Watauga Democrat B. C Rtwrv Editor and Proprietor Thursday, Oct. 5, 1905. -. The Confederate Reunion. On last Thursday morning quite a cumber of the mem bers of the Nimrod Priplett Camp of Confederate Veter ans, together with a goodly number of visitors, assem bled in the court house in an nual reunion, and a happier appearing crowd of 'oli vets' you never saw together. The forenoon was princi pally taken up by the busi ness of the body electing of ficers for the ensuing year, and other work looking to the good of the organiza tion. The body adjourned at noon for dinner, and it did seem that every vehicle on the cround had abundance of nice eatables st cred in it, brought from the country. Under almost every shade Tree might be seen a clump of veterns and friends parta king of a sumptuous repast The body reassemble at 2, p. m., and a short time was spent in talks by the boys who wore the gray. The n ter of Frank Triplett, aveter an present, who was suffer ing with au eating cancer on his face, and in destitute cir cumstances, was put before the body; a collection taken for bis benefit which amount ed to Dear $8. By the way, Mr. Triplett was the man who bore the late Capt. W. VV. Lenoir wounded from the battle field, and a gentleman was heard to say: ''Were Le noir alive Frank Triplet would want for nothing, as he looked after him as long as be lived." At 3, P. M. the body of sol diers marched through the village enthused by the old airs "Dixie" and "Sallie Good eu"; the parade was photo graphed from different points of view, as it was on Friday, and orders for more than two hundred pictures were given the artists. Rev. L. D. Cole preached to the veter ans at night in the baptist church. On Friday the crowd in at- . tendance was much larger, in fact more than double what It was the day before. A num ber of visitors from different counties were present which added much interest to the occasion; Capt. Johnson, of Lenoir; Mr. N. M. Seagles, of Hickory; Lieut. W. F. Shull and W. HrHorton, of John son county, Tenn., being a motig the number. During thft morning Attor ney W. U. Lovilill, though i young man, spoke feelingly to the asBPmbly, and praises of his effort were on the lips of all. In the afternoon by a vote of the members of the Camp, it was decided that the next annual reunion will be held at Vilas next fall the dates to be announced la ter. The question of a Confeder a to monifment, which has been agitated for sorao time, was put before the body by 'W. K. Lovill, and a perma nent organization was soon ' affected. A central commit tee was appointed and Capt Lovill was elected chairman Mr. W. 0. Coffffey was made : Treasurer and R. C. Rivers Secretary. Other committees kwiilbe noDointeo soon and ' the collections for the mdnu r went will be pressed unrelen indv until the required a mount Is; raised. being then over, 'the old sol diers joined in. singing on. ap propriate hymn, and after a general hand snaking, the body adjourned. . ." j L...i.j-.-a .. :- '': '' Sick Headache Cured, Sick hendache Is caused ly de rangement of the Ktomach and h? inditristion. Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets cor rect these disorders and efiecV a cure, ay TaRing tnese taoiecs as soon as the first indication of the disease appears the attack ' may 1h! warded on. 1' or sale uy j , ai. Mareta. Gordon ltcmi. Revs. Harrison Farthing and John Norris, of Hattie, N. C, spent Snnday night at the home of DrJ. B. Phil- lips. Mrs. Raymond Harman, who has been in Nebraska for several months, returned to her home last Friday. Mr, J, C. Harman is off to (iravson county. Vs., on a business trip. He was ac companied by Mr. J. IV. Hor ten. Miss May Cook has taken charge of the central 'phone office at Mountain City, Ten nessee. Mr. Finley Mast, of Poco ma, California, is visiting rel ativea and friends in theeoun ty. We welcome this esteem