Watausa Democrat. t Published Every Thursday. cllorw Seuse Kiats. 1 Moat of us want to get Charlotte Observer. ' To thoae Outside the State there hat bmrnuthinK more siirprisinR in all the country - than the revnloiort of feelinjr , in Sorith Carolina flRainst the dispennary system, as made manifest in the roHQtt nf the county elections on the question in the last six months. VTe do not know how many counties have vo ted on iMta rough rotas fly Cr sixbut in every cane the result has been adverse to the diepenaary; it h a s been voted ont in behalf of prohibition. The result in Ma won count v Tuesday must have astonished the South rurolrnians themselves. In reference to it the Columbia State says in a doubleMead i1 editorial; "The overwhelming defeat nf the dispensary in Marion yesterday should enable the most blind tounderstandthe nand writing upon the wall. It has been cleaily transla ted. The unbelievers miffh have doubted the Bentimen m South Carolina when ODly fortnth-P ii the piedmont hu sooken. but when fourteen o the chief precincts in Marion, heretofore the strongest (lis pensary county in tin Pee X)ee sectioH or the State, re corded a vote of 1,008 ape arhflt the dispensary to 215 lot the dispensary, there can . be no farther doubt. Senator Tillman snoke in Marion on last Saturday and pleaded for the retention of the dis- wensarv. Fhere, if anywhere m South Carolina his voire should been potent, for Mari Mn hnH Dimoortcd him and heeded hit yoke for seven- teen veara. 'LiHea en at wave, t h e anti-dispensary sentiment is sweeping the State. Those who stand in its patb are be fag rolled over, South Lnroi na have determined t h a theyennnot be bribed with money or bamboozlnd with specious arguments into re gaining the corrupting sys .'re nr. "It must go; that is the will of the people." . Enemies if graft and cor motion in the admiiristra "tion of piih-He affairs, every where, should rejoie at and fn k:e courage at the turn of - . affairs in South Carolina. It hadbeeih thought that tho its appeal tfr the cupidity of men, a(Jdetl to the weight of the great influence ofSenn tor Tillman, its father and fri.'nd, the "corrupting 'sys ; tern"" hd been permanently engiafted upon out JTuie The odium has, beyer, b come toogreat, and it is eyi ' dent that the .dispensary nmst cro. At bt-Ht it but than ges the manner 61 selling H- quor and the new system has . been attended by a awarm o evils unknown to the old. ft looks as if Sena tor T ill ma n . would have to sepjj hhelter. Always Successful. When Ihttigestion become chronic . il U dangeraus. KodoJ Dyspepsia , - Cure will cure indigestion and all 1rooble resulting' therefronr thus . . preventing catarrh of the stomach. Fir - Ni-whrounrh. of League. West Tf'.; Bay "To those sufltrhg from indigestion or BOur shmacbl would '- tberfls. nq'.beiter reriisdy than Kodor Dyspepf.ia I'ure. 1 naepre rrttietl it for a number of inv Da .6en4fwitfi good'.suotcBS.' Kodol : Dyspepsia Lnre digests wnai you ... bv4 nu i rA LTirrt in iwrri Sold by ffl. Ifc IMackburn. Don't, leave me hitched in pqtiaie with our enemies be mv stflll at night with a: bignoro we lorgive meiu. ....u.i nkafu I mnflh lift! A..r, 1 am tier! nn. caii't-ael """' uuniii u" "v" " i . . ... . . u,.r mooth place, odwg health -like womg HAS STOOD TUB TKST 2J YEAH?, , The old original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you arc takincf, - It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form; No cure, no pay 5c. - . ': '' . , : f m - im iimtw flumil Muf ajtJr""" acSsAre Stobborn Things m a smoou. . -.. think those who are Don't compel me to eat sJck When yw have a c0llgh, Cold, more salt than I want by sore throat or chest irritation, better mixing If with my oats. 1 act pmptly k. W. a B.r, of know better than any other ble ud b, animal how much "1 need , Lmoke and coal dust on my lungs. r4. u:nb krfi.iit' :! trit I Kirf aftor findtncr no relief in other t a i.r,a, tho whin thnt I do remedies, I was cured by Dr. Kings free under the Whip that 1 UO Di;coverv for Consumption, not ret tired. You would Prn a-Vi and Holds. Greatest sales of " . - 1 " ' ... . rlur tl.ft Whin, ontt rnliv'l or lun? med'cme n tne Don't think because I am world. MM B Blackburn s. Only o horse that weeds and br.M' ars won i iiuit uM ..ujr. t taUnw ?fl Don't whip m-when 1 gPt neii jtu.,k , .