a Th3 Vatauga D emocrat. Entered at the Post office At Boone, N. C, as second , class wail matter, SUBSCRIPTION UATE8: One Tean................;... 1 .00. Six Months...... .50. Three mouths..:......... .25. Advertising rates famished on Application. LOCAL NEWS. -The robins are here. Lenoir court this week. -U. S. McDade, the Druggis MouutaiqGityTenn. 'Phone no. 2i -ee R. M. Green' new ad in this issue. . l hH LpKWature will, we an nnosp'adithtfr ii this week. ST fie best seed of all varie tiebold be i selected for planting,' ; -Wplie Haynes and wile ef t yfiterd.aj for the State of Washington. ' Dr. UttieVreomed Sun day from a visit to his old home in Taylorsviue. Sorry to hai of the very illness of Mr. Paul JJU ---- McGufre, of Riverside. : the board of county com missioners will be in session next Monday. TMarch is with os, but he came in gently. Poseibly she may get on a rampage later Mr T V. McBnde had a 4 W ' Sale Of his personal effects on "Tnesday preparatory to mo ving to Tennessee, 'fUf here is no debt bo easi i ly put off as that owed the 1 fjpr man by some men, we mean. Messrs T. S. Coffey and Murray ,Criteher are east of the Ridge thin week with a number of fine muleskr sale. Messrs. J. C. Mast and J.O.jflorton are putting in a 'phone line thieek from I. L. Kineaid's to Tbos. L Criteher's, -Ellis Hall, the faithful mail carrier from Boone to Stony Fork, is suffering with a severe -attack of pneutno" nia. Mr. and Mi. Loyd Hod ges, of Vilas, have our sytn- Dathv in the death of tteii baby daughter, some days ago. -Prof. B. D. Dougherty has not vet returned from Ral ehzh. but the reports trotu the appropriation lor the Ap palachian Training School are very encouraging. . We are now ready to fur ' nisti all kinds, of building ..lumber rough or dressed, Prices reasonable according to grade. Ca render Bro's, Matney, N.C. Miss Nannie Rivers, after an absence of 11 months, has returned fully convinced that among all nice places Watau ... ga is just a little nicer than any other Dart of God' green earth she has ever seen. Hotloe Of DlsioldtiOM. ,,. This is to certify that the 'firm of Hagaman & Co; of ' Reese, N.C is by mutual con cent dissolved, N. L. Mast re tiring from the business The business will continue undar the original firm name of Ha - gaman &Co. This January 24,1904. . Hagaman & Co. -; The Big Jack ; Known as he T. A. Critcher Jack, will bo stood this season at stnnk Home." Banner uik. . :C Thia inliiahlaflmmnl nnnro.ln u 01 inns Nearly all the windows are in at the Appalachian Training School b u f I d I ng a n d the structure, is pie senting a very sightly ap pes ru ne?. The ex-Sheiiff is now. through hind- puties, making heavy set onthedelinnuent tax-payers. To sive further trouble and cost vou had bet ter settle them at once, Is it Watauga real estate yon want? If so apply to Rly ers& Fletcher. II they have not got what you want they will look it up for you. New farms, are being added to their list every week. From theefft rson Recor der we learn that Dr. J. VV Colvard, of that town, in off on a trip'to Texas to see his wife who has spent the win ter there. Sorry to know the health of th . good lady re mains poor. -RPvTW. R. Savage ana Rev. W. T. Albright will ex change pulpits next Sunday, March the 5th at 11, ft. m. There will be no services at the Methodist church her on Saturday night or at Ruther wood on Sunday at 3, p. in. -Mr. W. H. Calaway'and family passed through Tues day en route to Jrfferson on a visit t' relatives. They weie accompanied by Mrs, Logan, who has been spend ing some weeks at their boaie. Messrs. M. B. BlacKburn, Marshal Greer and probably others from the county, left this morning for Washington Citv where they will attend the inauguration of Presi dent Roosevelt next Satur day. Miss Man Culler, who has lived in Watauga for ma ny'years, died at Wilkeaboro on last Saturday, where she had gone for a temporary stay with relatives She was a sister of John S. Culler and a daughter of Benjamia Cul ler. -Mr. R. L Proffiit.of Trip lett, has purchased a larmat Proftit, Wilkes county, and will continue his mercantile and locust pin business at that point. Mi. Profflt was a good, energetic citizen., and weareHorJyhe left Watau ga. For the benefit of the pub lie we' wish to announce that the switch board at Boon is closed as to business on Sun days. The office, however. will be open for emeigencies from 8 to 9, and from 1 to 2 each Sunday. This ruh will be strictly adhered to. FOR SALE: Twelve three year nlH and five two vear old steeps. Have fed thera over winter for thfl manure, but lave not pas ture for them. Call on or address Dr. A. A. KENT, Lenoir, N. C. NOTICE, North Carolina, Watauga coun ty. In the SuDenor Court. Sam nnl T.nv Tlioa. D. Ward vs. Elizabeth Love, Nancy Love, Tibia Uraham ana nusoann, George Graham, viaow sua heirs .at law ol William Love, Deceased. The defendants abovenamed wil take notice that an action enti tied AH above has been conimenc ed in the Suoerior Conrt of Wa tauga county to apportion ine . 