IVatauga Democrat Thursday. May 25, 1905. ft. C. Bltori, Editor nl Proprietor Banner Elk Letter. Mr.EDioR:u"hatdid I tell you about the infernal blend ing of issues in uiy last let ter? What do you think of tbatspeechof Roosevelt be fore the Itoqois Club in Chi cago? That Clob felt called upon to put itself forward to entertain His Majesty, when there were other clubs Be publican clubs who stood back. Look at the damnable sophistry embodied in h i s address. Listen to the ap plause of socalled democrats. When Teddy ca me home Irom his bear bunt he found "the lid" about to flop up to the winds The Interior Depart ment had ordered a bold up in bond investigations in Or egon. Senator Mitchell, of that State, was about to be put in jail. President Castro, of Venezuela, had been scoff ing at Teddy. Thentherewas the Railroad Commission. Just look at that 1 Paul Mas ten, a member of thecabinet, an outlaw. And tnen comes in Secietary Shaw of the Treasury nearly $40,000, 000 behind the expenditures. Stand-patters say tax the people. Liberal Republicans and Democrats say knock the protective tariff to pieces. will give us 1 1.000 for the building fund. There are pro visions also that the Acade uiy, grounds ana nxiures, may be counted as a sub scription, ft seemsthat there could be no objection to this, from the fact that the prop erty would be used just as it has been in the past. This property would be val ued at about f 3,000 that is, when we raise by private subscription $l,00O, we can draw 4,000 from the State, and we will have $5,000 to spend in completing our handsome new building, and i j t- to erecisuuaDie ana mum needed dormitories. Now, friends, from a per sonul and financial stand point, this school has been a heavy load on me. There are very few of you who realize how much expense, bard work and neivous anxiety it tukes to agitate this enter prse. The school is not a town or a local enterprise. It's effect and influence is felt in every community and in almost every home in Wa tauga, and in many commu nities und homes in other counties, We now appeal again to our friends to aid and en courage us in this-last charge -the last hea7y battle. Is there any man or wo man in the good old county of Watauaa that would not rejoice to see planted nere a permanent institution whose charter is written in and have not these requirements. If doubtful as to the require ment it is their duty to sum mon witnesses, etc. There must be a full jury list, but it should be composed of . men of character and intelligence. All Humors Axe impure matter which the ikln, liver, kidneys and other organs can not take care of without help, there ia inch an accumulation of them. They litter the whole ayateta. Pimples, boila, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges tion, dull headaches and many other trouble are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Piils Remove all Humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone Shd invigorate the whole system "I bad talt rbenm on my hands so that I could not work. I took Hood's Bamparllla and It drors oat Um humor. I continued lti use till U sores disappeared." Mas. la Q. Bbowh, Bumtord Falls, Me. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to ours and keeps the promise. T. Roosevelt stands in the middle of the road and virtu Lrotecte(i Dv th aw8 0f t h e a 11 1 i L . ally acKoowieages mat. state? Can we afford to hesi a i n L a !- .a 17 uon c Know "wnere ne i ai. lntn :11Br nt tha T:m0 thpp, in -mere are nve uoueu omm thft rMfPt nflQhi!iHon? Senators under indictment for graft. How is he going to have tbem acquitted? He kill ed two bears. Then what a bout that international scan dal that says Assistant Sec retary of State, Loomis, made a big haul while minis ter to Venezuela. Minister fiowen has been ordered Very respectfully, B. B. Dougherty. Financial Agent. Wanted, a Full Jury Box. The publication of the fact that there are only 1,231 names in the jury box of Wake county, has created home to explain these cbarg- "--. m tM,nn,m,,.nnnrh tn Wew8 and Obsenrei , and there think that Loomis will ever 8 no doubt that the number be brought to justice. No, he to be orawn for the next two . .u u i u.,i years, will be increased on Morton, the self-acknowledg tbl8,xth of J.aDe' t,.nti. nrfmnfrh-mp;ir 1 De commissioners in ev .A .ith tinkina- Hennh-"7 fOUnty O light to givethlS .. I.