WTTT .Democrat 6Tvir6T Ti ll (Ob UxOL; If. VOLXVII. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY Al ARCH 30, 1005. NO. f WW Petroleum wells have been discovered in Chihuunu, Mex ico. r OAOTOXlZA PROFESSIONAL. L.D.IME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. HT Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. y 6O4 Todd 8c Ballou. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. . Will practice in all the eoujta Special attention given to col- ection, l-f4-. r F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. ' WiH practice in the courts of chin nnd surroundingcoun ties; - Prdmiit attention giv en to the collection uf claims nnd all other business of h le gal nature. 612 '04 EDMUND JONES, LAW YER LENOIR, N. O Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1. '01. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N.C. Careful attention given to collections. . . . EF. LOYILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WOXE A'. C CSpecial attention given to all business entrusted to bis care.X 1.104. E. S. COFFEY, -AT10MEYA1LAW,- BOONE, N.C Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. IS" Abstracting titles and collection of claims a, special- tr. 1.104. DR. R. D. JENNINGS, RESIDENT DENTIST, BANNER ELK. fl. C. - Nothing but the 1 best material uned And flU work done under a posit ire guarantee. Persous at a dintance should notify me a few daya in advance when they want work done. After March the 1st, i have arranged to be at the Blackburn Houne in Boone ou each first Monday. Call on me. ; 1.28. w.aiiowKit, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenolr.H. C. Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to bis care. Dr. J. M, HOGSHEAD, Gancer: Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C No Kniie; No Burning Out. HigheetrjBren:pnrl endors wen tsot prominent persons sue wasfulltTe'Ated in 1 Vai; Tetw. ! and -K.'lt Remember thaFthere Iflnetinar.svoo soon tcrget'ridolj atanoeVoua growth ho''' matter 1 hdwV "small"' lihntdtlhatftjii" 'free, Wttra answer. promptly) and WASHINGTON LETTER Frosa oar &ef ulaf Ccrmaaadent. All hope of ratifying the Dominican protocol has been abandoned by theJPrident and the Republican leaders but the Senate has not yet adjourned since die, remain ing in session 00 the ground that there are certain judi cial nominations whH'h must be confirmed before final ad journment can take place. A few days since Senator Mor gun of Alabama sprung a sensation on the Senate by attempting to k'show thai William Nelson Cromwell, Hie lawyer who engineered the sale of the Panama Canal property to iheUnited States and who is suspected by some Democrats of having incited the Panama revolution, has been thedeujwx macbina of the San Domingo situation. Senator Morgan eihioite I to the Sena te letter from a Mr, nnd Mrs. Reeder, former I.V of Alabama, in which they marged that Cromwell ha d defeated a ? treaty between Santo Doroingnindthe Uni ted States, which baa been prepared by Mr.EReedernard tfaatbe bad caused to be sub stituted the protocol now up der consideration by the Sen ate. When the pro posed Reed en trea ty was read in the Sen ate it wus found tojjafford ev ery advantage to the Repub lie of Santo Domingo and to "the IWden syndicate" but uone to thu countiy and it occasioned much ridicule at the hands of the Repabli cans, hut f here are many Democrats who believe thai there may be some founda tion for Mr. Morgan's charg es at least sufficient to war rant a very thorough invent' gation. Senator Morgan has introduced in the Senate a resolution instructing the committee on Foreign Rela tions to conduct such in vest i gat'on. by subcommittee or otherwise, but at p r e s e n t there seems little likelihood of its adoption. Meanwhile, Mr. Cromwell has himself em phaticall.v denied that he has now or ever had any.connec tion whatsoever with Santo- Domingo or that he would profit in any respect from the ratification of the proto col. There i a mystery in Wasn ington affecting the propo ed modification of the tariff schedule by Consrress at it next session The mystery at taches to the promoter if a report that the Republican leaders are contemplating placing a small duty on rof fee with a view to avoiding the necessity of revising the tariff so that it will afford less piotection and produce more revenue. It isooviouc that some method of increns ing the federal revenues munt be found as the federal expen ses have materially increased and the administration will be compelled to draw heavily thin year as it did last, on the accumulated surplus, but it is not true that there Iihm been any thought of pliving a rJntV on coffee, or teu, us is reported J This report has been industriously circula ted in .Washington for some days, but for m time no one of the more reliable newspa pers could be induced to falh er it. Finally it was confided to a firm o newspaper wri ters whose luisinesa consists of circulating reports for pay and then one of the leading newspapers of th country disDlaed it prominently in its columns. The question naturally arises, who is to profit by "the circulation of this report? To whom is it of sufficient importance to war rant their paying profession al newnpnper writers to circu late it? Is it a sto"k jobbing deal? Does itlemanate from German diplomatic circles; and is it put forth with a view' to estrang'ng Brazil from the United Starts for the benefit of the German trade? These are some of the questions that are being ask ed and to which no satisfac tory answer is as yet forth coming. There is no doubt but that President Roosevelt