TJX. - ' voixvi. 1 .i-'-u SO. 50. BOOXJW WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, NTUIISDAY A1AR0H 9, -loos. ' Between two fads woman 1 id yry a p t to eh 1 t bo r li . . O.A.S'POXIZ.A.. . Bwrs'tb - Il Kind toil Hag Alwp BaugM : Signature i,o;i.owe, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . t . : BANNER ELK, N. C. . 862r Will . practice . in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties, ; 7 6 'O4 ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. ' Will practice In all the eouatri Special attention given to cd ection, 1-G-4-. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of chin and surronndingconn ties. Promnt attention jriv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 6 12 '04. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER ' -LEN0m,N.C-- M ill Practice Ilegufarly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1. '03. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. 0. Careful attention given to collections. E F LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW. -BOOSE, N. C. ISTSpecial attention given to all business entrusted to h.a care.-8 1-1 '01 E. S. GOFFEY -ATIOIMEYATLAW,- L'OONE, N. C. Prompt Attention given to all mat tern of a legal nature. Abstracting titles and collection, ot claims a special tv. 1 M'Ol DR R. D. JENNINGS. resident dentist, BANNER ELK. IN. C Nothing but. the tx'Pt material used nnd all work done under a pobitive guaruntee. Persona at a distance should tiotity me a few days in advance when they want work done. Alter March the 1st, I have arranged to be at the Blackburn - House in Boone on each first Mouday. Call on me. 1.28. W-H.BSJWE -ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir, N. C. Practices in 'the oonrtH of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe ami other surrounding counties. Prompt attention givn to all legal matters entrusted to his care. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, BANNER'S ELK. N. C hioKnite; No Burning Out. Highest refereucen. and endors meats of prominent pensooH sue- eenBiuii,v tmtitru in ice n.nrl fi ' 'Tf(meinbWthnt.'tlif-iv ?iarfo time totsoo Vo'get rid ol ia cancerous growth no matter j ho; small (fizatpination ffee Iriicro ans;iw'i" promptly, anp attsfactiOBcuarauteeri.. 6 WASHINGTON LETTER From our Ee&ular O; re: pent f if. . Tli"r are !;' ik-is ah-ad lor the Siin Doaiinoo treat , in thy estimation of leading Democratic S-nator. whode flaue that bad hot ijm S. nat Ho l'": li'lv oppos-d lhr'Pi" idpiit's wish b infu iidiiit' the several ar'at. ration rival ih. ! 4pif - hi viijroiiJ pc-tet a majority d R-puh.-an Sjn a tors aouM votpaga'tit th' S.iii I) iiiimgan pmt'val. ; l li.rtt h o in f R"publieaiiK imiy do tluH H"e:ns extieuly likelv, atuong them ,Ir, U!. of Maine, who in nhove all elsH a nim-f va five, who ilid not la-witatf tn opjioM.' t I) v Spanish War t o the hiNt Mitch and ho alu opposed th ' m quiitiou of tliH PlnllippineH. for uime. A very ario'iH proS lern is presented by the S in Domiuiznn ng'eeniHiit. In t Ji estimation o; ma'i.v Seii itors itsapiaoval wou!; ad to a period of "freuzie.I tiiiam e" in the Souih American Re publics. Financeers eonfident that eventually theyouhl prevail upon tin? U u i t e il States to compel the pay ment of their loans, would lend to the improvident South . Americans abudant funds, at exhorbitant rates of interest, and their prof fersof cash would be prompt iy. Later, when the day of recoiling came, rJ'iinpean na tions would fall the atten tion of the United States to the San Domingan precedent, drop. a significant remark or two legarding the probable necessity of their using force to protect the. interests of their citizens, erediM)rs nf the South American . h-publica, ami ,n t his country would be compelled to step in a gain and again and play trie roll of receiver for its insol vent neighbors to the South. Such a programme would call for a large navy, an in creased luuriuecorpsand oth er expensive outlays, for which there would be no pos sible wa.v of getting from the South American Nations or 1 heir foreign creditors. In the case of San Domin go it is pointed out t h a t hardly more than on fourth of the sums for which that unfortunate ami spendthrift country has obligated itself were ever advanced to it in actual cash. Loans of a mill ion dollars were made on whi'-h the ''premium" am inn ted h fifty per cent more, and