f . r r---i . ' ' 'V.. '-"":",: 'V' V'i. is I'- W. V ;;h, ; i na vatauga Democratf Enteiedat the lt-o at Boone, N. C, as second- class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; One yedr.ZS.;i$ 3. VO. &h Months.:.. .60. klbree months. .....,... .. .26 Advertising rates furnished on application. , LOCAL NEWS. K. S. McDade, the Druggist : Mouutain City Tfnn. 'Phone No.2i October without frost. A little nncornmon, eh? ..Pound calico, worsteds, blanket cloth, etc. at Green's. Dr.Xittle and family are visiting their old home in Taylorsville, C, f Th "London Stoffl Hard ware Co. has a new .ad in tb's issue. - ; yi Andrew Holler died at This home on Brushy Fork on , " Sunday evening and was bur led Tuesday. .For undertaker's goods, see H. Ross Donnelly, Shouna . X. Uoads, Tenh. The sale of the Horton .. lands has been postponed un til Saturdaj, Oct. 28th. See chunge in notice oi sale. Presiding Elder Cook de ; 1 livered a most excellt-ntBer-. - inon at the Methodist (hurh here last night. -Mrs. W. T. Albright, with her little children, left Mon day for a visit of weeks to her parents in Cabarruscoun : ty. " - The Board of Education was in session last Monday, but no work or mucu mi- , porta nee was brough before " .the body. ' ' ; 20 cents in stamps will bring you a good photo graph of the parade of the Confpdefate veteran in Boone v last weak, J. E. Hodges, gands, N. C. The weather permitting, , the plasterers on the Train ing School building hope to nearly complete the work this week. y- T. Adam Ontcher' of Bam boo. has sold his mercantile business to I). J. Cottrell, and We learn that he is pre paring to go west. A big line of men's and boy's suits and overcoats of the yery latest styles in fab- tics and make. Call and see us. Mountain City Clothing Co. A pretty sight was that last Friday the students of the Training School march ing to the court bouse, each grade under its respective . teacher, . - Mrs. Boon0 Deal, of A mantha, is visiting her son, Attorney J. C. Fletcher. Glad to see the good lad out so soon after her sudden illness last weeK. Wounds, Bruises and Bums. By applying an antisceptic dressing to wounds, bruises and burne and like injuries belore in flaination sets in, they may be healed w 1 1 h o u t in a t u ra ci on and in about one third the time re quired by the old treatment This is the greatest disco yery . and triumph of modem surgery Chamberlain s Tain Balm acts ... on the same principle. It is an an . tiseptic and when appllied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pane and soreness and pre sents any dancer oi blood poi- '. soning. Keep a bot tle of Pain Iia'ininyour home and it vul Buve you time and money, not r to mention the inconvenience and BufTeriug such injuries entail. For sale by J. M. Moret. ', Glass ware etill at low prices at Greene'. T. ralii ldaacs, one of the good old mothers of Israel, died at her home on Baird's creek, on Tuesday night Just as we cjose our forms we Itiarn with much regret that Mrs. Calvin Long, who lives one mile west of town is critically ill. , Min Ethel Critcher has been up from Colletsville shv eral days. Horry to know her mother is not improving as rapidly as was hoped. Rev.y W. R. Savage will preach and hold Bbrvices at the Episcopal church here on next Sunday at 11 , a. m.The Lord's Supper will be admin istered, to which all christian are invited. A private letter from Miss J a d i e Thomas announces that she has resigned her po sition in Billingwly hospital, Statesville, N. C, and will eave for New York City in the near future. Prof, V. M. Francum will lecture at tho following imps and places: Valle Cru cis Oct. 7; Three Fork church Thursday night, Oct. 12; For est, Friday night Oct. 13, and Saturday night, Octo- er 14, at Reese. It is urgently requested hat all the membpis of Wa- :auga Lodge, iNo. 273, A.fcF. and A. M., be present at the regular communication to morrow night. Considerable business before the Lodge that demands your atten tion. -Prof. J.. S. Hill, who is teaching at Willowdale, was taken violentlyillatthehome of J. C. Mast on last Mon day, and he was considered serious at that time, but we are glad to know that h9 is now much improved. -The dry weather has been rather hard on small grain jnst coming up in fact much of it is dying, A light shower