''.'.Watau5a;i)9ia3urat.' .Pjbliihad Ejry Thursia ; ' China Meedi a Napoleon . .., The Cosmopolitan. I Mlevi the Chinese peopls f)OHMitci mII the mental find physical qualities required fur national Krerttness. Tlisy lovethfl land of thrir birth nvitli n superstitious rever w, tney heliave in their own supsriorjty, uod despise all tthr racps, They are fine men, endow ed with great powers of en darsnre; industiious and thrifty, they have few wan in nnd can live . on .little, . and that little poor food. AIso lately indifferent to death. thy are fcarless and hrnve, and when well trained and well led make firt rule sol diers. . I hare seen thm under fire and found tbem cool and on fliHinnvpil hv ilnnuvr. "If thpv were provided with a Htnall -proportion of English officers and were organized as the Egyptian army has; been by Ufl since 1882, their army would soon be, according to fiat. - This , hardy, clever race, whoso numbers are to be counted in hundreds of mil lions, needs only the quicken .. n i . it: l .1 l :. f . i . I iJHiju nuu minu oiu lxupuieun to be converted into the o-rpntpfit And mnnr riowArfnl nation that has ever dicta- t af r iiima rr tha nf.-it.1flf Hiifr a xauoenn unea not hiwhvh appear when wanted. ' Take it for all vin all, the Parker letter represents a sober und careful man, the lrtprcspntative of sobpr and conservative vfaws a man who, if elected President may ha nrvltnurl nn tr ! hia rlntn 08 he sees it, uninfluenced i- ther oy clamor or bv. the di sire for upplunse or admira tion. J ude Pa rkn-'s pulses srem not to have been qnick ened, his habitual swrenety not to have been raffled for a moment, by the jcreatness, or at least the conspicuous nets, of the roll he has been railed upon to play.' This pqipoise, this mental sind moral balance, may serve liim in goodsteud if he should rench the Presidency, and mtty provs of great service 1o the.; Republic. Whelher they will, serve to promote his chanre of arriving at that jtoal i8 however.anotb' er q u e s 1 1 o n. Baltimore .News. A great deal has been writ ten about divorce evils. Mar Ned folks fall out with each other and quarrel, and then separate, Ret a divoie and then get married to some one else, if they can. You may talk about rigid divorce laws but the best way, the most effective way and the most practical way to cure the di vorep evil is to make the re' marriage of divorced people unlawful. Folks who have made a failure of marriage ehould not be permitted to marry any more. -Marshville Homp. CAN YOU EAT? T. B. Taylor, a prominent merchant oi Chricsman, Texas, says: "I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some won derful cures effected by use of Ko dol Dyspepsia cure, I concluded to try it. The first boltle benefitted me. and alter taking 4 bott'es, lam .fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health!" Kodo Dys pepsia curedi, eits what vou cat an J cuief. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. . Hit Opinion of 8)yj A liUlHjiiil wrote Ihe.lol" lowing fssay on ojs: "Hoys, are men that have not got. as big us I h"ir pa pas and ; gills are women that will be ladles by .and by." Wbeu God looked at Adam he so id to himself, 'Well, t think 1 can do bettr if I try again,' and be made); Eve, Boys are ti trouble. Thev weal out every thing but soap; If I had my way the world would lw irirlt and the rest dulls. , My papa is so nice that I thiriK he must have been a little girl when he was a little boy. Man was made, and on the 7i h day he had rested. Wo men was then made, and he has never rested since. Phil adelphia Inquirer. A JCDICtOOH INQUIRY, A well Known traveling man who viuitH the drug trade pays he has often heard druggists inquire of customers who iiBked lor a cough mediciue, whether it was wauled (or a child or au adult, and if for acbild they almost in variably rrenrnineiid Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. The rea son for this is that thy - know that there is no dungcr Irom ft and that it always cures;. There is not thf least danger in giving it. and for ccughe, cold ; and croup it in unsurpassed. For sale by J. M. Morel z. An excuse is usually a lie in disguise. CASTOR FA For Infanta and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears, the 'gsatnra Our idea of a bread winner is a girl who takes the cake. TAPE WORMS . "A tape worm eighteen, feet long at leut oama on tho eoene after taj taklnc two OASOARETS. TbU I am sure bu eauoed my bad health for tbe past three )n. I am still leklna Caaoareu, the only cattaartle worthy of DOUoe by aenalble people." uao. nr. duiub, euro, ansa. .Pleasant, Palauble, potent. Tute Good. So Sooo, NTr Bloken, Weaken, or Grle. Klo, SM.Me. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SHrtht Umttf CM,..,. Chl4f, Hinti, Urm Twk. ttt M.Tn.HIR 801,5 n,( jr"rntM bj all dm 'lU-DAlf iuu to dvmm Tobaow UaoUT The Are of genius isn't al ways able to, keep tho pot boiliug. Going for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ecncdy. ' Eon't ptit yoninelf In this mnn'o piacn, bnt keep a bottlo of this remedy In your home. There is nothing so good for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Dynpntery and DlnrrhooH. It ia equally vnlnablo for Snmuier CoraplHint and Cholera Infan tum and has ei ved the Uvpb of more children than any other medicine In nse. When rednced witli water and sweet ened it is pleiisaut to take. Yon, or someone of yonr fnmily, are sure to need this remedy sooner or later and when that time coinus yon will nned it badly ; yon will need it quickly . Why not bny it now and be prepared for nch iu emergency? Prico.S3c.;larKesiae.00a But few temperance, tuen are slaves to the cold water habit, Indigestion Causes Catarrh of tne Stomach. Pbr many years It has been supposed that Catarrh of ths Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but tho truth ta exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re peated attacks of Indigestion Inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomsch, thus caus ing ths glands to secrets mijcin lnstesd of the juices of natural digestion. This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bed breath, sour risings. sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottlct only. Raiulir $ I 00, boldtnt 3K UfltM the tr'il (1m. which felli for 50 centm. Prepared Ljt.0 DeWUT 00., OhUajo, III. . ".UeuHBstJlAn in ilia WarlJ. 1 1mm a from- thu San ford IvxprfHst 'A man who re- cntl.v inoveil to this place to put his children in the wit ton, mill, was asked the oth er clay if he wouldn't send hisrhildien to sehool. Nrt.' said b, I took rare of tny children when they were small; now they must sup port ine." Wht n (Joy. Ayeoek spoki before the school here last' spring 'a year ao, he paid his fpspeets to the fnth. er who refuses to send. his children to school becuuse he wanted to live off their labor by saying, "he is 'the mean est man in the. world." Tbe governor hardly put it 'too strong. Thi man should be ostracised from Society. He is an enemy, to his own chil dren. : It is such as h that we need a coinpulKorylio'oT law." Hardly any punishment is too seveie for a man who de libera tely works his children in a mill or else where ajQl deprives them of educational advantages in order that he may- live in idleness, nnd often, in vice.-off the proceeds of their labor, These are the vampires that nr a disgrace to the racH. Whita we disap prove of lawlessness we think sometimes that a well regu lated band of whitecHps is the only agency through which snch people could be reached effectively States ville Landmark. Ihsomoia and Indg-estioa Cured. "Last year I had a very sevare attack of indigestion. I couldn't sleep at night nnd suflured most exo.iuciatins lor time hours of tereach meai. I was trnubled thiH way for nboutthree months when I UHed Chambeilain's Stom ach nnd Liver Tablets, and re ceived immediate reliel," says John Dixon, Tullamore. Ontario Canada. For sale by f. M. Mor-etz. , A Xnrdvr In Job sou f'ouut, Tsuii. i i Tenness.ee Tomaha.vk 1 ' A fearful tragedy otruired ; at the hoaie of Jiff t'liuit h, ' near Pandora,', last Sunday nftet noon which was the re- 1 suit of a druuken row.' The 1 facts leading up to tbe idled dingof blood are not obtain able. It Is known, however, that Jff Church shot James tampueii and alter ihm vicii tini had fallen he hastened death by hittinghim on the heud witha huiribertfhtni'S Church came our of the tiiffi culty with an ugly wound on the face, which he claims Day ton Campbell, a brother of James, made with a knife. . John A. Shoun. Eq.. was dealt a stunning Mow in the eya by soms one presumably ; James Campbell. Dayton Campbell receive! a few scalp wounds which were inflicted U'lf It a idStiis in I K Viatisle rt I i ti u atu i iu aijn iiauun w Church wife. Briefly stated the above ac count is about all that has! been learned. Sheriff Greever; and Deputies Hazelwood nnd Roberts were notified nnd: soon appeared at the scene. tMf Church and Day ton '. Campbell were placed under: arrest and brought here and K put in jail. The latter was'p given a preliminary hearing Tuesday afternoon o n a charge of lelonious assault and ''Was bound to court. Church will haye a prelimi nary hearing today, Wednes day. The whiskey business has been a source of great annoy ante to the people of Pandora foPsome time and no doubt last Sunday's bloody affair, thongh it cost the lif of a man, may put a fin a', end to the t ruffle and its influence there. .HBvHanMMaMamvaa aii m ma m D mrm mm mm I ; U WUUUU U ami' trill', 'lllr'll JekftepvatlaifbrAs sumiaung nerooaonaurauia" ng thf flmmarlM nrl Bowela rf niMiiii ' "i ' '!l PrtmwtesT)uttHonXJwTful t?5S and Heston tains neither Opojin,MorpbJnfl nor HinfJal Not Nakc otic. flmmti, Sml-JtcJmm A Defect Remcdv forConstlp- tion. Sour Stoirah.Diarxhoea, Worms ,umvtusions,f evensa pcss and LOSS or SLEEK XKSunife Sinatuw of NEW "YORK. ill.