ed gentleman to his native home, and hone his visit may be a pleasant one. Mr. John Blair, Sr., Balm, . C, spent Saturday nig t at the home of V. J, Mast, Miss Bettie Underwood, of St. Jude, was happily mar ried to Mr. James Poove on the 28th ult. They immedi ately left for Jefferson City, Tt?nn where they will tuake heir futnre home. Mr. A. L. Harman and wife accompanied by Airs. Jones C. Greer, attended the circus at Bristol, Tenn., on the 1st inst. The people of Gordon are expecting a series of meetings which will begin on the 4th Sunday in this month. Bee. It makes no difference ho w long you have wen sick, if you are troubled with Indigestion, const! nation, liver and kidney troubles, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. M. B, Mack buro, Blowing Kock Drug Lo. In Memory of Ida Greene Whereas, T h e Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, hassoen fit to take ft 0 in among us little Ida Greene. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Greene She died Spt. 18, 1905, age 12 years, 4 months and, 18 days. She was a kind andloy ing child and was loved by all who knear her. She had only beeninschoo lis TT'S pulsion vVhsn you to a drug store and ask far Scott's Emulsion ou know what you wantjthe know? you ought to have t Don't be surprised, though. f you aro offered somethin !i3. Wines, cordiab, extracts, c, of cod tiver oil are plenti ui.out oon t imagine you are jetting cod liver oil when you 3ke them. Every year for thirty ears .we've been increasln '.ho sales of Scott's Emulsion Why? Because it has always ceen better than any substitute for It Send for free sample SCOTT & BOVVNE, Chemists 409-413 Pearl Street, New YorS four days when she ' was ta ken sick, but even'; that was long enough to make her tea eher miss her. v.; Her parents did all they could 'for : her, but the Lord fcnpvis best, and has taken i, little Iia from us. Let us all strive Fo meet her in heaven where . parting ir no more. , I would say to the fond pa rents, brothers and sisters, weep not for the depaited; rather he cheered by "t he blew ed thought that she has only been transplanted . fro m a world of sin and . woe, into one of eternal bliss 'nod hap piness where sin and sorrow never come. May we all ho nrpnn rtri w h e n the Lord nees HI to call US from this world, that we CBU Sliy farewell - until we ; i.rrtW.n , mccuu ucunu. 'We love her,' we ioVe her,' But JestlS loved her more,; ndhe has sweetly called her l) yonder shining shore- Sarah Jones. Girls, il vou want red Hps, auchinir eves, sweet breath and erood looks usellollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. The greatest beau; ifiwr known, 35 cents Tea or ablets. M. B. Blackburn, Blow. uir itocK urug to. A Card of Thnnks. I desire to return my heart elt thanks to my kind neigh bors and friends for the sym- pathy extended to us during the sickness and death of my beloved husband, Lot W, Green. After all that loving mnds and medical, skill could do, the cold, relentless ... - ... - a . I hand of diath has left its ; ..,r BiKiiriiKinvniurq.iu,...uu. ittlenome. May , we .live in hoDes of meetinscncain vrhere God shall wipe all tears a- way, Mrs. Edith, Green. Stony Fork, N. ft Indigestion, constipation, dys pepsia, kidney ana Jivtr aisor ders, and all stomach troubles positively cured bv using Jiollis tjnbi. Af -.n.it .1!.-. Tun a?; cents Tea or tablets. M. B. Black burn, Blowing Rock Drug Co. NOTICE, J.M'1 III v ai uiiiiu. itukuuu wuir tv.inthe Superior Court be- riu,.i; A,lnhna P.n. In. kAmn f AHrtlnlma PjiiIot Sr.. deed., vs. Boby Penley, M. A ttnh i ns nnrt tmsband. . . 1'. Robbins. Alice Storv and hu?