' Watauja Democrat: R C Rivehs, : W. R Jurney, Proprie leton. ! !SSHBH Tbi;riiuy Oft.' 6, 1 904. HATIOSAL DEKOCEATIC TICKJBT. FOR PRESIDENT, ; ALTON B. PARKER, FOB VICE PRK8IU&N1Y HENRY G. DAVIS, V STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ''. FOR GOVERNOR, ' V; ROBERT B.GLENN. For Lieutenant Governor FRANCIS D, WINSTON, lor Secretary, J, BRYAN GRIMES.. ; For; Treasurer, v R. B. LACY, For Auditor, .. BENJ. F. DIXON, For Attorney General, ROBT. D. GILMER, For Supf. of Public Instjuction, J.Y.JOYNER, For Com. of Lflbor and Printing 11. H, VAUN.KK, For Com. of Aericnlture, SAM L. PATTERSON, For Corporation rommisnioner, SaMUEL L. ROGERS. ForAsso Justices Sopremecourt GEO. H. BROWN; JR., . i . W, A. HOKE. For Congress, WILLC. NEWLAND. Old Soldier Bennion. .The members of "Camp Nimrod Triplet t" Confedei atft Veterans held t hair annu , al reunion at the court house on lastTbnrsdaynnd Friday only 81 answered to roll, call at this meeting, Thpse old veeransjiathered about in pquads in and around the v ooqrt house, enjoyed their own basket dinner and talk ed over(nirin some of their struggles I n those trvingr times from '61 to '65. The first day was spent in organizing and electing new :. officers. Some short talks were made by Rev. B h. Har Rett, C. S.: Farthing, Thos, Bingham and others, Capt. Johnson, of.Lenoir was pres ent and made a short but in y spiring talk. In these talks the old soN diers were reminded of their ? heroism and bravery;, and (' how the world has come to : look on them and wonder if such heroism could be sur passed, v ... The following offlcers were elected for another ,vear E. J. Norris, Capt. R. H. Farthing 1st Lieut. H. A, Davis 2nd Lieut. " W. D," Norris, 3rd Lieut. W, W. Presnell, Ajti W. C. Coffey, Quarter-Master D. (J. Dogger, Comraissory, L. D. Cole, Chaplain. The second day was taken np by short talks by the dif ferent members. At 1 o'clock ' p. m. a memorial service was hld in the Methodist church in memory of those who have died since the camp has been organized. The follow ing is a list olthedead: Capt. A. J. Critcher. Capt. B. F. Boird. Capt. T. J. Coffey, D. B. Dougherty, Fsq. Col. Joe B.Todd, James Love, Wil- : ".Ham Proffit and James Prof fit. .. . The exercises were conduct ed by the chaplain. Several touching incidents'were relat ed by Capt. E. J, Norris and others as ttey spoke of the many excellent traits of true 'manhood In their dead com rades. RevY B. F. Hargett read a poem which he bad dedicated to the memory of the confederate soldiers. C. J. Cottrell Esq. offered the foN lowing resolution which was iidapted: Resolved, That we ; tender our thanks to Bra. Uararett. for the beantifnl po- ' ;v '. " r;vM;irc-.ynfll .V- .. Alt f f.opl departed - soldier comrades and n quest bim to have the same publhthed. V ; f y (At the close of these exer cisea tbe congregation sane "When I can rea f I my , 1 1 ties clear".rand the old Vets, shook hands and with tears told each other good bye knowing that it would net be long until they would all meet on tbe other side of the river. Best of all these old soldieraare all truesoldiersof tbe cross and the last battle is drawing near, may the great captain deal gently with these old gray hairs. . Dedicated to th Confederate SoMleia. Time hn borne me from the legion, I have passed from earthly strife, Death has pierced the vita region And I've yielded up my life, Another roldier's gone, in dying Perhaps you'll m'i88 me, comrades brave, Another foriqjs now lying In a Confederate soldier's grave. Well you know when we enlisted, 'Twa to gain our country's right, And we faithfully asaiated. Standing in the hottest fight Yes, amid the cannon's rattle. Where the Yankees poured, their fire, We have stood the awful