-.r keening company he may et . - .. . tnUbnnivn hvthHHi l) I will expect it next time anu i - - mvho make trouble. PJ uc vrr'- i -j .; lmn't trot tne up hill, for I k,,.,..,,,,, von mid the numerous and womthi-ew. UU.r. v...r - . . .. bu-iry a nd myself too. Try Kverytwng w in we . . " J , ,1 ... Ti.,n ih. comes to Vitcn Hazel Salve, h. C. it yourself some day. uun up DeWitt & of Chicago, discover w ii i ii iiii i ii iv ii uiii4 i ni n rnur vi':ir hum iiijyv i w iiiunv , Don't keep my stable very salve from W.tch xei .na is a r. . . .nnrific fnr nilcs. For blind, bleed- ark. tor when l get our. in -i v;. . '.-.,.,,,,: n;u. Cl! . t A ..... nw 4 I c" 1 11 tne llglll my eynn mwinjuiu. zema cu hums, nrnises anu an NOT K M No. ,449, State of North Carolina, Watau era rnunrv. Office of Entry taker of said county. L. C Earp locates and enters 5 acres of land in Watauga) to wnship on the waters of HairdV creek. Heglnning on a white oak," said Earp's corner, then running wi h said Earp's line to a chestnut oak, his corner, thence with his line to Ed Shipley's line, then to W. P. Moody's line then with Moody's line to the beginning, Entered. Sept. 4. 1905, II. J.'HardM, Entry luker.- Don't say you mpan it. reach me to stop at the word. It may check me if the lines break and save a runa wav and smash up. Don't ask me to back with blinds on. I am afraid. whoa" Unless Ukin diseases DeWitt's Salve has no cmmI Tins has ffiven raise to nu merons worthless counierieus. ak for DeWitt's the genuine. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. Even when we reach the Vullev of Dspiir we get nl.norfnl hiillin' for the bt'K . Don t run me down a steep ()nstitntion . ... . . 1 .1 hill, for 11 any t ning snoum give waj I might break your neck. Don't put on my blind bri dle bo that it irritates my eyes, or so leave my forelock hat it w'rll be in my eyes. Donrt be so careless of my 1 X. harness as to nua a greai sore on me before jou can at tend to it. Don't forget the old book- that is a friend of all the op pressed, thnt says: "A merci 11I mnn in iiiprrifm to b ! S beast. Farm Journal. Rheumatism, eout. back ache, ac id poison, re results 01 Kianey rrou. KU. H11 ister'S KOCKV wouniani Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when- an e 1 s e fails. 25CtB, M. D, Blackburn, IHow ing Rock Wrug" Co-. Chamberlains . COLIC; CH01ERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. - It has been used In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended npon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus. It la eqnally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of Having tho Uvea of many children each year. When reduced with water ana sweetened it is pleasant to take. Evory man of a f axally should keep this remedy in his home. Buy It now . It may save life . Pwcb, 25a Larob Size, 60c. NOTICE. 1 North Carolina, Waauga county. In the Superior Lourt,uora l.. ioun cill, widow of It. L. founeiil dec. nnd Pearl Council!, by her guaidi: an. Com Conncill. vs. VV B. Councill and Elizabeth Conncill, J 1). Councill and wife, f.mnia. J. S. Williams and wife Bettie S. F. Lenoir and wife. Alice, G. VV nonnrill and Sallie Reeves. riv virtue of an order of sale made hv the clerk of the superior court of Watavga county in the anove enti tled action, 1, theunrlersigneti. com-: missfoner will sell to the tugnest bidder for cash, at public auction, tit the court house door in the town of Boone. N. C, on the 6th day of No ember, 1905, at th hour of 1 p. m. the interest of Pearl Councill and fViv Councill in the following real v" 1 - ----- - t - estate,, it being one seventh interest therein, situated .in the town of Boone and bounded aa follows: Ad ii inline the lands of W. B Conn- cill. F. A. Linney, Cling Morton nrul others and