people have a great idea of keeping things to themselves. Every local paper in the surrounding counties has a coi respondent at the Train ing School in Boone. A nice advertising scheme this, and the boys are doing some nice writing, We haveoftensaid before that the sanitary condition of some parts of the village needs looking after. But no steps have yet been taken in that direction. Continue to neglect this, and.we are sure to reap a harvest of disease. Messrs. Jake Brown and R. 0. Hardin, who are in n business college at Ashville both have small pox. When last heard trom the boys were III both doing pretty well and e all hope the disease w deal gently with them. Madam ; Hebron, oLLe noir, is nere tor the pur pone . of making a music clans for the summer. She is Raid to be one of tin finest instructors in the South and we hope she may succeed in getting all the pupils she wants. One of the Yates and a man by the name of Phillips, both of Matney, this county, got into an affray on Satur day last, which terminated in Yates being seriously if not fatally stabbed in t b e stomach. Phillips was lodged in jail bej Saturday night. COFFINS, CASK ETS AND FUR. NlfCRE I ha ve added to my line of General Merchandise a good stock of Coffins, Caskets and Furniture. Give me a call. W. L. HOLSHOUSER. Blowing Sock, June 23. UNIVERSITY 6f-t NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, LAW, -: MEDICINE, ' . PHARMACY. Fiee tuition to teachers and min ister's eons. Scholarships find loans for toeedy. 620 Students- 67 Instrnlton, New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Workr. central Heating System. The Fall term begins Sept. 5, I9U4. Fbancis P. Vemablk, President, ;L. Chapel Hill, N. C On Sunday night some party or parties obstructed the street in front of the Blair Hotel by placing a wag on, bark frame, etc., across the same. Boys, this was fun ny, .smart too, wasn't it? The eye of the law is on you, look out. -Wiley H. Swift, ; Superin tendent of the Graded School System at Greensboro, was in town a, short while Sun da j.! He broke this.nws to us in a rather confidential iray: "It's a boy, and was on ly three days old whenj left home," Miss Coe, of Asheville.the founder of the American Kin dergnrten, is stopping at the Coffey Hotel. She is a lady ol wide experience and ha been delivering some very interest ing addresses to the school. It is hoped that the services of the good lady may be. pro cured for theremainderof.the eession, as the price askjd by her is most reasons hi. Truly it seeuis that she .has her work at heart and ambitions higher than that of making money, For the first time in our recollection, two men, and possibly three, "will be tried for their lives at the same term of court. This will bn the casp at the August term; Potter for the killing of How ell; Watson for the killing of Rimer; nnd possibly Phillips for the killing" of Yates, as bis man is dangerously low at this writing. Sorry that Watauga is gaining the bad imputation .she is just now, after enjoying such an envia ble one for so manv veara. mmm 1 . Another Killlnr la Wfttaara. On last Saturday the hands of an assaaein got in its dead ly work in Watauga, and as a result a soul was ushered into eternity without hardly a moment's warning and a home was left sad and lonely Jasper Watson and Henry Rimer, both of Elk Township between whom eom9 feeling had existed for some time, got into a row. But few words were spokeu when Watson hit Rimer on the bead. with a piece of a rail, felling him to the ground and be. was unconscious un til the time of his death which occurred on Sauturday night Rumor says that Watson has at different times threat ened Rimer's life! We learn al so that a woman was the cause 'of the trouble, but are not informed as to the cir cumstances leading up to this sad affair. There was but one eye witness to the killing a Mr. Wheeler. We called on the prisoner at the jail, but ha as almost entirely non communicative. He said Ri mer cursed him andhestruck him - and that was all. Watson is a strong, healthy looking fellow, and his face would not indicate a vicious disposition. NOTICE. Having qualified as admins trator of the estate of W. . W, Sherrill deceased, late of Watau ga County, N. C, this in to noti fy an persons navlng claims a gainet the estate oi the said de: ceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or belorethe 12th day of May 1905 or this notice wiil be plead in bar of tbeir recov ery, All itemon? indebted to said estate will please make immedi. ate payman,.This May 12 1904; Q, H. Duncan. Administrator. CAHOV