the intercut was ttxpd at from 5 percent a month up ward and eomno-mded P''-h month, (V con -", 'he Stn Domingan protocol provides that the United States shall have power to adjudicate all claims, but that of itself is likely to prove on almost in terminable tak and mav pro vorp as hard feelings amonir European creditor nations as would a direct refusal ei ther to interf re or permit thm to exert force. It is Btill tooearly to make nnv deflnirp predictions, al .thneh prmf n ppo-i m nrPR arthat Mj convention . .vill nltimately b r.aified after being materiallv ampnded A Hn,, vOPV serious debate 1 1 ' . . ,. . i "8 certain. howe?er, and it ist riot itnf)ossiblM that certain a mend men tn rriH.v be mcorpo rated in tl.i treaty with the hopM of iMok'nu it i'tnffei'tive s a piefvi. ni to whi' b Euro pettn nations may tippeal when thev have difficulty iti collecting t he sums advance ed. by their citizens to other South Ann-Hen rr borrfnvcr-- L'ttle short of a travestv n er:wa t inn was the eon. sideration ot the naval tip propriation ldllcnndu-ted by tlje S -nate commit tee on na al affiitH this wek. The committee occupied just an hour in "onshiering a meas ure w hich npproprintes more than .flOO.COGVHM nn-l the prospectH ore that no ade qnate ticw will h devoted to ' h" nie wuri (n tlt- fl or of the Sn.nie. Th- methods !y which Corrress dot s tminess we Ktp-h that when .a stand iimi'ommirteereportH a mens are 11 majority of the mem bers of "it her house accepts U"h report, for individuals members of Conmvss have neither time nor the informa tio-n which would eipi hie them to make any detailed exami nation of the virions meas ipvs upon which they a 1 e called to vole. Incidentally the President appears to have won his tight for two battleship despite the fact that a majority of Congie.-s believe further construction of these monster engines of war, which cost labulous sums is injudicious. Congress has finally deter mined it would seem to eon dip t an invest'gai ion of the now Ian. otis Osage Indian oil lease. Nearly tm .ears ago. one Edwin 11. Foster w a s granted with 1 he a pproval ol the Se-retary of the Interior, a blanket Icasi covering 1, 500.000 acres of land pre sumed io contain oil with the provision that Foster or his heirs or assigns pay to tli Indians ten per cent, of t he iiross oceipts of the oilex tiacted. It: tim- Foster as signed his I 'aseto the Indian Tei-ritor. Illui-iuating Oil Company tin I it sub-leased the land for various nonuses and approximately no per cent of tip irross leceipts. Sec retary Hiitdicock denounced the FiiSf.' r leas,.' as a K-aridal and declatvd tha t Foster an i his succfssors ha J d o n e nothing in return for their, onuses and royalties I hat the lease hhould be extended to protect the subleases who had invested their capital in liood faith, and the Senator introduced legislation provi- diny tor sindi cxtenHion. Now Secretary Ilitctp-nck has- de flated his uiti ntion of exten dinir th- original lease on 6H0 000 acres "to protect the vested right's of the stilt lessen," bat Congrei.s is in clined to ask why it was nec essary to extend the original lease to ncn'OMiplish t hat hp l Representative Stephens, of Texas, and others ask why the sub lesses vouhi have ocen prreC:eu ny running ui recfly with them renewals of,PA- o.mforth of L5r ...... th leanest t h- V held f r o m the ...;: of Fi-t"f. tfois'f'd riea.i.. -...e ;' 's u : r,.,, , . , .i i , 'i' ' nil's that t,ii. . , ! . ' i ( e bmitiat in f ip It). Ipiii lejn-i u u i -. i i.- i- W'hollv cured ll li. live d.i . r n b t-iry lllaniinating Oil ('. jCns 'Wounds, I'lks ic'stiub s and securing th Indians f hejlve in the world. O einr I'm-.-1. iuii iriiiiii yuiut; ci uit'ii lands. The House h is passed n resolution asking some very pointed questions of Sec retiirv Hitchc(1r-k an 1 his ex planation is awaited with in terest. Speaker Cannon has an nounced that he will permit no concession to the Serrati on the Statehood bill and i he measure seems destined to fail, despite th- fact (h it a mnjor'ts of hot li iioa. of Coniriess rtiaild 'gl.