. -i'i i .' 11 ::'. 1 ' -f ' '. :'.i . . mm :.i ., .1 ;' VOLXVL BOONE, ..WATAUGA COUNTY, ;NV C., THURSDAY OCTOBER , G, 1904. NO. 30' J .3 J.. 4 ft . PROFESSIONAL. FrankR Stinson, SURVEYOR BANNER ELK, N. 0, tSTFlNEINS'IRUMENTS. I; D. LOWE, ., . . ATTORNEY AT LAW, . BANNER ELK, N. C. WWill practice in the couptt of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining codnties. . 7 6.'04 Todd & Ballon. ATTORNEYS AT MW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the courts .... Special attention given to co tion, ; : : v 1-6-4'- F. A, LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- i BOONE, N. C. .. Will r9Ctice id the courlR of thin and surroundingcoun ties. 'Prompt attention giv- en to tb collection of clutme and all other business of a le gal nature. 612'04 EDMllND JONES, LAWYER LENOIR, N. C ' Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of nata uga, . i 6-1. '03. ::,V'yV: .-. ; J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, B00NE,N.a v Careful attention given to collections., E F LOVILL, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, . - BOONE, N. C- "Special attention given to all business entrusted to his care." . " ' ,j . M-04. E;!S. COFFEY, ATlQRhEYAl LAW- BOONE, N.C. Protript attention given to . all matters of a legal nature. 1ST Abstracting titles and . .collection ofclairiSsa special- tr. 1-V04. DR. R. D.JENNINGS, resident dentist, , BANNER ELK, . C. Nothing but the beat material , used and all work done tinder a positive guarantee. Persona at. a . distance should notify me a tew . - days n advance when they want work done. After March the let! I have arranged to be at the Blackburn House in Boone on . each first Monday. Call on me. ' 1-28. TT.ILCOPB, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir, N. C. Practices in the courts of Caldwell," Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. , Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to bis care. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C NoKnile; No Ruining Out Highest references and endors- ments of prominent persons suc eessfally treated in Va., Tenn. and N.U. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid o a cancerous irrowth no matter how small. Examination free, Mteru answered promptly, and ysuctiOB naranteeo. Booker Waihlnrtoi the bine. Washington Post. A Boston person cf the name of Robert Treat Paine, r, has abandoned the Demo cratic party to its fate and gone over to the Roosevelt cause. Tt.roust be an impor tant event, for the press takes up his explanation: "1 am democrat enough still to feel that I want the President of this country to bd democratic enough to meet any man whose eharac ter deserves it at nnv func tion. I have myself dined with Booker Washington, and would consider it a privelege ugain to do so. "Does .not v this dilemma ice Mr. Parker: If elected President and if, there were in Washington a . gathering of the. most eminent educa tors in this country,, among whom Booker Washington would be, inevitably classed, and the Piesident 'wished naturally enough to show due recognition and honor to this gathering and invited them to th9 White House, would be bar out Booker Washington? "Would he rbaye a Jin crow', pantry oenina toe house to which Booker Wash ington might be shunted off? "On the other band, if Parker, as President, should ask Booker Washington to the White House,, would not the whole South again raise the, cry .that , they, had been bunkoed in their candidate?" We do not recall Mr. Rub ert Trent, Paine. Jr. It is said that he has been four times offered the Democratic nomination for Governor of Massachusetts, but he can not have been elected on any of those occasions f,or surely we would .have, beard of it. Otherwise, he seems to have recanted . bis old faith. . be cause further adherence to it would bar him from inviting Booker Washington to a fam ily dinner. He doesn't seem to care much about the tar iff or the Philippines, or Re publican extravagance, or any other of the issues over which the parties are conten ding. , Apparently be has thought it all over or iraag ines that he has, which comes to the same thing and now reaches the conclusion that a party not pledged to the ac ceptance ot Booker Washing ton as a parlor ornament and bosom friend, is. unwor thy of the respect and confl denee of any true Bostonian Naturally, it will injure the Democratic cause to lose a vote in Massachusetts. . In a close con test, like this, even a solitary defectiDn in that state, or in Vermont, Texas, or Georgia, means every- thing. But who is - Mr. Rob ert Trent Paine Jr., and why is he at large. CONFESSION! OP A PRIEST. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, At k. writes, 4For u years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consult ed a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no re lief. Then I began to use Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cur, ed of a disease that had me in its grasp for la rears," If you wanta reliable medicine for liver and . kid ney trouble, stomnch disorder or general debility, get Electric Bi'ter It's guaranteed by M.B. Blackburn Only 50c, v - . ADialogie Battwefst bberiffand Tranp. Sheriff.. My friend, whence came you? Train p. I came from a town in New York called Je rusulem. S. What came you here to do? r. To learn to subdue my appetite and sponge my liv ing from an indulgent people. S. . Then you are a regular tramp. I presume? T. I am, so taken and ac cepted wherever I go, 8. How doyou know your tell to be a tramp? T,; In seeking food, by. be ing often denied, but always willing to try again. B. How shall I know you to be a tramp? T. By the largeness of my feet and general carnivorous appearance. : S. How gained you adtnis sion to this town? T. By rrany long and weu risome tramps. S. How were you received? T. On the end of the night policetnau's billy presented to my head. S.1 How did the policeman dispose of you? T. He took me several times round to town, to city marshal and police judge, where many questions were asked and answers exchang ed. 8. How did the policejudge dispose of , you? ' T.ij He ordered roe to walk in regular upright steps and resume tramping. S. Well, will you be off or from? ; T. By your permission, I will be ofi very quickly. 