. 7atauga Democrat, ' . Ifoe RigMSort of ttiirl. ' AeWHeCitisea,. V - A Connecticut fcirUwhose tnorriajRe to three million dol law and a British title depeto den upon the abandonment of on aged mother reeentl.y teamed Immortal fame by de termining to remain triie to the dear old soul that gaye her .birth. We do not claim to be well Versed in those qualities and attributes which makes the modern Marriagable maiden,. but we imagine that there is aoteady demand for girls who tire "mother's tight hand." 'The Rible tell us that when a rbild was born to Ruth the women come and congratula ten Naomi, saying: May ho be otie who refresheth t h y "soul and comforted thy old age." Children who in spite of mature flge will retain the parental word Had in these words the highest standard of filial affection. Tnere is no Spectacle more grand or deed more noble than a child "re- freshiue the soul" of an age lather or mot hen Old age re ouires n peculiar treatment, and if patience is at any time a virtue, then a gentle fore bearance with the weakness of aged parnta is one of t h e , eight beatitude.s To the fat h fcr and mother who are slow 1? but surely descending the hill of life the knowledgethat tbeir feet are guided by the offspring on whom, ift their caily years they centered tbeir affections, is of necessi ty a source of great happi Hess and comfort. Educated minds h a y e de clared that naxt to the Di Vine love, that which exists between parent and child bu- persedes all others. The love existing between man and wife is arquired, and is to a oertain extent, c! au earttly 'element, but there is an inde finable bond of affection be- tween motherand hild which never dies. All honor to the Connecti cut girl. Three million dol lars would perhnps haveo pened for her the way to tern porary happiness, bnt it could not have given her an other mother. She may, it fs true, be the Riibloct of sym pathy from those "girls of tbe hour'' who allow the jrlnrp of prospective gold to blind their eves to the motherly fight which formed a halo a .bote their era tiles, but in the years to come, when the hand of time hnscauped the bloom to fade from her cheek, her declining years will not . b e haunted by tbe cry: "There is no wind so keen, or storm so pituVsa as filial mgratf fude. amonnt of fuel to heat tbe whole outdoors yet, a great many advertisers would like to reach the four corners of the earth with a fifty dollar advertising a ppi oprmtion. . ilen never become promi nent by the thingsthey did n't do. It's the doing t h a t curtntsr-adyertising, for in stance.. ., . . .. . A trolly car with the juioe' olf.like a business miuus the advertisinc tiporopriation.it soon comes to a standstill. Better a poor man than a dead one;' better a little - ad verising than none at all. bark clouds dp not alwayB signify storm. Neither do glow returns from advertis ing always mean failure. Detting on the base ball suit instead of the Ability of the players, like selecting a medium for looks instead of merit, often results in disap pointment. $ ' The best medium won t lm prove poor copy any more than a fine frame will im prove a bad picture. The finest horn in the world is no good if it isn't blown. Neither is the best advertis ing campaign ever planned of any use if it isn't put into exeeution. It's as easy to run an o-. cean steamer with a sewing machine treddle as it is to build up a business in the way some men advertise. If people traveled as fas on the railroad as they ex pect to travel in advertising, it would tefke about twenty minutes to cross the conti nent. not simply the result of rich es or poyertyj but character. ,ove is the foundation upon which home is built love be , ween man andi parenR $nd children, but love must be cultivatedf1 Selfisirness "is the destroyer of love, arid if self be allowed to get the up per hand, then sweet temper and patience will soon give' wav to irritability and bard ness, and home will cease to' be sweet. ; Home Is largely what we women make it, so, if it b$ 6ot happy let us look for the fault n Qnreelve9 before oofcihg farther nfieldSelec ed. ' '" A DINNER INVITATION. ' After a heart v meal a close of KoJol DvsDeusia Cure will prevent an at tack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thor. ough digcstnnt and a guaranteed Cure for Indiet'on, Dyspepsia, (las on the stomach, sour Kismgs. jjao Breath and nil stomach troubles N. Watkins. Lctbus, Kv.. savs; "I can testify to the efficacy of Kodol in the cure of Stomach Trouble. I was afflicted with Stomach Trouble. for fifteen years and have taken six hot ties of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which entirely cured me Thcsixbot ties were worth $ t,ooo to me." Ko dol Dyspepsia ( ure will digest any Quantity of all the wholesome food you want to eat. while your stom ach takes ? rest recuperates ana prows strong-, i his wonderful prep. o r oration is justly entitled to all of its many reniarknbie cures, bold by 15. IJlacKDurn. tinod Aducs. - Shun liquor. Dare to go forward. Never be discourrtKed. lie