Dattle, Facing all the dreadful ire. . ;'. Oh I my comrades, howl Joyed you, Friends to all, but you "most, dear, May the God of Battles keep you. Still guard your life while here. Long, my comrades, we've survived The life our brothers gave. Much we bore and long we waited, But now we're going comrads brave. Hark 1 1 thought the legion shouted I What is that which greets my ear? AH pur earthly toes are r6uted, Cheer I my comr..des, cheer! Comrades, triumph springs from trouble, Bravely, nobly, firmly stand. Heaven will grant you more than double, Soon we'll meet in freedom's land.; Stand up closer, comrades, closer, The ranks are glowing thin, Soon we'll meet beyond the river Free from strife and earthly sin, . Then -we'll meet our noble captain, And our comrade gone before, And we'll talk of all our triumphs, Praise the God. of Battles evermore. s, ; B, F.. Hargett. A Letter From St JebiiWajilngtoa. Mb. Editor: Perhaps a few lines from this part of the "far.West'l.raayintereetyour many readers: . The wheat harvest here is about over and nearly all the wheat is in the warehouses;' Harvest be gins in July and lasts until the first of Oct. At Willada there nre about 200,000 bushels. At St. John seven miles East on the same line of R. R. there are from 400 to 500,000 bushtls. Wheat is selling from 70 to 75 cts, per bu. so you see that mil lions of dollars will come to tbiscouutry for wheat this ypar, One man at Willada raised 17,000 bushels. It has been dry for two mos., there has not been enough rain in Eight cents . a pound what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished Eight cents a' pound is cheap for such valuable ma terial. -Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. . , We will send you a little free. ,'' .' ' : SCOTT Sc EOWNE, Chemists, !Vl : ; w York; ''Cms that time. to ; lay the dust, The. dust is so abundant that 1 1 settle) V yery where. Ioey ery: ,room i n the bouses. Cloodrof dust are seen In ev ery direction along tberoadu where men a re hauling wheat. Men often cannot see the teams which the.r drive or the road they travel. Tbe dut is not unhealthy to stok or people except It sometimes gives one tbe head ache. Many people work bnre 'on . Sunday, you can h"ar the report of the sports man's gun in all directions on Sunday. We. hear the sound cf the threshing ma chine on Sunday, Sunday is kept only by a law us a sa cred dty. Stores ar kept o pen for trade on Sunday, Al though there is a law in this stale prohibiting trade on Sundays in stores, yet it is violated every Sunday jnd the officers of the country appenr to encourage its vio lation instead of punishing offenders. As tbd nights are growing long and cool the revellers are beginning to dance. There are da nces in all the towns all through the winter spason. Next season the courts will havea harvest of divorce cases. It is said that thnre are more divorce cases in the courts here than there are marriages. Where the marriage is only a tempo rary convenience as it is here in a majority of instances so riety, slumbers over a moral volcano. I think God's word makes provision for divorce for only one cause and that is adultery or fornication but makes no provision for second marriage while the parties are, living. When (tod's lawa are violated some body suffers. . 