11. lands ot Wil.iam iove, aeceaseu, and the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear at the omce o the l1lirt nf the Sunerior Court o Watauga county in Boone N on Fuday the 17th dayotwarcn lOOS, and answer or demur to the fiotitinii ot the Illaitltiffrt in said action or the plaintiffs will applv to the court for the relief demanded in said petirion x nis Mr. W, IIV Finley return- led Tuesday from his visit to Boone. He reports the roads as being in a fine condition lieyond the mountains. No. H ilkesboro Hustler. Possibly , they were, then, nut they h re something else now. ' -Friend T. P. Adams, who had been in Raleigh for sever al days on business oelore the Legislature, returned last week on account of tb6 ill ness of his fa therein law, Mr John Adams. At last account the old gentleman was impro ving, and we trust that ere long be may be well aguin. A letter bearing the sad intelligence oi the serious ill ness of the aged father of our townsman, Capt. Lovill, ar rived from Missouri on Tues day. The Capt is in Ra!e!gh, but he was wired atonce and his son thinks he will visit him before he returns home. The venerable gentleman is 97 years of age. Through the efforts of Capt Lovill Governor Glenn has pardoned young Roby Warren who was sent to the penitentiary two years ago charged with killing his fa ther the pardon to take ef feet sometime this month, when two years of his sentence-will expire. The young man plead guilty of thefearful crime, and the circumstances that lead up to the awful tragedy W3re m provoked that it seemed he was justifi able in taking the life of his at her. We are glad he has been grafted his freedom. Blowing Bock Item-. Misj Lilly Holi'Oinb, of S. C, passed here last week on ier wqv to visit her mother at the Vulle Crucislndustrial School. Mr. W. G. Hall returned ast Monday from a short visit to bis old home in the county of Wilkes. Mr. Bishop, cashier of the Blowing Rock Bank, b.a s been called back to his home n Kentucky by the sad news of the death of his mother. Our townsman, Mr, E. 0, Moody, with his family, has started on the return trip to he State of Washington. Rev. W. T. Albright will preach in the Methodist church at this plnce next Sat urday night und Sunday, not having been able to meet his r.eftular appointment on last third Sunday, owing to t h e quarterly meeting in Doone. Mr. J. B. Clarke has return ed from Thomasvill, where he placed in the Baptist or phanage the three little girls of our late townsman, Dr. Toppings. The victims of the slippeiy streets are all getting well, and judgin g by the "signs of the Robin", quite a flock of robins having appeared on last Sunday, there is no likelihood of our haying ma ny mole accidents. By the way, speaking of accidents, a cow belonging to one of our law abiding citizens, while on a tour of inspection, espied an unusual srowbank, which she proceeded to limb, an I fell through, not with her four feet but with her fore feet, causing a shower of bro ken glass, sleet nnd snow to fall in upon th" flowers in the Parson's pit in the rear o the Mis-don House. Tim cow Hared herself from a bad ac cident, but Jack Frost got the flowers, S ranjre as it may seem no one owns the cow. S. Hti, Tti Hird Ym Haw Mway Saqgt Ask Your OwnDoctor If he tells you to take Aycr's Cherry Pectoril for your severe cough or bronchial troublo, then take it. If he has tnything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I m4 kjtn't Chft Pwtor! for hard coldi, tad sought, and liiAntnu. It hat don ma mat rood, and 1 bellere H It the bait cough medicine In Jha world tor all throat and lunf trouble."