-Hl'v for the admission of a S aw to be coin posed of ()!;l,ih, mu and Indian Teniiorv Friends of Oklahoma a r hinnlily siifipli at iiu tb" ;iH powerinl -Speaker for tnic-, hilt there seeais to l litil -hope of his relent in STARTLING BUT TliUK, People the world over.wvio i.ur I iticd on lciiriiinc of the hui r.ia nf a Chicago theater in whiirli nearly six hinulitd people lost their lives, yet more than live times thin num ber or over 3,000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of thee cm-- of pneumonia resulted from a ci'l I and could have been pi evented h tin timely use of ('Ihumherlaiii s Coiivli Renv.dy. A gieat man. vh" had ev cry loa- ni to pneumonia l;a wiiiieii if (iff I y the pMnnpt u-c i.f this remedy. Ti" '"Iw ill 7 i :; ins tance of 1 1 1 i s sort; Tuo miidi can not he said in favur of L'h nnherlain 's Coujh Reined v. and especially for colds and iufluena. I know that, it cured my daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she w:'s threatened with pneumonia " W. D. Wdcux, Logan, N. Y.Sold by J. M. Moretz Stranger So this is the Sheep lacks .mansion. Have they many family secrets? The IJotler Yes, llnleed, sir. Why, they have so many skeletons in their closets the place looks like the cata combs. DeMoit Tribune. A ( 1UCAOO ALDEKMAX owns lit KLLCTiO.N TO CltAMI'KKl-AtN's toVOIl KKMI DY "I can heartily and conscientious. I v"recoinniciid t'iiamberl.iiu'slJi.iiffh Ilemedy for au'eclions of I he thioat :.nd lungs." sas 1 Ion. Joiiu Shcn. ick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago 'Two "(ears ago during a political campaign, 1 caught cold after being "Veiheatecl, which irritated mv throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as 1 could n-'t speak aloud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use (.hamberlain's Cough Remedy. I took two doses that af ternoon and could not believe my senses when I fjtind the next morn inir the inflammation had large! v subsided. I tonK several doses that day, kept riijlit on talking tiirouirh the campaign, and 1 thank this med icine that 1 won my eat in the Council." This remedy is for side by J. M. Moreta Maj Jas. V, Carina). I'rei dent of th" National M ' War Veterin's Associarion died one dav last vve-k of p ralysis in his 73 year UY THE TONIC UuL'T!', 1 he piis that act as a toti'C, -tmi nnf ;w ;i (lr.'!s'ii. iini'ri" sii-h IK'. W lit-. Little Early fti-eis. Thev cri- .. .... ai'he. Constipation, li'.ii('isnc -s, 'c Kar! i'i.ers arr sm;il, to i ami !... I.) act .. a s:f. :'. l if Il.niii'.i'.i.i. li..P i Ac ! ii v'..'i. N D !a: ' W l...i!.C- '''ll' ..; of chronic co:r.t i ;tt ion B. Ulackburn S ,U bv Too many bdU spoil rhe jj 'Om . it saved Hisli g. (it. ' suff.'ied h-i six , iburu. . .' nd of Kanttr Problem. MotuhiglVist The people of I heist at e. n re to lteongrattilated that the end nt a V lr t t v t"-'.t d --a I he outstanding ii-ur i .u ' lev s in siojir (iovei tn.r (ilcun act ing with the legislative com, mi'tec. and theattoriP-s lor t he btitMjhohh rs, IlaVe reach ed an agieein a on n 1 a i r ami cry r-nsMii,ibl' -'csis f it' ; S:Ji I !c: j,. u I In !ri I u is tin- For i he -'12 ' li t buiis, itnl dollar, ho i i- t h" )! " i " up-ill is I hat 21.") MC4 s.ll!!'l It ' 111' Hite. in tali p ivi.e ir. I'liiM is $fi)2 P'-r b. n I. a. id 1 17 21d l.'-s ill : !i ' li (iflili'i;.;. I )l 'id ' n'et- i io-.-.iiur ' - I ' i- ?17(.). 1 : . ' .ft 'l I ' : li ' lI'OpO H' I I II h i !l ll i , M) i! J TS and '21,l-'h !".- fii.'i'i i b- ip r niM i a u sit i in i I I'd t a o or ' In i ei : s i is .-on f lid r- ' . f I-...4 O Mill c :i pi o .i i -.-' i ! in- s' . i , , ,i lid It S -iil'VI !-, h) "i I i) J leojs l.iia;'- uill (iroaip'h arra-itfe f i's tia.i' and p ruiamnt S' l il,!n n' The j! ri te v .il en .. i a nd '!..!' t . I ; C t M l I . !..'! !i.g on m ' -h i ' irs-- ' M :i , ll -',. ,j. i illS ftili'' .n t M' -lli'. ! j-idg- l:te!it nii-l A ll. ll ll as cliai li' ! ed that I he former stale was arranging a kind of endless chain plan to purchase and coll ft all. This latter proposition has been poopoolied in certain quartcrc; nut from the same source until re -ently, this whole tpn ;t ion w ..s .lom'. d by re-kl. siS an ' iin an hhIcm sta t enien t s. s i'Si-' (if ' . ,i 1 1 li " i ed ilii M.-! i ;ti i in- h. aior of I hi.- state i;l I" ill: I he III it te ; nrn I ('. M i I i-da- t ace was I 1 1 a ' i occ-iyeii bv r h igaoiM in I "ior i ha t ii !iad "ii..: ir:: : to ,a . i-i.,-ate.' I!l! I liaak.'s 1 1. a 1" id head ed (iovj; ti. a-, t in ma 1 1 . c -. as not allo.i'ii to n si , lbj in si -led. j hi t he iii.'ol in t ion uiven. that the state cotihi not affot d 1 o le- its limn ty he (iMy! iciicd, an ! s'-nt a rinyil); im ssae to tip yn-'f ai asse.nbly itli th"- n snlt that its former has.y uei inn wjis reci'iisi li fcil. Th-- ioi ninj I'. isf I hroiiiih f r I'.