Tuesday refreshed things some, but rain is still badly needed. " Friend J. B. Johnson, who is still holding bis posi tion in South Carolina, with headquarters at Charlotte, N, C, has been spending a few weeks with his family at Foscoe. AlWays glad to see Rurt and to know that he is succeeding well. Mr. Murry Critcher has rented the Coffey hotel, and took charge of it Oct. 1st. Mr. Critcher ia a genial, at tentive, pleasant gentleman, and we predict that the pop ularity of the house will still be maintained under bis man agement. . Eight new boarding pu pils registered at the Appa lachinn Training School on Monday. An Awlul Cough Cured. Two years ago our litle girl had a touch or pneumonia wnicn left her with an awful cough She had spells of coughing just like one with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We got a ; bott'e of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, which acted like a charm She stopped coughing and got about fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bru baker. 111. The remedy is for sale by J. M. Moretfc. SPEIAL NOTICE. I hereby notify all persons not to purchase those notes given by me to Arthur Mast. 1 do not-owe anything on these notes and will not pay them. They were obtained by false representation and fraud This Sept. 20, 1905. E. L. PrPjjvell,. Miss. Lncretia Grnbb,an aged and h'ighiv 'respected laj dy. was admitted to tbecoun ty home on last Monday. She j sayfe'she has labored hard du ring her long I if and now on ly seeks a place where she can sweetly rest and read her Bible awhile before she dies. and she has found it.' E. S, Coffey, Cashier of the Watauga County Bank, tells us that the deposit have reached the $500,000 mark, and the indications are that they will easily go to a quarter of a million by Dec. 15tb, which will close its first year's business. --Dr. Jacob Hopkins, who isjudtupfrom a seyereat tack of feyer, passed through town Sunday, with bis fami ly, en route to Washington, D. C. The. Dr. told us that he would attend lectures this winter and probably make his luture home in the Cupi tol city. Married on Tuesday at the home of the bride's fath er, Mr. Finley Mast, of Su gar Groye, Mr. Floyd Mc Bride, an electrician from the city of New York, to Miss Lil lie Mast. The couple lelt at once for the great, metropO lis where they will make their future home. Mrs. Cinda Hardin, re turned to her homo last Fri rfay from a visit to her dn ugh ter at Shell Crrek, Tennessee, in the best of health for one of her age. But on Saturday, unfortunately, she fell and was so badly hurt that she has since been confined to her bed. Just as the Confederate reunion adjourned on last Friday a Mr. Holler and a Miss Hayes, both of Blowing Roek, raadfl their appearance on tne sconce, procured u cens and were married in the corrider of the court house; the ceremony being perform ed by qne of the veterans, J. W. Holsclaw, Esq; Rev. J. J, L. Sherwood has bought property in Col letsville, Caldwell county, and moved there. It is hard for Watauga to lose Buch a splendid citixen and devout minister, but we are indeed glad that he will still retain the pastorate of the church at Boone. A great, good man and we all hope, as he would go, that the change will be a pleasant one for him. An election will be held at the court house in Boone on Saturday, the 4th day of No vember to determine whether or not the people of this dis triet desire to vote upon them selves a special taxforschool purposts. It does seem that we have been and are still, quite heavily taxed, but poH siblv we can stand a little more. So come to the scratch boys. Nothing loet by voting a tax for such purposes. Nothing to Ftnr, Mothers need have nohesitan cyiu continfling to give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones as it contains absolute ly nothing injurious. The remedy is not only perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great, worth and merit. It has , , - 1 . J. . L! A !x-l a worm wiuu repuuiHuu lor ua cures of coughs, colds ann croup and can always bo relied upon For sale by J'. M. Moretz NOTICE. A half interest in the undersign ed firm has this day been sold to J. F, Bobbins aud the firm here after will be known as Hall & Uobbins. All indebtedncis will be paid by W. G. Hall, and all ac counts due firm should