P:lEnteiedar the Post office r ft , Boone, N. cC.,.. as second ; class mail matter.: : I i.f ': , subscription rates: , tOnevear. Kii Mnniha Rf) Ml M VMM vwv "JYiree months............ .. .25. ;? Advertising rates furnished go application. ; . A. LOCAL NEWS. if U. S. McDade, the Druggist k ouutain City Term. 'Phone No.2 1 1f inn' novo. troHJnrr fr do-next week call at Green's. i j ' .' - . ' .i '--J, D. Connoilland Taml- , ly ore, visiting at Banner Elk. V The drvweather contin ues in this section. Mrs M. N. Hcrton is ta ; king a few days rest at t h e I'rtffuv lintel ; Vases, coffee pots, draw- t . i i er pons, snuuer kdudb, razor . hones at Green's. Miss Messie McUhee has returned from a visit to rela tives in Johnson county, Ten nessee. Wp are sorry to , 1 e a r n that friend Tillman Adams, , of Brushy Fork, is seriously ill with fever. Mr. and Mrs. Matheson, '. of Tay'orflville, are visiting . their daughter, Mrs. Frank A. Liuney, of Boone. The new corps of teach ers express themselves as be in very highly pleased with the work being done at the .Tiaining School, Mrs. James H. - Hardin and son, Jordan, of Suther land, spent Monday with rel atives here. Court next Monday. Try to bring or send that little amount you are due this of fice.. Surely you havn't for .gqtten.it. '.---Mercury may rise and . mercury maj fall, but the -SINGER MACHINE- " in the be6t one of all." and at the same time help in a worthy cuuse, attend the lawn party at the home of Mrs. Dr. Councill on Tuesday evening next. . At the '..meeting of t h e stockholders in th Boone & Blowing Kock Turnpike held in the court house lust Satur day the old officers were re elected for the ensuing year. . Two bank statements in . this iBsne the Wataugacoun tylttank and the Bank of Blowing Rock. They both seem to be doing a good bus iness. ' Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber ; Iain's Fain balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief this lini , mept affords makes rest and sleep , possible, and that only is worth ma nv limes its cost. Many who have used it hoping for only a short relief from sufienn? have been haDDilv surprised to find that after a while the relief became permanent. Mrs.. V. H. Leggett, of Yum Yum len nessee, writes: 'I am a great suffer er from rheumatism, all o v e r, from head to foot, and Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." Fo r sale WJ 1 Mnrftz J W AM.. " - - " - Dr, Fred V. Phifer. Office Hours: 'Phones: , 8:30, 9:30 a. m. ) J Office, 324. ; 6 to 7. p n. J ( Hosp 234. X Ray treatment ior Cancer. - Complete Electrical Outfit. Special attentiongiven chron c cases. Address JJILlNflSLY CITY HOSPITAL, '--Everything going at .a bargain at Green's. Rev. J. J. ,L. Sherwood will till his regular appoint ments at the usual hours in the Baptist church in Boone next Sunday morning and at night, The wife of Benjamin . b '. Hodges, has been critically ill at her , home near H. J. Hardin's, and at this writing we are told that she remains unimproved. M. I. Hartly, who is read ing medicine under Dr. But ler, at Shoun's X Roads, Ten nessee, has been spending a few days with home folks one mile east of Boone. Rev; 0. 1. Hinson, junior preacher on the Boone cir cuit, will arrive at Blowing Rock tomorrow. He will de liver bis first sermon at Blow ing., Rock Sunday night. John A. Floyd, of Nash ville, Term., spent last Tbnrs day in town with his friends whom he can number by the score in this community. He has a nice and lucrative position in Nasbeville. T. S. Coffey has been ap pointed street overseer by the board of town Aldermen, and he began work this mor ning. Tt is hoped that he will continue until all the much needed work is done. Glad to see our. young friend Wade McGbee, on . the streets this week. He is at home on a short vacation from Tom's Creek. IVestVa.. where be has bad employ ment for two years or more. Walter Stansberry, who has been at Trinity College the past session . is spend ing a few days at home. He will accept a position at Green Park Hotel for the summer an.l will return to college in the fall. Dr. Parlier waB down from Blowing Rock Satur day. He savs the summer visitors are beginning to ar rive and that the outlook is good for a prosperous season at that resort. Revs. W R. Sayage and W. H. Hardin will exchange pulpits on next Sunday; Mr. Savage will prearh at Valle Crucis in the morning and at Foscoe in