CKIIACTlei " CmuiM stmp4 C.CC New told la bulk. Bwtrt W tht (ieiler who trict U Kl ' "wmcthifij Jujt u ood " . Cbitclreo's Day At Haaons Cbapcl. Mn. Ent tor: The moinlng of June 12th, was bright, clear, cool and bracing, with flow era blooming, birds Ringing nnd nil nature seeming to re juice because the Children's Day at Henaon's Chapel had at last at rived. By 9 o'clock the people were gathering from near and for walking, on horse-back, and riding iti all kinds of vehicles. Every one seemed to be in harmony with himself and everyone else, and bent on do ing somo a ct of kindness. The crowd waa immense and the church overflowed. ' Dinner whs served on the grounds, and such hospitali ty is not often witnessed as was shown throughout the day, Everyone seemed to try to outdo his neighbor in kind whs and attention to some one else. While it cannot be told, the quantity of good things that disappeared, yet plenty was left to feed many and some was stored away in the pastor's home. The church was u scene of loveliness. A large stage hav ing been erected in place of the pulpit and "Jesus Loves the Children" . wreathed in with evergreens for a b ik ground. The children on the stage and the many beautiful-flo were which decorated the church seemed to vie with each other in beauty., It was perfectly lovely. Thechildren acquitted them selves well and their parents have room proud of hem. The Sunday School numbers over -100 and the church is in a flourishing con dition. At the close of the exercis es there were tbree infants dedicated by their parents to the Lord in baptism. , It was an impifssive and appropri ate one for the close of such a beautiful and enjoyable oc casion. "Bring the little ones unto me. I will in no wise cast them out." Words are inade quate to express it all, so with congratulations for eaeh and eVeTy.n" who per formed their parts so well, I will close. - . ' William Brown. . OASTOnXA. NOTICE. Nnrtb Carolina, Watauga Coun ty, Under and by virtue of a pow er of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed to us on Nov. 35th tool bv V hos. J. Kay and Wife Oar of i ne R;ty to secure the payment of f35o ana whereas default has been made In the payment of said sum ex cept $loo paid day of ' year of 'and whereas all of un paid amt, is due and has been de manded. ?jow therefore we will tell the hereinafter described real es tate (included in said mortgage) at the court house door in Boone, N. C. at public sale for cash to the highest bidder on Monday July . 4th igo4 between 10 o'clock A, M. and 4 o'clock P. M. ithe following de scribed real estate viz; A certain tract of land lying and being in Wa tauga couuty, N, C, ,Cove Creek Township and described and de nned as follows, Viz; beginning on a stake on the side of the road coiner to I soli ne Ragan thence N. 64 Jd. W. 9 poles to a locust cor ner to J. (J. Jones by the side 01 the road then N. a7d, E. I a poles to a stake corner to Thos. Greer and J. C, Jones thence with said Greer's line N. 68d. E. O poles to a stake, corner to Isoline Ragan thence with her line 25d. W. l2'A poles .to the beginning also one third interest in the J. C. Jones spring house, o p ing and water conveyed in deed of O. C. and Mary E. Mus-rrave to Thos. T. Ray, For fuller and more complete , description reference is hereby made to Book "4 page 54a of the records of mortgages in the office of the Reg. of Deeds of Wa tauga county where the same is re Curded. Said sale will be JmaJe to satisfy lial. of unpaid sum and int. and costs and deed in fee executed to the purchaser. .This June a 1904 Mary E. MUBGBAvsand R P BAV,t. A.?r,2aZ,es MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. There's nclhing like doing a thing thoroughly. iJfullthe salves you ever heard of, 13ucKen's Arnica Sii'veis the best. It pweeps nwov anl.cutes (turns, Sores, limine, Cuts. Bils. Ulcers Skin Emotions and files. It s only 350, and gunran tecu to give satisfaction by M. U Blackburn. The Martin Collage, BLOWING ROCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. PEN'DLEY, PROPR Thin hotel buildinp; hnw recent ly been refitted and refurnished in all departments, and it novo pen for the accommodation ot the public. Good, comfortable rooms, and as good fare as the market affords. lThe comfort of transient boarders always looked after. laATE8 REASONABLE. Thomas L Critchsr, SUUVEYCm DEERFIELD, N. C Is now equipped with a new VARNlEtt COMPASS And makes a specialty of sur yeying and mapping home mineral and timber lands. Al ho surveying roads and terra cing ditches. , Millinery, My Stock of UD-to-d4te