will urge the next Congress to revise the tariff, but there is consid erable doubt as to: whether or not the Congress willlheed bib recommendations. There are strong indications that the Senate will be.ready to re spond to the executive urg-! ing in fact that body has ul ready taken the first step by authorizing its Finance com mittee to sit during'.recess. hold hearings and subpoena witnesses b u t the Senate can do nothing with regatd to the tariff until the House until ths House takes the in itiative, and that the Speak r and the littlecoteria wlii h with him control the lower chamber persistently refuse to do. The initiation ol a rev enue measure is the one pre rogative granted to the House by the constitution in wbioh the Senate does not share and the members are very chary of doing anything which might appear like a yielding to the S nate on that point, so that it is en tirely possible that the Sen ate's action, looking to a compliance with the Presi dent's views, may have a de- terrent effect upon the House. The President has, it is maintained by prominent members of Congress, exceed his authority by accepting the pTvieH of certain promt ii'tii Hrcliii"!s vho volun teer to ii i hh an advinory boa d to indicate where putt lie buildings ehall he plueed and tV character of their conmirtin In the General Deficiency appropriation hill, recently puaaed there, ip a pro vision prohibiting any offi cial of the government from accepting the voluntary ser vices of any one not now em ployed by the government and foi bidding anyone so ear ployed from volunteering to do work for which be w as not employed, The penalty for vi olatiou oi this statute is fine or imprisonment, or both. inl removal from office. Of course it was mere inadver-ten-e which led the President to to take the srep he did in violation ol the law, but it is entire! v piohahlethat be will have t retrace hi HtepH and disband the commit tee whose services he accepted. It is urg ei that 1.1m hi w wn a very necessary one and in the present instance it is set forth that the architects se lected for the advisory board can well afford to cotitiihute theirjservices wiUioutJ.remu neration for the reuson '.that they represent (architect's trust nnd that no plans for public buildings would be ap proved by them unless such plans has been prepared in the office of a member of the trus. Congress Is sorely op posed to this trust aud wouid doubtless make its will felt when called upon to appro pi iate funds to carry into ef fect the recommendation of the advisory boar 'J. A CHICAGO ALDERMAN OWES HIS ELECTION TO CHAMBERLAIN'S COIJGH KEMEDY "I can heartily and conscientious. Iv recommend Chamberlain'sOugh Remedy for nffections of the throat and lungs." says Hon. John Shen. ick, J jo So. Peoria St., Chicago 'Two years ago during a political campaign, I caught cold after being overheated, which irritated my throat and was finally compelled to stop, as 1 could not speak aloud. In my extremity friend advised me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I took two doses that af ternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morn ing the inflammation had largely subsided. I tooK several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and 1 thank this med icine that I won my seat in the Council." This remedy is for sale by J. M. MoreU, IV'o man's grit sometimes asserts itself. In Charlotte, a few days ago. a negro boy killed nnothei'Sin the yard of a neighbor nnd -was making bis escape when a Mrs. Car ter picked up an empty re vol vet and held him at bay un til the police arrived. STARTLING BUT TKUE. People the world over were hor rified on learning of the burning of a Chicago theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than five times this num ber or over 3,000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice, bvery one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. A gieat many who had ev ery reason to fear pneumonia have wirded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. 1 he following is an ins tance of this sort: '"Too much can not be said in favor of Chamberlain ' Cough Remedy, and especially for colds and influenza. I know that it cured my daughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she wxs threatened with pneumonia " VV. D. Wilcox, Ltn, N. Y.SoId by J. M. Mretz When President Roosevelt w is inaugurated he vvre a Mimll opal ring once ownd by Almiliaiii Lincoln. He should hiv" worn a more lucky gem. Opals are said to tiring bad luck to the wearer. TKAGEDY AVERTED, 'Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved'' writes Mrs. w,Wat kins of PleasantCity, Ohio, "Pneu moni had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in be sides. Doctors treated him. but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King'n New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now 6ound, and well." Everybodj' ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds nnd all Lung diseases. Guar anteed by M. H. Blackburn. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. During the past week twen ty million eggs have been bought on the Now iorkmnr ket. The American hen seems to bi doing ti?r duly. I TUB WAB Russia has recalled ber sec ond Pacific squadron, com manded by Vice Admiral Ro jest vensky, which substanti ates the report ,;that Russia now leans towards peace. The St. Petersburg papers witb-oue or two exceptions, ure uow advocating a conclu sioii'.of hostilities, and popu lar sentiment has veered stro ngly in that direction. At thejtussian Einbassay In London it iwas said, that it was "probably the Emperor influenced by public snti men t, in igb t co risen 1 1 o peace negotiations." Iu Berlin the belief, thai peae is' not far distant, is gaining ground. A German correspondent who has made inquiry into the situation, S;iysj that in the present temper of theRn sian people further mobiliza tion is O'jt of the question. The London; Times states that Japan has twice pro posed peace, but Russia, be lieving the Mikudo's f u n d s were being exhausted, deci ded to continue the war. General Kuropatkiu reports the Japanese ara being con tinually reinforced. General Kaulbars, who had 26.000 prisoners takeu, bare ly escaped capture himself by General Kuroki. Reports say that when Gen eral Rennenkampff qave. the order to retreat from Tsink hichen hKtroops kissed th blood stained earth and sul lenley obeyed. At Nieucbwang Russians, half starved and beuging for mercy, are surrendering and the question of transporting the prisoners has become a serious questions. While the Russia'i council of war is understood to have decided to continue the war, the most important obstacle developed is t he decision of The French bankers to defer the floating of the new Run sian loan. Jhese bankers nrehelieved to fear the Russian leverses will seriously depreciate the value 01 tfusssiati securities, and that the Czar's govern ment has reached the limit of its resources. It is possible that in this serionsjand new development Russia will find an excuse for entertaining peace propos als. While "reporting that, be i. out of immediated Mirer (J-n eral Kuropatkiu says hois in ignorance of r b-whereabout h of General Ka am urn's Ja panese tioopsand another section f the enemy's army The Russian Commander in Chief assumes full responsi bility for hi:' disastei, hut in limates the situation might have been different if two of bis officers bad obeyed or ders. The Japanese, accrrding to advices from Tai pass, do not seem to bea vailing them sehes of the advantage gain CO Ht .VlUKOen. tllCir SlOW pro 1 .... I . . . 1 gress, however, being at.rib- Utable to a probable great " .' turning movement. Mil Ourr riffWiM in t i r p. - - p'lrtjlieilf at o asbingtori su r more about it. bQthaemi T V- ' U w.l I . .If.il, ."""""r1"!";'""'.'.'! Tn 1 1 th- Ifti'MMlAnri fn irwin i' n' v Co.. Binfehamtoni'N.V:. WiNtrhw.rH-aJii sort of yK-tory im-r iW punese in the present disor ganized condition of , their forces. Ex. CUBES THIS body gets its life horn 1 food properly digested. iieaitny aigeauon meani pan blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from c&retegsneM in eating and stomach disorders upset the entire system. Improp erly masticated food sours on the stomach, causing distressing pains, belching and nausea. When over-eating is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia claims the victim. - Thedford's Black-Draught cares dyspepsia. It frees the stomach and bowels of congested matter and crives tho stomach new life. The stomach is quickly invigorated and the natural stimulation results in a good appetite, with the power to Quo nuirhlv diccRt food. You can build up your stomach with this mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford's Black- Draught today. You ean buy a package from your dealer for 25c. If he docs not keep it, send the money to The Chattanooga Medioine Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn.. and a package will M mailed you. THEDFORD'S mrir.rauiTiiHT What we commonly call man the eating, drinking, planting, counting man docs not, as we know him, does not represnt himself, but misrepresents himself, dim we do not respect, but th Soul, whose orgnn he is, wouid be let it appear thro' his action, would make our knees bend. Emerson, a debtkuctive fire. To draw the fire out of a burn, or heal a cut without leaving a scar, use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine-J. !j. Tucker, editor of the Hnrmoniz. er, Centre, Ala., writes: 'I have us. ed DeWitt's Witch liazel Salve in my family for Piles, cuts and horns. It is the best salve on the market. Everv family should keep it oa hand!" Sold by M. R. Blackburn. Every day the farmers ol the south bold their cottotf and adhere to their short plant ingdeteruiiriat job. they add thousands and thou sands 01 dollars to the value of the cotton crop. Atlauta Constitution. Even the inatiimonial knot apt tn ivwiw untied. Thousands Have Sidney Trotft$) and Don't Know it How To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with ftp water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or Mm tllng Indicates as unhealthy cond tion of th' neys; If It staJnj your Hnea tt to evidence of kid ney trouble; to frequent data-eta pass it or pain ta the back Is aU convincing proof that the kidneys and bUV der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge aa often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's jSwampt Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills wf wish in curing rheumatism, paia taiba back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every past of the urinary passage. It correcUJnabtMgt to hold water and scalding pain in pjialaf It, or bad effects following use of Uq&oa wine or beer, and overconWthat unslastM necessity of being compeHsd to go ofteej during the day, and to get up many tlmau during the night. The mild snd the SKtt uuaiui ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is see KKMSMSSI If you need a medicine you should EavaAa twMt. SnIH hv HmexrUt In IVU an1 tl ' You may have sampla bottle of 5 wonderful discover iir- this generous ollor in Ut;4'i'l?"-

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