the afternoon. Mr. Hardin will preach at Blow ing Rock at the usual hour. How to Ward Off Old Age, The most successful way of ward ing off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to your age and occupa tion, and when any disorder of the stomach appsars take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled wifh indigestion, you will find these Tab. lets to be jnst what you need. For sale by J. M. Moretz, NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. , All the merchaats of Watauga sounty are requested to meet the undersigned at the court house in Boone on Monday ol court for the purpose of organi ling a Merchant's Protective As sociation. Signed: R. M. Green, J. C. & J. G. Hodges, Robbins & Robbins, Cook Bros, T. S, Coffey &Co.,M. B. Blackburn, H. McD. Little. J. M. Moretz, J. J Coffey, J. P. Wilkerson.N. L. Mast; Dr, W. H. Wakefield, Of Charlotte, N. C, will be in Boone at Coffey Hotel on Wednesday, July 19, for one day only. His practice is limited to t h e Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Ftting Glusses. ,-rRaw hide.whips.saw nan dies, iron glue and gold band chinaware at Green's. , Mrs. I. S. Rambo with her little son Justin. of Moun tain City, Tenn., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mollie Cof fey.. Prof. Francum opened a subscription school at Stony on Monday morning. He will also teach the public school in that district, beginning a bout the first of August. Sherman Brookshire.who h conductor on the N. & W Railway,' with headquarter? at Bluefleld, West Va., is ta king a few days off for rest and recuperation at thehome of his father, Mr. N. B. Brook shire on New River. I -On Friday night of last week safe crackers got in some very effective work, at Montezuma, Mitchell county, Two safes were blown open, the post office robbed, and a considerable amount of boot carried away. The county officials are now enstalled in the new court house. Now if t h e s e worthy gentlemen are too busy to keep the building ti dy and clean, a janitor should be employed, or the services of an automatic sweep be brought to bear, if such a thing bas yet been invented Don't you want the best that is going? If so, get you one of the Bran-New Drop Head SingerSewing Machines now on exhibition near the bank build ing. You will please your family as never before if yon will buy one. The Sing er Sewing Machince Co. W. R. Tbexleb, Manager. Th? members of Watau ga Lodge, No. 273, A. F..& A. M., will please all be pres ent at the regular communi cation tomorrow nicbt, as the officers for the ensuing year are to be elested, and other business of importance brought before the Lodge. Woik in the Master's degree. Deputy Marshal Bush, of Caldwell, was over this week, looking after some parties charged with violating the internal levenue laws. Thos. Gray was arraigned before W. L. Bryan, U. S. C, under a charge of retailing. He filled a bond for his appearance at a preliminary hearing tomor row. Fans, talcum powper.pic ture frames, ladies belts, etc, at Green's. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS, The old original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay 50c. E. M.MADUON, D. h. S. BOONE, JV. ( .- , I am now located here for the oractice of Dentistry, and am ma king Bridge and Crown work, the most intricate work known to the profession, a specialty. . BSiaFMv work is all done under a rjositive guarantee no satisfaction, no pay. Nothing but the best mate rial used in the execution of any of my work. The Martin Cottage 1 BLOWING BOCK, N. C. MRS. W. P. PENDLKY, PROPR. This hotel building ha recent ly been refitted and refurnished in all departments, and is nowo pen for the accommodation ot the public. Good, comfortable rooms, and as good fare as the market affords. "Tbe comfort of transient boarders always looked after. STrates reasonable. OnoninutoCoughCuro for Coughs, Colds and Croup TmGrowincj Old Fast And you know why, too. It's those gray hairs I Don't you know that Ayer'a Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, it does. And it never falls, either. ; It stops filling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old too fast! I bT OMd Iyer1, TTlr Vigor for onny TMrt and I should ludMd 1m tony to b ob. to do wltbont It. It keep, my htlr from turning mr, and lu kp my MalptlMa and hllnr."-K. a. 1 K FIELD, Cinjoo City, by . 