'WVTt A 6T1 . T ' Li ; ) t- : (Ob luk' - "- O VOL XVI. Never attempt tu jiuge u - womHn's brains by the aize vof her hat. , Beantke .,' y!h Kind Tw Hw Always Bonght Wpatin PROFESMOXAL. t.D.IME, ATTORNEY AT LAW; , BANNER ELK, N. C. VST Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. . ' .' 7 6.'04 ToSd.oV BaltoiL ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the eoujta- Special attention given to col ection,' "' 1-6-4-. F. A. LINNEY. -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of cbirt and surroundingeoun ' ties. Prompt attention uiv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 6 12 '04. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER -LENOIR, N.C Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6.1. 'oj. s J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections. EFLOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOSE, N.V. fSTSpecial attention given to all business entrusted to h'a care.T38 11 '01. E. S. COFFEY If -AT10MEYA1 LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Iff Abstracting titles' and collection of claims a, special ty. M 04. DR R. D JENNINGS, RESIDENT dentist, BANNER ELK, JN. C. Nothing but the best material used and all work done under a positive guarantee. Persons at a distance should notify me a few days in advance when they want work done. After March the ltst, I have arranged to be at the Blackburn Houe in Boone on each first Monday. Call on me. 1.28. W. II BOffEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir, N.C. Practices inthe courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt atteution given to all legal matters entrusted to his care, De. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C Ao Knite; No Burning Out. Highest references and endow ments of prominent persons sue eessfnlly treated jo ; Va., Tenn. and N. C. Remember that there is no time too sooVtb get rid of a cancerous growth -no matter how.- small Examination free, letters answewd promptly, and gitiafactionjjUAraa tcod. BOONE. WASHINGTON ; LETTER From our ResnUr Cor re ipcntcri. 'Hoisted with it own , per tard" is'theiiiH.'riptiou which fhoulJ be emblazoned on the doors of the United State Senate. For three weeks the Senate debuted the arbitra tion treaties Huhmmitted by the President implied a viola tion'of the constitution anil amended them in neeordaine with the ideas of the consti tutional lawyerwof the upper chamber, deopite the urgent insistence of the Piesident that the treaties be approv ed without change. Opinions differ as to the merits of the controversy which involved a question of constitutional law too abstruce.perhapsfor the average citizen to decide, but while the Senate wus en gaged in removing thV mote from the Presidential eye it tailed to see the beam in its own. Inadvertantly, no doubt, but not the less certainly, the Senate itself perpetrated an unquestionable violation of the constitution when it adop ted the Hausbiough amend ment to the agricultural ap pronation bill, introducing the Secretary of the Treasu ry not to apply the draw bark provision of the Ding ley act to flour made in whole or in pait of imported wheat. Thp House wbm quick to per ceive the invasion of its con stitutional prerogatives olin itiating revenue legislation a violation of the constitu tion far more obvious than that alleged to be involve! in the arbitration treaties, and the result was that the Seriate has been obliged to re cede from its position and strike from the agiicultural bill the offending a mend men t belore the House would con sent to consider it at all. When the Agricultuia! bill reached the House the uncou stitutionality of the Hene brough amendment was im mediately perceived and with out bringing the bill up for consideration a resolution was proposed respectfully calling the attention of t h e Senate to its violation of the prerogatie of the House. When thjs resolution reached the Senate its equality was immediately appreciated and Seuator Hansbrough himself moved to strike from the bill the offending amendment. This done, t be bill was again passed aud returned to the House, all of which goes to show that the best constitu tional lawyers may differ re garding the exact meaning of the constitution and that the bestintentioned may un wittingly violate veu the clearestprovisions of that venerableembodiment.known as the constitution of the U- A VEUY CLOSE f ALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked Vith pain," writes C. W.Bellamy a locomotive fireman, of Burlington Iowa. 4,I was weak and pale without ay appetite and all run down. A 1 was about to pive up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters and after takjn? it, I felt as good as 1 ever did in my life," Weak sickly, run ' down people always gain new life strength and. vigor from their use. Trv them. Satis faction guaranteed by lul, B. Black burn, Price 50c- WATAUGA COUNTY, nited States. . The President has sent to the Si-nate a rem arable mes sage on effa'ii in San Domin go and a protocol which, at first glance, meets with the approval of 'a large number of members of the uppercham ber. It is almost too earlv to make predictions regarding the ultimate fate of the trea ty but it is obvious already that there will be no division on party lines. The President it) his message points out the advantages which must cJwhn such official had. dem crue to the Southern, and es pecially the Gulf States'lrom stability and prosperity in theDomincan Republic and hisargument appeals to the Southern Democrats wTt h Quite as rouch'force as to Nor thern Republicans. The pro tocol, or treaty, B provides t hut the United