polite toeverybody, Never tH business lies. Pay your debts promptly. Be prompt in everything.' Near all trouble patiently. Do not reckon upon phanc cs. ' n ' ' '' " Make no useless ncquaini- ances. De bravein thestrugglcs of life. : . Maintain your integrity as a sacred thing. Never appear.to be some" thing more than you are. Take time to consider; then decide positively. Carefully examine into ev ery detail of your business. Rothchild to Young Men. A OCARANTEKD CVHK FOR VILE3. Itching, Wind, Heeding or pro truding piles. Druggists refund money if Paso Ointment fails toenre any cape, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First ap plication gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send Sot: in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by rnns Meuicinc Co, ht That you wont HON COFFEE olwftys, and her- " beinff nquMe man, -will not try to boU you' aay- : thiug else. Tod may not care for our opinion, but ., What About (he United Judgment of Mlfflonj' : . 'of hol&Wperfl who have need LION COFFEE . lor over. 0 quarter, of ir certtUry 9 Ia there any tlrmgcrproctf cf merit, ttita tte t. ; , Confidence bl tbe People find ever Increasing popularity y LION COFFEE Is carefully (U. lected at the plantation, shlpeil (PIreet to our various factories, where It Is skillfully roasted and carefully packed In sealed pack ages unlike loose collee, which Is exposed to germs, dust. In sects, etc. UON COFFEE reaches you as pure and clean as when Ai.(SasSS . It lelt the factory. Sold only In o 3- lib. packages. , Lion-head on every package. , Save those Lion-heada for valuable premlnml SOLD BY GROCERS tVERWVIIERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. ffsrrTgagiHiBe.H In order to win success a man must be in a position to grasp opportunity by the back ol thenerk. When a man peeks rotorie ty he usually finds more than he ran upe in his business. - Frequently n chorus girl's sucress depends upon her un derstanding. i We promptly obtain n. ti. a:ii Korolnn Cleared for Actioti. When the body is cleared for ac U n,- VSicr'e 'nW T.Sfp Pills you can tell it by the bloom ot health on the checks; the bnghten. ing of the oyes; the lirmncss of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At M. B. Blackburn's. 25c. Never jnrigp the rover of a box bv its contents. to ctrnu A cold Its one day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mon ey if It fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. .' 011 ADTERTfSESI. Fish cannot live in still wa ter. Neither can progress! ve- X10S8 live with the nun who doesn't advertise. Small obstneles on the track don't keep the train from moving on, yet some times a mighty little dl&ap pointinent in adyertisingwill cause a big man to falter. (3ne advertisement hasn't the power to inrrease a busi Hess no more than one grain v of corn haa of fattening a ; ' ehickeff Watering the lawn once Won't keep it green the r,;st , ftf tho year. Advertising once won't make any noticable difference in the annual .prof ';'M' '' ; 5 ' -: ' Home, Sweet Home. People are often very font I sentimentalizing about 4 Home, sweet home," but yet apparently take little or no trouble to make their homes sweet. Home is especially the wo man s province, ana wnue her husband provides tbe ma trial comforts for it.it is her duty and privilege to create its epecial atmosphere of pea re and love. It is the lit" tie things, the too often '. un considered trifles" which con stitute thehappy home which should be a woman s c h 1 e f care. To make that home at tractive she would be as mind ful of all sorts of little de tails as she ued to be n . the prettinessof her toilette in the old courting days, when she was so anxious to be pleasing in the eyes of her lover. . Pretty flowers on the ta ble, a spotlessly clean cloth, nicely prepared food, and her self smartened up for the ev ening, smiling her joy at hav ing him at home, will com pensate her husband for all the trials and worries of tbe day. All this may, and probs ably will, demand some self sacrifice on thn wife's part, for, she, too, has had her tri als. Bhe has been as busy in her home, very likely, as he has been in his office, but still, however, much she is tempted to pour out her troubles to him, she. will be rewarded foi her selNcontrol if she holds them back k pleasant word from her will go a long way ,to make him forget how tired and har fassed he feels, and by t h e time he has beetf refreshed with food in the restful at mosphere of home, he will be able to give her tbe sympa thy she wants iu whatever is troubrng her. H-me people are full of snn shine and happiness, nndoth er wiUi tbe yvyerse. This i Cli&mberlaifi's COLIC. CH0LE2A AND Diarrhea Remedy A faw doeea of thlB remedv will Invariably enre an ordinary at-. toes or aiwrhea. It haa boen used In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect enccese. It can always be depended upon, even In the moTe eovere attacks of cramp collo and chol era tuorbna. It Is equally successful for snmmer diarrhea and cholera Infantum In children, and is the means of saying the lives of many children eaoh year. When reduced with water and wnetanflri It ! n1naant id taka. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his hom. Buy it now. It may eavo me. Price, 25a Large Sub, 6O0. AH.d inniinl.iikotr.il nr rlinUj ul invrntlf.n lni ffroereportoa patentability. For free book, Patents nd TRA9E-MARXS Sf ill' l 10 1 A'aTJ Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. rilliouH Bill wnKeettiuir blnnt-i ed,.nndliis tongu wrt's nmrlily coated, rntpnt "tomes would not. cure him. rompHiiies -n-ouM not. insure him. All liis friends werobndly fiihtenrd. Iu1 their ppii its soon were brijihlMicd. lor Bill said nnd they believed him, Early Riser 'Pills rellovwl him. The famous little pills, "Early Ri fuirs,"" cure constipation, sick headache, biliousness, pre, by their tonic effect on 'he liver. They never gripe or Hieken. but impart earl riKing energy, Good tor adults nnd children. Sold by M. I?. Blackburn. Even a miser will give you ndvn.'e freely. DeWirt is th nim to look for when tou go to buy Witch Hml Salra, DaWltt'i Witch Huol S1B ts the ortflntl and only gonulr.. In tct DeWltt'tlitha only Witch HsaelSaWe that li mda (rora ths unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits baae Imi tations, cheap and iforthlesa even danteroua. DeWitfaWltch HaielSalve Is a specific for Plies; Blind, Bleeding, Itching- and Protruding Piles. AlaoCuts. Duma, Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions. Bolla. Carbuncles. Eciema, ( Tottor, Salt Rheum, and all 5her Skin Diseases, Mniiaii mlr E.C.DeWiU4Cothic. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Depart-1 ment .of State. Certificate of Dis) solution. To all to whom these presents may f .! ' tome vjretiiiig; Whereas, it appears to my sat- israction, by uuly authenticated rec ord of the Diocpedinrrs for the vol- untary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent or an tne stocn holders, tlenosited in mr office. 1 1 i . tnat tne nan sc jones company, a cornoration of the State, whose Drin cipal office is situated in the town of Mowing Rock, County of atau rrn. .Stntc of North Carolina (W R I all being the ngent therein and in fharEre thereof, unon whom nro- cess may be servetl), has complied with the requirements of an act of j the General Assembly of X o t h Carolina, Session 1901 entitled "An act to revise the Corporation Law of North Carolina." urelimina ry to the issuing of this Ccrtitoate of Dissolution. Now. TiiEHltfj-owt T, .t. Urvan - - -7 ' - j 1 Crimes. Secretary of the State of N, C, do hereby certify that the said coi'Dortition did. on the third 1 j 1 day of June, io5. file in my office a nuiy executed oy an tne piockiioi ders thereof, which said consent and the record of the said nrocecdiiiE's t t- aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by , law, In testimony whereof, I h a v c hereto set my seal, at Raleigh, this 3rd day of June, A. D.oue thousand nine hundred and five. J, BRYAN GRIMES,' Secretary of State. 11 1 m to tho Pacific Coast to California, Oregon, W ashington round-trip, long transit and return limit, liberal atop-over privileges. - The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points , via Chicago, St Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island 1 System will take you tip in either Chicago or St. Louis,or at hundred of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service; The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic'' route you can stop off in Colorado-see Salt Lake City-visit Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. - In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an Unusually good chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to SepietoW 4 Extension tripi to Ogdeit or Salt Lake and return at low Cost alsd. iTrom September IS to October 31, i 905, one-way tourist or "colonist" tickets will be on sale to California and the Pacific Northwest -about half regular fare. If Interested, tend noma and addrcs on thU coupon, designating at r which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. warns) probabM date of start alto, to we can advise definitely with reaped to rate, etc 'Addreat JOHN SEBASTIAN, Paw Traf. Mgr, Rock Island Syites CHICAGO. Sand S!fL ""d r,Ufc Nan Addraa Ua (&- Dattlnattofl ; i 4, Grove's Tasteless CMH Tonic North Carolina, Watane-a County. Tj Thomas rfinorbam. Clerk of the Superior Court of said eounty, do hereby ctrtity tnat the toregoing and attached certffiCnfe of dissolu tion of Halt & Jones, of the town ol Blowinsdiock. in the aforesaid county and Stat, is duly recorded in tlii's office in Book of Corpora tions, pageH 57-5S. In testimony whereof I nave hereto set mv nnnn and sen! of office. This June , oi. I m . r 1 i jUlCiOS Wild CVlTy DOIU9 Bl ITO m PSCHOBQ M JT'V m.wv - has itcc J tha test 25 yccrp. Avcraga Aiaosl Salc over One and a tidl tiMoa bottles. Does this record of incrit appeal 16 V&i?' llo Cure, No Pay. 3pcJ n w ., t .4 il.uf. ..b D aW. I hMH VI ft: O . i Sy.ij ti 9 l;i. ft 6 3- 4,