1 At Willada there are many people from. N. C. The Wood rings, Monroe,- Charlie, (his brother) and Afiss Dora. The Haga mans Jos ph, Thom as, Roby, and Granville. Todd and r Suddreth from Caldwell county, Mast, from Mitchell, Townsel and Cran ford from Watanga, some are satisfied and will remain here while some will go back to N. C. some will go to oth er places in the West, L. D. Eggers and family aim to start for their homeatZion ville N. C. in about two weeks I am made sad on nccountof the deaths of so many of my personal friends in Watanga. Mrs. Fannie Morris, Capt. A. J. Critcher, Mr. Leander Jones and Mrs, A. W.Jenkins were all among my personal friends. May the Lord com fort the bereaved ones. The Democrat is a welcome yisit or to our home. Yours Fraternally; ' E. F. Jones. St. John Wash. Sept. 25 '04. Special a to Tiro Districts. There is no one to sa what is in the mind: of a Re publican campaign manager when, he makes a prophecy or sends out a warning; and so we do not know what Mr. Babcock, chairman of the Republican congressional committee tneant a few days ago when he warned the ad ministration the fight for the next House would be close, or what he means now when he says: ''As matters stand, we are likly to Ipse the Hourh of Representatives," It may b his purpose to stir np his own people, if so, it eould have the double pur pose of. stirring h Domo cratH also. WhaU-vr the in' $!".. t3' uit'!?,.'fr. 'attention' Aching Joints In the Sneers, toes,' arms, and other parU of tbe body, are JoinU that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism that acid condition of the blood which (Jtecta the muscles a!ao, : ' V Sufferers dread to move, especially' after sitting or lying long, and their condition la commonly, won In wet weather. . " It hps been a lonft time since we 'nava bmit Without Hood's Karnaparllla. . Mr timet think be coulfl not do without It Be bait been troubled with rheumatism lince be wo boy, and Hood's 8arsap rill ii tbe only niedleliM h can take that will enable him to take bis place in tbe field.". :lua Ada Doty, Sidney, Iowa, Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills , Eemove the canse of rheumatism no outward application can. Take them. of the Dein jcrats of the rh and 10th districts of North Carolina to tbe Bahcork de li veranco. These are the on ly districts in the State in which there are serious con tests and for this reason they are singled out. Supposing a result of the presidential e'ection which we do not at all concede, viz: the election of Mr.' Roosevelt, it is of the last importance that the Dein ocra ts con t ro' the nex t House. With Mr. Roosevelt elected President, with a Sen ate and MouHe of bis party, there would be everything to inspire the gravest forebod" ings in the p e o p I e of the bouth, who know something of his feeling toward them al ready, With unbridled pow er, there is every reason to believe that he would cause things to go hard with us, and tbe Southern man who votes against him and a- guinst every candidate for Congress who represents his patty, will be merely perform ing an ordinary act of self d fence. .A Democratic House would block luim. We take this leave to present thjs view of the subject to those voters in the eighth and tenth dmtrirts who in a'nv d grn sympathize with thcan didaciehof Mrsrs. Neknd and Gudg, and aduinnitdi them to govern themselves accordingly, Urging their active support, it goes with out saying that the support of every other Democratic candidate fur Congress is urg ed for tbe same reason. Char lotte Observer. When the. newspapers in London refer to President Roosevelt's call for an inter national peace conference as a bit of political play inci lent to the presidential cam puign," it begins to look like Great Britain, as well as the United States, is going Dem ocratic Morning Post. A Vermont hen which has never been able to raise any chicks of her own, has moth ered tbe eggs of bantams, geese ducks and even pigeons her latest exploit was to dis cover and hatch a nest of bald eagles. reantlw IhS Kind Y Han blgaatait f . ASSQUNLE.dE$'L 1 hereby announce . myself an independent, candidate for sheriff of, Watauga Co., and would be glad to have the support of.all my friends of both parties. If elected I will strive to do my whole duty,." regardless of party lines, and all of my official ucts shall be performed to the beat of my ability 7" T. A. CABLE "' AGENTS HiunoiT g AGENTS V 111 ORkATtUT BOOK OF TU DAT "CHSIST IN M CAMP" Br Da. J. Wnuaai Joiraa AOBMVa MFOlTKl -"Worked one day. raoiimd 10 erdva." ' "Reord Proa. I o'clock. aoM T by nisht," V1 HtaUhoorm." KP.Sndtnt . r-Workad am day. got 11 oriara," aFir ai onct to f.VJTTt S rrTT CO., Artsta, Ga, AU.