-nce, i r aler t '.V .slun toll l' prest ll ta ' i ve. z-. Ve I In t'it 'ts to t h - public which led f 1 1 t h" ; ro.r pi i n I vig.'u on step-. I hat :" sii!' d if I !i com promise i a. h. I A ii 1 it sbonhl 1. e ai. to t!l!J cre.iir , . i 0 tS- I,' ("iHM O' A die- i!! t !.; a -a : ..( . ,'! . I i p." : i, I -.I'.!.' I 111- if . l-Jv lli in i. - . V'.'t,'), ihr.. 'air ij n O III,' ' ' in.-S. 1 1 1 i . h .i i I, u I Mr ;!'' ' i;.i?nie ; , . ,. ... , - . i ii . i pi .. Tia mo; ni,, i pt mo'.! in tin i ! i i . i ' Ol" (li tPi "J!l! i l-'S-.'. tb'- (ii aetal A- M' lll ' i . .' I ..I I ! . - - I I ; I . . X I 1 . ,' 1 Mil o ' i - 11 Wfi'e lillij$ Lu blOi'k. nUd thwart this just and deglrn- b!e rorisutnuiHtitm have been remarkably quiet. - Take li SOP at Hong Are ycu a offerer? lies your doctor teen unjuc ccssfd? Vottldn't you prefer to treat ' yourself AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000 women have bought Who cf Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor rhca, barrenness, nervousness, dullness, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weakness, IVbo are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor em't. Wine of Cardui does not irri-; tat?t!ieorr;ann. There is no pain in tao treatment. It is a soothing tonio of healing herbs, froo from strong and drastic drugs. It is successful because it cures in s natural way. Wind of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1.00 a bottlo and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it? In rases requiring prtl direction. Sdrtrena, glvlus jmpwrn. The Lail' F j Umllciiii Cu.t CiitUnoojii, Tvuu , A woman is so clever fha t when she writes a s?rret on iv postal card she mails it with her own hand so no one will read it except the one it isud Iresaed to. A la.SW'EIt INVITATION. Afa-r .i lieai ty meal a dose of Kodol l))eisia Cure will prevent an at 'acl; i Indigestion. Koi'ol is a thor. "uh dis'estunt and a guaranteed cure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, 0a9 en the stomach, Sour Risings. Bad il.ealh and all "tomach troubles N. ;V .it k ins, Lcsbus, Ky., says; 'I can tc-tify to the tilicacv of Kodol in tiie cure cf Stomach Trouble. 1 was afflicted with Stomach Trouble for lixiccii years and have taken six but '.ics of your Kudol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirely cured me. Thesixbot lies were worth $ 1,000 to me." Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will digest any quantify of all the wholesome food you want to eat while your stom ach takes ; rest recuperates and ','rows strong. This wonderful prep. ration is justly entitled to all of its many remarkable cures, Sold hyM, Ii. Blackburn. The largest hospital in th world is in Viena. It is com pos.a.1 of 32 hospitals, and ha- 2.300 bpds. the. cost cf which wus 8,000,000. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys, , miifnlthv Ktdncvs Make Imnore filood. All the blood In your body passes througH your kidneys once every three minutes. I no kidneys are you? blood purifiers, thny (j tor out the vaste er Impurities In the bloct,' If they are sick or 0'A of order, they fail to rfij their work. Pains, aches and rheu-' matism come from es cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neelestsd kidney troubld. . t Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteacJy heart beats, and makes one feel as hough ' they hid hsart trouble, because the heart f over-working in pumping thick, kldnoyT pclsosed blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinar? troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,' but now modern science proves that nearli n ail constitutional diseases have their beglrtf ninj In kidney trouble. -v ii Ii you are sick you can make no mlsU&e by first doctoring your kidneys. Tha snili and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer' - warnp-Kooi, tne great Kidney remedy soon realized. It stands the highest for 13 s wonderful cures ot the most distressing casta and Is sold on lt. merits by all druggists In fifty- cent and oii'-dollar sli- es. You lf.ay have a"yS3Ue2 Winpb bottle by mall Bom ImaD-Koat ' free, also pamphlet telling you how to fiad out if you have kidney or bUdder trouble, Mflnlinn this nanpr ihn writing Dr. KilmM & Co., Blnghamton, N. t, if) o ..... J v V .