be paid to him. Thanking nil our custom ers for favors thown, Truly, Ham. & UoufciA, Almost any kind of sta tionery you want can be found at Green's. . " "'-Fascinators, knit shawls, etc., in great variety Hols Haw's. '' ; .. The report reaches us that a son of Dr. Bingham of Amantha, came-home on Tuesday evening drunk and mad, und became so obstrep erous that he was expelled from the house and the door closed against him. He com menced shootingthrough the Windows of bis home, slight ly wounding his uncle, Ilnrve Bingham, and Geo, Smith. We' are indeed sorry ta hear of this unfortunate affair, and trust it is not so serious as reported. j.Mr. Hill Cottrell, of Den ver, Colorado, has been on a visit to his family and pa rents here for more than two weeks,; lie started on his re turn triplusf Sunday. During his stay,1 thre was a family reunion at the home of hie pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cot- tHl.The occasion was a hap . t py one, every metnuei ot tne family being present. Hill ex presses himself as being well satisfied in his new home, and. we are glad to know h is succeeding well. A beautiful line of lall and winter dress goods just in at Holsc'aw's. ' A Word to the Teachers. 1 desire that each teacher make out their school school vouchers in two separate vouchers of about equal parts, so that I may be able to pay one voucher in each district out of the general school funds, and that one voucher in each district will have to wait until the State appropriation comes, which will be in the spriug. "I take this method of informing the teachers that I intend to pay each district its prorata part aud will not discriminate a- ny district. Respectfully. W. T. HAViis, Co. Treas. Torments of Terror and Eczema Allayed. The intense itching character istic of eczema, tetter and like skin diseases is instantly allayed by apply iug Chamberlain's Salve and many severe cases have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by J, M Moretz POINTS IN OUR FAVOR, The 8) etc it) of selling a thorough ly reliable article at a sm?ll profit, is a ruling' principle with us. Under no. circumstances do we depart from it. We do not make one purchase pay for concessions to another. What you buy from us you can qe as certain about as though you had ds keen an pye for intrinsic val ue as an expert. We are as scrupu lous about big transactions as we are about little ones, ana we are never without the latest designs in jewelry, etc. ALFRED W. DULA. Jeweler and Optician, . Lenoir. N. C. Thorough-Bred Cattle, 1 now have for sale on my New River Stock Farm 12 head of thorough bred cows, hpifere and hull calves. Some of Ihe cowa ore with calf, and some have young calves. 1 will wdl for ash or, good tntes. No better cattle bred in the South. (.;. WINKLER, tfuubt-.'ti. F. l. No.1, '-- - . J NOTICE, Alt persoua indebted to. the old firm of 1 J. Coffey &Bro or the firm of T. S. Coffey & Co., will at once make settle meat with me. The notes and accouuts have been placed in my hands for collection and I must hae themoiiey. Come on and save cost. - J. i FLETCHER. Sept. 5. 1905. Just a "Moment: if You Please I ' HOW AttE THESE PRICES r flov's knee pants. E x t r a good, 20 to 40c, per pair. Men's fine shirts 50c. each. Ludies hose 10 to 25 cts.. Linen towels 5 and 10c. Hamburg, 10 inches wide, lOcts; Handkerchiefs. 3 to 5 cts.! 10 to I5e, elsewhere. ROOKS? Yes. Reliffbus- Dr. Talmaire. Moodvandoth ers, onlv 5 cts. each, Regular puce 2oc. The niettiest and best line of candies everfihiwii here 10 to Goo. per pound. A nice line of -Drugs: Tur ppntine and rnstoroil incans and iu XA pint bottles. Syrup ipicac, laudanum, carbolic acid, indigo, balsam copai ba, paragoric, sweet oil, sew inar machine oil. spirit's and gum camphor, sweet spirits of nitre, etc., at 5 to locts. ner bottle. Giye me a call and I will do thn rest. N. B. Your chickens, eggs and other goorl pmdu"e ta ken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. BOONE GASH STORE. R. M. GREEN, Manager. FINE FARM FOR SALE. Fine farm for sale containing 220 acres one mile from River side, Ashe county, 150 acres cleared land, smooth and in good condition; 7 room dwelling two barns and other good out houses on farm. Large orchards, apples, peaches, pearst grapes; etc An ideal farm. For full de