- . matter their most careful a TKfln nHn.thi0omoi1nmT, tention, for upon the sort inpflnhii,an ma ths jurors we have dependj the Equitable Life Insutance Co. execution of justice. The com I mlOQiiinopii olistiif on gwt a fnTTinrv rn aiuririilii TnA Yt 1 1 I ui,il,.n m tsnnnn J the statutory requirements nnn ani iiornHannnn fl snh e desire to call their atten idij!ed Federal Conrt to do tion to the fact that not on the job. But what I see is so- Bhould al1 who a r e railed Democratic Clubs, like quannea, anu 01 gooa mora thpTnmnoirt.flidinff and a- character and of sufficient in betting in this wholesale rob telligence, have their names beryofthe common people, M"ejurjr uui, uur me aiso Don't vou believe that Ted- ine auty 01 lDe county com rfy wilf be elected again j D missions to exclude all who 1908? If you don't you are fifty years behind the age, and be will have the leading so-called Democrats in bis Cabinet. Aud all this will be nothing more than history repeating itself. In the mean time, what are the liberty toying American citizens go ing to do about it? It is time now.for the avprag voter to put on his thinking Cap. Phantom. the Appalachian Traifittg School. Mr. Editor: There are so many people interested in the A ppaln rbian Training School we feel it our duty to make a lew public statments. Conscious of the fact that the people have been very lib eral heretofore in this enter prise, that tbey have given their loyal support and co operation. But here is the proposition from the State: JJ we raise $1,000, the tvtate the Ore on Exposition. In a taw days moie there will be open at Portland, Or . a nt at egon, anotner wona s fair h designation of the Lewis nd Clark Centennial Exposi tion. This will be the first in ternational exposition ever beld west of the Rocky Moun tains under the patronage of he Federal government. It will commemorate a large and important cbapterin our country '8 development. Noth ing in our history is fuller of romance, chivalrjahd dar ing than the justly celebra- ed Lewis and Clark expe dition. This celebration isn't intended, howeter, to com memorate this one event but o acquaint the world with he vast resources and possi bilities of the Pacific slope. The management sends out word that everything will be he first world's fair to be ready on the opening day, as he history of similar affairs has been that tbe summer has been far advanced before all exhibits were in full running order. As this exposition is limited to only four and a lour and a hulf months, in stead of the usual six or Bey en, it is necessary that no time be wasted at the begin ning. Most of the constrnc tion has long been complet ed and tbe work of installing the exhibits has been going on at such a rate that the confidence expressed in t b e readiness to open the exposi tion on schedule time is prob ably justified. Ashev ille Cit izeh. Ji KcjaorUa. Sweeney W. Wagner was born near Valle Cruos, Wa tauga county, Oct. 18, 1880, where he grew to y aung roan hood. In July, 1003 he, like ma ny other young men, doi-ided to go West. He wenttoDigh ton, Kansas, to try to muke a respectable and honest liv ing, and I am informed that so far he had been very sue cessful aud had accumulated some property. On April 9, as he was re turning from Sunday School the mule be was riding fell in to a hole, threw him off and fatally crushed him. He only survived 30 bourn, tie was buried at Dighton far uway from his native home, but it is gratifying to know that all wac done for him that lov ing bands and medical skill could suggest but tonoayail; the poor boy had to go Sweeney had a bright, 6nn ny disposition, was kind and sympathetic to all his ac quaintances, and by his up right walk bad made frienoV whereyer be lived. Many will be very sad when they hear of his death. On the 19th day of March, 1905, at a revival meeting held in Dighton he was hap pily converted, joined the church, and this is his testi mony: ,4Hattie, 1 will meet you in heaven; a little talk with Jesus nas made me very happy." Hiscounteoance was beaming with joy; hewassmi ing, and that same sweet smile was on his face when be died. Four weeks later he re marked to a devoted friend that that was the happiest week be ever spent in his life, he week after he was conver ed. Words on tomb stones are vainly spent. An upriuht ifn is the only tuonutnent that will lt and not decay under the devastating finger of time. He leaves a mother, one sis ter and a brother to mourn their loss, but out beyond the shores of time we hope to meet him again. Until then farewell. One Who Loved Him. Stoves and Saages,- A $65 STEEL IUXCE for THIKTY FIVE DOLLARS . All kinds and sires of cooking . stoves and prices to suit all. A Big Stock of Cultivators, Ho and plows: Screen und Poultry Wire. ' Our stock of windows, door's nails, hinges, locks, and all kinds ol Builder's Hardware and tbe celebrated . MASTIC MIXED PAI NT Is Always Complete. L&Wt tS9 gents for MoCormirk Mow VI I ng Machines and Ra kcs. LONDON STOFFEJL HARDWARE CO. T (WUOLESALE AND RETAIL J Mountain Cit.r, Tenn. - - , Buy Tour Clothing Prom The MOUNTAIN CITY CLOTHING COMPANY, Tor Vottr Protection wo place this label on every imckugo of Scott's Emulsion. TIw man wlthaflnbon bis back ia our trade-mark, and It Is a cuarantoe that Scott's Emul elon will do all that Is claimed for It Nothing tetter for lung, threat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion U one of the greatest flesh Imildura known to the medical world. Wt'll tm4 torn m ttmpl Irm 401 Ponrt Rlrat A DINNER INVITATION. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an at tack of Indigestion. Kot'ol is a thor ouch digestant and a guaranteed cure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, G on the stomach, Sour Risings. Bi Breath and all stomach troubles N Watkins. Lesbus, Ky., says: "I testify to the efficacy of Kodol the cure ot btomacn xrounie. i afflicted with Stomach Trouble fifteen vearH and have taken six ties of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which entirely cured me. xnesixDoi ties were worth f 1,000 to me." Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will digeflt any quantity of all the wholesome tooa you want to eat while your stom ach takes f rest recuperaies ana grows strong. This wonderful prep, aration is justly entitled to al of its many remarkable cures,-Sold by M. B. Blackburn. can in was for bot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. H have been using Chamber tain's Cough Remedy and want to say that it is the best cough medv icine I have ever used, says Geo L. Chubb, a met chant of Harlan Mich. There is no question aboo its being the best, ns It will cure cough or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should al ways be kept in the house ready for instant nse, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale by J. M. Moretz. KILLthi COUCH no CURE thc LUNC8 "m Dr. King's Won Discovery fohC 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand BOosfl.OO OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. HOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor 01 Joseph T. Wilson, dee'd late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify til persons having claims against the estate of the said deceaaed to exhib it them to the undersigned on or be. fore the first day of May, 1906, or this notice will be plead in bar of , their recovery. AH persons mdebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. Mv I, 1905. Smith Hagamav, Adm. F. A. LlNNiy, Atty, WW? WW9 . wp nave on nana nn nn mense stork of AlenV Ba.vg, ind Children's Clothing tha t re gointe at most raona If priee. All the latest fab HcH nnd Htylea to be foonii in our store................. FINE SHOES. - DMidedl.y the best OHgnit ment of foot wear for m e,n(. woineu and children eyer ex hibited in this section. If it is a stylish dress shoe you want rail at our store and get it. If built Ptrictly for serO ice. you will fund tnem on our shelves. When in town call on us; and we will please you. . MOUNTAIN CITY CLOTHING COMPANY. Mountain City, Tenn., April 25. Honkel Live Stock Company, 4 We ha v pptnbliwhed in Bo(ne an ntrenrv for the . -HENKriL LIVE STOCK ( OMPANY And will keep on band therelehrat J. I. Nitwon and Studi b:kpr Wasorif, Hdhcork, Roek Hill and other ntandanl Bugjjiefi; sunies, Iwkd in tact we can furu'mh yon anjO thinjr you want thar oes on wheels . HAH NESS, SADDLES, WHIPS. BRIDLES BLANKETS, Etc., Always on hand. Call on us for anything you may need in our line, and we are sure to do some busices. rt ' Very truly, COFFEY & CMTCHEU. Boone, N. 0., March 16. FlIRNiTUKE AKD FURN1S1I1KGS. The Mountain City Furniture Co, HAS THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF I UHNITURE, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Coffins and Caskets. - l"PRICES THE LOWEST. O&'CaW and see us when in town. Mountain Cily Furnitnre Company. Mountain City, Tennessee. Opposite Wright and Hulcher Bros. Jan. 1,1905. " k SO YEARS' y I, EXPERIENCE Trade Mark Dcaiana Copvriohtsi 4c. foTmtion W probbl itntabl. Commanlc I twa alrlAllT annOdMltl wit Irn OldMt wteoey lor Menrtnc NDBOOX onP.umU Anrnna Mndlng ikttefe and dMerlptkm n alcklT uoartaln oor optnlon fra wbethar i Himtt fnr nmnn. MUOt VmtmniM tkm tkmnvh MDnn Col IMdll tpteiol wUet, without abanra, In Um Scientific American. calaUon of ny notsrrtUW rmL Terrel l a vwi toor month, . 8cW bj all TWW metier. MERCHANT ANDTRADER'S BANK 0 MOUNTAIN CITXTENNESSEE. AUTHOBIZED CAPITAL I '50,000m OFFICERS: J. Walter Wright, President, W..P. Duif oan, Vice President, 1. S. Kambo. Cashier, R. F. McDadb. Aes't. Cashier. Stock-holdinjs Directors: J. Walter WRianr, I. S. Ram- bo, W. P. Duncan, and E. E. Hunter. Non Stock-Hnldlnjr Directors: Dr. J, G. Butler, J. 10 Wills, R. E. Donnelly, and Dr. J. C. Butler. AccountB ot Flrme, Coiporations, and Individuals Solicited, To Cure a Cold in One Day Tcis Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (6 m umt mLI h. wutat 1 3 months. , Cmt Crif laTwoOtg ca every box. 23. L