Milli nery iu ouite "catchy" and I am prepared to nuit tho.most fastid ious. Mv nrices are rio-lir. tht stylo of goods considfred I have added to my line a pret ty stock ot pictures, stationery, etc. Come and see me. Store on first floor of Blair Ho tel. J.J.COFFEY. Alfred W. Dula -GRADUATE- OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Lenoir, N. C. Estimates furnished on all kinds of.............. rn m - S rk Send for Il'uRtrated Cat alogueof Watches, Jewelry, etj. It Will Interest Vou To call at our store nnd see what handsome ha. gain we are offering our custom- erf. .The. prices are marked "away down" in in every de partmentin fact we are sell ing on the closest possible margin, and we will convince you that you can get no bet ter bargains in the county than can be found with us. COME AND SEE. We carry a pretty and up-to-date line of footwear fur men, women nnd children, and whtner you want a tiro gan forevery-day wear, or a fine dress shoe, remember we nave it a!full STOCK Ofgpnt's furnishings, Heady-made clothing, shirt col lars, cuffs, cravats, under wear, hosiery rtc trhj thing you need from foot to head. DRESS GOODS . From a simple calico to n beautiful and expensive fab tie. If you need anything in this'line call on Juh and we guarantee styles and prices to suit you. GROCERIES. : In thi line we are making special piices to our custom ers. Sugar, Co&Vp, rice, flour, bacon, lard, etcprices as low as the lowest, . HARDWARE Both heavy and shflf al ways on hand, Don't fail to coll on us when in town, and we ar sure to please you n prices. Thanking you for pnat pat ronnge, and soliciting a con tinuance of the name, we are Very Truly. , Hoope, N. U., June 3. - Work has been resumed io th riiinpH nf l1tinnl rvir ' -fl'- v.-.vw Colo., and quiet has at last Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach la weak. A weak stomach does not di gest all that is ordinarily taken into It. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. . 1 Among the stpns of n weak stomach are nneiuunras nfl.ur enting, Cts ol ner vous beadacbo. aud disarueablo belch log. I have tnkpn ITood'a Rnriaparilla at dlflerent times for ctonm. h (rnuliloii, and a mn down comlltloii ot tlie eyitli-m, and hare been ureatly benelltfj ly ltd uo. I would not tn without It In my family. I am trou bled especially In eninmnr wllh weak stom ach and nnuMoa and Unci Iiood'ii Rnranparllla luvHluiiblo." . U.llK KMAa, W .Cheater, Pa, Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills the mTjoIo diceetivo lystem. DR 11. D JENNINGS. HESID ENT DENTIST, BANNER ELK. N. C. - NotllinfT but; Mm hoar mnroplnl used and all work done under a positive jsnarnntee. PerRonn at a distance Hhnillil nnt it v mp a foiv daj'H in advanco when they want wont uonc. Alter Marcn tbe l8t, I ha ve arranfrnd to hp t t. h a Blackburn limine in Boone on each first Monday. Call on ine. 1-28. SPECIAL NOTICE. To my friends and cuMomerJ: I have just received a full and com plete line of, WATCH MATE HI AL which I want to bring to your no tice. Here are some items: , Walthum and Elgin watch springs, best on earth; every spring warran ted. Usual price $1.00; my pricce 50C Bost American hair springs, 50c. Swiss hair Brings 25c, fialance wheel jjwels C. & F.50, End Htones or cap jewels 25c. Balance staff, best grade made- no imitation Usual prce $1.00; my price 50c... Crystals, extra thick for opca face 25c. Medium open case, 15c. Thin for bunting cage ioc. Cleaning fine griide watches with chemicals, no chalk solution, 50c, Lo&t motion restored 50c. SEWING MACHINES cleaned and adjust eed $1. to ta.o. All kinds of eye glasses scientifi cally fitted. - aTAH work guaranteed for ona year. Come and see "me when in town. Very truly, J. W. BBYAN, Ikweler. FARRAND ORGAN.- My second car load of famous Farraud organttlu nowintraneit for Lenoir. The Farrand organs ha ve been on the market for the past twenty-three ypars with in creasing patronage until now there are niore than 93,000 in use. , II you are thinking ol buy- ng an organ and buy be-i fore seeing the Earrand you will make a mistake. The second carload to a town the size of Le noir is sufficient proof that they ure appreciated. I have them in the latest styles of Oak and Wal nut caPeH and I am sure I can please you in an instrument in thiH car. In diseasing the sub ject of bigbgraJe organs one's mind natuarlly reverts to the' name of Farrand as they poscse a most wonderful sweet tone nud are unequalled for darubility. Send your order today before you forget. "NufSed" C. T. Morrison, j 'WHOLESAI-B AND KKTAli.) ' IIIGKOBY & LENOIR, N C