known as the house and lots where J;;mes W. t-ouncul formerly lived and where! D Conn cill now" lives. Second tract lying on Howard's knob rn said county and state adjoining the lands ot H .T Hardin. L. N. Perkins, 1. J. Councill and others and is that tract of land in which the parties to this action own r one halt interest, con taining 100 acres more or less, Said sale is mode tor the purpose nf rmivertinr the interest of Pearl ar.,1 ly, a Councill into cash. This Sept. 2S. F. A. Linney, Commisxicner Tfeform excellent quality fdf Ver i Rttl Century bas steadily increa8e4 the sales of LION CUlfJUUSi, The leader ol all package cofiees. lion CofJee 1b now used in millions of homes. Sticb popular Buccess speaks for itself. It is positive proof that LION COFFEE has Conildence ol the people The uniform quality of LION . COFFEE survites all Opposition. UON COFFEE has even mors than its Strength, Flavor and Qual ity to commend It. On arrival front the plantaUon.lt Is carefully roast ed at our factories and securely packed In 1 lb. sealed packages and not opened again natil needed the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs, dlrl, dust, insects or andean, hands. The absolute purity ol UON COFFEE Is therefore guaranteed lo the consumer. Bold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. DAVO U1686 XilOU-UOUUB JAM VUtUOUAV iomuumw. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE W00L80N SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. The Itl times wre gootl NOTICE. ifitiefi is hereby eived that un Llir ami hv - virtue of thd last will ' . , T- and testament ot l,annnne Good advice to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear skin, brignt 'ves, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. There is nothing liKe it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. M, B. Blackburn. Blowing hock Lrug Co, lr is hard to find a thorrt lessrop1; bfit the sweetneRs of the fiower makfis up for the bitternem of the thorn. AGUARANTEKD CURB FOH PILEB. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro trnding piles. DrnsgiMs refund money if Pazo Ointment failstocure any case, no-'matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First ap plication gives e;se and rest 50c. If your druggist hasn f it send oc in stamps and it will ne lorwauien post paid by Paris Meuicine Go, St. Louisf Mo. )eWitt DeWItt I tt nut to took (or vlo you r to bu Witch Hwal S... DoWitt't Wllch HM SiW i tha original nd only f""; 7 i DWltt'ils tha only Witch HIS . Uut Is mdo from tha tmidiUtonted Witch-Hazel All other art counterfeHs-bua ImW tattona. cheap rxl worthies even dangerous. DeWltt'tWItch HaielSalva U a specific for Pile, Blind. Bleedln. NViinr-ilow does t illette 9tflnd a a sci)lpt:)r? WitfK I don't believe he ruts- much ice. TO CfJKB a coi,t Ik one day Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's si'j-nature is on each box. 2.SC. lfchln and Protruding Pile. AlaoGuU. bums. Bnilse. Sprains, Laceratlont, Cnntualona. Bolls. CartAindes, Bcaoma, Totter. SaM Rheum, nd all Other Skta Disease. mpiMB t LC. DeWItt & Co., CWcio Sold by M. 1$. Blackburn. Drgesta what you eat tim.hut. thrtnk the Lord, Sen deceased, I will n th. Bj V . Monilav in Nov.. IQO?. it Deing tne we'r alive to nee tne new. ( . . th month, proceed to spII tn the highest bidder at t h e Attacked Bv a Mob. lnrt house door In Boone, .n Wa- i ; .. t , i antf beaten in a labor riot, until cov. jauga county U eredwith sores, a Ch.cago street 1U"S'" ou car conductor applied Ducklen's Ar Bgga, decewed, cir-t'n." . , ' i ifi acres. lvin on the head waters nica saive, anu was nin uiih .iu -j- . , well. .'I used it pi my family, writes o ve rcek ac. in.ng h n G. J. Welch, of rTekoiisn, Mien., "V1 ; J . ... . n t?i i.. .1- tv . kc(!k6. .lonn r.