0. Ay 0, towU, Km, Aim muMuh, f yers '. ClMlBltttf BARGAINS. Nothing Like Them in Town, iFill you not pay a visit to my Store of Bargains? It will be a pleasure to me to show you my goods. You get five per cent, of your purchase back when you trade one dollar, cash. This is no humbug put in print to draw trade. I do not ask you to buy. Just come and see for yourselves. If you ha ye any good pro duce to sell bring it along. W?Watch this space. You may see something yon need badly and cannot find it else where. BOONE GASH STORE. It. M. GREEN, Manager. Farms for Sale Cheap. Terms to Suit Purchaser 1st tract: 400 acres 4& miles from Boone; i00 acrea cleared and in cultivation, balance well timbered. Good 6 room dwell ing; good barn and orchard. A greax; oargam. 2nd tract: 300 acres 4 miles from Boone; 100 acres cleared, all fresh; 200 acres well timber ed; .J tenant houses on the land. Good grist and saw mill on the property. Good orchard. JJesir able property lor sale cheap. 3rd tract: 126 acres; 100 acres cleared; fairly good dwelling on farm; good orchard; school within 200 yards. Will be sold right. 4th tract: 280 acres. 60 acres cleared and well cultivated, bal ance well timbered; fine water Dower; srood orchard, dwelling and barn School right at door 5th tract 90 acres 1 1-4 miles from Boone; nearly all cleared; well watered, lair orchard, well grassed. A great bargain. 6th tract, 700" acres on Rich Mouutain; 200 acres or more cleared and in meadow yields 100 stacks of hav. Balance in fine timber will be sold at a bargain. 7th tract, 75 acres on Brushy Fork a 1-2 miles from lioone An excellent small farm well grassed. Good house, barn and orchard. Will be sold at a bargain, Terms to su't qerchas er. 8th tract. 75 acres 5 miles from Boone. Nearly all in grass, and as good land as can be found in the county. Terms easy. 9th tract, 165 acres Ave miles west of Boone 75 acrea in grass, orchard, house, barn and other outbuildigs. To be sold at a bargain. Any person wishing to buy or sell land will do well to see us be fore making a trade: Titles all good. Land 4 all cheap For terms and payments apply to FLETCHER & RIVERS, Rnl Estate Agents. Boone, N. C. Icdol Dyspepsia Guro mm From the Jefferson; Recor der we learn that-Mrs. Dr. J. W. Uolyard is very ill in Col orado, where she has been spending several months for the benefit of ber health. The Dr. and one of bis sons left Jeffvrson last week to visit ber. Wp are indeed sorry to hear of the dangerous condi tion of that most estimable lady. Boy'o suits worth $ 3.00. for $1; men's suits $2.50; men's hats worth 50c for 19 cts. each. fPebster's Una bridged Dictionary, 1,300 pa ges; usually sells for $3, only 75c; sheeting 5c; plaids 5c; boy's pants worth 50c. for 25c ; ladies skirts from 50c. to 2; 20 lbs rice for fl. Big stock ot bats and shoes just receiyed. H. 0. Miller, Blow ing Rock, N. C. TO CURE A COLO In ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AH druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. . W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. There will be a Japanese lawn party giyen on thelawn at the residence of Mrs. Alice M. Councill oiTueKday, June the 20th. Refreshments will be served from 5 to 10:30, p. m. Music will be furnished to add to the pleasure ot those present. The proceeds will be used to assist in paying for the organ in the Episcopal church. The occasion will be a pleasant one, Allareinvi ted. A DINNER INVITATION. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an at tack of Indigestion. Koc'ol is a thor. ough digestant and a guaranteed cure for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas on the stomach, Sour Risings. Bad Breath and all stomach troubles N. Watkins, Lesbus, Ky., says: "I can testify to the efficacy ot Kodol in the cure of Stomach Trouble. I was afflicted with Stomach Trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bot ties of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirelycured me. Thesixbot ties were worth $1,000 to me." Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will digest any quantity of all the wholesome food you want to eat while your stom ach takes ? rest recuperates and grows strong. This wonderful prep. aration is justly entitled to all of its many remarkable cures, bold by id. B. Blackburn. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Depart ment of State. Certificate of Dis solution. To all tc whom these presents may come Greeting: Wheueas, it appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the vol untary dissolution thereof by t h e unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my office, that the Hall & Jones Company, a corporation of the State, whose prin cipal office is situated in the town of Blowing Rock, County of V atau ga, State of North Carolina (V E. Hall being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served), has complied w ith the requirements of an act of the General Assembly of N o t h Carolina, Session 1901 entitled "An act to revise the Corporation Law of North Carolina," prehmina ry to the issuing of this Ceftifioate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of the State of N, 0., do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the third day of June, 1905. file in my office a duly executed by all the stock hoi. ders thereof, which said consent and the record of the said proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I h a v e hereto set my seal, at Raleigh, this 3rd day of June, A. D.oue thousand nine hundred and five. J, BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. North Carolina, Watanga County, I, Thomas Bingham, Clerk of the Superior Court of said eounty, do hereby certify that the foregoing and attached certificate of dissolu tion of Hall & Jones, of the town of BIowing'Rock. in the aforesaid county and State, is duly recorded in tliis office in Book of Corpora tions, pages 57-58. In testimony whereof f have hereto set my hand and seal of office. This June 5, '05. Thos. Bingham, C. S, C. , llen.Goods! lov.Pn!;j I have on band a pretty and up-to-date Ime o! ,La dies' Summer ..Drees (foods. consisting of ' ; : Lawns, ' ' ' Voiles, . vrepps, . v .Worsteds, Brilllanttnos, etc. .all Jat, tha right price. Write for .sampia of thse goods, if . interested, and they will be mailed to you at once, Calico & plaids 5 and 6 cts. per jard, , , , Also an attractive line, of Ladies' and Misses trimmed hats at. ... BAROAIJN FRIGES. A big stock of shoes always on hand. 1 am carrying the celebrated Craddock-Terrjr line ot goods and guaranty satisfaction. Large stock of Men's and Boy's clothing on hand Suits from $8 to $15 each: Nice line of odd pants also In stock. Complete line of groceries always on hand. 1 will save you money . Qtl evprypurchaae Yours truly, H. 0. MILLER. Blowing Rock, April 10. FUR FAR AND NEAR SIGHT, We have glaeBes to make all things clear. Without expense to our customers we carefully test the eyes and will furnish at moi erate prices from our stock when doHsible, or make when special lens are necessary, the proper Glasses to correct all defects of vision, People who want Watches, Jevelry and Silyerware come to ns, as well as those who want the eyes attended to ALFRED W. DULA. Jeweler and Optician, Lenoir. N. 0 EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. In the Superior Court. A. J, Moretz vh, T. C. Woodring. Ry virtue of an execution direct' ed to the, undersigned from the Superior Conrt of Watauga coun ty in the aboye entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 8rd dy of July, 1005, it being the first Monday in said month, between 10 o'clock, a. m. and 4, p. m, at the court house door in said county, tell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfysaid execution all the riirht, title and interest which the said T. C. Woodring defendant, has in the following real estate, to wit. Begiuning on a mountain oak on a cliff of rocks on the north east end of 1'ie pine orchard, running north 140 poltH to two tamarack, thence wes 15 poles to a large birch, thence noith 09 pole to a stake, thence north 79 poles to a stake, thence South 15 1-2 W. 40 poles to a stake, thence east 10 poles to a stake, thence to tha beginning. S a i d sum being 1ue a purchase motl ey on the aboye described reales tato. Said sale will be made to satisfy the mm ot $100.00 with interest from Sept. 14, 1903 and 1 lie costs: This May 30th, 1905. John W. Hodges, Sheriff. M i 11 in e ry, My Stock of up-to-dite Milli neryis ouite "catchy" and I am Drepaed to suit the most fastid ious. My prices are right, tb style ol goods considered. I have added to my line a pret ty stock of picture, stationery, etc. Come and nee me. Store on first floor of Cofftf Hotel. J.J.COFFEY. : Kodol Dyspepsia Ctd . PiQMU what yu ML '

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