8. My friend, at the jail door, we have now arrived at a place where .the wijked are always tronblesome and the weary are as bad as the rest; 80 you will now asf-end to the. middle chambarof this building by a flight of wind- ins stairs, consisting of three, five . and seven steps, but instead of your wages be corn, wine and 011, tnac 01 the ancients, it will be bread and water for a term of five days: after -which time you and your companions can di vide into partiesot three and travel East. West, North and South'in search of food: and from the reports coming to me I think you will And it at, or near Portland Maine, where they usually run free soup bouses in winter: and you will be pardoned for this offence on condition that yon never return here any more. (Pointing to the jailer) go follow your conductor and fear no danger. SOME SEASONABLE ADVICK. It may be a piece of.euperiiu oils advice to urge people at this season ol the year to lay in a sup ply of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It is almost as sure to be ueeded before winter is over, and much more prompt and satielac lory results are obtained when tnken as soon as a cold is con tracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can only bo done by keetnnjr the rem edy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesi tate about buying it in prefer ence to an other. It is for sale by J. M . Moretx. ' : Many n j!jijal. boom ex plodes U jUud;.l, Trust and Prlofls. Greensboro Record. The campaign bookmakers labored long and hard and demonstrated to a finish if you accept their figures as gospel truth that there are no real trusts, trust have not put prices tip, and that in fact prices have, pot gone up, Thy bhow, for example, what a weak, puny, little harmless affair our billion dollar steel trust is pro ducing but little more than one-half our steel output. They say that "it is obvious that a company producing only one half of any given article entering a given mar ket could not maintain ex cessively high prices." The misrepresentation in these tatements, i8 in the fact that as to many ot the fin ished products of steel the trust has an almostabsolute ly monoplv and can and does charge exboibitant prices, as is demonstrated by its export prices : of those same goods. In tin plates, barbed wire, wire, nails, and many other articles, the trust has a virtual monopoly of our market and charges nw f roirj 30 to. 100 per cent, more than it charges foreign era for these goods. fn nearly all other of its products', such us steel rails, billet plates, structured work etc., in which it produces. .00 ly hall of the countrv's ouHraTfous co ti n t i e p: loons. put, it has "gentleman'aa- greemeats" with other manu ufacturers which enable it, to get the full benefit of the high tariff duties on these good". In this way it gets $28 a ton for steel rails sold in this country, while selling them abroad for $18 and $20. It gets $32 for plates here which it sells in England at $18. It is a pity that these little corrections could not have been obtained in time for in serting in their campaign book; for, surely, the R -pnb- Means would not knowingly and wilfully mislead the dear people. Insist on yourself; neyer imi tate. , , ONE OF MANY, H. A. Tisdale: of summerton S. G , suffered for 30. years with oileg. Specialists were employed and ma ny remedies used but relief and pee-manent-good was ' found only in using De Witt's Witch Hazel salve. This is only one of the many many cures t hat have been effected by this wonderful remedy. In buying Witch Hazel salve it is only neces- Hf ry to see that you get the genuine DeWitt's. made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., in Chicago, aud n cure is cer tain. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve cures all kinds of piles, cuts, burns. bruises, eczema, tetter, ringworm, skin diseases, etc, Sold by M... B Blackburn, When a girl begins to leo turea,manon economy it's up to him to cn U'on the mar riage license clerk or take to the. tall timber. PILL PLEASURE. If you ever took DeWitfe Little Early Risers for tjilliouitness or con stipation you know what pill pleas ure is. .These .famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing un pleasant effects Thej do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but pleasantly give tone w nd strength to the tis sues and organs of the stomach, liv Iaformation For H outers. Rateigh Post. I'he pditor of The Morning Post has received the folhw ing from a friend in Wake county: ' "I see in The Post that there are a great many vioia liona of the game laws of N. C. being reported. The oun fry people are not in every way familiar with the naid laws. Will you please pub lish the laws as they are, for Ihe special benefit of the peo pie at