-'ifi-is iu wiu- 'anci nna it peripci, omijjiy rimi - - - f . , , tor cuts and burns. Only 25C at M. . and being the tract jf Ui jd on . L, , ' tvhri-1 t.ie said Landme h2ers nv- U, uiacKDiirn s. y- - , . . . . - rid Tfwp pnnld onlv -hock our which is duly registered in the It we conid oni noch our q for ronbles the pawnshops wo d Watau ,a countv. and reference is be full. hereby made to the same for a in,re - particular description, Icrrns oi A REMEDt without A PEER. s;,ie WHI be one third cash on day of .t e...i ni t:tr,,.nh np. the rpininder to be paid in e- "I nilU lylliMUUVl Klin a v.. . , t . final nuwl enstallments of six anu twelve anu Livti i mill. ia ui""- . - .... , r , than any other remedy I ever used months each, with interest from , ttm.,kirniil Jw T. i. Klote day of mile. This Sept. 26, 1905. L M - - -m V CI V. a-ata A 1 L V. X)i Enina, Mo. tor any aisoruer 01 u.). nagan, Aorr.inisfiaioi, 1 1!. the stomach, hiliouness or conbtipa- IffSn thrui T:ih iein nre witnoui u peer. For mile by j. M. Sforctz. iiMsMaaaaaBsatltr(BBBfl TliPcO calletl independenr ! niinTi jrpnprn v LriV' nt Vl' tn thp I)pmr rHtif nnrtv und . - . - . 1 tjiU'P fminwl of tn Tf publl pun party, the WilmiiiB ton star. I KILLthsGOUGH with will attached. 1 tj DO TsAK iy EXPERIENCE na-r"; JWWHPrl77,"1 Mr. King's . 3 THE CSUMPTtON CL'GHS and LU3 Prlea CCe&St.t0 Frt Trial. ' Tbaoe Mark Designs CrtPVRlCHTS &C . ...n. - katrfc nnrl dlMHTlDtlnn mat oulcn-T rtiriln our opinion Ine whether M sent free. Oldont ancf lor socunna patenu. Kteut taken tbrouKli Munn Xo. looelT fptsinl notica, without cimrva, la toe Scientific fltiuritan. A hauAwniely ninstnited weetlr. Jnret Hr- rUKN&Co.8e,BrM Hew York I',,. At-.rf Li-.iiw- r:n?i tjr fill THEOAT Rid X.Tma TKOTJB- "lirtl I ICTrR Hccky Mountain Tea Wugscts a K.u 1'TInlTia for Ehrr Peovl. Bring Qoluea Hcltb tad Keoewod Vigor. A p5ifla for Constlnntlon, In-llRostfoo. Lle find Kidney Trouble hmplws lotemj, Irnpiir' Blcoil, BeJ Breatlr, urph Bowel. n Iacni" and Ilankehe. If ftck Moirolaln TeJvlnJBb kt fonn, as emu boi Opimlu JUttCMI t UnbueTE nHoa Com-amr, MeJujoo, WU. 8UGGET5 F0 SaO PEOPU Mi BP n ilk mmm 1 . : 1 - !H-iIIje III ii...-. .1. Hvnd model, ikutcri or t r.otociliBTtnUoD Uu huinnvuiiui nlMiUHIIn For fnf book. Opposite U. S. Pafent OffiM To tlie Pacific Coast-W California, Oregon, Wasnihgton round-trip, long transit and return limit, liberal etop-over privileges. The rate f, practically on the basis of one fare orjhe round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit 00m vwuu o. . ... or Washington, the cost U slightly morei These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in month. ofMayto-October.incWve. They apply from all Eastern pomto via Chicago; St Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island Systemwffltakeyouupmeithertt of other Middle Wert point, and ca rry you to the Standard or Toiuist Sleeper, with unexcelled Dming Car service. The Rock Island also afford, a choice of routes: Scemc route you can stop off in Colorado -see Salt Lake City-vuit Yellowstone National Park; on the Southern route you canga via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to Saa Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. InshoithesePacificCoastexcursionaofferanunuBuanygood chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only a. far a. Colorado, there are excursion rate, in effect to that wctien and return, all .ummer Jong, pecially reduced June 30 toJuly 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to September 4. Extensa trip, to Ogdea or Salt Lake and return at low cot. ma. From September 15 to October 31, 1905 oneW tJurit or "colonut" tickeU will be on tab to California and the Pacific Northwest -about half regular tare. if interested, -nd nam and addr. on thU coupon, dwlgnatinr i ..-i.i. ..j..4awi..nAini-oiiDlkntoso. Name probable WUCH Dooun wsuw w r ' , date of sUrt Uo, o i. can adba definitely with respect to rate, etsv Addreaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, Paaa Traf. Mr, Rock Island Syiteni QUCACO. Colorado Calif eras Laar abmt Daetjaalloai - HIIIIHVeVIIIIIIIII a. wj mw 7v I w " - i Inl Ik ASO -nl . lip Z2ES fimvo TnW Chill Tome ' ..x v v m awwww 4 . MjfMt l .j it - A.... Atrr,..' Atmv?1 lAe rivpa Onn crA a HaIT lMziliSTl nas sicoa ug icii .? j y w -T" -z;- ntv WASHINGTON . C.