scription, address ALEX JSLACKRCRN, Riverside. N.C. NOTICE. As Commissioner appointed by the Superior Court I will on the 20th day of Oct., 1905. proceed to sell to the highest bidder at the court house do.ir in Booi.e in Wa tauira county. N. C. all the lands belonging to the estate of 'V, W Shcrril deceased, and described rts follows: One lot in the town of Blowing Rock, adjoining the lots of Emory Shcrrul and bkyland Insti lute, containing at one fourth of an acre. One tract of land in Lalcwe county, adjoining the lands of El bert Hartley. Jessn Hartley, Abncr Boyd and the Caldwell & 'WataUga Lumbet Uo's. and containing two hundred acres more or less. Said lauds arc sold for assnts to pay the debts of the said intestate aud char ges of administration. Terms of sale one third cash on day of sdle and the balance to be paid in three equal enstallment9 of 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest from day of sale, This is a second sale, on account of a lo pel cent raise on the former bid. This Sept. 26, 1905. W. G. Hall. Commission. First Call for Taxes. I will be at the following pla: cea on the dayw named during the month of October for the purpone of collecting the taxes lor the year 1905: Shawneehaw; L. M.l3anner'H store Oct. 3- Repch Ml ; Loppy Oap, 4 Laurel Creek; votinpplace ' 5. lieaverdam; Farthinpstore' (5. Cove Creek; MaslV store, ' 7. Norlh ForkjTbomasBtort' 10. Meat Camp; Vaunoy store' 11, Uald Mt.; voting place 12. Stony Fork; Hendrix store' 13. Elk, Cox'H store . ' 14. Blue Hi 3pe Story's store 1 6, Blowing Kock, ' 17. Shull'B Mills ' 18. Boone '19. Thfse taxes are now due! nt)d I expect same paid not later than Jan. G, 1906. So meet ineand Bet lie same at once Respectfully. JOn.N' W. HODGES. KhfJ-.j iiS,'pt MM 905. WHY NOT DUY YOUR GOODS It'here you- can cet the MOST for the LtCAST moa oy? "M oney ba ved i racney made. I hnro just received i , a large assortmei t of Hew Goods - Consisting of Canned Corni Tomatoes California Peachc Meats, Lardfl, etc. Also nicd line of new dress goods in tbd latest summer Btyles. A nicd line of notions, Ladies urn dervests cheap. Big hoe of white goods, hosfcryi etc. A big lot of jeans to e- hange for woolj and the best lot of men's extra pants irt the county prices from , 25 to $3 00 pet pair, A bead tifnl lot ol mpn's fancyuw....w WORSTED SUIT8. the best ou the market. Soy when in need of a nice suitt please call on me. i also car ry boy'B pants in Htock. IS IT SHOES YOU WANT? I carry a full assortment for men. women and children of the best makes in fact I have them in all Btyles and prices. Fa rmei's Friend Plow re pairs always on hand. A big1 lot of bolts and shelf hard ware of all kinds. Nails, mat tocks, etc. Dig lot of trunks and valises always On hand. Everybody cordially invi ted to give me a call when iri need of goods. Yours anxiou6 to please, Will W. Holsclaw, Vilas, June 22. New Goods! low Prices 1 have on band u pretty and up-to-date line of La dies' Summer Drees Good?) consisting of Lawns. Voiles, -x Crepe. Worsteds, Hrilliantines, etc. all at th4 right price. Write for sample" of tlrsw goods, if , interested t and they will be mailed to you at once. Calico & plaidd 5 and 6 cts. per jard. Also an attractive line of Ladies' and Misses trimmed hats at i. 1 BAROAI1N PRICES. A big stock ofshoesalways on hand. I am carrying the celebrated Craddock-Ter ry line ot goods and guaranttd Hutisfuction. Largo stock of Men's and Boy's clothing on handi Suits from $ to $15 each. . Nice line of odd pants alsd in stock. ; Complete line of groceries' always on hand. 1 will save you mortey ori ey:MT purchase Yours truly, H.C. MILLER. Blowing Hock, April 10. fl. Ross Donnelly. UNDERTAKER & EMBALM Ell SltOU-VS X ROADS, - . - Tenn, I havia nl?e hne of Cofflnai Caskets und Uun lertakers goods' always in stock, I also represent the KnoxvilH Monumental Works, manufactu rers of Monnmeuts and Tomb' stones and would be plad to fur nish anything in either line. It. ROSS DONNELLY, M.MADIXJN, D. I. 6. -IiOONB, iV. 1 am now located here tor thi practice of Dentjstty, and am mas king Bridge and Crown work, ibi most intricate work known to thd profession, a specialty. CeP'My work is all done under i positive guarantee no satisfaction Hal used in the emitidn of any of 'mywprk, V no pay. xsotning but tne best mate 1 -