Spates shall takechnrtfpof the financial affairs of jSan'Domingo; "col lect, at the expense of the Republicalllof her customs, duties, and turn oyer to the San Domingan-government 45 per cent, of the gross re ceipts for current expenses; out of the remaining 55 per cent, shall be paid the expen ses of collection, and the re mainder shall be devoted to the payment of San Domin go's outstanding indebted ness. The Unitetates will also adjudicate all unliquida ted indebtedness and will ex ercise reasonable control o ver the tariff schedules of the Republic until its debts shall have been paid. In his message the Presi dent reviews the long histo ryofSan Domingo's "fren zied finance" which has pro duced a condition of abso lute insolvency and declares that this country caunot le gally mnintain the !ionroe Doctrine in its entirety with out takingthe proposed Btep. He points out that this coun try would regard as unfriend ly any interferuce with San Donngo's destiny by a na tion not of this hemisphere, and yet there are European creditors who have exhaust ed every diplomatic expedi ent in their efforts to collect the just dues and which now arpeal to the United States to enforce the payment of thesa dues or, to permit forci ble control of San Domintsan affairs by her European cred itors. The protocol makes manifest Sun Domingo's wil lingness tn hnye the United States act as her receiyerand sentiment seems to be tending towards the belief t has such receivership constitutes the only satisfactory solution of the problem presented by the insolvent Republic. TheSwayno impeachment trial drags wearily on in the Senate with little apparent sign of reaching a conclusion STOMACH TROUBLES AND CONsTlPA TION. "Chamberlain's Stomach aud Li ver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever sold" says J. R. Cullman a druggist of Potterville, Mich. 'They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my custo mers to try them and if not satiofac tory to come back and aet their mon ev but have never had a complaint" For sale by J. M. Moretz. For PUeaDurniy8oreti 1 N. C, THURSDAY although the attorneys for the defendant assert their be lie! that they will be able, to bring the rase to a' cloae by the last pf next week. The end is still in 'doubt altbo that seems to be largely the result of a popular miscon ception of the charaetci of an impeachment. It is proba able that the diviseis of im peachment proceedings in ten ded to provide a weans of re moving a jndge or other offi cial, otherwise irremovable, onstrated his ur.fitnes for the office he held, but did not intend that such' removal, or impeachment, should consti tute a punishment or dis grace eveu more ex easive that criminal prosecution nnd u short term of impris onment. But whatever may have been the Intention of those nlio provided the ma chiaery for impeachment, it is manifest now that a man impeached would be moreneri ously punished than the man convicted of a minor offense and imprisoned therefor. For this reason it seems doubtfnl if the Senate will impeach in this instan?e, nlttntigh were the Sen a to merely called up on to declare the defendant unfit fuither to act as judu? there in little doubt as to what its decision would be, Tt'NlC TO TY1IE S8TEM. , For liver troubles and constipation theru U nothing better than De Witt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little Pills. They don't weak en the stomach, Their action upon the system is mild, pleasant and harmless, Bob Moore oX LaFay ette Ind. says "No ue talking Pc Witt's Little Early Risers do their work. All other pills I have used gripe and make me sick at the stomach and never cured me, De Witt's Little Early Risers proved to be the long sought relief. They are simply perfect." Persons trav teing find Little Early Risers the most reliable remedy to carrv with Ihcm. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. Peter was a good workman but be would go on sprees. His employer was lenient, but when Peter turned up af ter having been absent for a couple of days without leuve he discharged him. But Peter did not take his discharge se riously and went back to work as usual Again he went on a spree, and again he was dischargd and taken back. These little escapades had been repented four or fi v e times within a couple of years, when Peter walked in to the shop one morning, looking much the worse foi his celebration. "Se here,', said the employer, "you un distharged." "Look here," paid Peter, am tired of this. If I am tired again I'll quit thp job." And he went on about his work and has not been "fired" since. Phil adelphia Record. SAVED FROM TKRRIBLE DKATH The family of Mrs. M. L. Hob bitt of Bargerton Tenn, saw her dy ing and were powerless to save her The most ski'lful ph ywicians and ev ery remedy used, failed, while con. sumption was slowly but surely ta. king her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption turned despair into joy. The lii st bottle brought immediate relief and its coutinucd use complete ly cured her. it's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lnng troubles Guaranteed bottles 50c and $t.oo Trial bottles free at M. B- Blackburn'. MARCH 2, 1933. Screws on Vote Buyers. Asheville Citizen. The Indianapolis News is urging the Indiana Lcgisla ture to pass a specific bill ma king it u felony to at tempt to buy or sell n vate during po litical elections. The propos ed meusure is to beadvanced as an amendment to that sec tion of the Australian ballot law which already covers ac tual buying and selling of franchise. The news says: 'We think the bill should le passed. Surely there can tie no objection