- EU C. BTUABT, Albaaj.Oragoa. MS br . O. Aft OC, Lowell. IUh eweej itpefiotnrora af 9 umpmix vers nui, -bam vkIor. arn t iwuiala emin wwitrt ana af Ayer's fills at btdtlme, Just sno. FARM FOR SALE. 0n- bundled and sixty five 16o acres lying two miles went of Boone, Two good dwelling honsep; 12 acres oi bottom: 75 acres "lea red land the b ilance in timber Will be sold at a bargain. Call on the undersigned. A. R. COOK. Farms for Sale Cheap, Terms to Suit Purchaser 1st tract: 400 acres il2 milos from Boone; 1 00 screw cleared and in cultivation, balaiwo well limbered. Good 0 room dwell ing; good barn and orchurd. A . great bargain. 2nd tract: 300 acres 4 miles from Boone; 100 acres cleared, all frenb; 200 acres well timber ed; 51 tenant houheBontlieland. Good grist and saw mm on tne property. Good orchard. Defer able property lor sale cheap.. 3rd rrnct: 120 acn's; 100 acres cleared; fair'y Rood dweiimjr on farm; good orchard; kdiool within 200 janls Will be sold right. 4th tract: 280 acres. 00 acres cleared and wellcnlcivated, bal ance well timbered; fine water power; ?ood orchard, dwelling nnd barn School right at door 5th tract 90 acres 1 1-4 miles Irom Boom; nearly all cleared; well watered, lair orchard, well graced. A great bargain. Titles all good. Land 4 all cheap. For terms and payments apply to FLETCHER & RIVERS, Real Estate Acent. BOONE N C. NOTICE. The Undersigned having been dul.y appointed by power ol at tnr'nev bv the heirs at law of Thomas Sutherland, deceased, to enl Pf t the debts due said decens. ed, und to pa all debts due by urti.l deceased at the tune oi ins dpnth. and to settle and manage said estate tor the term of two vpars from Dec. 10. 1904, there fnre notice is herebV civen to an persons due saiJ entare to come forward and make. immediate set tlpmentnnd all persons '.loldiner claims against said estate will present the Bame duly authenti cate for payment within twelve months Irom this date or uns no tice will le plead in bar of their recovery. This Dec 10, 1904. J, B. Sutherland, Attorney iu fact EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. In the Superior Court. Eliz abeth Triplett and John Tnp tt vs. M. M. Davis. Unbtr and by an execution direc- . . . ai ... j : i I iU tea to ine uiiiierBifiiieu irum uitr Suj erior Court ol Watauga coun tv in the above entitled action. I will on Monday, the 27th day ofMarch,1905,atl2,M., it be ing Monday of the March term ol court, at the court house door nf said countv. sell to the hiirh- est bidder for cash, to satisfy anid execution, a 11 the riirht. ti tle and interest which the said M. M. Davis. de!ndant. has in the following described real es tate to wit: said tract of land ly imrnnd lxirui.i ( ove Creek tow n shTn. fldioininor th lands of Will Kirley and otters situated on the Davis Urancn ana nam ninos now in possession of the defendant M. M. Davis, the amount of said iudffment beinc 65 and interest nn the same and cost of this ac tion, sail sura being for the pur chase money, or a part of t h e same, for the above described Idnd. This Feb 23, 1905. Jobs W. Hoboes. Sheriff, , The next democratirr plat form will belike the last says the ew8 and Observer will mean whnt.it says and say what it means. The merges tion of "private intHrpMa- tions" or virions !indrstan dinus" not made to the pub lie Is something new in North Carolina. They have been put to sleep forever, together with the new suggestion that the State Executive Commit tee should be the uuardian of the General Assembly. , March, April May There is a best time for doing everything that is, a time when A thing Can be done to the best ad Vantage, most easily and most ef fectively. Now is the best time for purifying your blood. Whyt Because your system is now trying to purify it you know this by the pimples and other eruptions that oave come on your face and body. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pitts Are the medicines to take they do the work thoroughly and agreeably and never fail to do it. Hood's are the medicines you have always heard recommended. ",1 cannot recommend Hood' SarftnparillA too highly m a xprinar medicine. When we take it In the wring e all feel better through the summer." Mhs. S. H. Neai McCrayi, l'a. Hood' Sarsaparilla promise tc cur ana Keeps mo promise. Boone Cash Store, FIVE AND TEN CENT COUN 2 E It. Lok here, pleas, I -want to supply your wants and if low pruvn are nnv Wiliie meiit, 1 in itding to cnt'-h n Himv iiv I f-MV t iluj iv i h t hirL'iiiii.": Hqt . lifh pans, frpinieleil stew pans, nii-kH plated waiters. coff-eporH, glass dippeis, children