- EXACT COrVOf VHABPtB. -1 For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always bought Bears the L. A lA The hi Kind j' You Have Always Bought. ni . tm arwrAun iwmw, im yomi wty. Barbed wire isn't apprecia- Lifis not so short biit ted hy a c in li 1 it wh ) is on that there is always time en thefeiit:o. ' ough for courtesy. We promptly obtain C. d. and Foreign Send model, Uetch or pbotooilnTriitioa lor Mntauui free report on i now to h Patent! i Secure 1 and a. For fits took, r mm JppostteT U. 8. Patent OttiM WASHINGTON D.& .'I HOW TO CURD CORNS, J'UNIOXH. Fl.ifet. soak the corn or bunion , la warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely w possi ble withont drawing blood and then apply Chamberlain's Pain . Balm twice daily, rubbing vigor ounlr (or five tain u tea at each ap Klication. A corii planter, sh,ould e worn a fewdaya to proW-t- it ' from thp shoe, As a general lini ment for sprains, bruises', lome uesH and rheumatirtm, Pain Balm is unequalled. ltv Kale by JJ: M. Moretz. f . . i 1 1 i I ( CATHARTIC tsadi mask ayoirrsaw aaaaiM .mmmmw- Our faith c)iiom in ir.ttment. our vi- e is habitual. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery Vltl.llk sic I. A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles free. UNIVERSITY OF NOHTH CAROLINA., Academic Department, LAW, MEDICINE, ' PHARMACY. GASH : GIVEN : AWAY to Users of In Addition to io Regular Froo Premiums Free tuition totenchers and min ister'8 sons. ScholarHhips and loans for needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. New Dormitories, Qymnahiuin,' y ttrer orKH. uenirai Heating System. Th Fall term begins Sept. 5, 1004. Francis P. Ven able, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. The Morning Post. ; KALIGH.N. C The only popular-priced morn np newspaper in North Carolina The finest telegraphic and gen erul news service. ' " Special correspondents in all parts of the State uiving a com plete synopsis ot Stato news. ; . sunscniPTioN price: One month .40. Two months .76,' Three months 1.00, Qn year 5.00, BTKICTLY IN ADVANCE. - ! like aGheeWUke This ? 'lm UWA ImisiI4 9ft ftflft Aft Cm1 to Hon Coffee users in our Great World's Patr Contest . 110 13TB KHirGIel f &UfUUUiUU 2U9 people get checks, 2139 more will get tbem in the Prosidsfifia! Veto Contest No paper continued beyond th . time pa'd for. 8iid in your Hulscription. ArDRES8 , TH E MORNING POST, Five Lion -Heads cut from . Lion Coffee Packages and a a -cent stamp entitle you (In addition to the regular free premiums), to . one vote. The a-cent stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate I recorded. You can . send as many esti mates as desired. Orand First Prlzi of $5,000.00 wHI be awarded to the one-who to nearest correct on both our World's Fair end Presl aatlal Vote Contests, We also offer $5,000.00 Specie! Cata Prises to Grocers' Clerks. (Particulars In each eaas ol Uoa Coffee.) i What will be the total popular vote cast ' for President (votes for all can. dldates combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted fofPresident. For nearest correct esti mates received la Woolson Spice Com pany s omce, Toledo, O., on or before Norembor 5, 1904, we will , give first prize for the nearest correct estimate. second prizo to the next nearest, etc., etc, as follows: . . , - 1 first frlis .....sa.ooo.oo 1 Seeona Frlse 1 ,000.00 a PrlaaaSfiOO.OO Meh 1 ,000.00 O Rises 200.00 - 1,000.00 .1.000.00 .1,000.00 .1,000.00 .9,600.00 . 6.000XX) IO Msaa IOO.OO SO FrUes 60.00 60 Prises 20 0O 360 Frlses IO.OO 1800 frlies COO also nma. tot At, sao,oorxoo How Would Your Name Look on One of These Chocks? Everybody uses coffee. renrbody Tinced ' If von will use LIOH COMTEK Ions- enontrh to eet acottalnted with It. vou convinced there is no. other snch value for the money. Then yon will take no otuer ana mat s wny we aovertiee- And we are using our advertising money so that both of us yon aa well as we will get a benefit. Hence for your Lion Uemmt WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZEO . Complete Detailed particulars in Every package 01 will be suited and LOON F(TE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEPT.) JtV0 t6ledo,ohio.

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