to making vote-buying a crime. It is the men who buy votes and who furnish money for that pur pose that haye corrupted the electorate of this State. Of ten they, haye beeu promi nent and "respe. tnhle peo ple and eminent party leui era. If the "floaters" 'ire now numerous.andif thedemunds. of the wretches who seek to iiiuke merchnndif-e of t h e i 1 suffrage are impudent a ml persistant, it is only because they huve been educnted down to their present degra dation by men of ability, prominence and influence. It is these men that we need to punish. One State countj. or city chairman serving a Nix month's sentence in jnil and excluded lrom suffrage and office-holding tor ten years, woold lo more to pu rify conditions than would the conviction 01 every hxit er in the Stute. Tl: ruf re we commend the bill 01 Senator Hugg, and urg itn,.prompt. enactment into law?" The eitiz -n (iocs nor be lieve that there will be mii' h difficulty in passing su-h t. law. In a state which has al ready acted against corrup tion and bribery bv udopi ing the Australian ballot sys tern, it should have ensy sail ing. If alleffortsof politicians to profit by questionable tactics are discouraged by legislative enactment it can be said that ihe millenium has practically been reached. It is to be hoped, and it now appears more than proh able, that the legislature of North Carolina will take a step forward by considering the merits ol the merits of the Australian ballotsystem, The Citizen has wiitten so of ten on this subject that there is practically nothing ele to te said in its favor. All that is needed now an effort to introduce it in either branch of the legislature, and even though it do's not. pass at this session it will pave th way for hiton' m -r i ri AUS"I,UIELY HAHMLKSH. The fault of giving children ned icine containing injurious substan ces is sometimes more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly sale for child ren to take. It contains r-otlun harmful and for cmighs colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by J. M . Morez An airnoMfiv is m man who! Ooenn't iielive in his own' be! lief. An agreeable movement of the bowels without an v unpleasant fff- ect is produced bv Ciiarnberlaiu'i, ' Stomach and Liver Tablets For1 sale bv J. M. More: z. j One Eiinute Cough Guro For Coughs, Colds and Croup NO 40; Miss. Agnesttutty 616 Wells Strut ' Marlnette.Wii 816 "Wells Sbw-t ' Marinette, Wib., Sept. 25, 1003. ' I was all ran down from nervous-' ness and overwork and bad to resign my position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I ' could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began wring it. I waj satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it AGNE8 WESTLET, ' BecT.iTorth WUnjiuIn HoUud Society. Secure a (1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. nackam of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINE OF CARDUI Some men are born kickeri and ooine are the victims of dyspepsia. Indigestion Causes' Catarrh of the j Stomach. For many years it has beon supposed thai Catarrh of the Stomtoh caused Indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re peated attacks of Indigestion inflames tha mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposesthe nerves of tha stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juices of natural digestion. This la called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kcdol Dyspepsia Guro relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bkd breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles oniy. Regular size, $100, holdint 2H times the trill sl78. which sells for 50 cents Prspsrtd by E. 0. DsWITT & CO., Chlcsjo, III. ' Many an ullced wise guy has been declared otherwise by a jury. BI'EEDY RELIEF. A salve that heals without a scar is .DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve, Ne remedy effects such a speedy relief It drsvva out inli-iriimation .soothes cools and heals and cuts burns and bruises. A uure cure for piles and skin diseases. DeVVitt's is tha on ly genuine Witch Hazel Salve. B ware of counterfeits they are dan, gcrous. Sold by M. Blackburn. Most of the lectures deliver ed by women are to a one iii.i n atnlieuce. Thousands Have Kidney Troiihlq! and Don't Know it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with youf water and let it stand twenty-four hours; sediment or sets tllng Indicates aa unhealthy condt tion of the , kid neys; if It stains your linen It ta. evidence of klcW ney trouble; toa frequent desire lei pass H or pats ta the back is aid convincing proof that the kidneys and biafe dcr are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swaraffll Root, the great kidney remedy fulfil everi wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the! back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every par? of the urinary passage. It corrects lnabili to noia water and scaldine nam in It, or bad effects following use of wine or beer, and overcomes'thit nnoli necessity of being compeNsd to go tUA during the day, and to get up many tlmetf during the night. The mild and tha ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is so68b realized. It stands the highest for lis wpfn derful cures of the most distressing oacVJ If ycu need a medicine you should have (ia best. Sold by druggists in 50a. nd$l. sUJ You may have a sample bottle of tL wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent I absolutely free by malt. address Dr. Kilmer Ac Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing i tion reacung this generous oiler m this j it DASatDOI Jiauod iasanJ RosstaflmmAoAl naaW