brooms, hatch'ts, H-rew driver, key chains, riiliiiu a ri 1 luiggv whips Idik'Ii biii k e t 8, lllHi-hine riee'tl. M, men's mix. f'O.VH HTld g''I stockings. cr-HVirs, col lars, whisk brooms, huir mushes. A ftiull line of stationery, books, testa ments, etc all Ge ami ten ff-nts. Groceries always on hand at Lowest figures. Don't, for your own good, fail to make n draw on the Silver Butter Dish. It's Free'. COME AND SEE. BOONE GASH STORE. R M. GREEN', Manager. ron pale: I am offering for nale my property at Todd. h e 1 1 e r know n as Ulk X Roads, containing fifteen n creHwith good six room dwell ing, store house 20 by do feet m ho a ware house 20 bv 30 feet, all the buildings nearly new. Land newly cleared with about one hundred and tweti tv five vountr fruit tiven. Two good mrings near the dweilinir. Will sell on reason able term, for further infor mation write nient IJIowing Hock N. C. H. C. MlLLEIt TsOilOiv North Carolina. Watauga County, In the Superior Court, Daniel Yates, Administrator of Martha Yates, vs. W. L. Church and wife4 hllen Lhuro. W. L. Church one of the defend antH above named will take notice that a motion is made in the case Martha PreMiell, vb. W. L. Church and wife Ellen to revive the judge ment in said cause and to have an execution issued and levied nponcer tain lands, situated in said county claimed bv said defendents. And the said defendents will further take no tice that he is required to appear be fore the clerk of the Superior coujt of said county in Boone N. C. on the 8 day Mrch ' 901;, and nhow cause, if he has any, why the said judge ment should not be revived and ex ecution issued thereon to Satisfy said tiifWment. Witness the signature of the clerf of said court at office ! in Boone N. C. This the 17th day of Jan, 1905. Ta!.?s. JJ inch am, C. S. C- AFKfllcijiiiail ik School. $pi Ing term bfcgibs tan. 4, 1905 and continues four months. free tuition to public school teict era. ' E3tpeh6es very ttasonable. AddreSs Secretary tl tbe faculty ' JJoonei N. 0 M ill Ue.rjTr 'My Stock of uiwtolate MI1H tieryis nnite "catphy" and 1 ara 1 repned to nUit the moat faatld loust M3' prices are right, th ntyle of goods consid-red. I have ndded to my line a pret ty atoek of plctnren, stationery, etc. Come nhd nee me. Store on first floor ot Coffe Hotel, J.J.GOFFEY. KM. MADRON,!). D.b. t am now located here fur the practice of Dentistry, and am mar king liriuge and Crown work, the moit intricate work known td thd profcHsion. a specialty, 8"M work U all done under . positive suarnntee no satisfaction no pay, Nothing but the lest mate rial used in the execution of any ot my wrrk. UNDERTAKING My line of goods U the riiost cfW plete evtr shown in this country, corl listing of Metallic Caskets, I loth covered Caskets, varnluhttlund gloss white goods, tlobes, 8 hoe 8 and Hardware, Also a nice line of Chet1 ry and Walnut Coffins made by R. G. Johnson, Price reasonable. R. ROSS DONNELLY. Undertaken & EiiUAUidtl Shcun' X Roads, . . . Tenit YOU SHOULD SEE ourwipurb sfocK o? siH'ervrare It's the trreateet treat In town. To examine ft is an artistic treat( Thu (Ichlgns are unique, effective nnd most admirable. You Cancet) nn idea of some things only by uctuully h(! ing tfcem. That s the case with our Silverware. You uiiift inspect the exhibit careful ly, and in detail, before you can properly appreciate Its BUperiof merit and value. Now is the time to buy Silver ware, Write for catalogue. ALFRED W. DULA. Jeweler and Optician Lenoir, N. 0. SPEGIAL ATTENTION, 1 wish to call PDesial ntten-' tion ro my Inrge stock of Men nnd Boy s., CLOTHiN G mv Fall and winter line of which has jnat nrrived. MEN S SUITS 2.:Q to 18, HOY SUITS 80 cmts to $5. See my god before buy ing, as 1 have the largest stock from wlii 'li to select, anil my prtceH nre the lowest to he found I ha v1 also just received a very pretty lineof ladiea'aod minsn' .... CAPES AND JACKETS, worth from to $5. Ladies and raises winter hats ail immense line to electfroui and the prettiest Roods to be found in the county, GOOD STOCK of overshoes, rubber ntid lelt boots for winter wear. Ovcr coiitwfjr men, knit shuvb, fascinnterrt and hoods fortb wnnen Hiid chddren." Anything you want at pri ces to suit you. ComeuD'J fe me. . . Very Truly, v U.C. MILLER, J" OHllir WWII J XJ " Thob. BisaiiAil. . 8. C. 13 ow nsr Kock.Went.m "Hi chard 8 end p. J. Lybroob, r

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