large?" ! . We are unable to comply fullv with the request of our friend to publish "all the laws as they are" but sui-h in formation as we have welud ly give. . ; The laws of N. l nrot cf at all times; mocking birl. thrushes, woodpeckers, yel low h (immers, wrens, unlive sparrows, red birds, oriol s. chimney swifts, night hawks or pull bats whippoor-wil's. swallows, martins, warbWx, nuthatches, chieadefS, gulls of all species, terns or strik ers, skimmers, shearwarers. herons and cranes, cormo rants, pelicans, sea pigeons, vultures or buzzards, and all other wild non game birds; also their nests and eggs. The following are by stat ute declared game birds and may be killed during the open season and ,in such , manner us is prescribed by, law. in the grebes, s wan, geese, brant, ducks, rail or marsh hens, coots, gallinules, plovers, shore or beach birds, snipe, woodcock, snndsnipes,' yel lowlogs, rhewink, curlew. wild turkey, grouse. pbenB ant Bob-white, dove, robin and meadow lark, , . The following birds are not protected by law: English sparrows, owls, hawks, crows blackbirds, j'tckdawsund rice birds, A non resident must secure a hunter's license from the county clerk of the superior court before hunting, It is il legal to ship from the state the Bob-white or partridge, grouse or pheasant and the wild turkey. Any additional information regarding the bird and game laws may be had on application to the Andubon Society of N. C. at Greensboro. , GOOD FOR CHILDREN. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Lough Cure gives in- tttnrt relief In all cases of cough croup, and la grippe because it does not pass immediately into the stom ach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammarion, heals and soathes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-gi v ing and . life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Sold by M, B. Blackburn. . An Ohio bachelor who was to be married the npxt day was left in chai ge of bis sis ter's baby for ten minutes and that night he took to the tall timber. A LOVE LETTER Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed salve for sores, burnt!, or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder. Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Arnica salve cured me It's the best aalte on earth. 35c at M- B, Blackburn s. . .'. TROUBLES "I IU4 ThwMort' BlaefeDrMf bt . mnnA .Mill.Ua fn lira 4WJM limrad m o aftof k M ipal IIMwitbaecton. It la all th md loin I tak."-MRS. CAROLINA MABTIN, Parkenbarf, W. Va. If your liver does not set wj- nlarly go toyonr anifffiim soa -secure a package of Tbedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight This great family ' medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black Drancht will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid nevs. A torpid liver Invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner df sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease ' which claims as many tictims as consumption. A 25-cent -MckagQ of Thedford's Black Draught should always be kept in the house. I tt.wJ Thtxtford's Blaak Draught lor llrar and kidney com- , filalnta and found sotting to raoal . t."-WILLI AM COffliltf, aUr blahead, lit TMEDFORD'3 BLACK- U.idcr the uew regulations; of the rural ;lree delivery fjh tern thej carriers are paid, a certain sum per Jraile travel ed, As there has been con siderable trouble experienced about determining the mile age and total length of routes U. F. D. department will fur nish to each rural agent one w beel of a bicycle oc which ia an odometer. The wheel , is attached to rear of the bug gy used in traveling over the ronte and will correctly indi cate the mileage. The depart meat expects to ship t h e s e wheels right away. Ex. Route Inspecter Plumber, who is now locating routes in Watauga, has an odome ter attached to his bugpj, and we are told that it calcu lates distances quite acu rately. Ed. BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE. S. Le Quinn, of Cavendish - Vt was robbed of his customary health by invasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's New Life pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirclv cured, They're guaranteed to cure 25c at M. 13. tflacaburn'f. After smiling at a compli ment the wise woman pro ceeds to forget it. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by -: Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dla courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kld- neyi are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become ao prevalent that it ia not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys, lithe child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or It, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage. It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the eause of the dilficuity to kidney trouble, and tha first step should be towards the treatment fit these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble to due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit .as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, snd both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root to soon realUed, It Is soli by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar 1 sires. Yon mar haye a sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell ing all about It. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters ftcetved from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. Y M sure ui jneniioo this peoafc IL!T-.f aw 1 ran 1 -i.