- band, J. B. Storv, J.. P. Rob- bins, guardian ol Joe 1'enley! Wade Penlev and Luther Pen- lev. ' By virtue of an order of the ..iu . r iv on.o nAitnfvmnilA n ho olwivo iw vi tuc oupvi ut vuui 1 vi ir u ...ni ,,; 1 nnAmoA commissioner will Mil to the high 1, .1 a a door in Boone, N. C, on the 6th a i v iQor. al r,Ki; ann UrtTUl i'W'jl u J.l'wwi'v wuu 4 inn In nnD lltl It flirt TMirPttflCU ,,nii, onri ha romoS,. in six monttis tne louowing ue- Oil lwV ylA t.v vun v V t J Watauga county and bounded ns rr. if. Tlorr nn fin- nntnn white pines, Lenoira corner, and mnnU tn a !Rmnll Hnuhte ehestnnt. then east 25 poles to a black gum.then north 52 poles to a stare, then east 57 Doles to a white p;ne and chest- nut oak near a small cliff, thence south 68 east 180 poles to a svruce pine and mahogany on the bank of Dagger s creek below the millseat, south 85 west with conditioned line 14 poles to a stake in the Day line 140 poles to a stake in Ijenoii line, theu weRt with the Lenoir line to the beginning. Said sale will Iks made at the hour of l.p. m, This Oct. 2, 1905. F. A LiNNEy,Commi88oner. Dr Fred W, Ptiifer, Ufllce Hours: 8:30,9:30 m- 6 to 7. p m. J , 'Phones; J Ufflce, 224. ( Uosp 234. X Ray treatment iorGmncer. Complete Electrical Outfit. Special attention given chron c canes. Address BILINflSLY CITY HOSPITAL, ; . STAIESVILLE.N C. O&Wltt's 89 Salvo ' For PBoGurns, Soros. y-, notice. . . North Cirolina, Watauga county, In the Superior Court. Sinith Ha. paman. administrator of Joseph T. VViUon deceased, vs. Stacy Wilson,' Frank Wilson, et 1, By virtue of decree made in the above entitled cause I, the under signed Commissioner will sell at the court house door in Boone, N. 0. on the atth day of Oct, 1905, 'at the hour of t o'clock, p, m to the high est bidder at public auction the fol lowing described tiact of land in Wataueu county, in Beaver .Dam township adjoining the lands o( J. II. Prof fit, Johnson, btepheus and others and bounded as follows; I3e ginning on a sourwood, J. H. Prof- fits ctrner, and runs north with said line to Johnson's corner, then west with Johnson s line to a dogwood. Stephens' corner, then south with St , . corneri tnen wet course with said Stephens' line to the cor- her of the lands of the J . 1. Wilson estate sold to Stacy Wilaon, then n th ihn n nf sn ri nnd viinous courses to the beginning, containing 23 acres more or l;ss. Said piece or pct ot land m m aower or Mrs. V uson ana win oe soia s-jdji-ci 10 her life estate. The terms of sale are one half cash and remainder in six months. This Sept. 25, 1905, Smith Hagaman, Commissioner, NOTICE. By virtue of an order of t'ae Su peiior Court of Watauga county appointing the undersigned com miRsiOMi's to sell the lands de scribed in tlie peHtion in this cause, we will, at George Story's store ut Alio post otnee, in said countv ot WatnujrO'. on Sat the 28th day of Oct., 1005, ofter lor siile at public auction to the highest bidder the lands describ ed in the petition in the special proceedings, entitled, uavia Li, llorton e- al. ex partee as fol lows, to wit: First trnct.lTine; on the south side of Dugger s Knob, on Trip hettB branch ol Buffalo creek, be riv. ginning on a pine, chestnut and cuestnur oaK on me noce-ue. .. . h , , Fork ranDi,)(jnorth 40 p0H8to two chestnuts and a locust, then !. il. A J t cast -o poies, uience nortn u poles, thence east 65 poleB. thence south 110 poles, thence west 80 poles, thence 50 poles to the he' tirining 50 acres more or less, be ing cront No. 47, granted to Im yU E If.irron Jun. 8rd 1351. Seconal tract granted to David LC. Hurton bv' grant No. 2 102, on 24t h dnr nf IM;. 1K;6, This hind h-H in rthat wus formerly Ashe county, on the waters ot iNewiu yer, now w urauga conn Ty, m-gmmna on a c uewr . H. 011 top 01 luue lviuge, in rneouicoun tv line 11 nd near the Big Gap. and runs not h 77 poles to a stake ill ... i. i 1 . . ,j ,.' In rancn to iiu he, " uuiu poieston cnesrnur, in rne oiu UUUl.v Hi"-, uirn mini inn ur.uii- f,pr8.01 conlny ""V.1" lut I,e i."'i'f, Third tract: Uranted to David iu. Morton on Dec. 28th, 185. y uranr ino. 450, on waters 01 joes Fork, brunch of Buffalo Creek I 1 .1 .a a. i negiiininffonaciiernutireeiuf.ue It ... n i i. T- 1 t!J Mw um.iB1S u t ki t-on.er of David E Horton's 50 1 , I UVVV I TUUl 1 11 II II 1 11 Wt BtU UUICO toacnesinur. near ine rop 01 n'nS ?out,h OODOHiS lO HI IU M UK UIHUR. UttS fifst wlth said line 40 poles to a staKe oorner, then north 22 . . t . 