-V..-' TKM hv n. ach ami iri quickly cirl by Chambjrhin' Stomach an! Liv er tublots. For tu'.e by j. H M r- JERCHMIT AliDTRADER'SJAIIK " ; MOUNTAIN UlTYTENNSBK' AUTHOIUZED CAPITAL .,. . .5000.00.1 i', OFFICERS: J. Walter Weight. Presiuent, W.-P.j.pijjf... GANi Vice President, I. S. Rambo? Cashier, ' R. F. McDade. Aes't. Cashier. , , Stock-holding Directors: J. Walter Wright. I. S. Ram bo, W. P. Dungan, ajid B. E. Hunter. Non Stock-Holding Directors; Dr. J. 0. Butler, J. N; . Wills, R. E. Ponnellv, and Dr. J. C. Butler. , Accounts of Firm, Coiporatiots, and Individuals , Solicited,- v- ; TAXES, TAXES, TAXES, TAXES I I will he at the following times and places lor the purpose of col letine the taxes tor the rear 1904 Everybadv come out and pay. your tax, aH I intend to collect Tbe candidates will be on band at all these places. Come out and, pay your taxee and hear them Sbawneebaw, Oct. 14-th. Laurel Creek, Oct, 17. Cove Creek, Oct. 19. Meat Camp, Oct. 21. Stony Fork, Oct. 24, Blue Ridce, Oct. 20, Shull's Milla. Out. 28, ' Sept. 17, 1904, Are instruments that stand thr test , " of time. They ara uotwd fiir thi-ir 8y-?et :': rj ne8a of tone and durability. . There is po doubt Hhout the good qualities of THE FARRANDOKGNS , If you hear their ha eel tout and seethe instrument von will be convinced. . s Why not write today before you forget it. ' I will be pleased to quote you lowest terra. C. T. Morrison, , Wholesale and Retail. Furniture at Prices That Are Eight IS ALWAYS In order to make room for Fall Stock The MouataiaCity Furniture Co; u -IS OFKRINQ EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS- . WE HAVE A COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE LINE OF. : Furnitare Coffins and Caskets AND WILL DO YOU RIGHT EVERY TIME." . aWCall nnd see us when in town. Mountain City Furnilnre Company. ' . Mountain City, Tennessee; Opposite Wright and Hulcher Bros. ' July 28. 1904. brass Kettles, Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars-' " We haw a large stock' ol all sizes of Brass Kettles ' trom 1 to 18 a lions at remarkably low prices Also the most com p.et line of Cooking stoves, Ranges, etc; ever carried In this sec tionf We have reduced the pi-ice on these goods to make room for ' our Fall stock. , Otft. stock of bnildingmaterial, such as Windows, Doors, Hinees, 4ocks, .(ilas, Paints, and Oils was never more complete than at 'present and if......: .J....;,..... ;.,. . V." -v ; , MONEY IS ANY OBJECT TO YOU SeeHia or write for prices before you buy, " " .WeVarry stock of Mowing Scythes and Soaths; Bridles, Harness' CollarH, Saddles, Carpenter's tooln, Belting and Mill Supplies, Call on us for anything in onr line. We have it, and at th right price. . : ; , LONDON ST0FFEL HARDWARE CO. d--ufi?iin''l"ifv: P(v.v V .id lUt-n'-a i'Ht " i'sned in i.Li.-u uiiinxll IOCtOrM on pr'adFally th &ame foot Dg j,()th in regard to ednca tiu0 ai practi-e as tbeir .malerivaK - them this year by Jan. 1st, 1 1)05. Beech Mountain Occ, 1 5. . Beaver Dams, Oct. 18, ' North Fork, Oct. 20. Bald Moantain. Oct. 22. Elk. Oct. 25. . Blowing Rock, Oct 27. . Boone, Oct. 29. W. B. Baird, Sheriff; pic 11 iNl IN DEMAND- , (WTTOL.W M.V. AND RETAIL, J . V