1 I ! ' ' 1 ihu miuvumivi " east 56 pole, to a stake then . ; , :: - . t A t V A.1 houi n poie u a u C i& "lien W M lv, lut-nrc iu nu: """ w..i...& more or lees. 50 acres Fourth tract: Granted to Ed mund W 00 s by grant Wo. 203 nnd conveyed by bim to David E. Hoi ton by deed dated Jan. 15th. '55. lvinr on Joe's Fork of Buffalo creek, beginning on a, chestnut on the side of the mad leading irom Lenoir to Ashe county, and runs east 20 a chestnut on a cliff ol rocks. then:e South six poles to a stake on the creek bank, thence South 40 east down and with the me- I nnders ol said creek 100 poles to a ponhtr and ash on the west bunk ol said creek, thence west 82 poles to a take, then to the bee.innin'r containing io acres; Terms of sale 20 per cent cash; 40 per cent on a ci edit of 3 m's. balance in 0 mos. with approved security. This Sept, 4, 1905. . Finley & IIendren, Com'rs. Tcke Laxative iiromo Quinine Tablets. TT A 13 TVW A TH? 1111 is t t -j i itu . 1 ih1;'- Mountain Cit.F, Tenn. r &w I .. . 'f m T 1 J 1 MOUNTAIN CITY CLOTH ING COMPANY. We wish to announce to ur customers iw Watauga and adjoining counties that we are now handling thepret iest, best selected and by all odds the cheapest (quali ty considered) stock of ., Ready MatlB Ghlltlni bor m?n. youtln an. 1 boys ever exhibited in this setion, We have recently .td led to our line a very handsome at Moitinent of Ladies wrap that cannot be surpassed for truu values, elegance a n tl style. Call on us when in the City, and let us show y o u our goods. Our prices are right,' MOUNTAIN CITY Mountain City, Tenn., Sept. MERCHANT AND TRADER'S BANK MOUNTAIN CITY, TENNESSEE. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL-.... ...Z&O.OOO .00. OFFICERS: .1. Walter -Wright, President, VV. 1 Pun GAN, Vie TreKidnt, I. S. HamBo, Coshipr, R. V. McDade. Ans't. Cnnhipr. Stock-holding DmECToits: .1; Walter Wrigh r, I. S. !Uiu bo, V. P. Dungan nnd E. E. Hunteh. Non Stofk-Holdlng DirectoHs: Dlt. J. 0. Butler, J. I! Wills, It. E. Donnelly, and Dr. J. C. Butler. Accounts of Firm", ( oiporatious, and Individual Solicited, - FLIINijUKE AND The Mountain HAS THE MOST COMPLETE Coffins and Caskets. 8-PRlCES THE LOWEST." J54jfCa!l nnd bpp us when in town. JIAoufltainllGity Furnilnre. Company. Mountain City, Tennessee. Opposite Wright and Hulcber Dros. Jan. 1, 1905. Heakel Live, Stock . Company, We have establishpd in Boone nu njjencv for the HENKtiL LIVE STOCK COMPANY And will keep on hand thp cplebrat J. I. Nisaon and Studi buker Wagon?, Hobcock, Rock Hill and other standard Buggies; surries, hacks in tact w can furnish you any -thinjr you want that goes on wheela.. HARNESS. SADDLES, WHIPS, BRIDLES ' BLANKETS, ' Etc., Always on hand. Call on us tor -anything you may need in our line, and we are sure to do some businean, Very truly, COFFEY fc CliiTCHEU. Boone, N. C, March 16. . To Cure a Cold in One Day ,. ; ; ,'v Steel Ranges.- Cooking and HEATING STOVES 1 Mastic Mixed Paints ; Oil, Glass, Windows 'a n d ; D mrs. A Big Stoelr of Shofi Guns; Loaded Shells and ali i Mnda of 'Ammunition Anything you want in the General Hardware line Van 'always be found in our store, nnrl at reasonable piej-s. -CALL AND SEE US LONDON STOFFEL H ARDWARE CO. (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.J CLOTHING COMPANY. 32. Fti!NlS!il.CiS: City Furniture Co, ' LINE OF 1 URNITUBE, . HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Cures Crip la TwoDyt. J 1. 1 3 v, AH business b! the reunion BOandJ1.00. AH druggist S. '

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